930 lines
36 KiB
Executable File
930 lines
36 KiB
Executable File
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
import os
import sys
import logging
import math
from .Utils import Utils, DataHolder
import traceback
class BaseCommand():
Order = 0
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Logger = logging.getLogger(__class__.__name__)
self.Torchlight = torchlight
self.Triggers = []
self.Level = 0
def check_chat_cooldown(self, player):
if player.ChatCooldown > self.Torchlight().Master.Loop.time():
cooldown = player.ChatCooldown - self.Torchlight().Master.Loop.time()
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, "You're on cooldown for the next {0:.1f} seconds.".format(cooldown))
return True
def check_disabled(self, player):
Level = 0
if player.Access:
Level = player.Access["level"]
Disabled = self.Torchlight().Disabled
if Disabled and (Disabled > Level or Disabled == Level and Level < self.Torchlight().Config["AntiSpam"]["ImmunityLevel"]):
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, "Torchlight is currently disabled!")
return True
async def _func(self, message, player):
class URLFilter(BaseCommand):
Order = 1
import re
import aiohttp
import magic
import datetime
import json
import io
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from PIL import Image
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = [self.re.compile(r'''(?i)\b((?:https?://|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))''', self.re.IGNORECASE)]
self.Level = -1
self.re_youtube = self.re.compile(r'.*?(?:youtube\.com\/\S*(?:(?:\/e(?:mbed))?\/|watch\?(?:\S*?&?v\=))|youtu\.be\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{6,11}).*?')
async def URLInfo(self, url, yt = False):
Text = None
Info = None
match = self.re_youtube.search(url)
if match or yt:
Temp = DataHolder()
Time = None
if Temp(url.find("&t=")) != -1 or Temp(url.find("?t=")) != -1 or Temp(url.find("#t=")) != -1:
TimeStr = url[Temp.value + 3:].split('&')[0].split('?')[0].split('#')[0]
if TimeStr:
Time = Utils.ParseTime(TimeStr)
Proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec("yt-dlp", "--dump-json", "--username", "oauth2", "--password", "''", "-g", url,
stdout = asyncio.subprocess.PIPE)
Out, _ = await Proc.communicate()
parts = Out.split(b'\n')
parts.pop() # trailing new line
Info = parts.pop()
url = parts.pop()
url = url.strip().decode("ascii")
Info = self.json.loads(Info)
if Info["extractor_key"] == "Youtube":
self.Torchlight().SayChat("\x07E52D27[YouTube]\x01 {0} | {1} | {2:,}".format(
Info["title"], str(self.datetime.timedelta(seconds = Info["duration"])), int(Info["view_count"])))
match = None
if Time:
url += "#t={0}".format(Time)
async with self.aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
Response = await asyncio.wait_for(session.get(url), 5)
if Response:
ContentType = Response.headers.get("Content-Type")
ContentLength = Response.headers.get("Content-Length")
Content = await asyncio.wait_for(Response.content.read(65536), 5)
if not ContentLength:
ContentLength = -1
if ContentType.startswith("text"):
if ContentType.startswith("text/plain"):
Text = Content.decode("utf-8", errors = "ignore")
Soup = self.BeautifulSoup(Content.decode("utf-8", errors = "ignore"), "lxml")
if Soup.title:
self.Torchlight().SayChat("[URL] {0}".format(Soup.title.string))
elif ContentType.startswith("image"):
fp = self.io.BytesIO(Content)
im = self.Image.open(fp)
self.Torchlight().SayChat("[IMAGE] {0} | Width: {1} | Height: {2} | Size: {3}".format(im.format, im.size[0], im.size[1], Utils.HumanSize(ContentLength)))
Filetype = self.magic.from_buffer(bytes(Content))
self.Torchlight().SayChat("[FILE] {0} | Size: {1}".format(Filetype, Utils.HumanSize(ContentLength)))
except Exception as e:
self.Torchlight().SayChat("Error: {0}".format(str(e)))
self.Torchlight().LastUrl = url
return url, Text
async def _rfunc(self, line, match, player):
Url = match.groups()[0]
if not Url.startswith("http") and not Url.startswith("ftp"):
Url = "http://" + Url
if line.startswith("!yt "):
URL, _ = await self.URLInfo(Url, True)
return "!yt " + URL
if line.startswith("!dec "):
_, text = await self.URLInfo(Url, False)
if text:
return "!dec " + text
return -1
def FormatAccess(Torchlight, player):
Answer = "#{0} \"{1}\"({2}) is ".format(player.UserID, player.Name, player.UniqueID)
Level = str(0)
if player.Access:
Level = str(player.Access["level"])
Answer += "level {0!s} as {1}.".format(Level, player.Access["name"])
Answer += "not authenticated."
if Level in Torchlight().Config["AudioLimits"]:
Uses = Torchlight().Config["AudioLimits"][Level]["Uses"]
TotalTime = Torchlight().Config["AudioLimits"][Level]["TotalTime"]
if Uses >= 0:
Answer += " Uses: {0}/{1}".format(player.Storage["Audio"]["Uses"], Uses)
if TotalTime >= 0:
Answer += " Time: {0}/{1}".format(round(player.Storage["Audio"]["TimeUsed"], 2), round(TotalTime, 2))
return Answer
class Access(BaseCommand):
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = ["!access"]
self.Level = 0
async def _func(self, message, player):
self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(message))
if self.check_chat_cooldown(player):
return -1
Count = 0
if message[0] == "!access":
if message[1]:
return -1
self.Torchlight().SayChat(FormatAccess(self.Torchlight, player), player)
return 0
class Who(BaseCommand):
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = ["!who", "!whois"]
self.Level = 1
async def _func(self, message, player):
self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(message))
Count = 0
if message[0] == "!who":
for Player in self.Torchlight().Players:
if Player.Name.lower().find(message[1].lower()) != -1:
self.Torchlight().SayChat(FormatAccess(self.Torchlight, Player))
Count += 1
if Count >= 3:
elif message[0] == "!whois":
for UniqueID, Access in self.Torchlight().Access:
if Access["name"].lower().find(message[1].lower()) != -1:
Player = self.Torchlight().Players.FindUniqueID(UniqueID)
if Player:
self.Torchlight().SayChat(FormatAccess(self.Torchlight, Player))
self.Torchlight().SayChat("#? \"{0}\"({1}) is level {2!s} is currently offline.".format(Access["name"], UniqueID, Access["level"]))
Count += 1
if Count >= 3:
return 0
class WolframAlpha(BaseCommand):
import urllib.parse
import aiohttp
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
import re
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = ["!cc"]
self.Level = 10
def Clean(self, Text):
return self.re.sub("[ ]{2,}", " ", Text.replace(' | ', ': ').replace('\n', ' | ').replace('~~', ' ≈ ')).strip()
async def Calculate(self, Params, player):
async with self.aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
Response = await asyncio.wait_for(session.get("http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query", params=Params), 10)
if not Response:
return 1
Data = await asyncio.wait_for(Response.text(), 5)
if not Data:
return 2
Root = self.etree.fromstring(Data)
# Find all pods with plaintext answers
# Filter out None -answers, strip strings and filter out the empty ones
Pods = list(filter(None, [p.text.strip() for p in Root.findall('.//subpod/plaintext') if p is not None and p.text is not None]))
# no answer pods found, check if there are didyoumeans-elements
if not Pods:
Didyoumeans = Root.find("didyoumeans")
# no support for future stuff yet, TODO?
if not Didyoumeans:
# If there's no pods, the question clearly wasn't understood
self.Torchlight().SayChat("Sorry, couldn't understand the question.", player)
return 3
Options = []
for Didyoumean in Didyoumeans:
Line = " or ".join(Options)
Line = "Did you mean {0}?".format(Line)
self.Torchlight().SayChat(Line, player)
return 0
# If there's only one pod with text, it's probably the answer
# example: "integral x²"
if len(Pods) == 1:
Answer = self.Clean(Pods[0])
self.Torchlight().SayChat(Answer, player)
return 0
# If there's multiple pods, first is the question interpretation
Question = self.Clean(Pods[0].replace(' | ', ' ').replace('\n', ' '))
# and second is the best answer
Answer = self.Clean(Pods[1])
self.Torchlight().SayChat("{0} = {1}".format(Question, Answer), player)
return 0
async def _func(self, message, player):
self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(message))
if self.check_chat_cooldown(player):
return -1
if self.check_disabled(player):
return -1
Params = dict({"input": message[1], "appid": self.Torchlight().Config["WolframAPIKey"]})
Ret = await self.Calculate(Params, player)
return Ret
class UrbanDictionary(BaseCommand):
import aiohttp
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = ["!define", "!ud"]
self.Level = 10
async def _func(self, message, player):
self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(message))
if self.check_chat_cooldown(player):
return -1
if self.check_disabled(player):
return -1
async with self.aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
Response = await asyncio.wait_for(session.get("https://api.urbandictionary.com/v0/define?term={0}".format(message[1])), 5)
if not Response:
return 1
Data = await asyncio.wait_for(Response.json(), 5)
if not Data:
return 3
if not 'list' in Data or not Data["list"]:
self.Torchlight().SayChat("[UB] No definition found for: {}".format(message[1]), player)
return 4
def print_item(item):
self.Torchlight().SayChat("[UD] {word} ({thumbs_up}/{thumbs_down}): {definition}\n{example}".format(**item), player)
class OpenWeather(BaseCommand):
import aiohttp
import geoip2.database
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.GeoIP = self.geoip2.database.Reader("/var/lib/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb")
self.Triggers = ["!w", "!vv"]
self.Level = 10
async def _func(self, message, player):
self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(message))
if self.check_chat_cooldown(player):
return -1
if self.check_disabled(player):
return -1
if not message[1]:
# Use GeoIP location
info = self.GeoIP.city(player.Address.split(":")[0])
Search = "lat={}&lon={}".format(info.location.latitude, info.location.longitude)
Search = "q={}".format(message[1])
async with self.aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
Response = await asyncio.wait_for(session.get("https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?APPID={0}&units=metric&{1}".format(
self.Torchlight().Config["OpenWeatherAPIKey"], Search)), 5)
if not Response:
return 2
Data = await asyncio.wait_for(Response.json(), 5)
if not Data:
return 3
if Data["cod"] != 200:
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, "[OW] {0}".format(Data["message"]))
return 5
degToCardinal = lambda d: ["N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW"][int(((d + 22.5)/45.0) % 8)]
if "deg" in Data["wind"]:
windDir = degToCardinal(Data["wind"]["deg"])
windDir = "?"
timezone = "{}{}".format('+' if Data["timezone"] > 0 else '', int(Data["timezone"] / 3600))
if Data["timezone"] % 3600 != 0:
timezone += ":{}".format((Data["timezone"] % 3600) / 60)
self.Torchlight().SayChat("[{}, {}](UTC{}) {}°C ({}/{}) {}: {} | Wind {} {}kph | Clouds: {}%% | Humidity: {}%%".format(Data["name"], Data["sys"]["country"], timezone,
Data["main"]["temp"], Data["main"]["temp_min"], Data["main"]["temp_max"], Data["weather"][0]["main"], Data["weather"][0]["description"],
windDir, Data["wind"]["speed"], Data["clouds"]["all"], Data["main"]["humidity"]), player)
return 0
class WUnderground(BaseCommand):
import aiohttp
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = ["!w"]
self.Level = 0
async def _func(self, message, player):
if not message[1]:
# Use IP address
Search = "autoip"
Additional = "?geo_ip={0}".format(player.Address.split(":")[0])
async with self.aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
Response = await asyncio.wait_for(session.get("http://autocomplete.wunderground.com/aq?format=JSON&query={0}".format(message[1])), 5)
if not Response:
return 2
Data = await asyncio.wait_for(Response.json(), 5)
if not Data:
return 3
if not Data["RESULTS"]:
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, "[WU] No cities match your search query.")
return 4
Search = Data["RESULTS"][0]["name"]
Additional = ""
async with self.aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
Response = await asyncio.wait_for(session.get("http://api.wunderground.com/api/{0}/conditions/q/{1}.json{2}".format(
self.Torchlight().Config["WundergroundAPIKey"], Search, Additional)), 5)
if not Response:
return 2
Data = await asyncio.wait_for(Response.json(), 5)
if not Data:
return 3
if "error" in Data["response"]:
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, "[WU] {0}.".format(Data["response"]["error"]["description"]))
return 5
if not "current_observation" in Data:
Choices = str()
NumResults = len(Data["response"]["results"])
for i, Result in enumerate(Data["response"]["results"]):
Choices += "{0}, {1}".format(Result["city"],
Result["state"] if Result["state"] else Result ["country_iso3166"])
if i < NumResults - 1:
Choices += " | "
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, "[WU] Did you mean: {0}".format(Choices))
return 6
Observation = Data["current_observation"]
self.Torchlight().SayChat("[{0}, {1}] {2}°C ({3}F) {4} | Wind {5} {6}kph ({7}mph) | Humidity: {8}".format(Observation["display_location"]["city"],
Observation["display_location"]["state"] if Observation["display_location"]["state"] else Observation["display_location"]["country_iso3166"],
Observation["temp_c"], Observation["temp_f"], Observation["weather"],
Observation["wind_dir"], Observation["wind_kph"], Observation["wind_mph"],
return 0
class VoteDisable(BaseCommand):
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = ["!votedisable", "!disablevote"]
self.Level = 0
async def _func(self, message, player):
self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(message))
if self.Torchlight().Disabled:
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, "Torchlight is already disabled for the duration of this map.")
have = len(self.Torchlight().DisableVotes)
needed = len(self.Torchlight().Players) // 5
if have >= needed:
self.Torchlight().SayChat("Torchlight has been disabled for the duration of this map.")
self.Torchlight().Disabled = 6
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, "Torchlight needs {0} more disable votes to be disabled.".format(needed - have))
class VoiceCommands(BaseCommand):
import json
import random
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = ["!random", "!search"]
self.Level = 0
def LoadTriggers(self):
with open("triggers.json", "r") as fp:
Triggers = self.json.load(fp)
except ValueError as e:
self.Logger.error(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(e))
self.VoiceTriggers = dict()
for Line in Triggers:
for Trigger in Line["names"]:
self.VoiceTriggers[Trigger] = Line["sound"]
def _setup(self):
for Trigger in self.VoiceTriggers.keys():
async def _func(self, message, player):
self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(message))
if self.check_disabled(player):
return -1
Level = 0
if player.Access:
Level = player.Access["level"]
message[0] = message[0].lower()
message[1] = message[1].lower()
if message[0][0] != '!' and Level < 2:
return 1
if message[0] == "!search":
res = []
for key in self.VoiceTriggers.keys():
if message[1] in key.lower():
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, "{} results: {}".format(len(res), ", ".join(res)))
return 0
elif Level < 2:
return 0
rubberband = []
for msg in message[1].split(" "): #checking if pitch= or tempo= is specified
if "tempo=" in msg:
tempo = float(msg.split("tempo=",1)[1])
if tempo < 0.0:
tempo = 0.01
if tempo > 20:
tempo = 20
elif "pitch=" in msg:
pitch = float(msg.split("pitch=",1)[1])
if pitch < 0.0:
pitch = 0.1
if pitch > 99:
pitch = 99
except Exception:
if message[0] == "!random":
Trigger = self.random.choice(list(self.VoiceTriggers.values()))
if isinstance(Trigger, list):
Sound = self.random.choice(Trigger)
Sound = Trigger
Sounds = self.VoiceTriggers[message[0]]
Num = int(message[1].split(" ")[0])
except ValueError:
Num = None
if isinstance(Sounds, list):
if Num and Num > 0 and Num <= len(Sounds):
Sound = Sounds[Num - 1]
elif message[1] and message[1][0].isdigit(): #first character is digit, so its not pitch or tempo
searching = message[1].startswith('?')
search = message[1][1:] if searching else message[1].split(" ")[0]
Sound = None
names = []
matches = []
for sound in Sounds:
name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sound))[0]
if search and search in name.lower():
matches.append((name, sound))
if matches:
matches.sort(key=lambda t: len(t[0]))
mlist = [t[0] for t in matches]
if searching:
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, "{} results: {}".format(len(mlist), ", ".join(mlist)))
return 0
Sound = matches[0][1]
if len(matches) > 1:
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, "Multiple matches: {}".format(", ".join(mlist)))
if not Sound and not Num:
if not searching:
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, "Couldn't find {} in list of sounds.".format(message[1]))
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, ", ".join(names))
return 1
elif Num:
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, "Number {} is out of bounds, max {}.".format(Num, len(Sounds)))
return 1
Sound = self.random.choice(Sounds)
Sound = Sounds
if not Sound:
return 1
Path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("sounds", Sound))
AudioClip = self.Torchlight().AudioManager.AudioClip(player, "file://" + Path)
if not AudioClip:
return 1
return AudioClip.Play(rubberband = rubberband)
class YouTube(BaseCommand):
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = ["!yt"]
self.Level = 6
async def _func(self, message, player):
self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(message))
if self.check_disabled(player):
return -1
if self.Torchlight().LastUrl:
message[1] = message[1].replace("!last", self.Torchlight().LastUrl)
Temp = DataHolder()
Time = None
if Temp(message[1].find("&t=")) != -1 or Temp(message[1].find("?t=")) != -1 or Temp(message[1].find("#t=")) != -1:
TimeStr = message[1][Temp.value + 3:].split('&')[0].split('?')[0].split('#')[0]
if TimeStr:
Time = Utils.ParseTime(TimeStr)
AudioClip = self.Torchlight().AudioManager.AudioClip(player, message[1])
if not AudioClip:
return 1
return AudioClip.Play(Time)
class YouTubeSearch(BaseCommand):
import json
import datetime
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = ["!yts"]
self.Level = 6 #adjusting to new levels
async def _func(self, message, player):
self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(message))
if self.check_disabled(player):
return -1
Temp = DataHolder()
Time = None
if Temp(message[1].find("&t=")) != -1 or Temp(message[1].find("?t=")) != -1 or Temp(message[1].find("#t=")) != -1:
TimeStr = message[1][Temp.value + 3:].split('&')[0].split('?')[0].split('#')[0]
if TimeStr:
Time = Utils.ParseTime(TimeStr)
message[1] = message[1][:Temp.value]
Proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec("yt-dlp", "--dump-json", "--username", "oauth2", "--password", "''", "-xg", "ytsearch:" + message[1],
stdout = asyncio.subprocess.PIPE)
Out, _ = await Proc.communicate()
print('out value: ', Out)
url, Info = Out.split(b'\n', maxsplit = 1)
url = url.strip().decode("ascii")
Info = self.json.loads(Info)
if Info["extractor_key"] == "Youtube":
self.Torchlight().SayChat("\x07E52D27[YouTube]\x01 {0} | {1} | {2:,}".format(
Info["title"], str(self.datetime.timedelta(seconds = Info["duration"])), int(Info["view_count"])))
AudioClip = self.Torchlight().AudioManager.AudioClip(player, url)
if not AudioClip:
return 1
self.Torchlight().LastUrl = url
return AudioClip.Play(Time)
class Say(BaseCommand):
import gtts
import tempfile
VALID_LANGUAGES = [lang for lang in gtts.lang.tts_langs().keys()]
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = [("!say", 4)]
self.Level = 2
async def Say(self, player, language, message):
GTTS = self.gtts.gTTS(text = message, lang = language)
TempFile = self.tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete = False)
AudioClip = self.Torchlight().AudioManager.AudioClip(player, "file://" + TempFile.name)
if not AudioClip:
return 1
if AudioClip.Play():
AudioClip.AudioPlayer.AddCallback("Stop", lambda: os.unlink(TempFile.name))
return 0
return 1
async def _func(self, message, player):
self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(message))
if self.check_disabled(player):
return -1
if not message[1]:
return 1
Language = "en"
if len(message[0]) > 4:
Language = message[0][4:]
if not Language in self.VALID_LANGUAGES:
return 1
asyncio.ensure_future(self.Say(player, Language, message[1]))
return 0
class DECTalk(BaseCommand):
import tempfile
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = ["!dec"]
self.Level = 5
async def Say(self, player, message):
message = "[:phoneme on]" + message
TempFile = self.tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete = False)
Proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec("wine", "say.exe", "-w", TempFile.name,
cwd = "dectalk", stdin = asyncio.subprocess.PIPE)
await Proc.communicate(message.encode('utf-8', errors='ignore'))
AudioClip = self.Torchlight().AudioManager.AudioClip(player, "file://" + TempFile.name)
if not AudioClip:
return 1
if AudioClip.Play(dec_params = ["-af", "volume=10dB"]):
AudioClip.AudioPlayer.AddCallback("Stop", lambda: os.unlink(TempFile.name))
return 0
return 1
async def _func(self, message, player):
self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(message))
if self.check_disabled(player):
return -1
if not message[1]:
return 1
asyncio.ensure_future(self.Say(player, message[1]))
return 0
class Stop(BaseCommand):
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = ["!stop"]
self.Level = 0
async def _func(self, message, player):
self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(message))
self.Torchlight().AudioManager.Stop(player, message[1])
return True
class EnableDisable(BaseCommand):
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = ["!enable", "!disable"]
self.Level = 6
async def _func(self, message, player):
self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(message))
if message[0] == "!enable":
if self.Torchlight().Disabled:
if self.Torchlight().Disabled > player.Access["level"]:
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, "You don't have access to enable torchlight, since it was disabled by a higher level user.")
return 1
self.Torchlight().SayChat("Torchlight has been enabled for the duration of this map - Type !disable to disable it again.")
self.Torchlight().Disabled = False
elif message[0] == "!disable":
if self.Torchlight().Disabled > player.Access["level"]:
self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, "You don't have access to disable torchlight, since it was already disabled by a higher level user.")
return 1
self.Torchlight().SayChat("Torchlight has been disabled for the duration of this map - Type !enable to enable it again.")
self.Torchlight().Disabled = player.Access["level"]
class AdminAccess(BaseCommand):
from collections import OrderedDict
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = ["!access"]
self.Level = 7
def ReloadValidUsers(self):
for Player in self.Torchlight().Players:
Access = self.Torchlight().Access[Player.UniqueID]
Player.Access = Access
async def _func(self, message, player):
self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(message))
if not message[1]:
return -1
if message[1].lower() == "reload":
self.Torchlight().SayChat("Loaded access list with {0} users".format(len(self.Torchlight().Access)))
elif message[1].lower() == "save":
self.Torchlight().SayChat("Saved access list with {0} users".format(len(self.Torchlight().Access)))
# Modify access
Player = None
Buf = message[1]
Temp = Buf.find(" as ")
if Temp != -1:
Regname, Level = Buf[Temp + 4:].rsplit(' ', 1)
except ValueError as e:
return 1
Regname = Regname.strip()
Level = Level.strip()
Buf = Buf[:Temp].strip()
Buf, Level = Buf.rsplit(' ', 1)
except ValueError as e:
return 2
Buf = Buf.strip()
Level = Level.strip()
# Find user by User ID
if Buf[0] == '#' and Buf[1:].isnumeric():
Player = self.Torchlight().Players.FindUserID(int(Buf[1:]))
# Search user by name
for Player_ in self.Torchlight().Players:
if Player_.Name.lower().find(Buf.lower()) != -1:
Player = Player_
if not Player:
self.Torchlight().SayChat("Couldn't find user: {0}".format(Buf))
return 3
if Level.isnumeric() or (Level.startswith('-') and Level[1:].isdigit()):
Level = int(Level)
if Level >= player.Access["level"] and player.Access["level"] < 10:
self.Torchlight().SayChat("Trying to assign level {0}, which is higher or equal than your level ({1})".format(Level, player.Access["level"]))
return 4
if Player.Access:
if Player.Access["level"] >= player.Access["level"] and player.Access["level"] < 10:
self.Torchlight().SayChat("Trying to modify level {0}, which is higher or equal than your level ({1})".format(Player.Access["level"], player.Access["level"]))
return 5
if "Regname" in locals():
self.Torchlight().SayChat("Changed \"{0}\"({1}) as {2} level/name from {3} to {4} as {5}".format(
Player.Name, Player.UniqueID, Player.Access["name"], Player.Access["level"], Level, Regname))
Player.Access["name"] = Regname
self.Torchlight().SayChat("Changed \"{0}\"({1}) as {2} level from {3} to {4}".format(
Player.Name, Player.UniqueID, Player.Access["name"], Player.Access["level"], Level))
Player.Access["level"] = Level
self.Torchlight().Access[Player.UniqueID] = Player.Access
if not "Regname" in locals():
Regname = Player.Name
self.Torchlight().Access[Player.UniqueID] = self.OrderedDict([("name", Regname), ("level", Level)])
Player.Access = self.Torchlight().Access[Player.UniqueID]
self.Torchlight().SayChat("Added \"{0}\"({1}) to access list as {2} with level {3}".format(Player.Name, Player.UniqueID, Regname, Level))
if Level == "revoke" and Player.Access:
if Player.Access["level"] >= player.Access["level"] and player.Access["level"] < 10:
self.Torchlight().SayChat("Trying to revoke level {0}, which is higher or equal than your level ({1})".format(Player.Access["level"], player.Access["level"]))
return 6
self.Torchlight().SayChat("Removed \"{0}\"({1}) from access list (was {2} with level {3})".format(
Player.Name, Player.UniqueID, Player.Access["name"], Player.Access["level"]))
del self.Torchlight().Access[Player.UniqueID]
Player.Access = None
return 0
class Reload(BaseCommand):
def __init__(self, torchlight):
self.Triggers = ["!reload"]
self.Level = 7
async def _func(self, message, player):
self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ' ' + str(message))
return 0