/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod PhysHooks Extension * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or . * * Version: $Id$ */ #include "extension.h" #include "CDetour/detours.h" #include #include #include #include #define SetBit(A,I) ((A)[(I) >> 5] |= (1 << ((I) & 31))) #define ClearBit(A,I) ((A)[(I) >> 5] &= ~(1 << ((I) & 31))) #define CheckBit(A,I) !!((A)[(I) >> 5] & (1 << ((I) & 31))) class CTriggerMoved : public IPartitionEnumerator { public: virtual IterationRetval_t EnumElement( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ) = 0; }; class CTouchLinks : public IPartitionEnumerator { public: virtual IterationRetval_t EnumElement( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ) = 0; }; /** * @file extension.cpp * @brief Implement extension code here. */ PhysHooks g_Interface; /**< Global singleton for extension's main interface */ SMEXT_LINK(&g_Interface); CGlobalVars *gpGlobals = NULL; IGameConfig *g_pGameConf = NULL; CDetour *g_pDetour_RunThinkFunctions = NULL; CDetour *g_pDetour_SimThink_ListCopy = NULL; IForward *g_pOnRunThinkFunctions = NULL; IForward *g_pOnPrePlayerThinkFunctions = NULL; IForward *g_pOnPostPlayerThinkFunctions = NULL; IForward *g_pOnRunThinkFunctionsPost = NULL; int g_SH_TriggerMoved = 0; int g_SH_TouchLinks = 0; int g_iMaxPlayers = 0; CTriggerMoved *g_CTriggerMoved = NULL; CTouchLinks *g_CTouchLinks = NULL; DETOUR_DECL_STATIC1(DETOUR_RunThinkFunctions, void, bool, simulating) { if(g_pOnRunThinkFunctions->GetFunctionCount()) { g_pOnRunThinkFunctions->PushCell(simulating); g_pOnRunThinkFunctions->Execute(); } if(g_pOnPrePlayerThinkFunctions->GetFunctionCount()) { g_pOnPrePlayerThinkFunctions->Execute(); } DETOUR_STATIC_CALL(DETOUR_RunThinkFunctions)(simulating); if(g_pOnRunThinkFunctionsPost->GetFunctionCount()) { g_pOnRunThinkFunctionsPost->PushCell(simulating); g_pOnRunThinkFunctionsPost->Execute(); } } void (*g_pPhysics_SimulateEntity)(CBaseEntity *pEntity) = NULL; void Physics_SimulateEntity_CustomLoop(CBaseEntity **ppList, int Count, float Startime) { CUtlVectorFixed apPlayers; // Remove players from list and put into apPlayers for(int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = ppList[i]; if(!pEntity) continue; edict_t *pEdict = gamehelpers->EdictOfIndex(gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef(pEntity)); if(!pEdict) continue; int Entity = gamehelpers->IndexOfEdict(pEdict); if(Entity >= 1 && Entity <= g_iMaxPlayers) { apPlayers.AddToTail(pEntity); ppList[i] = NULL; } } // Shuffle players array apPlayers.Shuffle(); // Simulate players first FOR_EACH_VEC(apPlayers, i) { gpGlobals->curtime = Startime; g_pPhysics_SimulateEntity(apPlayers[i]); } // Post Player simulation done if(g_pOnPostPlayerThinkFunctions->GetFunctionCount()) { gpGlobals->curtime = Startime; g_pOnPostPlayerThinkFunctions->Execute(); } // Now simulate the rest for(int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = ppList[i]; if(!pEntity) continue; gpGlobals->curtime = Startime; g_pPhysics_SimulateEntity(pEntity); } } DETOUR_DECL_STATIC2(DETOUR_SimThink_ListCopy, int, CBaseEntity **, ppList, int, listMax) { int count = DETOUR_STATIC_CALL(DETOUR_SimThink_ListCopy)(ppList, listMax); Physics_SimulateEntity_CustomLoop(ppList, count, gpGlobals->curtime); return 0; } int g_TriggerEntityMoved; int *g_pBlockTriggerTouchPlayers = NULL; int *g_pBlockTriggerMoved = NULL; // void IVEngineServer::TriggerMoved( edict_t *pTriggerEnt, bool testSurroundingBoundsOnly ) = 0; SH_DECL_HOOK2_void(IVEngineServer, TriggerMoved, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, edict_t *, bool); void TriggerMoved(edict_t *pTriggerEnt, bool testSurroundingBoundsOnly) { g_TriggerEntityMoved = gamehelpers->IndexOfEdict(pTriggerEnt); // Block if bit is set if(g_pBlockTriggerMoved && CheckBit(g_pBlockTriggerMoved, g_TriggerEntityMoved)) { RETURN_META(MRES_SUPERCEDE); } // Decide per entity in TriggerMoved_EnumElement RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } // IterationRetval_t CTriggerMoved::EnumElement( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ) = 0; SH_DECL_HOOK1(CTriggerMoved, EnumElement, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, IterationRetval_t, IHandleEntity *); IterationRetval_t TriggerMoved_EnumElement(IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity) { if(!g_pBlockTriggerTouchPlayers) { RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, ITERATION_CONTINUE); } IServerUnknown *pUnk = static_cast< IServerUnknown* >( pHandleEntity ); CBaseHandle hndl = pUnk->GetRefEHandle(); int index = hndl.GetEntryIndex(); // We only care about players if(index > g_iMaxPlayers) { RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, ITERATION_CONTINUE); } // block touching any clients here if bit is set if(CheckBit(g_pBlockTriggerTouchPlayers, g_TriggerEntityMoved)) { RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_SUPERCEDE, ITERATION_CONTINUE); } // allow touch RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, ITERATION_CONTINUE); } cell_t BlockTriggerMoved(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { if(params[2]) pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[1], &g_pBlockTriggerMoved); else g_pBlockTriggerMoved = NULL; return 0; } cell_t BlockTriggerTouchPlayers(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { if(params[2]) pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[1], &g_pBlockTriggerTouchPlayers); else g_pBlockTriggerTouchPlayers = NULL; return 0; } int g_SolidEntityMoved; int *g_pBlockSolidMoved = NULL; int *g_pBlockSolidTouchPlayers = NULL; int *g_pFilterClientSolidTouch = NULL; // void IVEngineServer::SolidMoved( edict_t *pSolidEnt, ICollideable *pSolidCollide, const Vector* pPrevAbsOrigin, bool testSurroundingBoundsOnly ) = 0; SH_DECL_HOOK4_void(IVEngineServer, SolidMoved, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, edict_t *, ICollideable *, const Vector *, bool); void SolidMoved(edict_t *pSolidEnt, ICollideable *pSolidCollide, const Vector *pPrevAbsOrigin, bool testSurroundingBoundsOnly) { g_SolidEntityMoved = gamehelpers->IndexOfEdict(pSolidEnt); // Block if bit is set if(g_pBlockSolidMoved && CheckBit(g_pBlockSolidMoved, g_SolidEntityMoved)) { RETURN_META(MRES_SUPERCEDE); } // Decide per entity in TouchLinks_EnumElement RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } // IterationRetval_t CTouchLinks::EnumElement( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ) = 0; SH_DECL_HOOK1(CTouchLinks, EnumElement, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, IterationRetval_t, IHandleEntity *); IterationRetval_t TouchLinks_EnumElement(IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity) { IServerUnknown *pUnk = static_cast< IServerUnknown* >( pHandleEntity ); CBaseHandle hndl = pUnk->GetRefEHandle(); int index = hndl.GetEntryIndex(); // Optimization: Players shouldn't touch other players if(g_SolidEntityMoved <= g_iMaxPlayers && index <= g_iMaxPlayers) { RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_SUPERCEDE, ITERATION_CONTINUE); } // block solid from touching any clients here if bit is set if(g_pBlockSolidTouchPlayers && index <= g_iMaxPlayers && CheckBit(g_pBlockSolidTouchPlayers, g_SolidEntityMoved)) { RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_SUPERCEDE, ITERATION_CONTINUE); } // Block player from touching any filtered entity here if bit is set if(g_pFilterClientSolidTouch && index < 2048 && CheckBit(g_pFilterClientSolidTouch, g_SolidEntityMoved * 2048 + index)) { RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_SUPERCEDE, ITERATION_CONTINUE); } // Allow otherwise RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, ITERATION_CONTINUE); } cell_t BlockSolidMoved(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { if(params[2]) pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[1], &g_pBlockSolidMoved); else g_pBlockSolidMoved = NULL; return 0; } cell_t BlockSolidTouchPlayers(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { if(params[2]) pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[1], &g_pBlockSolidTouchPlayers); else g_pBlockSolidTouchPlayers = NULL; return 0; } cell_t FilterClientSolidTouch(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { if(params[2]) pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[1], &g_pFilterClientSolidTouch); else g_pFilterClientSolidTouch = NULL; return 0; } bool PhysHooks::SDK_OnLoad(char *error, size_t maxlength, bool late) { srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); g_iMaxPlayers = playerhelpers->GetMaxClients(); char conf_error[255] = ""; if(!gameconfs->LoadGameConfigFile("PhysHooks.games", &g_pGameConf, conf_error, sizeof(conf_error))) { if(conf_error[0]) snprintf(error, maxlength, "Could not read PhysHooks.games.txt: %s", conf_error); return false; } CDetourManager::Init(g_pSM->GetScriptingEngine(), g_pGameConf); g_pDetour_RunThinkFunctions = DETOUR_CREATE_STATIC(DETOUR_RunThinkFunctions, "Physics_RunThinkFunctions"); if(g_pDetour_RunThinkFunctions == NULL) { snprintf(error, maxlength, "Could not create detour for Physics_RunThinkFunctions"); SDK_OnUnload(); return false; } g_pDetour_RunThinkFunctions->EnableDetour(); g_pDetour_SimThink_ListCopy = DETOUR_CREATE_STATIC(DETOUR_SimThink_ListCopy, "SimThink_ListCopy"); if (g_pDetour_SimThink_ListCopy == NULL) { snprintf(error, maxlength, "Could not create detour for SimThink_ListCopy"); SDK_OnUnload(); return false; } g_pDetour_SimThink_ListCopy->EnableDetour(); // Find VTable for CTriggerMoved uintptr_t pCTriggerMoved; if(!g_pGameConf->GetMemSig("CTriggerMoved", (void **)(&pCTriggerMoved)) || !pCTriggerMoved) { snprintf(error, maxlength, "Failed to find CTriggerMoved.\n"); SDK_OnUnload(); return false; } // Find VTable for CTouchLinks uintptr_t pCTouchLinks; if(!g_pGameConf->GetMemSig("CTouchLinks", (void **)(&pCTouchLinks)) || !pCTouchLinks) { snprintf(error, maxlength, "Failed to find CTouchLinks.\n"); SDK_OnUnload(); return false; } // First function in VTable g_CTriggerMoved = (CTriggerMoved *)(pCTriggerMoved + 8); g_CTouchLinks = (CTouchLinks *)(pCTouchLinks + 8); g_SH_TriggerMoved = SH_ADD_DVPHOOK(CTriggerMoved, EnumElement, g_CTriggerMoved, SH_STATIC(TriggerMoved_EnumElement), false); g_SH_TouchLinks = SH_ADD_DVPHOOK(CTouchLinks, EnumElement, g_CTouchLinks, SH_STATIC(TouchLinks_EnumElement), false); SH_ADD_HOOK(IVEngineServer, TriggerMoved, engine, SH_STATIC(TriggerMoved), false); SH_ADD_HOOK(IVEngineServer, SolidMoved, engine, SH_STATIC(SolidMoved), false); if(!g_pGameConf->GetMemSig("Physics_SimulateEntity", (void **)(&g_pPhysics_SimulateEntity)) || !g_pPhysics_SimulateEntity) { snprintf(error, maxlength, "Failed to find Physics_SimulateEntity.\n"); SDK_OnUnload(); return false; } g_pOnRunThinkFunctions = forwards->CreateForward("OnRunThinkFunctions", ET_Ignore, 1, NULL, Param_Cell); g_pOnPrePlayerThinkFunctions = forwards->CreateForward("OnPrePlayerThinkFunctions", ET_Ignore, 0, NULL); g_pOnPostPlayerThinkFunctions = forwards->CreateForward("OnPostPlayerThinkFunctions", ET_Ignore, 0, NULL); g_pOnRunThinkFunctionsPost = forwards->CreateForward("OnRunThinkFunctionsPost", ET_Ignore, 1, NULL, Param_Cell); return true; } const sp_nativeinfo_t MyNatives[] = { { "BlockTriggerMoved", BlockTriggerMoved }, { "BlockTriggerTouchPlayers", BlockTriggerTouchPlayers }, { "BlockSolidMoved", BlockSolidMoved }, { "BlockSolidTouchPlayers", BlockSolidTouchPlayers }, { "FilterClientSolidTouch", FilterClientSolidTouch }, { NULL, NULL } }; void PhysHooks::SDK_OnAllLoaded() { sharesys->AddNatives(myself, MyNatives); sharesys->RegisterLibrary(myself, "PhysHooks"); } void PhysHooks::SDK_OnUnload() { if(g_pDetour_RunThinkFunctions != NULL) { g_pDetour_RunThinkFunctions->Destroy(); g_pDetour_RunThinkFunctions = NULL; } if (g_pDetour_SimThink_ListCopy != NULL) { g_pDetour_SimThink_ListCopy->Destroy(); g_pDetour_SimThink_ListCopy = NULL; } if(g_pOnRunThinkFunctions != NULL) { forwards->ReleaseForward(g_pOnRunThinkFunctions); g_pOnRunThinkFunctions = NULL; } if(g_pOnRunThinkFunctionsPost != NULL) { forwards->ReleaseForward(g_pOnRunThinkFunctionsPost); g_pOnRunThinkFunctionsPost = NULL; } if(g_pOnPrePlayerThinkFunctions != NULL) { forwards->ReleaseForward(g_pOnPrePlayerThinkFunctions); g_pOnPrePlayerThinkFunctions = NULL; } if(g_pOnPostPlayerThinkFunctions != NULL) { forwards->ReleaseForward(g_pOnPostPlayerThinkFunctions); g_pOnPostPlayerThinkFunctions = NULL; } if(g_SH_TriggerMoved) SH_REMOVE_HOOK_ID(g_SH_TriggerMoved); if(g_SH_TouchLinks) SH_REMOVE_HOOK_ID(g_SH_TouchLinks); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IVEngineServer, TriggerMoved, engine, SH_STATIC(TriggerMoved), false); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IVEngineServer, SolidMoved, engine, SH_STATIC(SolidMoved), false); gameconfs->CloseGameConfigFile(g_pGameConf); } bool PhysHooks::SDK_OnMetamodLoad(ISmmAPI *ismm, char *error, size_t maxlen, bool late) { GET_V_IFACE_CURRENT(GetEngineFactory, engine, IVEngineServer, INTERFACEVERSION_VENGINESERVER); gpGlobals = ismm->GetCGlobals(); return true; }