59 lines
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59 lines
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Note: Map weapons/items will look like ass. For each update, ensure this is necessary.
Bug: Render modes of anything parented onto weapons will act the same way onto players.
Temp Fix: Change render mode to something flat.
Idea by Darnias.
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "Weapon Sprite Temp-Fix",
author = "Mapeadores",
description = "Changes render mode for parented sprites post-DZ Sirocco.",
version = "0.2",
url = ""
public OnEntityCreated(int entity, char[] classname)
if (IsValidEntity(entity) && strcmp(classname, "env_sprite", false) == 0) RequestFrame(CheckSprite, entity);
public CheckSprite(int entity)
if (IsValidEntity(entity)){
int ParentEntity = GetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Data, "m_pParent");
if (IsValidEntity(ParentEntity)){
ParentEntity = GetRootMoveParent(ParentEntity);
char ParentClassName[32];
GetEntityClassname(ParentEntity, ParentClassName, sizeof(ParentClassName));
if (StrContains(ParentClassName, "weapon_", false) != -1){
if (GetEntityRenderMode(entity) == RENDER_GLOW || GetEntityRenderMode(entity) == RENDER_WORLDGLOW){
//If a glow sprite, reduce inflated scale so it isn't massive for the player.
if (GetEntityRenderMode(entity) == RENDER_GLOW && GetEntPropFloat(entity, Prop_Data, "m_flSpriteScale") > 0.35) SetEntPropFloat(entity, Prop_Data, "m_flSpriteScale", 0.35);
SetEntityRenderMode(entity, RENDER_TRANSADD);
int GetRootMoveParent(iEntity) {
int iCurrentEntity = iEntity;
while (IsValidEntity(iCurrentEntity)) {
int iCurrentParent = GetEntPropEnt(iCurrentEntity, Prop_Data, "m_pParent");
if (!IsValidEntity(iCurrentParent)) {
return iCurrentEntity;
iCurrentEntity = iCurrentParent;
return iCurrentEntity;