#ifndef _INCLUDE_VHOOK_H_ #define _INCLUDE_VHOOK_H_ #include "extension.h" #include #include enum MRESReturn { MRES_ChangedHandled = -2, // Use changed values and return MRES_Handled MRES_ChangedOverride, // Use changed values and return MRES_Override MRES_Ignored, // plugin didn't take any action MRES_Handled, // plugin did something, but real function should still be called MRES_Override, // call real function, but use my return value MRES_Supercede // skip real function; use my return value }; enum HookParamType { HookParamType_Unknown, HookParamType_Int, HookParamType_Bool, HookParamType_Float, HookParamType_String, HookParamType_StringPtr, HookParamType_CharPtr, HookParamType_VectorPtr, HookParamType_CBaseEntity, HookParamType_ObjectPtr, HookParamType_Edict, HookParamType_Object }; enum ReturnType { ReturnType_Unknown, ReturnType_Void, ReturnType_Int, ReturnType_Bool, ReturnType_Float, ReturnType_String, ReturnType_StringPtr, ReturnType_CharPtr, ReturnType_Vector, ReturnType_VectorPtr, ReturnType_CBaseEntity, ReturnType_Edict }; enum ThisPointerType { ThisPointer_Ignore, ThisPointer_CBaseEntity, ThisPointer_Address }; enum HookType { HookType_Entity, HookType_GameRules, HookType_Raw }; struct ParamInfo { HookParamType type; size_t size; unsigned int flag; SourceHook::PassInfo::PassType pass_type; }; class HookReturnStruct { public: ~HookReturnStruct() { free(this->newResult); free(this->orgResult); } public: ReturnType type; bool isChanged; void *orgResult; void *newResult; }; class DHooksInfo { public: CUtlVector params; int offset; unsigned int returnFlag; ReturnType returnType; bool post; IPluginFunction *plugin_callback; int entity; ThisPointerType thisType; HookType hookType; }; class DHooksCallback : public SourceHook::ISHDelegate, public DHooksInfo { public: virtual bool IsEqual(ISHDelegate *pOtherDeleg){return false;}; virtual void DeleteThis() { *(void ***)this = this->oldvtable; g_pSM->GetScriptingEngine()->FreePageMemory(this->newvtable[2]); delete this->newvtable; delete this; }; virtual void Call() {}; public: void **newvtable; void **oldvtable; }; #ifndef __linux__ void *Callback(DHooksCallback *dg, void **stack, size_t *argsizep); //float Callback_float(DHooksCallback *dg, void **stack, size_t *argsizep); #else void *Callback(DHooksCallback *dg, void **stack); float Callback_float(DHooksCallback *dg, void **stack); #endif bool SetupHookManager(ISmmAPI *ismm); void CleanupHooks(IPluginContext *pContext); size_t GetParamTypeSize(HookParamType type); SourceHook::PassInfo::PassType GetParamTypePassType(HookParamType type); #ifdef __linux__ static void *GenerateThunk(ReturnType type) { MacroAssemblerX86 masm; masm.push(ebp); masm.movl(ebp, esp); masm.lea(eax, Operand(ebp, 12)); masm.push(eax); masm.push(Operand(ebp, 8)); /*if(type == ReturnType_Float) masm.call(ExternalAddress((void *)Callback_float)); else*/ masm.call(ExternalAddress((void *)Callback)); masm.addl(esp, 8); masm.pop(ebp); masm.ret(); void *base = g_pSM->GetScriptingEngine()->AllocatePageMemory(masm.length()); masm.emitToExecutableMemory(base); return base; } #else static void *GenerateThunk(ReturnType type) { MacroAssemblerX86 masm; masm.push(ebp); masm.movl(ebp, esp); masm.subl(esp, 4); masm.push(esp); masm.lea(eax, Operand(ebp, 8)); masm.push(eax); masm.push(ecx); //if(type == ReturnType_Float) // masm.call(ExternalAddress(Callback_float)); //else masm.call(ExternalAddress(Callback)); masm.addl(esp, 12); masm.pop(ecx); // grab arg size masm.pop(ebp); // restore ebp masm.pop(edx); // grab return address in edx masm.addl(esp, ecx); // remove arguments masm.jmp(edx); // return to caller void *base = g_pSM->GetScriptingEngine()->AllocatePageMemory(masm.length()); masm.emitToExecutableMemory(base); return base; } #endif static DHooksCallback *MakeHandler(ReturnType type) { DHooksCallback *dg = new DHooksCallback(); dg->returnType = type; dg->oldvtable = *(void ***)dg; dg->newvtable = new void *[3]; dg->newvtable[0] = dg->oldvtable[0]; dg->newvtable[1] = dg->oldvtable[1]; dg->newvtable[2] = GenerateThunk(type); *(void ***)dg = dg->newvtable; return dg; } class HookParamsStruct { public: HookParamsStruct() { this->orgParams = NULL; this->newParams = NULL; this->dg = NULL; this->isChanged = NULL; } ~HookParamsStruct() { if(this->orgParams != NULL) { free(this->orgParams); } if(this->isChanged != NULL) { free(this->isChanged); } if(this->newParams != NULL) { for(int i = dg->params.Count() - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) { if(this->newParams[i] == NULL) continue; if(dg->params.Element(i).type == HookParamType_VectorPtr) { delete (Vector *)this->newParams[i]; } else if(dg->params.Element(i).type == HookParamType_CharPtr) { delete (char *)this->newParams[i]; } } free(this->newParams); } } public: void **orgParams; void **newParams; bool *isChanged; DHooksCallback *dg; }; class HookSetup { public: HookSetup(ReturnType returnType, unsigned int returnFlag, HookType hookType, ThisPointerType thisType, int offset, IPluginFunction *callback) { this->returnType = returnType; this->returnFlag = returnFlag; this->hookType = hookType; this->thisType = thisType; this->offset = offset; this->callback = callback; }; ~HookSetup(){}; public: unsigned int returnFlag; ReturnType returnType; HookType hookType; ThisPointerType thisType; CUtlVector params; int offset; IPluginFunction *callback; }; class DHooksManager { public: DHooksManager(HookSetup *setup, void *iface, IPluginFunction *remove_callback, bool post); ~DHooksManager() { if(this->hookid) { g_SHPtr->RemoveHookByID(this->hookid); if(this->remove_callback) { this->remove_callback->PushCell(this->hookid); this->remove_callback->Execute(NULL); } } } public: int hookid; DHooksCallback *callback; IPluginFunction *remove_callback; }; size_t GetStackArgsSize(DHooksCallback *dg); extern IBinTools *g_pBinTools; extern HandleType_t g_HookParamsHandle; extern HandleType_t g_HookReturnHandle; #endif