/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod Sample Extension * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or . * * Version: $Id$ */ //#define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CDetour/detours.h" #include "extension.h" ConVar g_SmVoiceAddr("sm_voice_addr", "", FCVAR_PROTECTED, "Voice server listen ip address."); ConVar g_SmVoicePort("sm_voice_port", "27020", FCVAR_PROTECTED, "Voice server listen port.", true, 1025.0, true, 65535.0); /** * @file extension.cpp * @brief Implement extension code here. */ template inline T min(T a, T b) { return anetchan.datagram buffer size (shouldn't ever need to be huge) #define NET_MAX_VOICE_BYTES_FRAME 4000 // = maximum unreliable payload size maybe try 1024 for starters instead of 4096 voice data should never be that big actually I can give you a fool-proof number since I did tests for torchlight the packetsize is hardcoded 64 bytes torchlight sends max 5 frames at once to clients there are 512 frames per packet sample rate 22050 so one packet is 23.2ms anyways, since torchlight only sends 5 packets at once, which is 5*64 = 320 bytes make the limit > 384 (6 * 64) I'm thinking the guy probably just sends a huge packet with max size 4000 or whatever to the server and it puts it in the netchan, which seems to be 4000 max big and then any other data in there overflows it */ DETOUR_DECL_STATIC4(SV_BroadcastVoiceData, void, IClient *, pClient, int, nBytes, char *, data, int64, xuid) { if(g_Interface.OnBroadcastVoiceData(pClient, nBytes, data)) DETOUR_STATIC_CALL(SV_BroadcastVoiceData)(pClient, nBytes, data, xuid); } #ifdef _WIN32 DETOUR_DECL_STATIC2(SV_BroadcastVoiceData_LTCG, void, char *, data, int64, xuid) { IClient *pClient = NULL; int nBytes = 0; __asm mov pClient, ecx; __asm mov nBytes, edx; bool ret = g_Interface.OnBroadcastVoiceData(pClient, nBytes, data); __asm mov ecx, pClient; __asm mov edx, nBytes; if(ret) DETOUR_STATIC_CALL(SV_BroadcastVoiceData_LTCG)(data, xuid); } #endif double getTime() { struct timespec tv; if(clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tv) != 0) return 0; return (tv.tv_sec + (tv.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0)); } void OnGameFrame(bool simulating) { g_Interface.OnGameFrame(simulating); } CVoice::CVoice() { m_ListenSocket = -1; m_PollFds = 0; for(int i = 1; i < 1 + MAX_CLIENTS; i++) m_aPollFds[i].fd = -1; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) m_aClients[i].m_Socket = -1; m_AvailableTime = 0.0; m_pMode = NULL; m_pCodec = NULL; m_VoiceDetour = NULL; m_SV_BroadcastVoiceData = NULL; } bool CVoice::SDK_OnLoad(char *error, size_t maxlength, bool late) { // Setup engine-specific data. Dl_info info; void *engineFactory = (void *)g_SMAPI->GetEngineFactory(false); if(dladdr(engineFactory, &info) == 0) { g_SMAPI->Format(error, maxlength, "dladdr(engineFactory) failed."); return false; } void *pEngineSo = dlopen(info.dli_fname, RTLD_NOW); if(pEngineSo == NULL) { g_SMAPI->Format(error, maxlength, "dlopen(%s) failed.", info.dli_fname); return false; } int engineVersion = g_SMAPI->GetSourceEngineBuild(); void *adrVoiceData = NULL; switch (engineVersion) { case SOURCE_ENGINE_CSGO: #ifdef _WIN32 adrVoiceData = memutils->FindPattern(pEngineSo, "\x55\x8B\xEC\x81\xEC\xD0\x00\x00\x00\x53\x56\x57", 12); #else adrVoiceData = memutils->ResolveSymbol(pEngineSo, "_Z21SV_BroadcastVoiceDataP7IClientiPcx"); #endif break; case SOURCE_ENGINE_LEFT4DEAD2: #ifdef _WIN32 adrVoiceData = memutils->FindPattern(pEngineSo, "\x55\x8B\xEC\x83\xEC\x70\xA1\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x33\xC5\x89\x45\xFC\xA1\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x53\x56", 23); #else adrVoiceData = memutils->ResolveSymbol(pEngineSo, "_Z21SV_BroadcastVoiceDataP7IClientiPcx"); #endif break; case SOURCE_ENGINE_NUCLEARDAWN: #ifdef _WIN32 adrVoiceData = memutils->FindPattern(pEngineSo, "\x55\x8B\xEC\xA1\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x83\xEC\x58\x57\x33\xFF", 14); #else adrVoiceData = memutils->ResolveSymbol(pEngineSo, "_Z21SV_BroadcastVoiceDataP7IClientiPcx"); #endif break; case SOURCE_ENGINE_INSURGENCY: #ifdef _WIN32 adrVoiceData = memutils->FindPattern(pEngineSo, "\x55\x8B\xEC\x83\xEC\x74\x68\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x8D\x4D\xE4\xE8", 15); #else adrVoiceData = memutils->ResolveSymbol(pEngineSo, "_Z21SV_BroadcastVoiceDataP7IClientiPcx"); #endif break; case SOURCE_ENGINE_TF2: case SOURCE_ENGINE_CSS: case SOURCE_ENGINE_HL2DM: case SOURCE_ENGINE_DODS: case SOURCE_ENGINE_SDK2013: #ifdef _WIN32 adrVoiceData = memutils->FindPattern(pEngineSo, "\x55\x8B\xEC\xA1\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x83\xEC\x50\x83\x78\x30", 14); #else adrVoiceData = memutils->ResolveSymbol(pEngineSo, "_Z21SV_BroadcastVoiceDataP7IClientiPcx"); #endif break; default: g_SMAPI->Format(error, maxlength, "Unsupported game."); dlclose(pEngineSo); return false; } dlclose(pEngineSo); m_SV_BroadcastVoiceData = (t_SV_BroadcastVoiceData)adrVoiceData; if(!m_SV_BroadcastVoiceData) { g_SMAPI->Format(error, maxlength, "SV_BroadcastVoiceData sigscan failed."); return false; } // Setup voice detour. CDetourManager::Init(g_pSM->GetScriptingEngine(), NULL); #ifdef _WIN32 if (engineVersion == SOURCE_ENGINE_CSGO || engineVersion == SOURCE_ENGINE_INSURGENCY) { m_VoiceDetour = DETOUR_CREATE_STATIC(SV_BroadcastVoiceData_LTCG, adrVoiceData); } else { m_VoiceDetour = DETOUR_CREATE_STATIC(SV_BroadcastVoiceData, adrVoiceData); } #else m_VoiceDetour = DETOUR_CREATE_STATIC(SV_BroadcastVoiceData, adrVoiceData); #endif if (!m_VoiceDetour) { g_SMAPI->Format(error, maxlength, "SV_BroadcastVoiceData detour failed."); return false; } m_VoiceDetour->EnableDetour(); // Encoder settings m_EncoderSettings.SampleRate_Hz = 22050; m_EncoderSettings.TargetBitRate_Kbps = 64; m_EncoderSettings.FrameSize = 512; // samples m_EncoderSettings.PacketSize = 64; m_EncoderSettings.Complexity = 10; // 0 - 10 m_EncoderSettings.FrameTime = (double)m_EncoderSettings.FrameSize / (double)m_EncoderSettings.SampleRate_Hz; // Init CELT encoder int theError; m_pMode = celt_mode_create(m_EncoderSettings.SampleRate_Hz, m_EncoderSettings.FrameSize, &theError); if(!m_pMode) { g_SMAPI->Format(error, maxlength, "celt_mode_create error: %d", theError); SDK_OnUnload(); return false; } m_pCodec = celt_encoder_create_custom(m_pMode, 1, &theError); if(!m_pCodec) { g_SMAPI->Format(error, maxlength, "celt_encoder_create_custom error: %d", theError); SDK_OnUnload(); return false; } celt_encoder_ctl(m_pCodec, CELT_RESET_STATE_REQUEST, NULL); celt_encoder_ctl(m_pCodec, CELT_SET_BITRATE(m_EncoderSettings.TargetBitRate_Kbps * 1000)); celt_encoder_ctl(m_pCodec, CELT_SET_COMPLEXITY(m_EncoderSettings.Complexity)); return true; } bool CVoice::SDK_OnMetamodLoad(ISmmAPI *ismm, char *error, size_t maxlen, bool late) { GET_V_IFACE_CURRENT(GetEngineFactory, g_pCVar, ICvar, CVAR_INTERFACE_VERSION); gpGlobals = ismm->GetCGlobals(); ConVar_Register(0, this); return true; } bool CVoice::RegisterConCommandBase(ConCommandBase *pVar) { /* Always call META_REGCVAR instead of going through the engine. */ return META_REGCVAR(pVar); } cell_t IsClientTalking(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { int client = params[1]; if(client < 1 || client > SM_MAXPLAYERS) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client index %d is invalid", client); } double d = gpGlobals->curtime - g_fLastVoiceData[client]; if(d < 0) // mapchange return false; if(d > 0.33) return false; return true; } const sp_nativeinfo_t MyNatives[] = { { "IsClientTalking", IsClientTalking }, { NULL, NULL } }; void CVoice::SDK_OnAllLoaded() { sharesys->AddNatives(myself, MyNatives); sharesys->RegisterLibrary(myself, "Voice"); SM_GET_LATE_IFACE(SDKTOOLS, g_pSDKTools); if(g_pSDKTools == NULL) { smutils->LogError(myself, "SDKTools interface not found"); SDK_OnUnload(); return; } iserver = g_pSDKTools->GetIServer(); if(iserver == NULL) { smutils->LogError(myself, "Failed to get IServer interface from SDKTools!"); SDK_OnUnload(); return; } // Init tcp server m_ListenSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(m_ListenSocket < 0) { smutils->LogError(myself, "Failed creating socket."); SDK_OnUnload(); return; } int yes = 1; if(setsockopt(m_ListenSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int)) < 0) { smutils->LogError(myself, "Failed setting SO_REUSEADDR on socket."); SDK_OnUnload(); return; } engine->ServerCommand("exec sourcemod/extension.Voice.cfg\n"); engine->ServerExecute(); sockaddr_in bindAddr; memset(&bindAddr, 0, sizeof(bindAddr)); bindAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; inet_aton(g_SmVoiceAddr.GetString(), &bindAddr.sin_addr); bindAddr.sin_port = htons(g_SmVoicePort.GetInt()); smutils->LogMessage(myself, "Binding to %s:%d!\n", g_SmVoiceAddr.GetString(), g_SmVoicePort.GetInt()); if(bind(m_ListenSocket, (sockaddr *)&bindAddr, sizeof(sockaddr_in)) < 0) { smutils->LogError(myself, "Failed binding to socket (%d '%s').", errno, strerror(errno)); SDK_OnUnload(); return; } if(listen(m_ListenSocket, MAX_CLIENTS) < 0) { smutils->LogError(myself, "Failed listening on socket."); SDK_OnUnload(); return; } m_aPollFds[0].fd = m_ListenSocket; m_aPollFds[0].events = POLLIN; m_PollFds++; smutils->AddGameFrameHook(::OnGameFrame); } void CVoice::SDK_OnUnload() { smutils->RemoveGameFrameHook(::OnGameFrame); if(m_VoiceDetour) { m_VoiceDetour->Destroy(); m_VoiceDetour = NULL; } if(m_ListenSocket != -1) { close(m_ListenSocket); m_ListenSocket = -1; } for(int Client = 0; Client < MAX_CLIENTS; Client++) { if(m_aClients[Client].m_Socket != -1) { close(m_aClients[Client].m_Socket); m_aClients[Client].m_Socket = -1; } } if(m_pCodec) celt_encoder_destroy(m_pCodec); if(m_pMode) celt_mode_destroy(m_pMode); } void CVoice::OnGameFrame(bool simulating) { HandleNetwork(); HandleVoiceData(); // Reset per-client voice byte counter to 0 every frame. memset(g_aFrameVoiceBytes, 0, sizeof(g_aFrameVoiceBytes)); } bool CVoice::OnBroadcastVoiceData(IClient *pClient, int nBytes, char *data) { int client = pClient->GetPlayerSlot() + 1; g_fLastVoiceData[client] = gpGlobals->curtime; // Reject voice packet if we'd send more than NET_MAX_VOICE_BYTES_FRAME voice bytes from this client in the current frame. g_aFrameVoiceBytes[client] += nBytes; if(g_aFrameVoiceBytes[client] > NET_MAX_VOICE_BYTES_FRAME) { if(g_aFrameVoiceBytes[client] > NET_MAX_VOICE_BYTES_FRAME_LOG) { IGamePlayer *pPlayer = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(client); smutils->LogMessage(myself, "%s (%s) voice overflow! %d > %d\n", pPlayer->GetName(), pPlayer->GetSteam2Id(true), g_aFrameVoiceBytes[client], NET_MAX_VOICE_BYTES_FRAME); } return false; } return true; } void CVoice::HandleNetwork() { if(m_ListenSocket == -1) return; int PollRes = poll(m_aPollFds, m_PollFds, 0); if(PollRes <= 0) return; // Accept new clients if(m_aPollFds[0].revents & POLLIN) { // Find slot int Client; for(Client = 0; Client < MAX_CLIENTS; Client++) { if(m_aClients[Client].m_Socket == -1) break; } // no free slot if(Client != MAX_CLIENTS) { sockaddr_in addr; size_t size = sizeof(sockaddr_in); int Socket = accept(m_ListenSocket, (sockaddr *)&addr, &size); m_aClients[Client].m_Socket = Socket; m_aClients[Client].m_BufferWriteIndex = 0; m_aClients[Client].m_LastLength = 0; m_aClients[Client].m_LastValidData = 0.0; m_aClients[Client].m_New = true; m_aPollFds[m_PollFds].fd = Socket; m_aPollFds[m_PollFds].events = POLLIN | POLLHUP; m_aPollFds[m_PollFds].revents = 0; m_PollFds++; //smutils->LogMessage(myself, "Client %d connected!\n", Client); } } bool CompressPollFds = false; for(int PollFds = 1; PollFds < m_PollFds; PollFds++) { int Client = -1; for(Client = 0; Client < MAX_CLIENTS; Client++) { if(m_aClients[Client].m_Socket == m_aPollFds[PollFds].fd) break; } if(Client == -1) continue; CClient *pClient = &m_aClients[Client]; // Connection shutdown prematurely ^C // Make sure to set SO_LINGER l_onoff = 1, l_linger = 0 if(m_aPollFds[PollFds].revents & POLLHUP) { close(pClient->m_Socket); pClient->m_Socket = -1; m_aPollFds[PollFds].fd = -1; CompressPollFds = true; //smutils->LogMessage(myself, "Client %d disconnected!(2)\n", Client); continue; } // Data available? if(!(m_aPollFds[PollFds].revents & POLLIN)) continue; size_t BytesAvailable; if(ioctl(pClient->m_Socket, FIONREAD, &BytesAvailable) == -1) continue; if(pClient->m_New) { pClient->m_BufferWriteIndex = m_Buffer.GetReadIndex(); pClient->m_New = false; } m_Buffer.SetWriteIndex(pClient->m_BufferWriteIndex); // Don't recv() when we can't fit data into the ringbuffer unsigned char aBuf[32768]; if(min(BytesAvailable, sizeof(aBuf)) > m_Buffer.CurrentFree() * sizeof(int16_t)) continue; ssize_t Bytes = recv(pClient->m_Socket, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), 0); if(Bytes <= 0) { close(pClient->m_Socket); pClient->m_Socket = -1; m_aPollFds[PollFds].fd = -1; CompressPollFds = true; smutils->LogMessage(myself, "Client %d disconnected!(1)\n", Client); continue; } // Got data! OnDataReceived(pClient, (int16_t *)aBuf, Bytes / sizeof(int16_t)); pClient->m_LastLength = m_Buffer.CurrentLength(); pClient->m_BufferWriteIndex = m_Buffer.GetWriteIndex(); } if(CompressPollFds) { for(int PollFds = 1; PollFds < m_PollFds; PollFds++) { if(m_aPollFds[PollFds].fd != -1) continue; for(int PollFds_ = PollFds; PollFds_ < 1 + MAX_CLIENTS; PollFds_++) m_aPollFds[PollFds_].fd = m_aPollFds[PollFds_ + 1].fd; PollFds--; m_PollFds--; } } } void CVoice::OnDataReceived(CClient *pClient, int16_t *pData, size_t Samples) { // Check for empty input ssize_t DataStartsAt = -1; for(size_t i = 0; i < Samples; i++) { if(pData[i] == 0) continue; DataStartsAt = i; break; } // Discard empty data if last vaild data was more than a second ago. if(pClient->m_LastValidData + 1.0 < getTime()) { // All empty if(DataStartsAt == -1) return; // Data starts here pData += DataStartsAt; Samples -= DataStartsAt; } if(!m_Buffer.Push(pData, Samples)) { smutils->LogError(myself, "Buffer push failed!!! Samples: %u, Free: %u\n", Samples, m_Buffer.CurrentFree()); return; } pClient->m_LastValidData = getTime(); } void CVoice::HandleVoiceData() { int SamplesPerFrame = m_EncoderSettings.FrameSize; int PacketSize = m_EncoderSettings.PacketSize; int FramesAvailable = m_Buffer.TotalLength() / SamplesPerFrame; float TimeAvailable = (float)m_Buffer.TotalLength() / (float)m_EncoderSettings.SampleRate_Hz; if(!FramesAvailable) return; // Before starting playback we want at least 100ms in the buffer if(m_AvailableTime < getTime() && TimeAvailable < 0.1) return; // let the clients have no more than 500ms if(m_AvailableTime > getTime() + 0.5) return; // 5 = max frames per packet FramesAvailable = min(FramesAvailable, 5); // 0 = SourceTV IClient *pClient = iserver->GetClient(0); if(!pClient) return; for(int Frame = 0; Frame < FramesAvailable; Frame++) { // Get data into buffer from ringbuffer. int16_t aBuffer[SamplesPerFrame]; size_t OldReadIdx = m_Buffer.m_ReadIndex; size_t OldCurLength = m_Buffer.CurrentLength(); size_t OldTotalLength = m_Buffer.TotalLength(); if(!m_Buffer.Pop(aBuffer, SamplesPerFrame)) { printf("Buffer pop failed!!! Samples: %u, Length: %u\n", SamplesPerFrame, m_Buffer.TotalLength()); return; } // Encode it! unsigned char aFinal[PacketSize]; size_t FinalSize = 0; FinalSize = celt_encode(m_pCodec, aBuffer, SamplesPerFrame, aFinal, sizeof(aFinal)); if(FinalSize <= 0) { smutils->LogError(myself, "Compress returned %d\n", FinalSize); return; } // Check for buffer underruns for(int Client = 0; Client < MAX_CLIENTS; Client++) { CClient *pClient = &m_aClients[Client]; if(pClient->m_Socket == -1 || pClient->m_New == true) continue; m_Buffer.SetWriteIndex(pClient->m_BufferWriteIndex); if(m_Buffer.CurrentLength() > pClient->m_LastLength) { pClient->m_BufferWriteIndex = m_Buffer.GetReadIndex(); m_Buffer.SetWriteIndex(pClient->m_BufferWriteIndex); pClient->m_LastLength = m_Buffer.CurrentLength(); } } BroadcastVoiceData(pClient, FinalSize, aFinal); } if(m_AvailableTime < getTime()) m_AvailableTime = getTime(); m_AvailableTime += (double)FramesAvailable * m_EncoderSettings.FrameTime; } void CVoice::BroadcastVoiceData(IClient *pClient, int nBytes, unsigned char *pData) { #ifdef _WIN32 __asm mov ecx, pClient; __asm mov edx, nBytes; DETOUR_STATIC_CALL(SV_BroadcastVoiceData_LTCG)((char *)pData, 0); #else DETOUR_STATIC_CALL(SV_BroadcastVoiceData)(pClient, nBytes, (char *)pData, 0); #endif }