Document the new natives in the include file
This commit is contained in:
@ -218,13 +218,60 @@ native bool DHookRemoveEntityListener(ListenType type, ListenCB callback);
* @param thistype Type of this pointer or ignore (ignore can be used if not needed)
* @param callback Callback function
* @return Returns setup handle for the hook or INVALID_HANDLE.
* @return Returns setup handle for the hook.
* @error Failed to create hook setup handle.
native Handle DHookCreate(int offset, HookType hooktype, ReturnType returntype, ThisPointerType thistype, DHookCallback callback);
native Handle DHookCreateDetour(Address funcaddr, CallingConvention callConv, ReturnType returntype, ThisPointerType thistype);
* Creates a detour
* @param funcaddr The address of the function to detour.
* Can be Address_Null if you want to load the address from gamedata using DHookSetFromConf.
* @param callConv Calling convention of the function.
* @param returnType Type of the return value.
* @param thisType Type of this pointer or ignore (ignore can be used if not needed)
* @return Setup handle for the detour.
* @error Failed to create detour setup handle.
native Handle DHookCreateDetour(Address funcaddr, CallingConvention callConv, ReturnType returntype, ThisPointerType thisType);
* Load details for a vhook or detour from a gamedata file.
* @param setup Hook setup handle to set the offset or address on.
* @param gameconf GameConfig handle
* @param source Whether to look in Offsets or Signatures.
* @param name Name of the property to find.
* @return True on success, false if nothing was found.
* @error Invalid setup handle.
native bool DHookSetFromConf(Handle setup, Handle gameconf, SDKFuncConfSource source, const char[] name);
* Enable the detour of the function described in the hook setup handle.
* @param setup Hook setup handle
* @param post True to make the hook a post hook. (If you need to change the retunr value or need the return value use a post hook! If you need to change params and return use a pre and post hook!)
* @param callback Callback function
* @return True if detour was enabled, false otherwise.
* @error Hook handle is not setup for a detour.
native bool DHookEnableDetour(Handle setup, bool post, DHookCallback callback);
* Disable the detour of the function described in the hook setup handle.
* @param setup Hook setup handle
* @param post True to disable a post hook.
* @param callback Callback function
* @return True if detour was disabled, false otherwise.
* @error Hook handle is not setup for a detour or function is not detoured.
native bool DHookDisableDetour(Handle setup, bool post, DHookCallback callback);
/* Adds param to a hook setup
@ -233,6 +280,7 @@ native bool DHookDisableDetour(Handle setup, bool post, DHookCallback callback);
* @param type Param type
* @param size Used for Objects (not Object ptr) to define the size of the object.
* @param flag Used to change the pass type.
* @param custom_register The register this argument is passed in instead of the stack.
* @error Invalid setup handle or too many params added (request upping the max in thread)
* @noreturn
@ -244,7 +292,7 @@ native void DHookAddParam(Handle setup, HookParamType type, int size=-1, DHookPa
/* Hook entity
* @param setup Setup handle to use to add the hook.
* @param post True to make the hook a post hook. (If you need to change the retunr value or need the return value use a post hook! If you need to change params and return use a pre and post hook!)
* @param post True to make the hook a post hook. (If you need to change the return value or need the return value use a post hook! If you need to change params and return use a pre and post hook!)
* @param entity Entity index to hook on.
* @param removalcb Callback for when the hook is removed (Entity hooks are auto-removed on entity destroyed and will call this callback)
@ -256,7 +304,7 @@ native int DHookEntity(Handle setup, bool post, int entity, DHookRemovalCB remov
/* Hook gamerules
* @param setup Setup handle to use to add the hook.
* @param post True to make the hook a post hook. (If you need to change the retunr value or need the return value use a post hook! If you need to change params and return use a pre and post hook!)
* @param post True to make the hook a post hook. (If you need to change the return value or need the return value use a post hook! If you need to change params and return use a pre and post hook!)
* @param removalcb Callback for when the hook is removed (Game rules hooks are auto-removed on map end and will call this callback)
* @error Invalid setup handle, failing to get gamerules pointer or invalid hook type.
@ -267,7 +315,7 @@ native int DHookGamerules(Handle setup, bool post, DHookRemovalCB removalcb=INVA
/* Hook a raw pointer
* @param setup Setup handle to use to add the hook.
* @param post True to make the hook a post hook. (If you need to change the retunr value or need the return value use a post hook! If you need to change params and return use a pre and post hook!)
* @param post True to make the hook a post hook. (If you need to change the return value or need the return value use a post hook! If you need to change params and return use a pre and post hook!)
* @param addr This pointer address.
* @param removalcb Callback for when the hook is removed (Entity hooks are auto-removed on entity destroyed and will call this callback)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user