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2020-03-25 19:04:16 +01:00
* HLstatsX Community Edition - SourceMod plugin to display ingame messages
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Nicholas Hastings
* Copyright (C) 2007-2009 TTS Oetzel & Goerz GmbH
* Modified by Nicholas Hastings (psychonic) for use with HLstatsX Community Edition
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <loghelper>
#include <cstrike>
#include <clientprefs>
#define VERSION "1.6.19"
#define HLXTAG "HLstatsX:CE"
enum GameType {
Game_Unknown = -1,
new GameType:gamemod = Game_Unknown;
new Handle: hlx_block_chat_commands;
new Handle: hlx_message_prefix;
new Handle: hlx_protect_address;
new Handle: hlx_server_tag;
new Handle: sv_tags;
new Handle: message_recipients;
new const String: blocked_commands[][] = { "rank", "skill", "points", "place", "session", "session_data",
"kpd", "kdratio", "kdeath", "next", "load", "status", "servers",
"top20", "top10", "top5", "clans", "bans", "cheaters", "statsme", "weapons",
"weapon", "action", "actions", "accuracy", "targets", "target", "kills",
"kill", "player_kills", "cmd", "cmds", "command", "hlx_display 0",
"hlx_display 1", "hlx_teams 0", "hlx_teams 1", "hlx_hideranking",
"hlx_chat 0", "hlx_chat 1", "hlx_menu", "servers 1", "servers 2",
"servers 3", "hlx", "hlstatsx", "help" };
new Handle:HLstatsXMenuMain;
new Handle:HLstatsXMenuAuto;
new Handle:HLstatsXMenuEvents;
new Handle: PlayerColorArray;
new ColorSlotArray[] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
new const String:ct_models[][] = {
new const String:ts_models[][] = {
new const String: modnamelist[][] = {
"Counter-Strike: Source",
"Day of Defeat: Source",
"Left 4 Dead (1 or 2)",
"Team Fortress 2",
"Half-Life 2 Deathmatch",
"Fortress Forever",
"Zombie Panic: Source",
"Age of Chivalry",
"Fistful of Frags",
"GoldenEye: Source",
"Pirates, Vikings, and Knights",
"Nuclear Dawn",
"Dino D-Day",
"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive"
new String: message_prefix[32];
new bool:g_bPlyrCanDoMotd[MAXPLAYERS+1];
new bool:g_bGameCanDoMotd = true;
new bool:g_bTrackColors4Chat;
new Handle:g_cvarTeamPlay = INVALID_HANDLE;
new bool:g_bTeamPlay;
new bool:g_bLateLoad = false;
new bool:g_bIgnoreNextTagChange = false;
new Handle:g_hCustomTags;
#define SVTAGSIZE 128
public Plugin:myinfo = {
name = "HLstatsX CE Ingame Plugin",
author = "psychonic",
description = "Provides ingame functionality for interaction from an HLstatsX CE installation",
version = VERSION,
url = ""
public APLRes:AskPluginLoad2(Handle:myself, bool:late, String:error[], err_max)
g_bLateLoad = late;
return APLRes_Success;
public OnPluginStart()
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_psay", hlx_sm_psay);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_psay2", hlx_sm_psay2);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_bulkpsay", hlx_sm_psay);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_csay", hlx_sm_csay);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_msay", hlx_sm_msay);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_tsay", hlx_sm_tsay);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_hint", hlx_sm_hint);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_browse", hlx_sm_browse);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_swap", hlx_sm_swap);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_redirect", hlx_sm_redirect);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_player_action", hlx_sm_player_action);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_team_action", hlx_sm_team_action);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_world_action", hlx_sm_world_action);
if (gamemod == Game_INSMOD)
AddCommandListener(hlx_block_commands, "say2");
else if (gamemod == Game_ND)
AddCommandListener(hlx_block_commands, "say_squad");
AddCommandListener(hlx_block_commands, "say");
AddCommandListener(hlx_block_commands, "say_team");
switch (gamemod)
case Game_CSS, Game_L4D, Game_TF, Game_HL2MP, Game_AOC, Game_FOF, Game_PVKII, Game_ND, Game_DDD, Game_CSGO:
g_bTrackColors4Chat = true;
HookEvent("player_team", HLstatsX_Event_PlyTeamChange, EventHookMode_Post);
switch (gamemod)
case Game_L4D, Game_INSMOD, Game_GES, Game_CSGO:
g_bGameCanDoMotd = false;
if (gamemod == Game_HL2MP)
g_cvarTeamPlay = FindConVar("mp_teamplay");
if (g_cvarTeamPlay != INVALID_HANDLE)
g_bTeamPlay = GetConVarBool(g_cvarTeamPlay);
HookConVarChange(g_cvarTeamPlay, OnTeamPlayChange);
CreateConVar("hlxce_plugin_version", VERSION, "HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin", FCVAR_NOTIFY);
CreateConVar("hlxce_version", "", "HLstatsX:CE", FCVAR_NOTIFY);
CreateConVar("hlxce_webpage", "", "", FCVAR_NOTIFY);
hlx_block_chat_commands = CreateConVar("hlx_block_commands", "1", "If activated HLstatsX commands are blocked from the chat area", 0);
hlx_message_prefix = CreateConVar("hlx_message_prefix", "", "Define the prefix displayed on every HLstatsX ingame message", 0);
hlx_protect_address = CreateConVar("hlx_protect_address", "", "Address to be protected for logging/forwarding", 0);
hlx_server_tag = CreateConVar("hlx_server_tag", "1", "If enabled, adds \"HLstatsX:CE\" to server tags on supported games. 1 = Enabled (default), 0 = Disabled",
0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_hCustomTags = CreateArray(SVTAGSIZE);
sv_tags = FindConVar("sv_tags");
g_iSDKVersion = GuessSDKVersion();
if (g_bLateLoad)
GetConVarString(hlx_message_prefix, message_prefix, sizeof(message_prefix));
decl String:protaddr[24];
GetConVarString(hlx_protect_address, protaddr, sizeof(protaddr));
OnProtectAddressChange(hlx_protect_address, "", protaddr);
HookConVarChange(hlx_message_prefix, OnMessagePrefixChange);
HookConVarChange(hlx_protect_address, OnProtectAddressChange);
HookConVarChange(hlx_server_tag, OnServerTagChange);
if (sv_tags != INVALID_HANDLE)
HookConVarChange(sv_tags, OnSVTagsChange);
RegServerCmd("log", ProtectLoggingChange);
RegServerCmd("logaddress_del", ProtectForwardingChange);
RegServerCmd("logaddress_delall", ProtectForwardingDelallChange);
RegServerCmd("hlx_message_prefix_clear", MessagePrefixClear);
PlayerColorArray = CreateArray();
message_recipients = CreateStack();
GetTeams(gamemod == Game_INSMOD);
public OnAllPluginsLoaded()
if (LibraryExists("clientprefs"))
SetCookieMenuItem(HLXSettingsMenu, 0, "HLstatsX:CE Settings");
public HLXSettingsMenu(client, CookieMenuAction:action, any:info, String:buffer[], maxlen)
if (action == CookieMenuAction_SelectOption)
DisplayMenu(HLstatsXMenuMain, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
public OnMapStart()
GetTeams(gamemod == Game_INSMOD);
if (g_bTrackColors4Chat)
if (gamemod == Game_PVKII)
return (sv_tags != INVALID_HANDLE && (g_iSDKVersion == SOURCE_SDK_EPISODE2 || g_iSDKVersion == SOURCE_SDK_EPISODE2VALVE || gamemod == Game_ND));
stock MyAddServerTag(const String:tag[])
if (!BTagsSupported())
// game doesn't support sv_tags
if (!GetConVarBool(hlx_server_tag))
if (FindStringInArray(g_hCustomTags, tag) == -1)
PushArrayString(g_hCustomTags, tag);
decl String:current_tags[SVTAGSIZE];
GetConVarString(sv_tags, current_tags, sizeof(current_tags));
if (StrContains(current_tags, tag) > -1)
// already have tag
decl String:new_tags[SVTAGSIZE];
Format(new_tags, sizeof(new_tags), "%s%s%s", current_tags, (current_tags[0]!=0)?",":"", tag);
new flags = GetConVarFlags(sv_tags);
SetConVarFlags(sv_tags, flags & ~FCVAR_NOTIFY);
g_bIgnoreNextTagChange = true;
SetConVarString(sv_tags, new_tags);
g_bIgnoreNextTagChange = false;
SetConVarFlags(sv_tags, flags);
stock MyRemoveServerTag(const String:tag[])
if (!BTagsSupported())
// game doesn't support sv_tags
new idx = FindStringInArray(g_hCustomTags, tag);
if (idx > -1)
RemoveFromArray(g_hCustomTags, idx);
decl String:current_tags[SVTAGSIZE];
GetConVarString(sv_tags, current_tags, sizeof(current_tags));
if (StrContains(current_tags, tag) == -1)
// tag isn't on here, just bug out
ReplaceString(current_tags, sizeof(current_tags), tag, "");
ReplaceString(current_tags, sizeof(current_tags), ",,", "");
new flags = GetConVarFlags(sv_tags);
SetConVarFlags(sv_tags, flags & ~FCVAR_NOTIFY);
g_bIgnoreNextTagChange = true;
SetConVarString(sv_tags, current_tags);
g_bIgnoreNextTagChange = false;
SetConVarFlags(sv_tags, flags);
new String: game_description[64];
GetGameDescription(game_description, sizeof(game_description), true);
if (StrContains(game_description, "Counter-Strike: Source", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_CSS;
if (StrContains(game_description, "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_CSGO;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "Day of Defeat", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_DODS;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "Half-Life 2 Deathmatch", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_HL2MP;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "Team Fortress", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_TF;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "L4D", false) != -1 || StrContains(game_description, "Left 4 D", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_L4D;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "Insurgency", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_INSMOD;
//psychonic - added detection for more supported games
else if (StrContains(game_description, "Fortress Forever", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_FF;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "ZPS", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_ZPS;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "Age of Chivalry", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_AOC;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "PVKII", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_PVKII;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "CSPromod", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_CSP;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "Nuclear Dawn", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_ND;
// game mod could not detected, try further
if (gamemod == Game_Unknown)
new String: game_folder[64];
GetGameFolderName(game_folder, sizeof(game_folder));
if (StrContains(game_folder, "cstrike", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_CSS;
else if (strncmp(game_folder, "dod", 3, false) == 0)
gamemod = Game_DODS;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "hl2mp", false) != -1 || StrContains(game_folder, "hl2ctf", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_HL2MP;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "fistful_of_frags", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_FOF;
else if (strncmp(game_folder, "tf", 2, false) == 0)
gamemod = Game_TF;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "left4dead", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_L4D;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "insurgency", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_INSMOD;
//psychonic - added detection for more supported games
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "FortressForever", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_FF;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "zps", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_ZPS;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "ageofchivalry", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_AOC;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "gesource", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_GES;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "pvkii", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_PVKII;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "cspromod", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_CSP;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "nucleardawn", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_ND;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "dinodday", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_DDD;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "csgo", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_CSGO;
LogToGame("HLX:CE Mod Not In Detected List, Using Defaults (%s, %s)", game_description, game_folder);
LogToGame("HLX:CE If this is incorrect, please file a bug at");
if (gamemod > Game_Unknown)
LogToGame("HLX:CE Mod Detection: %s", modnamelist[_:gamemod]);
LogToGame("HLX:CE If this is incorrect, please file a bug at");
public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client)
if (g_bGameCanDoMotd && !IsFakeClient(client))
QueryClientConVar(client, "cl_disablehtmlmotd", motdQuery);
public motdQuery(QueryCookie:cookie, client, ConVarQueryResult:result, const String:cvarName[], const String:cvarValue[])
if (result == ConVarQuery_Okay && StringToInt(cvarValue) == 0 || result != ConVarQuery_Okay)
g_bPlyrCanDoMotd[client] = true;
public OnServerTagChange(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
if (GetConVarBool(hlx_server_tag))
public OnSVTagsChange(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
if (g_bIgnoreNextTagChange)
// we fired this callback, no need to reapply tags
// reapply each custom tag
new cnt = GetArraySize(g_hCustomTags);
for (new i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
decl String:tag[SVTAGSIZE];
GetArrayString(g_hCustomTags, i, tag, sizeof(tag));
public OnProtectAddressChange(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
if (newVal[0] > 0)
decl String: log_command[192];
Format(log_command, sizeof(log_command), "logaddress_add %s", newVal);
LogToGame("Command: %s", log_command);
public OnTeamPlayChange(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
g_bTeamPlay = GetConVarBool(g_cvarTeamPlay);
public Action:ProtectLoggingChange(args)
if (hlx_protect_address != INVALID_HANDLE)
decl String: protect_address[192];
GetConVarString(hlx_protect_address, protect_address, sizeof(protect_address));
if (strcmp(protect_address, "") != 0)
if (args >= 1)
decl String: log_action[192];
GetCmdArg(1, log_action, sizeof(log_action));
if ((strcmp(log_action, "off") == 0) || (strcmp(log_action, "0") == 0))
LogToGame("HLstatsX address protection active, logging reenabled!");
ServerCommand("log 1");
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:ProtectForwardingChange(args)
if (hlx_protect_address != INVALID_HANDLE)
decl String: protect_address[192];
GetConVarString(hlx_protect_address, protect_address, sizeof(protect_address));
if (strcmp(protect_address, "") != 0)
if (args == 1)
decl String: log_action[192];
GetCmdArg(1, log_action, sizeof(log_action));
if (strcmp(log_action, protect_address) == 0)
decl String: log_command[192];
Format(log_command, sizeof(log_command), "logaddress_add %s", protect_address);
LogToGame("HLstatsX address protection active, logaddress readded!");
else if (args > 1)
new String: log_action[192];
for(new i = 1; i <= args; i++)
decl String: temp_argument[192];
GetCmdArg(i, temp_argument, sizeof(temp_argument));
strcopy(log_action[strlen(log_action)], sizeof(log_action), temp_argument);
if (strcmp(log_action, protect_address) == 0)
decl String: log_command[192];
Format(log_command, sizeof(log_command), "logaddress_add %s", protect_address);
LogToGame("HLstatsX address protection active, logaddress readded!");
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:ProtectForwardingDelallChange(args)
if (hlx_protect_address != INVALID_HANDLE)
decl String: protect_address[192];
GetConVarString(hlx_protect_address, protect_address, sizeof(protect_address));
if (strcmp(protect_address, "") != 0)
decl String: log_command[192];
Format(log_command, sizeof(log_command), "logaddress_add %s", protect_address);
LogToGame("HLstatsX address protection active, logaddress readded!");
return Plugin_Continue;
public OnMessagePrefixChange(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
strcopy(message_prefix, sizeof(message_prefix), newVal);
public Action:MessagePrefixClear(args)
message_prefix = "";
if (team_index > -1)
ColorSlotArray[team_index] = -1;
for(new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == team_index)
ColorSlotArray[team_index] = i;
stock validate_team_colors()
for (new i = 0; i < sizeof(ColorSlotArray); i++)
new color_client = ColorSlotArray[i];
if (color_client > 0)
if (IsClientInGame(color_client) && GetClientTeam(color_client) != color_client)
if (i == 2 || i == 3 || (i == 4 && gamemod == Game_PVKII))
public OnClientDisconnect(client)
if (g_bTrackColors4Chat && client > 0 && IsClientInGame(client))
new team_index = GetClientTeam(client);
if (client == ColorSlotArray[team_index])
ColorSlotArray[team_index] = -1;
g_bPlyrCanDoMotd[client] = false;
color_player(color_type, player_index, String: client_message[192])
new color_player_index = -1;
if (g_bTrackColors4Chat || (gamemod == Game_DODS) || (gamemod == Game_ZPS) || (gamemod == Game_GES) || (gamemod == Game_CSP))
decl String: client_name[192];
GetClientName(player_index, client_name, sizeof(client_name));
if ((strcmp(client_message, "") != 0) && (strcmp(client_name, "") != 0))
if (color_type == 1)
decl String: search_client_name[192];
Format(search_client_name, sizeof(search_client_name), "%s ", client_name);
decl String: colored_player_name[192];
switch (gamemod)
case Game_DODS, Game_GES, Game_CSP:
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), "\x04%s\x01 ", client_name);
case Game_HL2MP:
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), "%c%s\x01 ", g_bTeamPlay?3:4, client_name);
case Game_ZPS:
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), "\x05%s\x01 ", client_name);
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), "\x03%s\x01 ", client_name);
if (ReplaceString(client_message, sizeof(client_message), search_client_name, colored_player_name) > 0)
return player_index;
decl String: search_client_name[192];
Format(search_client_name, sizeof(search_client_name), " %s ", client_name);
decl String: colored_player_name[192];
switch (gamemod)
case Game_ZPS:
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), " \x05%s\x01 ", client_name);
case Game_GES:
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), " \x05%s\x01 ", client_name);
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), " \x04%s\x01 ", client_name);
ReplaceString(client_message, sizeof(client_message), search_client_name, colored_player_name);
else if (gamemod == Game_FF)
decl String: client_name[192];
GetClientName(player_index, client_name, sizeof(client_name));
new team = GetClientTeam(player_index);
if (team > 1 && team < 6)
decl String: colored_player_name[192];
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), "^%d%s^0", (team-1), client_name);
if (ReplaceString(client_message, sizeof(client_message), client_name, colored_player_name) > 0)
return player_index;
return color_player_index;
color_all_players(String: message[192])
new color_index = -1;
if ((g_bTrackColors4Chat || (gamemod == Game_DODS) || (gamemod == Game_ZPS) || (gamemod == Game_FF) || (gamemod == Game_GES) || (gamemod == Game_CSP)) && (PlayerColorArray != INVALID_HANDLE))
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
new lowest_matching_pos = 192;
new lowest_matching_pos_client = -1;
for(new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
new client = i;
if (IsClientInGame(client))
decl String: client_name[32];
GetClientName(client, client_name, sizeof(client_name));
if (strcmp(client_name, "") != 0)
new message_pos = StrContains(message, client_name);
if (message_pos > -1)
if (lowest_matching_pos > message_pos)
lowest_matching_pos = message_pos;
lowest_matching_pos_client = client;
new TempPlayerColorArray[1];
TempPlayerColorArray[0] = client;
PushArrayArray(PlayerColorArray, TempPlayerColorArray);
new size = GetArraySize(PlayerColorArray);
for (new i = 0; i < size; i++)
new temp_player_array[1];
GetArrayArray(PlayerColorArray, i, temp_player_array);
new temp_client = temp_player_array[0];
if (temp_client == lowest_matching_pos_client)
new temp_color_index = color_player(1, temp_client, message);
color_index = temp_color_index;
color_player(0, temp_client, message);
return color_index;
case Game_CSS, Game_CSGO:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "TERRORIST ", "\x03TERRORIST\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "CT ", "\x03CT\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
case Game_L4D:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Survivors ", "\x03Survivors\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Infected ", "\x03Infected\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
case Game_TF:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Red ", "\x03Red\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Blue ", "\x03Blue\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
case Game_FF:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Red Team", "^2Red Team^0") > 0)
return 0;
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Blue Team", "^1Blue Team^0") > 0)
return 0;
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Yellow Team", "^3Yellow Team^0") > 0)
return 0;
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Green Team", "^4Green Team^0") > 0)
return 0;
case Game_AOC:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Agathia Knights ", "\x03Agathia Knights\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "The Mason Order ", "\x03The Mason Order\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
case Game_FOF:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Desperados ", "\x03Desperados\x01 ") > 0
|| ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Desparados ", "\x03Desperados\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Vigilantes ", "\x03Vigilantes\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
case Game_HL2MP:
if (g_bTeamPlay && strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "The Combine ", "\x03The Combine\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Rebel Forces ", "\x03Rebel Forces\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
case Game_PVKII:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Pirates ", "\x03Pirates\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Vikings ", "\x03Vikings\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
if (ColorSlotArray[4] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Knights ", "\x03Knights\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[4];
case Game_ND:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "EMPIRE ", "\x03Empire\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "CONSORTIUM ", "\x03Consortium\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
case Game_DDD:
if (g_bTeamPlay && strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Allies ", "\x03Allies\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Axis ", "\x03Axis\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
return -1;
display_menu(player_index, time, String: full_message[1024], need_handler = 0)
ReplaceString(full_message, sizeof(full_message), "\\n", "\10");
if (need_handler == 0)
InternalShowMenu(player_index, full_message, time);
InternalShowMenu(player_index, full_message, time, (1<<0)|(1<<1)|(1<<2)|(1<<3)|(1<<4)|(1<<5)|(1<<6)|(1<<7)|(1<<8)|(1<<9), InternalMenuHandler);
public InternalMenuHandler(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
new client = param1;
if (IsClientInGame(client))
if (action == MenuAction_Select)
decl String: player_event[192];
IntToString(param2, player_event, sizeof(player_event));
LogPlayerEvent(client, "selected", player_event);
else if (action == MenuAction_Cancel)
LogPlayerEvent(client, "selected", "cancel");
public Action:hlx_sm_psay(args)
if (args < 2)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_psay <userid><colored><message> - sends private message");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: client_list[192];
GetCmdArg(1, client_list, sizeof(client_list));
decl String: colored_param[32];
GetCmdArg(2, colored_param, sizeof(colored_param));
new is_colored = 0;
new ignore_param = 0;
if (strcmp(colored_param, "1") == 0)
is_colored = 1;
ignore_param = 1;
else if (strcmp(colored_param, "2") == 0)
is_colored = 2;
ignore_param = 1;
else if (strcmp(colored_param, "0") == 0)
ignore_param = 1;
new String: client_message[192];
GetCmdArg((ignore_param + 2), client_message, sizeof(client_message));
if (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients))
return Plugin_Handled;
new color_index = -1;
decl String: display_message[192];
switch (gamemod)
case Game_CSS, Game_DODS, Game_L4D, Game_TF, Game_HL2MP, Game_ZPS, Game_AOC, Game_FOF, Game_GES, Game_PVKII, Game_CSP, Game_ND, Game_DDD, Game_CSGO:
if (is_colored > 0)
if (is_colored == 1)
new player_color_index = color_all_players(client_message);
if (player_color_index > -1)
color_index = player_color_index;
if (g_bTrackColors4Chat)
color_index = color_team_entities(client_message);
if (strcmp(message_prefix, "") == 0)
Format(display_message, sizeof(display_message), "\x01\x0B\x01%s", client_message);
Format(display_message, sizeof(display_message), "\x01\x0B%c%s\x01 %s", ((gamemod == Game_ZPS || gamemod == Game_GES)?5:4), message_prefix, client_message);
new bool: setupColorForRecipients = false;
if (color_index == -1)
setupColorForRecipients = true;
if (g_bTrackColors4Chat && is_colored != 2)
while (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false)
new recipient_client = -1;
PopStackCell(message_recipients, recipient_client);
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(recipient_client);
if (player_index > 0 && !IsFakeClient(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index))
if (setupColorForRecipients == true)
color_index = player_index;
new Handle:hBf;
hBf = StartMessageOne("SayText2", player_index, USERMSG_RELIABLE|USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS);
if(GetUserMessageType() == UM_Protobuf)
PbSetInt(hBf, "ent_idx", 0);
PbSetBool(hBf, "chat", false);
PbSetString(hBf, "msg_name", display_message);
PbAddString(hBf, "params", "");
PbAddString(hBf, "params", "");
PbAddString(hBf, "params", "");
PbAddString(hBf, "params", "");
BfWriteByte(hBf, color_index);
BfWriteByte(hBf, 0);
BfWriteString(hBf, display_message);
case Game_FF:
// thanks to hlstriker for help with this
decl String: client_message_backup[192];
strcopy(client_message_backup, sizeof(client_message_backup), client_message);
if (is_colored == 1)
color_index = color_all_players(client_message);
if (color_index == -1)
if (strcmp(message_prefix, "") == 0)
Format(display_message, sizeof(display_message), "Console: %s%s\n", ((is_colored == 2)?"^4":""), client_message);
Format(display_message, sizeof(display_message), "Console: ^4%s:%s %s\n", message_prefix, ((is_colored == 2)?"":"^"), client_message);
if (strcmp(message_prefix, "") != 0)
Format(display_message, sizeof(display_message), "%s %s", message_prefix, client_message);
return Plugin_Handled;
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_psay2(args)
if (args < 2)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_psay2 <userid><colored><message> - sends green colored private message");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: client_list[192];
GetCmdArg(1, client_list, sizeof(client_list));
decl String: colored_param[32];
GetCmdArg(2, colored_param, sizeof(colored_param));
new ignore_param = 0;
if (strcmp(colored_param, "2") == 0 || strcmp(colored_param, "1") == 0 || strcmp(colored_param, "0") == 0)
ignore_param = 1;
new String: client_message[192];
GetCmdArg((ignore_param + 2), client_message, sizeof(client_message));
if (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients)) {
return Plugin_Handled;
// Strip color control codes
decl String:buffer_message[192];
new j = 0;
for (new i = 0; i < sizeof(client_message); i++)
new c = client_message[i];
if (c < 5 && c > 0)
buffer_message[j] = client_message[i];
if (c == 0)
case Game_INSMOD:
new prefix = 0;
if (strcmp(message_prefix, "") != 0)
prefix = 1;
Format(client_message, sizeof(client_message), "%s: %s", message_prefix, buffer_message);
while (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false)
new recipient_client = -1;
PopStackCell(message_recipients, recipient_client);
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(recipient_client);
if (player_index > 0 && !IsFakeClient(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index))
// thanks to Fyren and IceMatrix for help with this
new Handle:hBf;
hBf = StartMessageOne("SayText", player_index, USERMSG_RELIABLE|USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS);
if(GetUserMessageType() == UM_Protobuf)
PbSetInt(hBf, "ent_idx", player_index);
PbSetBool(hBf, "chat", true);
if (prefix == 0)
PbSetString(hBf, "text", buffer_message);
PbSetString(hBf, "text", client_message);
BfWriteByte(hBf, 1);
BfWriteBool(hBf, true);
BfWriteByte(hBf, player_index);
if (prefix == 0)
BfWriteString(hBf, buffer_message);
BfWriteString(hBf, client_message);
case Game_FF:
if (strcmp(message_prefix, "") == 0)
Format(client_message, sizeof(client_message), "Console: \x02^4%s\n", buffer_message);
Format(client_message, sizeof(client_message), "Console: \x02^4%s: %s\n", message_prefix, buffer_message);
case Game_ZPS, Game_GES:
if (strcmp(message_prefix, "") == 0)
Format(client_message, sizeof(client_message), "\x05%s", buffer_message);
Format(client_message, sizeof(client_message), "\x05%s %s", message_prefix, buffer_message);
if (strcmp(message_prefix, "") == 0)
Format(client_message, sizeof(client_message), "\x04%s", buffer_message);
Format(client_message, sizeof(client_message), "\x04%s %s", message_prefix, buffer_message);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_csay(args)
if (args < 1)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_csay <message> - display center message");
return Plugin_Handled;
new String: display_message[192];
GetCmdArg(1, display_message, sizeof(display_message));
if (strcmp(display_message, "") != 0)
if (gamemod == Game_L4D)
PrintToChatAll("\x03%s", display_message);
PrintCenterTextAll("%s", display_message);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_msay(args)
if (args < 3)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_msay <time><userid><message> - sends hud message");
return Plugin_Handled;
if (gamemod == Game_HL2MP)
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: display_time[16];
GetCmdArg(1, display_time, sizeof(display_time));
decl String: client_id[32];
GetCmdArg(2, client_id, sizeof(client_id));
decl String: handler_param[32];
GetCmdArg(3, handler_param, sizeof(handler_param));
new ignore_param = 0;
new need_handler = 0;
if (handler_param[1] == 0 && (handler_param[0] == '1' || handler_param[0] == '0'))
need_handler = 1;
ignore_param = 1;
new String: client_message[1024];
GetCmdArg((ignore_param + 3), client_message, 1024);
new time = StringToInt(display_time);
if (time <= 0)
time = 10;
new client = StringToInt(client_id);
if (client > 0)
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(client);
if (player_index > 0 && !IsFakeClient(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index) && strcmp(client_message, "") != 0)
display_menu(player_index, time, client_message, need_handler);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_tsay(args)
if (args < 3)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_tsay <time><userid><message> - sends hud message");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: display_time[16];
GetCmdArg(1, display_time, sizeof(display_time));
decl String: client_id[32];
GetCmdArg(2, client_id, sizeof(client_id));
new String: client_message[192];
GetCmdArg(3, client_message, sizeof(client_message));
new client = StringToInt(client_id);
if ((client > 0) && (strcmp(client_message, "") != 0))
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(client);
if (player_index > 0 && !IsFakeClient(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index))
new Handle:values = CreateKeyValues("msg");
KvSetString(values, "title", client_message);
KvSetNum(values, "level", 1);
KvSetString(values, "time", display_time);
CreateDialog(player_index, values, DialogType_Msg);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_hint(args)
if (args < 2)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_hint <userid><message> - send hint message");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: client_list[192];
GetCmdArg(1, client_list, sizeof(client_list));
new String: client_message[192];
GetCmdArg(2, client_message, sizeof(client_message));
if (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false && strcmp(client_message, "") != 0)
while (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false)
new recipient_client = -1;
PopStackCell(message_recipients, recipient_client);
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(recipient_client);
if (player_index > 0 && !IsFakeClient(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index))
PrintHintText(player_index, "%s", client_message);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_browse(args)
if (args < 2)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_browse <userid><url> - open client ingame browser");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: client_list[192];
GetCmdArg(1, client_list, sizeof(client_list));
new String: client_url[192];
GetCmdArg(2, client_url, sizeof(client_url));
if (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false && strcmp(client_url, "") != 0)
while (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false)
new recipient_client = -1;
PopStackCell(message_recipients, recipient_client);
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(recipient_client);
if (player_index > 0 && !IsFakeClient(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index))
if (g_bGameCanDoMotd)
if (g_bPlyrCanDoMotd[player_index])
if (GetUserMessageType() == UM_Protobuf)
decl String:typeStr[5];
IntToString(MOTDPANEL_TYPE_URL, typeStr, 4);
new Handle:pb = StartMessageOne("VGUIMenu", player_index);
PbSetString(pb, "name", "info");
PbSetBool(pb, "show", true);
new Handle:modkey = PbAddMessage(pb, "subkeys");
PbSetString(modkey, "name", "type");
PbSetString(modkey, "str", typeStr);
modkey = PbAddMessage(pb, "subkeys");
PbSetString(modkey, "name", "title");
PbSetString(modkey, "str", "HLstatsX:CE");
modkey = PbAddMessage(pb, "subkeys");
PbSetString(modkey, "name", "msg");
PbSetString(modkey, "str", client_url);
ShowMOTDPanel(player_index, "HLstatsX:CE", client_url, MOTDPANEL_TYPE_URL);
ShowMOTDPanel(player_index, "HLstatsX:CE", client_url, MOTDPANEL_TYPE_URL);
PrintToChat(player_index, "HTML MOTD needs to be enabled in your game options to use this command");
PrintToChat(player_index, "This game does not support the HTML MOTD window required for this command");
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_swap(args)
if (args < 1)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_swap <userid> - swaps players to the opposite team (css only)");
return Plugin_Handled;
if (gamemod != Game_CSS || gamemod != Game_CSGO)
PrintToServer("hlx_sm_swap is not supported by this game.");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:client_id[32];
GetCmdArg(1, client_id, sizeof(client_id));
new client = StringToInt(client_id);
if (client > 0)
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(client);
if (player_index > 0 && IsClientInGame(player_index))
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_redirect(args)
if (args < 3)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_redirect <time><userid><address><reason> - asks player to be redirected to specified gameserver");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: display_time[16];
GetCmdArg(1, display_time, sizeof(display_time));
decl String: client_list[192];
GetCmdArg(2, client_list, sizeof(client_list));
new String: server_address[192];
GetCmdArg(3, server_address, sizeof(server_address));
new String: redirect_reason[192];
GetCmdArg(4, redirect_reason, sizeof(redirect_reason));
if (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false && strcmp(server_address, "") != 0)
while (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false)
new recipient_client = -1;
PopStackCell(message_recipients, recipient_client);
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(recipient_client);
if (player_index > 0 && !IsFakeClient(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index))
new Handle:top_values = CreateKeyValues("msg");
KvSetString(top_values, "title", redirect_reason);
KvSetNum(top_values, "level", 1);
KvSetString(top_values, "time", display_time);
CreateDialog(player_index, top_values, DialogType_Msg);
new Float: display_time_float;
display_time_float = StringToFloat(display_time);
DisplayAskConnectBox(player_index, display_time_float, server_address);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_player_action(args)
if (args < 2)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_player_action <clientid><action> - trigger player action to be handled from HLstatsX");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: client_id[32];
GetCmdArg(1, client_id, sizeof(client_id));
decl String: player_action[64];
GetCmdArg(2, player_action, sizeof(player_action));
new client = StringToInt(client_id);
LogPlayerEvent(client, "triggered", player_action);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_team_action(args)
if (args < 2)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_team_action <team_name><action> - trigger team action to be handled from HLstatsX");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: team_name[64];
GetCmdArg(1, team_name, sizeof(team_name));
decl String: team_action[64];
GetCmdArg(2, team_action, sizeof(team_action));
LogToGame("Team \"%s\" triggered \"%s\"", team_name, team_action);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_world_action(args)
if (args < 1)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_world_action <action> - trigger world action to be handled from HLstatsX");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: world_action[64];
GetCmdArg(1, world_action, sizeof(world_action));
LogToGame("World triggered \"%s\"", world_action);
return Plugin_Handled;
is_command_blocked(String: command[])
new command_blocked = 0;
new command_index = 0;
while ((command_blocked == 0) && (command_index < sizeof(blocked_commands)))
if (strcmp(command, blocked_commands[command_index]) == 0)
if (command_blocked > 0)
return 1;
return 0;
public Action:hlx_block_commands(client, const String:command[], args)
if (client)
if (client == 0)
return Plugin_Continue;
new block_chat_commands = GetConVarInt(hlx_block_chat_commands);
decl String: user_command[192];
GetCmdArgString(user_command, sizeof(user_command));
if(user_command[0] != '.')
return Plugin_Continue;
decl String: origin_command[192];
new start_index = 0;
new command_length = strlen(user_command);
if (command_length > 0)
if (user_command[0] == '"')
start_index = 1;
if (user_command[command_length - 1] == '"')
user_command[command_length - 1] = 0;
strcopy(origin_command, sizeof(origin_command), user_command[start_index]);
if (user_command[start_index] == '.')
new String: command_type[32] = "say";
if (gamemod == Game_INSMOD)
decl String: say_type[1];
strcopy(say_type, 2, user_command[start_index]);
if (strcmp(say_type, "1") == 0)
command_type = "say";
else if (strcmp(say_type, "2") == 0)
command_type = "say_team";
start_index += 4;
if (command_length > 0)
if (block_chat_commands > 0)
new command_blocked = is_command_blocked(user_command[start_index]);
if (command_blocked > 0)
if (IsClientInGame(client))
if ((strcmp("hlx_menu", user_command[start_index]) == 0) ||
(strcmp("hlx", user_command[start_index]) == 0) ||
(strcmp("hlstatsx", user_command[start_index]) == 0))
DisplayMenu(HLstatsXMenuMain, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
if (gamemod == Game_INSMOD)
LogPlayerEvent(client, command_type, user_command[start_index]);
LogPlayerEvent(client, command_type, origin_command);
return Plugin_Stop;
if (IsClientInGame(client) &&
(strcmp("hlx_menu", user_command[start_index]) == 0
|| strcmp("hlx", user_command[start_index]) == 0
|| strcmp("hlstatsx", user_command[start_index]) == 0))
DisplayMenu(HLstatsXMenuMain, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return Plugin_Continue;
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action: HLstatsX_Event_PlyTeamChange(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
if (client > 0)
new team = GetEventInt(event, "team");
for (new i = 0; (i < sizeof(ColorSlotArray)); i++)
new color_client = ColorSlotArray[i];
if (color_client > -1)
if (color_client == client)
ColorSlotArray[i] = -1;
LogPlayerEvent(client, "triggered", "teamchange", false, "", team);
return Plugin_Continue;
if (IsClientInGame(player_index))
switch (GetClientTeam(player_index))
case CS_TEAM_CT:
if (IsPlayerAlive(player_index))
CS_SwitchTeam(player_index, CS_TEAM_T);
new new_model = GetRandomInt(0, 3);
SetEntityModel(player_index, ts_models[new_model]);
CS_SwitchTeam(player_index, CS_TEAM_T);
case CS_TEAM_T:
if (IsPlayerAlive(player_index))
CS_SwitchTeam(player_index, CS_TEAM_CT);
new new_model = GetRandomInt(0, 3);
SetEntityModel(player_index, ct_models[new_model]);
new weapon_entity = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(player_index, 4);
if (weapon_entity > 0)
decl String: class_name[32];
GetEdictClassname(weapon_entity, class_name, sizeof(class_name));
if (strcmp(class_name, "weapon_c4") == 0)
RemovePlayerItem(player_index, weapon_entity);
CS_SwitchTeam(player_index, CS_TEAM_CT);
public CreateHLstatsXMenuMain(&Handle: MenuHandle)
MenuHandle = CreateMenu(HLstatsXMainCommandHandler, MenuAction_Select|MenuAction_Cancel);
if (!g_bGameCanDoMotd)
SetMenuTitle(MenuHandle, "HLstatsX - Main Menu");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Display Rank");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Next Players");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Top10 Players");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Auto Ranking");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Toggle Point Msgs");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Toggle Ranking Display");
SetMenuTitle(MenuHandle, "HLstatsX - Main Menu");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Display Rank");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Next Players");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Top10 Players");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Clans Ranking");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Server Status");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Statsme");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Auto Ranking");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Toggle Point Msgs");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Weapon Usage");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Weapons Accuracy");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Weapons Targets");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Player Kills");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Toggle Ranking Display");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Ban and Cheater List");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Display Help");
SetMenuPagination(MenuHandle, 8);
public CreateHLstatsXMenuAuto(&Handle: MenuHandle)
MenuHandle = CreateMenu(HLstatsXAutoCommandHandler, MenuAction_Select|MenuAction_Cancel);
SetMenuTitle(MenuHandle, "HLstatsX - Auto-Ranking");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Enable on round-start");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Enable on round-end");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Enable on player death");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Disable");
SetMenuPagination(MenuHandle, 8);
public CreateHLstatsXMenuEvents(&Handle: MenuHandle)
MenuHandle = CreateMenu(HLstatsXEventsCommandHandler, MenuAction_Select|MenuAction_Cancel);
SetMenuTitle(MenuHandle, "HLstatsX - Console Events");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Enable Events");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Disable Events");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Enable Global Chat");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Disable Global Chat");
SetMenuPagination(MenuHandle, 8);
make_player_command(client, String: player_command[192])
LogPlayerEvent(client, "say", player_command);
public HLstatsXMainCommandHandler(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
if (action == MenuAction_Select)
if (IsClientInGame(param1))
if (!g_bGameCanDoMotd)
switch (param2)
case 0 :
make_player_command(param1, "/rank");
case 1 :
make_player_command(param1, "/next");
case 2 :
make_player_command(param1, "/top10");
case 3 :
DisplayMenu(HLstatsXMenuAuto, param1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
case 4 :
DisplayMenu(HLstatsXMenuEvents, param1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
case 5 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_hideranking");
switch (param2)
case 0 :
make_player_command(param1, "/rank");
case 1 :
make_player_command(param1, "/next");
case 2 :
make_player_command(param1, "/top10");
case 3 :
make_player_command(param1, "/clans");
case 4 :
make_player_command(param1, "/status");
case 5 :
make_player_command(param1, "/statsme");
case 6 :
DisplayMenu(HLstatsXMenuAuto, param1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
case 7 :
DisplayMenu(HLstatsXMenuEvents, param1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
case 8 :
make_player_command(param1, "/weapons");
case 9 :
make_player_command(param1, "/accuracy");
case 10 :
make_player_command(param1, "/targets");
case 11 :
make_player_command(param1, "/kills");
case 12 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_hideranking");
case 13 :
make_player_command(param1, "/bans");
case 14 :
make_player_command(param1, "/help");
public HLstatsXAutoCommandHandler(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
if (action == MenuAction_Select)
if (IsClientInGame(param1))
switch (param2)
case 0 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_auto start rank");
case 1 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_auto end rank");
case 2 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_auto kill rank");
case 3 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_auto clear");
public HLstatsXEventsCommandHandler(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
if (action == MenuAction_Select)
if (IsClientInGame(param1))
switch (param2)
case 0 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_display 1");
case 1 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_display 0");
case 2 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_chat 1");
case 3 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_chat 0");
stock BuildClientList(const String:client_list[])
if (StrContains(client_list, ",") > -1)
decl String:MessageRecipients[MaxClients][8];
new recipient_count = ExplodeString(client_list, ",", MessageRecipients, MaxClients, 8);
for (new i = 0; (i < recipient_count); i++)
PushStackCell(message_recipients, StringToInt(MessageRecipients[i]));
PushStackCell(message_recipients, StringToInt(client_list));
stock PrintToChatRecipients(const String:message[])
while (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false)
new recipient_client = -1;
PopStackCell(message_recipients, recipient_client);
new client = GetClientOfUserId(recipient_client);
if (client > 0 && !IsFakeClient(client) && IsClientInGame(client))
PrintToChat(client, "%s", message);
stock PrintToChatRecipientsFF(const String:message[])
while (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false)
new recipient_client = -1;
PopStackCell(message_recipients, recipient_client);
new client = GetClientOfUserId(recipient_client);
if (client > 0 && !IsFakeClient(client) && IsClientInGame(client))
new Handle:hBf;
hBf = StartMessageOne("SayText", client, USERMSG_RELIABLE|USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS);
if(GetUserMessageType() == UM_Protobuf)
PbSetInt(hBf, "ent_idx", 0);
PbSetBool(hBf, "chat", true);
PbSetString(hBf, "text", message);
BfWriteByte(hBf, 0); // send as console
BfWriteString(hBf, message);
BfWriteByte(hBf, 1); // 1 to enable color parsing, 0 to not