#if defined _stvmngr_included #endinput #endif #define _stvmngr_included // Some guidelines from the SDK about director camera shot durations #define MIN_SHOT_LENGTH 4.0 // minimum time of a cut (seconds) #define MAX_SHOT_LENGTH 8.0 // maximum time of a cut (seconds) #define DEF_SHOT_LENGTH 6.0 // average time of a cut (seconds) /** * Get the current amount of running SourceTV instances. * Can usually only be 1 at max except for CSGO, which can have 2. * * @return SourceTV instance number count. */ native SourceTV_GetServerInstanceCount(); /** * Select a SourceTV instance to operate the rest of the natives on. * The first SourceTV to connect will always be selected by default. * Most games only have 1 instance, so this might only be useful in CS:GO, * which can have 2 instances running. * * @param instance The SourceTV instance number. * @noreturn * @error Invalid SourceTV instance number. */ native SourceTV_SelectServerInstance(instance); /** * Get the index of the currently selected SourceTV server instance. * * @return Index of the selected SourceTV instance number or -1 if no SourceTV enabled. */ native SourceTV_GetSelectedServerInstance(); /** * Returns whether this SourceTV instance is a master proxy or relay. * * @return True if SourceTV instance is master proxy, false otherwise. */ native SourceTV_IsMasterProxy(); /** * Get the local ip of the SourceTV server. * * @param ip Buffer to save IP in. * @param maxlen Maximum length of the buffer. * @return True if IP written, false otherwise. */ native bool:SourceTV_GetServerIP(String:ip[], maxlen); /** * Get the UDP port of the SourceTV server. * This is the port clients use to connect. * * @return SourceTV server UDP port. */ native SourceTV_GetServerPort(); /** * Get the client index of the SourceTV bot. * * @return Client index of SourceTV bot. */ native SourceTV_GetBotIndex(); /** * Get stats of the local SourceTV instance. * Returns only the stats of this server, don't include relays. * * You have to subtract the proxy count from the spectator count to * get the real spectator count, because the proxies take one spectator slot * on the SourceTV server. * * @param proxies Number of SourceTV proxies connected to this server. * @param slots Number of maximal available SourceTV spectator slots. * @param specs Number of currently connected SourceTV spectators. * @noreturn */ native bool:SourceTV_GetLocalStats(&proxies, &slots, &specs); /** * Get stats of this SourceTV network. * Only the current Master Proxy can give accurate numbers. * Relay proxies only get updates from the master from time to time. * * You have to subtract the proxy count from the spectator count to * get the real spectator count, because the proxies take one spectator slot * on the SourceTV server. * * @param proxies Number of SourceTV proxies connected to all servers. * @param slots Number of maximal available SourceTV spectator slots on all servers. * @param specs Number of currently connected SourceTV spectators on all servers. * @noreturn */ native bool:SourceTV_GetGlobalStats(&proxies, &slots, &specs); /** * Current broadcasted tick. Can be lower than the actual server tick, * due to delay. * * @return Current broadcast tick from director. */ native SourceTV_GetBroadcastTick(); /** * Returns current delay in seconds. (tv_delay) * * @return Current delay in seconds. */ native Float:SourceTV_GetDelay(); /** * Print a center message to all SourceTV spectators for ~2 seconds. * Like the tv_msg command. * * @param bLocalOnly Send only to directly connected spectators or proxies as well? * @param format The format string. * @param ... Variable number of format string arguments. * @return True if message was sent, false otherwise. */ native bool:SourceTV_BroadcastScreenMessage(bool:bLocalOnly, const String:format[], any:...); /** * Prints text to the console of all connected SourceTV spectators. * * @param format The format string. * @param ... Variable number of format string arguments. * @return True if message was sent, false otherwise. */ native bool:SourceTV_BroadcastConsoleMessage(const String:format[], any:...); /** * Print a chat message to all SourceTV spectators. * * @param bLocalOnly Send only to directly connected spectators or proxies as well? * @param format The format string. * @param ... Variable number of format string arguments. * @return True if message was sent, false otherwise. */ native bool:SourceTV_BroadcastChatMessage(bool:bLocalOnly, const String:format[], any:...); /******************************************************************************** * SourceTV Director control ********************************************************************************/ /** * Get entity index of current view entity (PVS) of the * auto director. Check the view origin, if this returns 0. * @see SourceTV_GetViewOrigin * * @return Current view entity index, 0 if coords are used. */ native SourceTV_GetViewEntity(); /** * Get origin of current view point if view entity is 0. * * @param view Vector to store view position in. * @noreturn */ native SourceTV_GetViewOrigin(Float:view[3]); /** * Force the auto director to show a certain camera angle. * * @param pos The camera position. * @param angle The camera angles (roll is unused). * @param iTarget Target entity to keep the camera pointed towards or 0 to use the angle. * @param fow Field of view of the camera. * @param fDuration Length of the shot in seconds. * @return True if shot was created, false otherwise. * @error Invalid target entity. */ native bool:SourceTV_ForceFixedCameraShot(Float:pos[], Float:angle[], iTarget, Float:fov, Float:fDuration = DEF_SHOT_LENGTH); /** * Force the auto director to show a player. * * @param iTarget1 The target player to follow. * @param iTarget2 The other player to keep the camera centered on or 0 to follow target1's view. * @param distance Distance of camera behind the player. * @param phi Up/down offset of view point. * @param theta Left/right offset of view point. * @param bInEye Show as in-eye camera of the target. Ignores all the other third-person settings. * @param fDuration Length of the shot in seconds. * @return True if shot was created, false otherwise. * @error Invalid target1 or target2 entity */ native bool:SourceTV_ForceChaseCameraShot(iTarget1, iTarget2, distance, phi, theta, bool:bInEye, Float:fDuration = DEF_SHOT_LENGTH); /******************************************************************************** * SourceTV demo recording ********************************************************************************/ /** * Starts recording a SourceTV demo into the specified file. * Only the master proxy can record demos. * * @param sFilename Filename of the demo file. * @return True if recording started, false otherwise. */ native bool:SourceTV_StartRecording(const String:sFilename[]); /** * Stops recording a SourceTV demo. * * @return True if recording stopped, false otherwise. */ native bool:SourceTV_StopRecording(); /** * Returns whether the SourceTV server is currently recording a demo. * * @return True if currently recording a SourceTV demo, false otherwise. */ native bool:SourceTV_IsRecording(); /** * Get the filename of the currently recorded demo. * * @param sFilename Buffer to store the filename in. * @param maxlen Maximal length of the buffer. * @return True if filename was written, false otherwise. */ native bool:SourceTV_GetDemoFileName(String:sFilename[], maxlen); /** * Get current tick in the demofile. * * @return Current recording tick in the demofle. */ native SourceTV_GetRecordingTick(); /** * Print text to the demo console. * This will show up when playing the demo back in the client console later. * * @param format The format string. * @param ... Variable number of format string arguments. * * @return True if message was printed, false otherwise. */ native bool:SourceTV_PrintToDemoConsole(const String:format[], any:...); /** * Called when a SourceTV demo starts being recorded. * @see SourceTV_SelectServerInstance * * @param instance The SourceTV instance of server recording. * @param filename The filename of the demo. * @noreturn */ forward SourceTV_OnStartRecording(instance, const String:filename[]); /** * Called when a SourceTV demo stops being recorded. * @see SourceTV_SelectServerInstance * * @param instance The SourceTV instance of server recording. * @param filename The filename of the demo. * @param recordingtick The tick length of the demo. * @noreturn */ forward SourceTV_OnStopRecording(instance, const String:filename[], recordingtick); /******************************************************************************** * SourceTV spectator client handling ********************************************************************************/ /** * Get currently connected SourcetV spectator count. * * @return SourceTV spectator count. */ native SourceTV_GetSpectatorCount(); /** * Get the current client limit. * * @return Maximal possible spectator count. */ native SourceTV_GetMaxClients(); /** * Get number of client slots (used & unused) * Client slots are only allocated when they're needed. * Use this when iterating spectators. * * @return Number of client slots (used & unused) */ native SourceTV_GetClientCount(); /** * Returns if the spectator is connected. * * @param client The spectator client index. * @return True if client is connected, false otherwise. * @error Invalid client index. */ native bool:SourceTV_IsClientConnected(client); /** * Get the name of a SourceTV spectator client. * * @param client The spectator client index. * @param name Buffer for the client name. * @param maxlen Maximal length of the buffer. * @noreturn * @error Invalid client index or not connected. */ native SourceTV_GetSpectatorName(client, String:name[], maxlen); /** * Get the IP of a SourceTV spectator client. * * @param client The spectator client index. * @param name Buffer for the client ip. * @param maxlen Maximal length of the buffer. * @noreturn * @error Invalid client index or not connected. */ native SourceTV_GetSpectatorIP(client, String:ip[], maxlen); /** * Get the password of a SourceTV spectator client. * The password the client tried to connect with. * Ignores changes from the SourceTV_OnSpectatorPreConnect forward. * * @param client The spectator client index. * @param name Buffer for the client ip. * @param maxlen Maximal length of the buffer. * @noreturn * @error Invalid client index or not connected. */ native SourceTV_GetSpectatorPassword(client, String:password[], maxlen); /** * Kick a SourceTV spectator client. * * @param client The spectator client index. * @param sReason The kick reason. * @noreturn * @error Invalid client index or not connected. */ native SourceTV_KickClient(client, const String:sReason[]); /** * Called when a spectator wants to connect to the SourceTV server. * This is called before any other validation has happened. * Similar to the OnClientPreConnectEx forward in the Connect extension by asherkin. * * @param name The player name. * @param password The password the client used to connect. Can be overwritten. * @param ip The ip address of the client. * @param rejectReason Buffer to write the reject reason to, if you want to reject the client from connecting. * @return True to allow the client to connect, false to reject him with the given reason. */ forward bool:SourceTV_OnSpectatorPreConnect(const String:name[], String:password[255], const String:ip[], String:rejectReason[255]); /** * Called when a spectator client connected to the SourceTV server. * * @param client The spectator client index. * @noreturn */ forward SourceTV_OnSpectatorConnected(client); /** * Called when a spectator client is about to disconnect. * * @param client The spectator client index. * @param reason The reason for the disconnect. Can be overwritten. * @noreturn */ forward SourceTV_OnSpectatorDisconnect(client, String:reason[255]); /** * Called after a spectator client disconnected. * * @param client The spectator client index. * @param reason The reason for the disconnect. * @noreturn */ forward SourceTV_OnSpectatorDisconnected(client, const String:reason[255]); /** * Called when a spectator client is entering the game. * * @param client The spectator client index. * @noreturn */ forward SourceTV_OnSpectatorPutInServer(client); /** * Do not edit below this line! */ public Extension:__ext_stvmngr = { name = "SourceTV Manager", file = "sourcetvmanager.ext", #if defined AUTOLOAD_EXTENSIONS autoload = 1, #else autoload = 0, #endif #if defined REQUIRE_EXTENSIONS required = 1, #else required = 0, #endif }; #if !defined REQUIRE_EXTENSIONS public __ext_stvmngr_SetNTVOptional() { MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetServerInstanceCount"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_SelectServerInstance"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetSelectedServerInstance"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_IsMasterProxy"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetBotIndex"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetLocalStats"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetGlobalStats"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetBroadcastTick"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetDelay"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_BroadcastScreenMessage"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_BroadcastConsoleMessage"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_BroadcastChatMessage"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetViewEntity"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetViewOrigin"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_ForceFixedCameraShot"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_ForceChaseCameraShot"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_StartRecording"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_StopRecording"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_IsRecording"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetDemoFileName"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetRecordingTick"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_PrintToDemoConsole"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetSpectatorCount"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetMaxClients"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetClientCount"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_IsClientConnected"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetSpectatorName"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetSpectatorIP"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_GetSpectatorPassword"); MarkNativeAsOptional("SourceTV_KickClient"); } #endif