* =============================================================================
* DynamicHooks
* Copyright (C) 2015 Robin Gohmert. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
* In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from 
* the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it 
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not 
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a 
* product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be 
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* asm.h/cpp from devmaster.net (thanks cybermind) edited by pRED* to handle gcc
* -fPIC thunks correctly
* Idea and trampoline code taken from DynDetours (thanks your-name-here).


// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================
#include "registers.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <am-vector.h>

// ============================================================================
// >> DataType_t
// ============================================================================
enum DataType_t

typedef struct DataTypeSized_s {
		size = 0;
		custom_register = None;
	DataType_t type;
	size_t size;
	Register_t custom_register;
} DataTypeSized_t;

// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================
Returns the size after applying alignment.

@param <size>:
The size that should be aligned.

@param <alignment>:
The alignment that should be used.
inline int Align(int size, int alignment)
	int unaligned = size % alignment;
	if (unaligned == 0)
		return size;

	return size + (alignment - unaligned);

Returns the size of a data type after applying alignment.

@param <type>:
The data type you would like to get the size of.

@param <alignment>:
The alignment that should be used.
inline int GetDataTypeSize(DataTypeSized_t type, int iAlignment=4)
		case DATA_TYPE_VOID:		return 0;
		case DATA_TYPE_BOOL:		return Align(sizeof(bool),					iAlignment);
		case DATA_TYPE_CHAR:		return Align(sizeof(char),					iAlignment);
		case DATA_TYPE_UCHAR:		return Align(sizeof(unsigned char),			iAlignment);
		case DATA_TYPE_SHORT:		return Align(sizeof(short),					iAlignment);
		case DATA_TYPE_USHORT:		return Align(sizeof(unsigned short),		iAlignment);
		case DATA_TYPE_INT:			return Align(sizeof(int),					iAlignment);
		case DATA_TYPE_UINT:		return Align(sizeof(unsigned int),			iAlignment);
		case DATA_TYPE_LONG:		return Align(sizeof(long),					iAlignment);
		case DATA_TYPE_ULONG:		return Align(sizeof(unsigned long),			iAlignment);
		case DATA_TYPE_LONG_LONG:	return Align(sizeof(long long),				iAlignment);
		case DATA_TYPE_ULONG_LONG:	return Align(sizeof(unsigned long long),	iAlignment);
		case DATA_TYPE_FLOAT:		return Align(sizeof(float),					iAlignment);
		case DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE:		return Align(sizeof(double),				iAlignment);
		case DATA_TYPE_POINTER:		return Align(sizeof(void *),				iAlignment);
		case DATA_TYPE_STRING:		return Align(sizeof(char *),				iAlignment);
		case DATA_TYPE_OBJECT:		return type.size;
		default: puts("Unknown data type.");
	return 0;

// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================
This is the base class for every calling convention. Inherit from this class
to create your own calling convention.
class ICallingConvention
	Initializes the calling convention.

	@param <vecArgTypes>:
	A list of DataType_t objects, which define the arguments of the function.

	@param <returnType>:
	The return type of the function.
	ICallingConvention(ke::Vector<DataTypeSized_t> &vecArgTypes, DataTypeSized_t returnType, int iAlignment=4)
		m_vecArgTypes = ke::Move(vecArgTypes);
		for (size_t i=0; i < m_vecArgTypes.length(); i++)
			DataTypeSized_t &type = m_vecArgTypes[i];
			if (!type.size)
				type.size = GetDataTypeSize(type, iAlignment);
		m_returnType = returnType;
		if (!m_returnType.size)
			m_returnType.size = GetDataTypeSize(m_returnType, iAlignment);
		m_iAlignment = iAlignment;
		m_pSavedReturnBuffer = malloc(m_returnType.size);

	virtual ~ICallingConvention()

	This should return a list of Register_t values. These registers will be
	saved for later access.
	virtual ke::Vector<Register_t> GetRegisters() = 0;

	Returns the number of bytes that should be added to the stack to clean up.
	virtual int GetPopSize() = 0;

	virtual int GetArgStackSize() = 0;
	virtual void** GetStackArgumentPtr(CRegisters* pRegisters) = 0;

	Returns the number of bytes that the buffer to store all the arguments in that are passed in a register.
	virtual int GetArgRegisterSize() = 0;

	Returns a pointer to the argument at the given index.

	@param <iIndex>:
	The index of the argument.

	@param <pRegisters>:
	A snapshot of all saved registers.
	virtual void* GetArgumentPtr(unsigned int iIndex, CRegisters* pRegisters) = 0;

	virtual void ArgumentPtrChanged(unsigned int iIndex, CRegisters* pRegisters, void* pArgumentPtr) = 0;

	Returns a pointer to the return value.

	@param <pRegisters>:
	A snapshot of all saved registers.
	virtual void* GetReturnPtr(CRegisters* pRegisters) = 0;

	virtual void ReturnPtrChanged(CRegisters* pRegisters, void* pReturnPtr) = 0;

	Save the return value in a seperate buffer, so we can restore it after calling the original function.
	virtual void SaveReturnValue(CRegisters* pRegisters)
		memcpy(m_pSavedReturnBuffer, GetReturnPtr(pRegisters), m_returnType.size);

	virtual void RestoreReturnValue(CRegisters* pRegisters)
		memcpy(GetReturnPtr(pRegisters), m_pSavedReturnBuffer, m_returnType.size);
		ReturnPtrChanged(pRegisters, m_pSavedReturnBuffer);

	virtual void SavePostCallRegisters(CRegisters* pRegisters) {}
	virtual void RestorePostCallRegisters(CRegisters* pRegisters)	{}

	ke::Vector<DataTypeSized_t> m_vecArgTypes;
	DataTypeSized_t m_returnType;
	int m_iAlignment;
	// Save the return in case we call the original function and want to override the return again.
	void* m_pSavedReturnBuffer;

#endif // _CONVENTION_H