#include "vhook.h" #include "vfunc_call.h" #include "util.h" SourceHook::IHookManagerAutoGen *g_pHookManager = NULL; ke::Vector g_pHooks; using namespace SourceHook; using namespace sp; #ifdef WIN32 #define OBJECT_OFFSET sizeof(void *) #else #define OBJECT_OFFSET (sizeof(void *)*2) #endif #ifndef WIN32 void *GenerateThunk(ReturnType type) { sp::MacroAssembler masm; static const size_t kStackNeeded = (2) * 4; // 2 args max static const size_t kReserve = ke::Align(kStackNeeded+8, 16)-8; masm.push(ebp); masm.movl(ebp, esp); masm.subl(esp, kReserve); if(type != ReturnType_String && type != ReturnType_Vector) { masm.lea(eax, Operand(ebp, 12)); // grab the incoming caller argument vector masm.movl(Operand(esp, 1 * 4), eax); // set that as the 2nd argument masm.movl(eax, Operand(ebp, 8)); // grab the |this| masm.movl(Operand(esp, 0 * 4), eax); // set |this| as the 1st argument*/ } else { masm.lea(eax, Operand(ebp, 8)); // grab the incoming caller argument vector masm.movl(Operand(esp, 1 * 4), eax); // set that as the 2nd argument masm.movl(eax, Operand(ebp, 12)); // grab the |this| masm.movl(Operand(esp, 0 * 4), eax); // set |this| as the 1st argument*/ } if(type == ReturnType_Float) { masm.call(ExternalAddress((void *)Callback_float)); } else if(type == ReturnType_Vector) { masm.call(ExternalAddress((void *)Callback_vector)); } else if(type == ReturnType_String) { masm.call(ExternalAddress((void *)Callback_stringt)); } else { masm.call(ExternalAddress((void *)Callback)); } masm.addl(esp, kReserve); masm.pop(ebp); // restore ebp masm.ret(); void *base = g_pSM->GetScriptingEngine()->AllocatePageMemory(masm.length()); masm.emitToExecutableMemory(base); return base; } #else // HUGE THANKS TO BAILOPAN (dvander)! void *GenerateThunk(ReturnType type) { sp::MacroAssembler masm; static const size_t kStackNeeded = (3 + 1) * 4; // 3 args max, 1 locals max static const size_t kReserve = ke::Align(kStackNeeded+8, 16)-8; masm.push(ebp); masm.movl(ebp, esp); masm.subl(esp, kReserve); masm.lea(eax, Operand(esp, 3 * 4)); // ptr to 2nd var after argument space masm.movl(Operand(esp, 2 * 4), eax); // set the ptr as the third argument masm.lea(eax, Operand(ebp, 8)); // grab the incoming caller argument vector masm.movl(Operand(esp, 1 * 4), eax); // set that as the 2nd argument masm.movl(Operand(esp, 0 * 4), ecx); // set |this| as the 1st argument if(type == ReturnType_Float) { masm.call(ExternalAddress(Callback_float)); } else if(type == ReturnType_Vector) { masm.call(ExternalAddress(Callback_vector)); } else { masm.call(ExternalAddress(Callback)); } masm.movl(ecx, Operand(esp, 3*4)); masm.addl(esp, kReserve); masm.pop(ebp); // restore ebp masm.pop(edx); // grab return address in edx masm.addl(esp, ecx); // remove arguments masm.jmp(edx); // return to caller void *base = g_pSM->GetScriptingEngine()->AllocatePageMemory(masm.length()); masm.emitToExecutableMemory(base); return base; } #endif DHooksManager::DHooksManager(HookSetup *setup, void *iface, IPluginFunction *remove_callback, IPluginFunction *plugincb, bool post) { this->callback = MakeHandler(setup->returnType); this->hookid = 0; this->remove_callback = remove_callback; this->callback->offset = setup->offset; this->callback->plugin_callback = plugincb; this->callback->returnFlag = setup->returnFlag; this->callback->thisType = setup->thisType; this->callback->post = post; this->callback->hookType = setup->hookType; this->callback->params = setup->params; this->addr = 0; if(this->callback->hookType == HookType_Entity) { this->callback->entity = gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef((CBaseEntity *)iface); } else { if(this->callback->hookType == HookType_Raw) { this->addr = (intptr_t)iface; } this->callback->entity = -1; } CProtoInfoBuilder protoInfo(ProtoInfo::CallConv_ThisCall); for(int i = this->callback->params.size() -1; i >= 0; i--) { protoInfo.AddParam(this->callback->params.at(i).size, this->callback->params.at(i).pass_type, PASSFLAG_BYVAL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);//This seems like we need to do something about it at some point... } if(this->callback->returnType == ReturnType_Void) { protoInfo.SetReturnType(0, SourceHook::PassInfo::PassType_Unknown, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else if(this->callback->returnType == ReturnType_Float) { protoInfo.SetReturnType(sizeof(float), SourceHook::PassInfo::PassType_Float, setup->returnFlag, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else if(this->callback->returnType == ReturnType_String) { protoInfo.SetReturnType(sizeof(string_t), SourceHook::PassInfo::PassType_Object, setup->returnFlag, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);//We have to be 4 really... or else RIP } else if(this->callback->returnType == ReturnType_Vector) { protoInfo.SetReturnType(sizeof(SDKVector), SourceHook::PassInfo::PassType_Object, setup->returnFlag, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { protoInfo.SetReturnType(sizeof(void *), SourceHook::PassInfo::PassType_Basic, setup->returnFlag, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } this->pManager = g_pHookManager->MakeHookMan(protoInfo, 0, this->callback->offset); this->hookid = g_SHPtr->AddHook(g_PLID,ISourceHook::Hook_Normal, iface, 0, this->pManager, this->callback, this->callback->post); } void CleanupHooks(IPluginContext *pContext) { for(int i = g_pHooks.length() -1; i >= 0; i--) { DHooksManager *manager = g_pHooks.at(i); if(pContext == NULL || pContext == manager->callback->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()) { delete manager; g_pHooks.remove(i); } } } bool SetupHookManager(ISmmAPI *ismm) { g_pHookManager = static_cast(ismm->MetaFactory(MMIFACE_SH_HOOKMANAUTOGEN, NULL, NULL)); return g_pHookManager != NULL; } SourceHook::PassInfo::PassType GetParamTypePassType(HookParamType type) { switch(type) { case HookParamType_Float: return SourceHook::PassInfo::PassType_Float; case HookParamType_Object: return SourceHook::PassInfo::PassType_Object; } return SourceHook::PassInfo::PassType_Basic; } size_t GetStackArgsSize(DHooksCallback *dg) { size_t res = GetParamsSize(dg); #ifdef WIN32 if(dg->returnType == ReturnType_Vector)//Account for result vector ptr. #else if(dg->returnType == ReturnType_Vector || dg->returnType == ReturnType_String) #endif { res += OBJECT_OFFSET; } return res; } HookParamsStruct::~HookParamsStruct() { if (this->orgParams != NULL) { free(this->orgParams); } if (this->isChanged != NULL) { free(this->isChanged); } if (this->newParams != NULL) { for (int i = dg->params.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { size_t offset = GetParamOffset(this, i); void *addr = (void **)((intptr_t)this->newParams + offset); if (*(void **)addr == NULL) continue; if (dg->params.at(i).type == HookParamType_VectorPtr) { delete *(SDKVector **)addr; } else if (dg->params.at(i).type == HookParamType_CharPtr) { delete *(char **)addr; } } free(this->newParams); } } HookParamsStruct *GetParamStruct(DHooksCallback *dg, void **argStack, size_t argStackSize) { HookParamsStruct *params = new HookParamsStruct(); params->dg = dg; #ifdef WIN32 if(dg->returnType != ReturnType_Vector) #else if(dg->returnType != ReturnType_Vector && dg->returnType != ReturnType_String) #endif { params->orgParams = (void **)malloc(argStackSize); memcpy(params->orgParams, argStack, argStackSize); } else //Offset result ptr { params->orgParams = (void **)malloc(argStackSize-OBJECT_OFFSET); memcpy(params->orgParams, argStack+OBJECT_OFFSET, argStackSize-OBJECT_OFFSET); } size_t paramsSize = GetParamsSize(dg); params->newParams = (void **)malloc(paramsSize); params->isChanged = (bool *)malloc(dg->params.size() * sizeof(bool)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dg->params.size(); i++) { *(void **)((intptr_t)params->newParams + GetParamOffset(params, i)) = NULL; params->isChanged[i] = false; } return params; } HookReturnStruct *GetReturnStruct(DHooksCallback *dg) { HookReturnStruct *res = new HookReturnStruct(); res->isChanged = false; res->type = dg->returnType; res->orgResult = NULL; res->newResult = NULL; if(g_SHPtr->GetOrigRet() && dg->post) { switch(dg->returnType) { case ReturnType_String: res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(string_t)); res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(string_t)); *(string_t *)res->orgResult = META_RESULT_ORIG_RET(string_t); break; case ReturnType_Int: res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(int)); res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(int)); *(int *)res->orgResult = META_RESULT_ORIG_RET(int); break; case ReturnType_Bool: res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(bool)); res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(bool)); *(bool *)res->orgResult = META_RESULT_ORIG_RET(bool); break; case ReturnType_Float: res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(float)); res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(float)); *(float *)res->orgResult = META_RESULT_ORIG_RET(float); break; case ReturnType_Vector: { res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(SDKVector)); res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(SDKVector)); SDKVector vec = META_RESULT_ORIG_RET(SDKVector); *(SDKVector *)res->orgResult = vec; break; } default: res->orgResult = META_RESULT_ORIG_RET(void *); break; } } else { switch(dg->returnType) { case ReturnType_String: res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(string_t)); res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(string_t)); *(string_t *)res->orgResult = NULL_STRING; break; case ReturnType_Vector: res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(SDKVector)); res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(SDKVector)); *(SDKVector *)res->orgResult = SDKVector(); break; case ReturnType_Int: res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(int)); res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(int)); *(int *)res->orgResult = 0; break; case ReturnType_Bool: res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(bool)); res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(bool)); *(bool *)res->orgResult = false; break; case ReturnType_Float: res->orgResult = malloc(sizeof(float)); res->newResult = malloc(sizeof(float)); *(float *)res->orgResult = 0.0; break; } } return res; } cell_t GetThisPtr(void *iface, ThisPointerType type) { if(type == ThisPointer_CBaseEntity) { return gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef((CBaseEntity *)iface); } return (cell_t)iface; } #ifdef WIN32 void *Callback(DHooksCallback *dg, void **argStack, size_t *argsizep) #else void *Callback(DHooksCallback *dg, void **argStack) #endif { HookReturnStruct *returnStruct = NULL; HookParamsStruct *paramStruct = NULL; Handle_t rHndl; Handle_t pHndl; #ifdef WIN32 *argsizep = GetStackArgsSize(dg); #else size_t argsize = GetStackArgsSize(dg); #endif if(dg->thisType == ThisPointer_CBaseEntity || dg->thisType == ThisPointer_Address) { dg->plugin_callback->PushCell(GetThisPtr(g_SHPtr->GetIfacePtr(), dg->thisType)); } if(dg->returnType != ReturnType_Void) { returnStruct = GetReturnStruct(dg); rHndl = handlesys->CreateHandle(g_HookReturnHandle, returnStruct, dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity(), NULL); if(!rHndl) { dg->plugin_callback->Cancel(); if(returnStruct) { delete returnStruct; } g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); return NULL; } dg->plugin_callback->PushCell(rHndl); } #ifdef WIN32 if(*argsizep > 0) { paramStruct = GetParamStruct(dg, argStack, *argsizep); #else if(argsize > 0) { paramStruct = GetParamStruct(dg, argStack, argsize); #endif pHndl = handlesys->CreateHandle(g_HookParamsHandle, paramStruct, dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity(), NULL); if(!pHndl) { dg->plugin_callback->Cancel(); if(returnStruct) { delete returnStruct; } if(paramStruct) { delete paramStruct; } g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); return NULL; } dg->plugin_callback->PushCell(pHndl); } cell_t result = (cell_t)MRES_Ignored; META_RES mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->Execute(&result); void *ret = g_SHPtr->GetOverrideRetPtr(); switch((MRESReturn)result) { case MRES_Handled: case MRES_ChangedHandled: g_SHPtr->DoRecall(); g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_SUPERCEDE); mres = MRES_SUPERCEDE; ret = CallVFunction(dg, paramStruct, g_SHPtr->GetIfacePtr()); g_SHPtr->EndContext(NULL); break; case MRES_ChangedOverride: if(dg->returnType != ReturnType_Void) { if(returnStruct->isChanged) { if(dg->returnType == ReturnType_String || dg->returnType == ReturnType_Int || dg->returnType == ReturnType_Bool) { ret = *(void **)returnStruct->newResult; } else { ret = returnStruct->newResult; } } else //Throw an error if no override was set { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->BlamePluginError(dg->plugin_callback, "Tried to override return value without return value being set"); break; } } g_SHPtr->DoRecall(); g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_SUPERCEDE); mres = MRES_SUPERCEDE; CallVFunction(dg, paramStruct, g_SHPtr->GetIfacePtr()); g_SHPtr->EndContext(NULL); break; case MRES_Override: if(dg->returnType != ReturnType_Void) { if(returnStruct->isChanged) { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_OVERRIDE); mres = MRES_OVERRIDE; if(dg->returnType == ReturnType_String || dg->returnType == ReturnType_Int || dg->returnType == ReturnType_Bool) { ret = *(void **)returnStruct->newResult; } else { ret = returnStruct->newResult; } } else //Throw an error if no override was set { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->BlamePluginError(dg->plugin_callback, "Tried to override return value without return value being set"); } } break; case MRES_Supercede: if(dg->returnType != ReturnType_Void) { if(returnStruct->isChanged) { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_SUPERCEDE); mres = MRES_SUPERCEDE; if(dg->returnType == ReturnType_String || dg->returnType == ReturnType_Int || dg->returnType == ReturnType_Bool) { ret = *(void **)returnStruct->newResult; } else { ret = returnStruct->newResult; } } else //Throw an error if no override was set { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->BlamePluginError(dg->plugin_callback, "Tried to override return value without return value being set"); } } else { g_SHPtr->DoRecall(); g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_SUPERCEDE); mres = MRES_SUPERCEDE; g_SHPtr->EndContext(NULL); } break; default: g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; break; } HandleSecurity sec(dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity()); if(returnStruct) { handlesys->FreeHandle(rHndl, &sec); } if(paramStruct) { handlesys->FreeHandle(pHndl, &sec); } if(dg->returnType == ReturnType_Void || mres <= MRES_HANDLED) { return NULL; } return ret; } #ifdef WIN32 float Callback_float(DHooksCallback *dg, void **argStack, size_t *argsizep) #else float Callback_float(DHooksCallback *dg, void **argStack) #endif { HookReturnStruct *returnStruct = NULL; HookParamsStruct *paramStruct = NULL; Handle_t rHndl; Handle_t pHndl; #ifdef WIN32 *argsizep = GetStackArgsSize(dg); #else size_t argsize = GetStackArgsSize(dg); #endif if(dg->thisType == ThisPointer_CBaseEntity || dg->thisType == ThisPointer_Address) { dg->plugin_callback->PushCell(GetThisPtr(g_SHPtr->GetIfacePtr(), dg->thisType)); } returnStruct = GetReturnStruct(dg); rHndl = handlesys->CreateHandle(g_HookReturnHandle, returnStruct, dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity(), NULL); if(!rHndl) { dg->plugin_callback->Cancel(); if(returnStruct) { delete returnStruct; } g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); return 0.0; } dg->plugin_callback->PushCell(rHndl); #ifdef WIN32 if(*argsizep > 0) { paramStruct = GetParamStruct(dg, argStack, *argsizep); #else if(argsize > 0) { paramStruct = GetParamStruct(dg, argStack, argsize); #endif pHndl = handlesys->CreateHandle(g_HookParamsHandle, paramStruct, dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity(), NULL); if(!pHndl) { dg->plugin_callback->Cancel(); if(returnStruct) { delete returnStruct; } if(paramStruct) { delete paramStruct; } g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); return 0.0; } dg->plugin_callback->PushCell(pHndl); } cell_t result = (cell_t)MRES_Ignored; META_RES mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->Execute(&result); void *ret = g_SHPtr->GetOverrideRetPtr(); switch((MRESReturn)result) { case MRES_Handled: case MRES_ChangedHandled: g_SHPtr->DoRecall(); g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_SUPERCEDE); mres = MRES_SUPERCEDE; *(float *)ret = CallVFunction(dg, paramStruct, g_SHPtr->GetIfacePtr()); g_SHPtr->EndContext(NULL); break; case MRES_ChangedOverride: if(dg->returnType != ReturnType_Void) { if(returnStruct->isChanged) { *(float *)ret = *(float *)returnStruct->newResult; } else //Throw an error if no override was set { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->BlamePluginError(dg->plugin_callback, "Tried to override return value without return value being set"); break; } } g_SHPtr->DoRecall(); g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_SUPERCEDE); mres = MRES_SUPERCEDE; CallVFunction(dg, paramStruct, g_SHPtr->GetIfacePtr()); g_SHPtr->EndContext(NULL); break; case MRES_Override: if(dg->returnType != ReturnType_Void) { if(returnStruct->isChanged) { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_OVERRIDE); mres = MRES_OVERRIDE; *(float *)ret = *(float *)returnStruct->newResult; } else //Throw an error if no override was set { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->BlamePluginError(dg->plugin_callback, "Tried to override return value without return value being set"); } } break; case MRES_Supercede: if(dg->returnType != ReturnType_Void) { if(returnStruct->isChanged) { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_SUPERCEDE); mres = MRES_SUPERCEDE; *(float *)ret = *(float *)returnStruct->newResult; } else //Throw an error if no override was set { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->BlamePluginError(dg->plugin_callback, "Tried to override return value without return value being set"); } } break; default: g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; break; } HandleSecurity sec(dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity()); if(returnStruct) { handlesys->FreeHandle(rHndl, &sec); } if(paramStruct) { handlesys->FreeHandle(pHndl, &sec); } if(dg->returnType == ReturnType_Void || mres <= MRES_HANDLED) { return 0.0; } return *(float *)ret; } #ifdef WIN32 SDKVector *Callback_vector(DHooksCallback *dg, void **argStack, size_t *argsizep) #else SDKVector *Callback_vector(DHooksCallback *dg, void **argStack) #endif { SDKVector *vec_result = (SDKVector *)argStack[0]; // Save the result HookReturnStruct *returnStruct = NULL; HookParamsStruct *paramStruct = NULL; Handle_t rHndl; Handle_t pHndl; #ifdef WIN32 *argsizep = GetStackArgsSize(dg); #else size_t argsize = GetStackArgsSize(dg); #endif if(dg->thisType == ThisPointer_CBaseEntity || dg->thisType == ThisPointer_Address) { dg->plugin_callback->PushCell(GetThisPtr(g_SHPtr->GetIfacePtr(), dg->thisType)); } returnStruct = GetReturnStruct(dg); rHndl = handlesys->CreateHandle(g_HookReturnHandle, returnStruct, dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity(), NULL); if(!rHndl) { dg->plugin_callback->Cancel(); if(returnStruct) { delete returnStruct; } g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); return NULL; } dg->plugin_callback->PushCell(rHndl); #ifdef WIN32 if(*argsizep > 0) { paramStruct = GetParamStruct(dg, argStack, *argsizep); #else if(argsize > 0) { paramStruct = GetParamStruct(dg, argStack, argsize); #endif pHndl = handlesys->CreateHandle(g_HookParamsHandle, paramStruct, dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity(), NULL); if(!pHndl) { dg->plugin_callback->Cancel(); if(returnStruct) { delete returnStruct; } if(paramStruct) { delete paramStruct; } g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); return NULL; } dg->plugin_callback->PushCell(pHndl); } cell_t result = (cell_t)MRES_Ignored; META_RES mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->Execute(&result); void *ret = g_SHPtr->GetOverrideRetPtr(); ret = vec_result; switch((MRESReturn)result) { case MRES_Handled: case MRES_ChangedHandled: g_SHPtr->DoRecall(); g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_SUPERCEDE); mres = MRES_SUPERCEDE; *vec_result = CallVFunction(dg, paramStruct, g_SHPtr->GetIfacePtr()); g_SHPtr->EndContext(NULL); break; case MRES_ChangedOverride: if(dg->returnType != ReturnType_Void) { if(returnStruct->isChanged) { *vec_result = *(SDKVector *)returnStruct->newResult; } else //Throw an error if no override was set { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->BlamePluginError(dg->plugin_callback, "Tried to override return value without return value being set"); break; } } g_SHPtr->DoRecall(); g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_SUPERCEDE); mres = MRES_SUPERCEDE; CallVFunction(dg, paramStruct, g_SHPtr->GetIfacePtr()); g_SHPtr->EndContext(NULL); break; case MRES_Override: if(dg->returnType != ReturnType_Void) { if(returnStruct->isChanged) { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_OVERRIDE); mres = MRES_OVERRIDE; *vec_result = *(SDKVector *)returnStruct->newResult; } else //Throw an error if no override was set { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->BlamePluginError(dg->plugin_callback, "Tried to override return value without return value being set"); } } break; case MRES_Supercede: if(dg->returnType != ReturnType_Void) { if(returnStruct->isChanged) { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_SUPERCEDE); mres = MRES_SUPERCEDE; *vec_result = *(SDKVector *)returnStruct->newResult; } else //Throw an error if no override was set { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->BlamePluginError(dg->plugin_callback, "Tried to override return value without return value being set"); } } break; default: g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; break; } HandleSecurity sec(dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity()); if(returnStruct) { handlesys->FreeHandle(rHndl, &sec); } if(paramStruct) { handlesys->FreeHandle(pHndl, &sec); } if(dg->returnType == ReturnType_Void || mres <= MRES_HANDLED) { vec_result->x = 0; vec_result->y = 0; vec_result->z = 0; return vec_result; } return vec_result; } #ifndef WIN32 string_t *Callback_stringt(DHooksCallback *dg, void **argStack) { string_t *string_result = (string_t *)argStack[0]; // Save the result HookReturnStruct *returnStruct = NULL; HookParamsStruct *paramStruct = NULL; Handle_t rHndl; Handle_t pHndl; size_t argsize = GetStackArgsSize(dg); if(dg->thisType == ThisPointer_CBaseEntity || dg->thisType == ThisPointer_Address) { dg->plugin_callback->PushCell(GetThisPtr(g_SHPtr->GetIfacePtr(), dg->thisType)); } returnStruct = GetReturnStruct(dg); rHndl = handlesys->CreateHandle(g_HookReturnHandle, returnStruct, dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity(), NULL); if(!rHndl) { dg->plugin_callback->Cancel(); if(returnStruct) { delete returnStruct; } g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); return NULL; } dg->plugin_callback->PushCell(rHndl); if(argsize > 0) { paramStruct = GetParamStruct(dg, argStack, argsize); pHndl = handlesys->CreateHandle(g_HookParamsHandle, paramStruct, dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity(), NULL); if(!pHndl) { dg->plugin_callback->Cancel(); if(returnStruct) { delete returnStruct; } if(paramStruct) { delete paramStruct; } g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); return NULL; } dg->plugin_callback->PushCell(pHndl); } cell_t result = (cell_t)MRES_Ignored; META_RES mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->Execute(&result); void *ret = g_SHPtr->GetOverrideRetPtr(); ret = string_result; switch((MRESReturn)result) { case MRES_Handled: case MRES_ChangedHandled: g_SHPtr->DoRecall(); g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_SUPERCEDE); mres = MRES_SUPERCEDE; *string_result = CallVFunction(dg, paramStruct, g_SHPtr->GetIfacePtr()); g_SHPtr->EndContext(NULL); break; case MRES_ChangedOverride: if(dg->returnType != ReturnType_Void) { if(returnStruct->isChanged) { *string_result = *(string_t *)returnStruct->newResult; } else //Throw an error if no override was set { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->BlamePluginError(dg->plugin_callback, "Tried to override return value without return value being set"); break; } } g_SHPtr->DoRecall(); g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_SUPERCEDE); mres = MRES_SUPERCEDE; CallVFunction(dg, paramStruct, g_SHPtr->GetIfacePtr()); g_SHPtr->EndContext(NULL); break; case MRES_Override: if(dg->returnType != ReturnType_Void) { if(returnStruct->isChanged) { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_OVERRIDE); mres = MRES_OVERRIDE; *string_result = *(string_t *)returnStruct->newResult; } else //Throw an error if no override was set { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->BlamePluginError(dg->plugin_callback, "Tried to override return value without return value being set"); } } break; case MRES_Supercede: if(dg->returnType != ReturnType_Void) { if(returnStruct->isChanged) { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_SUPERCEDE); mres = MRES_SUPERCEDE; *string_result = *(string_t *)returnStruct->newResult; } else //Throw an error if no override was set { g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->BlamePluginError(dg->plugin_callback, "Tried to override return value without return value being set"); } } break; default: g_SHPtr->SetRes(MRES_IGNORED); mres = MRES_IGNORED; break; } HandleSecurity sec(dg->plugin_callback->GetParentRuntime()->GetDefaultContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity()); if(returnStruct) { handlesys->FreeHandle(rHndl, &sec); } if(paramStruct) { handlesys->FreeHandle(pHndl, &sec); } if(dg->returnType == ReturnType_Void || mres <= MRES_HANDLED) { *string_result = NULL_STRING; return string_result; } return string_result; } #endif