					"signature"	"host_client"
					"read" "58"
					"signature" "host_client"
					"signature"	"CHLTVServer::GetRecordingDemoFilename"
					"read"	"2"
					"signature"	"CHLTVServer::GetRecordingDemoFilename"
					"read"	"10"
				"windows"	"39"
				"linux"		"40"
				"windows"	"54"
				"linux"	"55"
				"windows"	"52"
				"linux"	"53"
				"windows"	"59"
				"linux"	"60"
				"windows"	"27"
				"linux"	"65"
				"windows"	"45"
				"linux"	"46"
				"windows"	"32"
				"linux"	"32"
				"windows"	"36"
				"linux"	"36"
				"windows"	"52"
				"linux"	"52"
				"library"	"engine"
				"linux"	"@host_client"
				// ping(CCommand const&) "Client ping times:\n"
				"windows" "\x55\x8B\xEC\x83\xE4\xC0\x83\xEC\x34\x83\x3D\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x01\x53\x56\x57\x75\x2A"
				"library"	"engine"
				"linux"	"@_ZN11CHLTVServer19BroadcastEventLocalEP10IGameEventb"
				// "SourceTV broadcast local event: %s\n"
				"windows"	"\x55\x8B\xEC\x83\xEC\x4C\x53\x8B\xD9\xC7\x45\xB4\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x56\x8D"
				"library"	"engine"
				"linux"	"@_ZN11CHLTVServer24GetRecordingDemoFilenameEv"
				"windows" "\x81\xC1\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x8B\x01\xFF\x20"
			// StartRecording and StopRecording are virtual, but get called directly in the linux binary..
			// Need to add a detour.
				"library"	"engine"
				"linux"	"@_ZN17CHLTVDemoRecorder14StartRecordingEPKcb"
				"library"	"engine"
				"linux"	"@_ZN17CHLTVDemoRecorder13StopRecordingEPK9CGameInfo"
					"signature"	"host_client"
					"read" "92"
					"signature" "host_client"
					"signature"	"CHLTVServer::Shutdown"
					"read"	"5"
					"signature"	"CHLTVServer::Shutdown"
					"read"	"12"
				"windows"	"40"
				"linux"	"41"
				"windows"	"192"
				"linux"	"164"
				"windows"	"35"
				"linux"		"36"
				"windows"	"49"
				"linux"	"50"
				"windows"	"47"
				"linux"	"48"
				"windows"	"54"
				"linux"	"55"
				"windows"	"16"
				"linux"	"56"
				"windows"	"41"
				"linux"	"42"
				"windows"	"16"
				"linux"	"16"
				"windows"	"20"
				"linux"	"20"
				"windows"	"40"
				"linux"	"40"
				"library"	"engine"
				"linux"	"@host_client"
				// ping(CCommand const&) "Client ping times:\n"
				"windows" "\x55\x8B\xEC\x51\x83\x3D\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x01\x75\x2A"
				"library"	"engine"
				"linux"	"@_ZN11CHLTVServer19BroadcastEventLocalEP10IGameEventb"
				// "SourceTV broadcast local event: %s\n"
				"windows"	"\x55\x8B\xEC\x81\xEC\x44\x04\x00\x00\x53"
				"library"	"engine"
				"linux"	"@_ZN11CHLTVServer8ShutdownEv"
				// "HLTV server shutting down"
				"windows"	"\x56\x8B\xF1\x8B\x86\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x8D\x8E\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xFF\x50\x2A\x8B\x86\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x8D\x8E"
			// StartRecording and StopRecording are virtual, but get called directly in the linux binary..
			// Need to add a detour.
				"library"	"engine"
				"linux"	"@_ZN17CHLTVDemoRecorder14StartRecordingEPKcb"
				"library"	"engine"
				"linux"	"@_ZN17CHLTVDemoRecorder13StopRecordingEv"