1176 lines
45 KiB
1176 lines
45 KiB
#pragma semicolon 1
#define DEBUG
#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "jenz"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.8"
#define g_dLength 400
#define g_dIndex 65
#include <sourcemod>
#include <colorvariables>
#include <clientprefs>
#include <unloze_zones>
#include <unloze_racetimer_specialmaps>
#include <unloze_racetimer_antizones>
#include <cstrike>
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <connect>
#include <outputinfo>
#pragma newdecls required
char g_cMapname[g_dLength];
char g_cSpecialMapStart[g_dLength];
char g_cSpecialMapEnd[g_dLength];
static char g_sConfigzones[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
float g_fStartTime[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
char g_csTime_record[MAXPLAYERS + 1][65];
float g_fClientVectors[MAXPLAYERS + 1][3];
int g_iClientFrames[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_iClientSpeedInterval[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_iClientChecking[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
bool g_bDisplaySpecial;
bool g_bHumansAllowedTime[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
bool g_bhumans_finished[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
bool g_bHideTimer[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_bAllowToLeave[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
bool g_bEventBool = false;
Handle g_hClientCookie = INVALID_HANDLE;
Database g_dDatabase;
Handle hText;
int player_stage[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
Handle g_hAlterTableTimer = null;
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "UNLOZE_racetimer_css",
description = "tracks times on race maps on ze",
url = "www.unloze.com"
// Purpose:
public void OnPluginStart()
RegConsoleCmd("sm_toptime", cmd_timerCheckTop, "checking top 10");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_mytime", cmd_timerCheckSelf, "checking your personal time");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_stages", cmd_timerCheckStage, "Checking race stages");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_hidetimer", cmd_hideTimerHUD, "Hides timer HUD");
RegAdminCmd("sm_cleantime", Cmd_timeReset, ADMFLAG_GENERIC);
HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
HookEntityOutput("trigger_multiple", "OnTrigger", Trigger_Multiple);
HookEntityOutput("trigger_multiple", "OnStartTouch", Trigger_Multiple);
HookEntityOutput("trigger_teleport", "OnTrigger", trigger_teleport);
HookEntityOutput("trigger_teleport", "OnStartTouch", trigger_teleport);
if (!g_dDatabase)
Database.Connect(SQL_OnDatabaseConnect, "racetimercss");
hText = CreateHudSynchronizer();
//Just constantly reruns the alter table query to handle new zones, less lazy solution would just be adding a forward for when zones were renamed
g_hAlterTableTimer = CreateTimer(10.00, Timer_alter_tables, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
g_hClientCookie = RegClientCookie("hide_timer_cookie", "Hides the timer HUD", CookieAccess_Private);
for (int i = MaxClients; i > 0; --i)
if (!AreClientCookiesCached(i))
g_bDisplaySpecial = unloze_gBSpecialMapDisplay();
public Action Timer_alter_tables(Handle hTimer)
if (!g_dDatabase)
Database.Connect(SQL_OnDatabaseConnect, "racetimercss");
public void trigger_teleport(const char[] output, int entity_index, int client, float delay)
if (IsValidEdict(entity_index) && IsValidClient(client) && g_bHumansAllowedTime[client])
//if its surf maps there most likely are needed teleports
if (StrContains(g_cMapname, "surf", false) == -1)
g_bHumansAllowedTime[client] = false;
if (GetClientTeam(client) == 3)
PrintToChat(client, "Disabled timer due to potential teleport abuse");
public void Trigger_Multiple(const char[] output, int entity_index, int client, float delay)
if (IsValidEdict(entity_index) && origin_command_check(entity_index) && IsValidClient(client) && g_bHumansAllowedTime[client])
if (StrContains(g_cMapname, "surf", false) == -1)
g_bHumansAllowedTime[client] = false;
PrintToChat(client, "Disabled timer due to potential teleport abuse");
public bool origin_command_check(int entity_index)
int count_trigger = GetOutputCount(entity_index, "m_OnTrigger");
int count_starttouch = GetOutputCount(entity_index, "m_OnStartTouch");
for (int i = 0; i < count_trigger; i++)
char buffer[g_dLength];
GetOutputParameter(entity_index, "m_OnTrigger", i, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (StrContains(buffer, "origin", true) != -1)
return true;
for(int i = 0; i < count_starttouch; i++)
char buffer[g_dLength];
GetOutputParameter(entity_index, "m_OnStartTouch", i, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (StrContains(buffer, "origin", true) != -1)
return true;
return false;
// Purpose:
public void SQL_OnDatabaseConnect(Database db, const char[] error, any data)
if(!db || strlen(error))
LogError("Database error: %s", error);
g_dDatabase = db;
//create tables
char sQuery[g_dLength];
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `zetimer_table_new` (`steam_auth` VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`steam_auth`))");
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_OnConnectFinished, sQuery, _, DBPrio_High);
public void SQL_OnConnectFinished(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, any data)
if(!db || strlen(error))
LogError("Database error: %s", error);
static Handle hHostName;
if((hHostName = FindConVar("hostname")) == INVALID_HANDLE)
char line[g_dLength];
GetConVarString(hHostName, line, sizeof(line));
if (StrContains(line, "EVENT", false) > -1)
g_bEventBool = true;
g_bEventBool = false;
g_bDisplaySpecial = unloze_gBSpecialMapDisplay();
GetCurrentMap(g_cMapname, sizeof(g_cMapname));
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i))
public void MYSQLCheckMapEntry()
int l_iRaceCount;
int l_iZoneCount = unloze_zoneCount();
char sQuery[g_dLength];
char l_cZoneIndexName[g_dIndex][g_dLength];
if (l_iZoneCount == 1)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "ALTER TABLE `zetimer_table_new` ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS `%s` REAL DEFAULT 0.000 NOT NULL", g_cMapname);
DataPack hDataPack = new DataPack();
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_FinishedQuery, sQuery, hDataPack, DBPrio_High);
for (int iterator = 0; iterator <= l_iZoneCount; iterator++)
if (IsCorrectZone(iterator, l_cZoneIndexName[iterator][g_dLength -1], "ZONE_PREFIX_RACE"))
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "ALTER TABLE `zetimer_table_new` ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS `%sS%i` REAL DEFAULT 0.000 NOT NULL", g_cMapname, l_iRaceCount);
DataPack hDataPack = new DataPack();
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_FinishedQuery, sQuery, hDataPack, DBPrio_High);
public void SQL_FinishedQuery(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, DataPack data)
if (!db || strlen(error))
char sQuery[g_dLength];
data.ReadString(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery));
LogError("Query error 3: %s", error);
LogError("actual query: %s", sQuery);
delete data;
//a mysql table can max have 64 keys attached to it without recompiling. Therefore dropping and attaching binary tree index on the given map start, map end,
//PluginStart Database connection and PluginEnd.
//Adding and removing indexes should be pretty cheap so creating/removing them for only the specific map should be ok
//also check that racezones actually exist before making a binary tree index
//also handles if the column ends with just mapname or with mapnameS1, mapnameS2 etc etc
//its only relevant for sourcemod scripting part, the java backend making rest endpoints uses a cache and does select * statements so it does not need indexing
public void AddBinarySearchIndex()
int race_zone_count = GetTotalRaceZones();
int l_iZoneCount = unloze_zoneCount();
char sQuery[g_dLength];
GetCurrentMap(g_cMapname, sizeof(g_cMapname));
//if admins dont make dumb random zones without any meaning it works fine
if (race_zone_count == 1 && l_iZoneCount == 1)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "ALTER TABLE `zetimer_table_new` add INDEX if not exists `%s` (`%s`)", g_cMapname, g_cMapname);
DataPack hDataPack = new DataPack();
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_FinishedQuery, sQuery, hDataPack, DBPrio_High);
for (int i = 1; i <= race_zone_count; i++)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "ALTER TABLE `zetimer_table_new` add INDEX if not exists `%sS%i` (`%sS%i`)", g_cMapname, i, g_cMapname, i);
DataPack hDataPack = new DataPack();
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_FinishedQuery, sQuery, hDataPack, DBPrio_High);
//if ze1 and ze2 both play the same map and one leaves the map then the other will not have index anymore, but otherwise its fine.
public void RemoveBinarySearchIndex()
char sQuery[g_dLength];
int race_zone_count = GetTotalRaceZones();
int l_iZoneCount = unloze_zoneCount();
GetCurrentMap(g_cMapname, sizeof(g_cMapname));
if (race_zone_count == 1 && l_iZoneCount == 1)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "ALTER TABLE `zetimer_table_new` drop INDEX if exists `%s`", g_cMapname);
DataPack hDataPack = new DataPack();
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_FinishedQuery, sQuery, hDataPack, DBPrio_High);
for (int i = 1; i <= race_zone_count; i++)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "ALTER TABLE `zetimer_table_new` drop INDEX if exists `%sS%i`", g_cMapname, i);
DataPack hDataPack = new DataPack();
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_FinishedQuery, sQuery, hDataPack, DBPrio_High);
public void OnMapEnd()
if (!g_dDatabase)
Database.Connect(SQL_OnDatabaseConnect, "racetimercss");
public void OnMapStart()
if (!g_dDatabase)
Database.Connect(SQL_OnDatabaseConnect, "racetimercss");
static Handle hHostName;
if((hHostName = FindConVar("hostname")) == INVALID_HANDLE)
char line[g_dLength];
GetConVarString(hHostName, line, sizeof(line));
if (StrContains(line, "EVENT", false) > -1)
g_bEventBool = true;
g_bEventBool = false;
g_bDisplaySpecial = unloze_gBSpecialMapDisplay();
GetCurrentMap(g_cMapname, sizeof(g_cMapname));
Format(g_cSpecialMapStart, sizeof(g_cSpecialMapStart), "");
Format(g_cSpecialMapEnd, sizeof(g_cSpecialMapEnd), "");
// Purpose:
public void OnPluginEnd()
if (g_hAlterTableTimer != null)
delete g_hAlterTableTimer;
// Purpose:
public void startTimer()
char line[g_dLength];
Handle zonefile = INVALID_HANDLE;
BuildPath(Path_SM, g_sConfigzones, sizeof(g_sConfigzones), "configs/unloze_zones/%s.zones.txt", g_cMapname);
zonefile = OpenFile(g_sConfigzones, "r");
if (zonefile != INVALID_HANDLE)
while (!IsEndOfFile(zonefile) && ReadFileLine(zonefile, line, sizeof(line)))
if (StrContains(line, "ZONE_PREFIX_RACE", false) > -1 || g_bDisplaySpecial)
delete zonefile;
// Purpose:
public void Event_RoundStart(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
Format(g_cSpecialMapStart, sizeof(g_cSpecialMapStart), "");
Format(g_cSpecialMapEnd, sizeof(g_cSpecialMapEnd), "");
int race_zone_count = GetTotalRaceZones();
if (!race_zone_count)
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i) && !IsFakeClient(i))
g_bhumans_finished[i] = false;
g_bAllowToLeave[i] = 0;
char first_zone[512];
ZoneNameBasedOnIndex(0, first_zone);
if (race_zone_count != 1)
g_bHumansAllowedTime[i] = false;
else if (StrContains(first_zone, "ZONE_PREFIX_RACE") > -1) //ensures only one zone in total and that its the actual end zone
mysql_get_player_time(i, 0);
g_bHumansAllowedTime[i] = true;
g_fStartTime[i] = GetEngineTime();
g_bHumansAllowedTime[i] = false;
// Purpose:
public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
// Purpose:
public void OnClientCookiesCached(int client)
char sValue[8];
GetClientCookie(client, g_hClientCookie, sValue, sizeof(sValue));
g_bHideTimer[client] = (sValue[0] != '\0' && !!StringToInt(sValue));
// Purpose:
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
// Purpose:
public void resetClient(int client)
if (0 < client <= MaxClients)
g_iClientChecking[client] = 0;
g_bHumansAllowedTime[client] = false;
g_bAllowToLeave[client] = 0;
g_bhumans_finished[client] = false;
g_fStartTime[client] = 0.0;
player_stage[client] = 0;
Format(g_csTime_record[client], sizeof(g_csTime_record[]), "0.000");
// Purpose:
public void OnPlayerRunCmdPost(int client, int buttons, int impulse, const float vel[3], const float angles[3], int weapon, int subtype, int cmdnum, int tickcount, int seed, const int mouse[2])
if (!IsValidClient(client))
if (!g_bHumansAllowedTime[client])
//checks if event is going on
if (g_bEventBool)
g_bHumansAllowedTime[client] = false;
if (GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_CT && IsPlayerAlive(client))
int frameCap = 11;
if (g_bhumans_finished[client])
g_iClientFrames[client] = 11;
if (g_iClientFrames[client] >= frameCap)
g_iClientFrames[client] = 0;
float clientVectors[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(client, clientVectors);
if (checkClientOrigin(g_fClientVectors[client], clientVectors, client))
g_bHumansAllowedTime[client] = false;
g_bhumans_finished[client] = false;
//called if teleported to some place far away or teleported from inside start zone to end zone
CreateTimer(1.0, reset_permissions_for_leave, client);
PrintToChat(client, "Disabled timer due to potential teleport abuse");
if (g_bhumans_finished[client])
CreateTimer(1.0, reset_permissions_for_leave, client);
g_bhumans_finished[client] = false;
g_bHumansAllowedTime[client] = false;
int speedCheckerCap = 10;
if (g_iClientSpeedInterval[client] > speedCheckerCap)
g_iClientSpeedInterval[client] = 0;
bool bNoclip = (GetEntityMoveType(client) == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP);
if (bNoclip)
g_bHumansAllowedTime[client] = false;
g_bhumans_finished[client] = false;
PrintToChat(client, "Disabled timer due to Noclip");
float speed = GetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Data, "m_flLaggedMovementValue");
if (speed > 1.0)
if (StrContains(g_cMapname, "surf", false) == -1)
g_bHumansAllowedTime[client] = false;
g_bhumans_finished[client] = false;
PrintToChat(client, "Disabled timer due to modified run speed");
float client_gravity = GetEntityGravity(client);
ConVar gravity = FindConVar("sv_gravity");
float gravityFloat = gravity.FloatValue;
int minimalPermitedGravity = 610;
//PrintToChat(client, "client_gravity: %f\ngravityFloat: %f", client_gravity, gravityFloat);
if (((client_gravity > 1.3 || client_gravity < 0.6000) && client_gravity != 0.000000) || gravityFloat < minimalPermitedGravity)
//PrintToChat(client, "client_gravity: %f\ngravityFloat: %f", client_gravity, gravityFloat);
g_bHumansAllowedTime[client] = false;
g_bhumans_finished[client] = false;
PrintToChat(client, "Disabled timer due to modified gravity");
g_fClientVectors[client] = clientVectors;
if (hText != INVALID_HANDLE && !g_bHideTimer[client])
SetHudTextParams(0.35, 0.85, 0.1, 125, 255, 255, 85);
float total_time = client_current_race_time(client);
if (total_time != -1.0)
ShowSyncHudText(client, hText, "%N Time: %06.3f\nRecord: %s\nMap: %s\nCourse: %i", client, total_time, g_csTime_record[client], g_cMapname, player_stage[client]);
public float client_current_race_time(int i_client)
if (g_fStartTime[i_client] == 0.0)
return -1.0;
return GetEngineTime() - g_fStartTime[i_client];
// Purpose:
public void resetClientVectors(int client)
g_fClientVectors[client][0] = 0.000000;
g_fClientVectors[client][1] = 0.000000;
g_fClientVectors[client][2] = 0.000000;
// Purpose:
public bool checkClientOrigin(float oldVals[3], float newVals[3], int client)
float zero = 0.000000;
if ((oldVals[0] == zero && oldVals[1] == zero && oldVals[2] == zero) || (newVals[0] == zero && newVals[1] == zero && newVals[2] == zero))
return false;
float teleport_range = 1090450.0;
int velocityCap = 625;
float distance = GetVectorDistance(oldVals, newVals, true);
//PrintToChatAll("distance: %f", distance);
bool bInAir = (GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hGroundEntity") == -1);
if (distance > teleport_range)
if (StrContains(g_cMapname, "surf", false) != -1)
return false;
float fVelocity[3];
GetEntPropVector(client, Prop_Data, "m_vecVelocity", fVelocity);
float currentspeed = SquareRoot(Pow(fVelocity[0],2.0)+Pow(fVelocity[1],2.0));
//PrintToChat(client, "currentspeed: %f", currentspeed);
if (bInAir && currentspeed > velocityCap)
return false;
return true;
return false;
// Purpose:
public void unloze_zoneEntry(int client, char[] zone)
int zoneIndex = RetrieveZoneIndex(zone);
int race_zone_count = GetTotalRaceZones();
if (!(StrEqual(zone, g_cSpecialMapEnd)) && !race_zone_count)
int l_iZoneCount = unloze_zoneCount();
if (GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_CT && (g_bHumansAllowedTime[client] || StrEqual(zone, g_cSpecialMapEnd)))
if ((StrContains(zone, "ZONE_PREFIX_RACE") > -1) || StrEqual(zone, g_cSpecialMapEnd))
if (l_iZoneCount < 2)
player_stage[client] = 0;
if (player_stage[client] == (zoneIndex / 2) || l_iZoneCount < 2)
g_bAllowToLeave[client] = 1;
g_bhumans_finished[client] = true;
public Action reset_permissions_for_leave(Handle timer, int i)
if (IsValidClient(i))
//if you start the timer and run inside the start zone again there are 3 options:
//you leave the zone normally by running out of it which is fine
//you get teleported out of the zone to a certain distance away by something like afk teleport, in that case your timer gets disabled
//due to detected teleport abuse
//Third option is you get teleported out of spawn zone to a end zone which after triggering Entry forward triggers Leave forward again
//Therefore we need a cooldown when teleporting from inside of start zone to an entry zone as Leave forward is called right after again
//which is a errornous way of starting the timer from the end zone, by having a second delay we ensure its not a problem when teleported from spawn
//to a random place thats not an entry zone as this is handled seemingly correctly by the teleport abuse detection. Meanwhile to stop the timer from
//starting when teleported from spawn to an Entry zone we need a cooldown
g_bAllowToLeave[i] = 0;
return Plugin_Continue;
// Purpose:
public void unloze_zoneLeave(int client, char[] zone)
//only maps with multiple zones need ZONE_PREFIX_START
int race_zone_count = GetTotalRaceZones();
//if zone has special name like in mako dont return despite g_bAllowToLeave being false or there being no normally named zone
if (!(StrEqual(zone, g_cSpecialMapStart)) && (!race_zone_count || g_bAllowToLeave[client]))
if (GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_CT)
//PrintToChatAll("Equal: %i", StrEqual(zone, g_cSpecialMapStart));
if ((StrContains(zone, "ZONE_PREFIX_START") > -1) || StrEqual(zone, g_cSpecialMapStart))
char sAuthID[32];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sAuthID, sizeof(sAuthID), false);
if (!SteamClientAuthenticated(sAuthID))
PrintToChat(client, "Not starting timer due to being listed as nosteamer");
g_fStartTime[client] = GetEngineTime();
float notRounded = float(RetrieveZoneIndex(zone));
player_stage[client] = RoundToCeil(notRounded / 2);
mysql_get_player_time(client, player_stage[client]);
g_bHumansAllowedTime[client] = true;
CPrintToChat(client, "Timer started for Course: %i", player_stage[client]);
// Purpose:
public void CheckIfSpecialRoundZones(char[] resultstart, char[] resultend)
Format(g_cSpecialMapStart, sizeof(g_cSpecialMapStart), resultstart);
Format(g_cSpecialMapEnd, sizeof(g_cSpecialMapEnd), resultend);
// Purpose:
public void CheckifAntiZones(int client, bool reset)
if (reset)
g_bHumansAllowedTime[client] = false;
// Purpose:
public int RetrieveZoneIndex(char[] zone)
//if you leave zone_2 you want the corresponding racezone to be zone_3
int iterator = strlen(zone) - 1;
if (iterator == -1)
return 1;
char l_sZone[g_dIndex];
Format(l_sZone, sizeof(l_sZone), zone);
while (IsCharNumeric(l_sZone[iterator]))
strcopy(l_sZone, sizeof(l_sZone), l_sZone[iterator]);
return StringToInt(l_sZone[iterator]);
// Purpose:
public void FinishedStageRaceZone(int client)
char sSID[g_dIndex];
char sName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sSID, sizeof(sSID));
GetClientName(client, sName, sizeof(sName));
int size2 = 2 * strlen(sName) + 1;
char[] sEscapedName = new char[size2 + 1];
g_dDatabase.Escape(sName, sEscapedName, size2 + 1);
PrintToChat(client, "Your steam ID is not working, not updating timer");
int l_iZoneCount = unloze_zoneCount();
float client_time = client_current_race_time(client);
if (client_time == -1.0)
//if client disconnected we dont want to cary timer over to other client
if (l_iZoneCount > 1)
CPrintToChat(client, "{green}[UNLOZE] Stage: %i", player_stage[client]);
CPrintToChat(client, "{green}[UNLOZE] Client: %N Time: %06.3f", client, client_time);
int stage = player_stage[client];
char sQuery[g_dLength];
if (StrEqual(g_csTime_record[client], "0.000"))
CPrintToChat(client, "Your record: None yet\nCommand: !toptime !mytime !stages");
CPrintToChat(client, "Your record: %s\nCommand: !toptime !mytime !stages", g_csTime_record[client]);
if (l_iZoneCount < 2)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "UPDATE `zetimer_table_new` SET `%s` = '%06.3f', name = '%s' WHERE steam_auth = '%s'", g_cMapname, client_time, sEscapedName, sSID);
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "UPDATE `zetimer_table_new` SET `%sS%i` = '%06.3f', name = '%s' WHERE steam_auth = '%s'", g_cMapname, stage, client_time, sEscapedName, sSID);
int generic_length = 32;
char[][] sPart = new char[2][generic_length];
float old_client_time = 0.0;
if (StrContains(g_csTime_record[client], ":") != -1)
ExplodeString(g_csTime_record[client], ":", sPart, 2, generic_length);
old_client_time = (StringToFloat(sPart[0]) * 60) + StringToFloat(sPart[1]);
old_client_time = StringToFloat(g_csTime_record[client]);
if (client_time >= old_client_time && old_client_time > 0.0)
DataPack hDataPack = new DataPack();
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_FinishedQuery, sQuery, hDataPack, DBPrio_High);
// Purpose:
public void mysql_get_player_time(int client, int stage)
char query[g_dLength];
char steam_auth[g_dIndex];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, steam_auth, sizeof(steam_auth));
if (!stage)
Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `%s` FROM `zetimer_table_new` where steam_auth = '%s'", g_cMapname, steam_auth);
Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `%sS%i` FROM `zetimer_table_new` where steam_auth = '%s'", g_cMapname, stage, steam_auth);
DataPack hDataPack = new DataPack();
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_OnQueryCompleted, query, hDataPack);
public void SQL_OnQueryCompleted(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, DataPack data)
int client_serial = data.ReadCell();
if (!db || strlen(error))
char sQuery[g_dLength];
data.ReadString(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery));
LogError("Query error 1: %s", error);
LogError("actual query: %s", sQuery);
delete data;
delete data;
int client;
if ((client = GetClientFromSerial(client_serial)) == 0)
if (results.RowCount && results.FetchRow())
results.FetchString(0, g_csTime_record[client], sizeof(g_csTime_record[]));
// Purpose: TODO implement if needed
public int GetTotalRaceZones()
int l_iZoneCount = unloze_zoneCount();
char l_cIndexName[g_dLength];
int l_iCountRace;
for (int iterator = 0; iterator < l_iZoneCount; iterator++)
ZoneNameBasedOnIndex(iterator, l_cIndexName[iterator]);
if (StrContains(l_cIndexName[iterator], "ZONE_PREFIX_RACE") > -1)
return l_iCountRace;
// Purpose:
public void insertPlayerMYSQL(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
char sSID[g_dIndex];
char sQuery[g_dLength];
char sName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sSID, sizeof(sSID));
GetClientName(client, sName, sizeof(sName));
int size2 = 2 * strlen(sName) + 1;
char[] sEscapedName = new char[size2 + 1];
if (!g_dDatabase)
Database.Connect(SQL_OnDatabaseConnect, "racetimercss");
g_dDatabase.Escape(sName, sEscapedName, size2 + 1);
PrintToChat(client, "Your steam ID is not working, not updating timer");
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "INSERT INTO `zetimer_table_new` (`steam_auth`, `name`) VALUES ('%s', '%s') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `name` = '%s'", sSID, sEscapedName, sEscapedName);
DataPack hDataPack = new DataPack();
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_FinishedQuery, sQuery, hDataPack, DBPrio_High);
// Purpose:
public Action cmd_timerCheckTop(int client, int args)
CheckTop(client, 0, 0);
return Plugin_Handled;
public void mysql_select_lowest_ordered(int client, int index, int length_increase, Menu menu, int l_iPosition)
int l_iZoneCount = unloze_zoneCount();
char sQuery[g_dLength];
if (l_iZoneCount < 2)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "select name, `%s` from `zetimer_table_new` where `%s` > 0 order by `%s` asc limit 10", g_cMapname, g_cMapname, g_cMapname);
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "select name, `%sS%i` from `zetimer_table_new` where `%sS%i` > 0 order by `%sS%i` asc limit 10", g_cMapname, index, g_cMapname, index, g_cMapname, index);
//LogMessage("sQuery: %s", sQuery);
DataPack hDataPack = new DataPack();
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_Select_Top_Callback, sQuery, hDataPack);
// Purpose:
public void CheckTop(int client, int index, int autismstate)
int l_iZoneCount = unloze_zoneCount();
//PrintToChatAll("checktop l_iZoneCount: %i", l_iZoneCount);
if (l_iZoneCount < 1)
PrintToChat(client, "No zones active on this map");
if (!autismstate)
CheckStagesOnMap(client, 0);
mysql_select_lowest_ordered(client, index, 0, null, 0);
public void SQL_Select_Top_Callback(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, DataPack data)
int client_serial = data.ReadCell();
char sQuery[g_dLength];
data.ReadString(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery));
if (!db || strlen(error))
LogError("Query error 2: %s", error);
LogError("actual query: %s", sQuery);
delete data;
delete results;
int index = data.ReadCell();
Menu menu = data.ReadCell();
int l_iPosition = data.ReadCell();
int length_increase = data.ReadCell();
delete data;
int iclient;
if ((iclient = GetClientFromSerial(client_serial)) == 0)
//Player Name
char[] g_cPlayerName = new char[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char g_cContent[g_dLength];
if (menu == null)
menu = new Menu(MenuHandler1);
menu.SetTitle("Maptimer: %s", g_cMapname);
if (results != INVALID_HANDLE)
while (results.RowCount > 0 && results.FetchRow() && l_iPosition < 10)
results.FetchString(0, g_cPlayerName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
float fTime = results.FetchFloat(1);
Format(g_cContent, sizeof(g_cContent), "#%i: Time: %06.3f - %s", l_iPosition, fTime, g_cPlayerName);
menu.AddItem("-1", g_cContent, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
delete results;
if (!l_iPosition)
menu.AddItem("-1", "No results. Commands: !toptime !stages", ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
else if (l_iPosition < 10)
//did 2 mins googling but found nothing about menus needing to be cleaned
mysql_select_lowest_ordered(iclient, index, length_increase, menu, l_iPosition);
menu.ExitButton = true;
menu.Display(iclient, 0);
// Purpose:
public int MenuHandler1(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int param2)
if (action == MenuAction_End)
delete menu;
// Purpose:
public Action Cmd_timeReset(int client, int args)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
return Plugin_Handled;
if (args != 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage cleantime <target> <course>");
return Plugin_Handled;
char sTarget[65], steam2[64];
GetCmdArg(1, sTarget, sizeof(sTarget));
int targetID = FindTarget(client, sTarget, false);
if(targetID == -1)
return Plugin_Handled;
GetClientAuthId(targetID, AuthId_Steam2, steam2, sizeof(steam2));
GetCmdArg(2, sTarget, sizeof(sTarget));
deleteClientTime(steam2, StringToInt(sTarget));
return Plugin_Handled;
// Purpose:
public Action cmd_hideTimerHUD(int client, int args)
if (!g_bHideTimer[client])
g_bHideTimer[client] = true;
SetClientCookie(client, g_hClientCookie, "1");
PrintToChat(client, "Disabled timer HUD");
} else { g_bHideTimer[client] = false; PrintToChat(client, "Enabled timer HUD"); SetClientCookie(client, g_hClientCookie, "0"); }
// Purpose:
public Action cmd_timerCheckStage(int client, int args)
CheckStagesOnMap(client, 0);
return Plugin_Handled;
// Purpose:
public void CheckStagesOnMap(int client, int state)
int l_iCount;
int l_iZoneCount = unloze_zoneCount();
Menu StageMenu = CreateMenu(Stage_menu);
char l_cZoneIndexName[g_dIndex][g_dLength];
char l_cMenuContent[g_dLength];
if (!l_iZoneCount)
CPrintToChat(client, "[UNLOZE] Map does not support racestage timer");
//state 0 == toptime, state 1 == own time
g_iClientChecking[client] = state;
StageMenu.SetTitle("Stages on: %s", g_cMapname);
if (g_bDisplaySpecial)
Format(l_cMenuContent, sizeof(l_cMenuContent), "Stage: %i", l_iCount);
StageMenu.AddItem("", l_cMenuContent);
for (int Iterator = 0; Iterator <= l_iZoneCount; Iterator++)
if (IsCorrectZone(Iterator, l_cZoneIndexName[Iterator][g_dLength -1], "ZONE_PREFIX_RACE"))
Format(l_cMenuContent, sizeof(l_cMenuContent), "Stage: %i", l_iCount);
StageMenu.AddItem("", l_cMenuContent);
StageMenu.ExitButton = true;
StageMenu.Display(client, 0);
// Purpose:
public bool IsCorrectZone(int index, char[] zoneIndexName, char[] zone_prefix)
ZoneNameBasedOnIndex(index, zoneIndexName);
if (StrContains(zoneIndexName, zone_prefix) > -1)
return true;
return false;
// Purpose:
public int Stage_menu(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int selection)
if (action == MenuAction_Select && IsValidClient(client))
if (!g_iClientChecking[client])
CheckTop(client, selection, 1);
CheckStageSelf(client, selection);
else if (action == MenuAction_End)
// Purpose:
public Action cmd_timerCheckSelf(int client, int args)
return Plugin_Handled;
// Purpose:
public void deleteClientTime(char[] steam2, int stage)
char l_cQuery[g_dLength];
int l_iZoneCount = unloze_zoneCount();
if (l_iZoneCount > 1)
Format(l_cQuery, sizeof(l_cQuery), "UPDATE `zetimer_table_new` SET `%sS%i` = 0.000 WHERE steam_auth = '%s'", g_cMapname, stage, steam2);
Format(l_cQuery, sizeof(l_cQuery), "UPDATE `zetimer_table_new` SET `%s` = 0.000 WHERE steam_auth = '%s'", g_cMapname, steam2);
DataPack hDataPack = new DataPack();
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_FinishedQuery, l_cQuery, hDataPack, DBPrio_High);
// Purpose:
public void Checkself(int client)
int l_iZoneCount = unloze_zoneCount();
char l_cQuery[g_dLength];
char l_cSID[g_dIndex];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, l_cSID, sizeof(l_cSID));
if (l_iZoneCount < 1)
PrintToChat(client, "No zones active on this map");
if (l_iZoneCount < 2)
Format(l_cQuery, sizeof(l_cQuery), "SELECT name, `%s` FROM `zetimer_table_new` WHERE steam_auth = '%s'", g_cMapname, l_cSID);
DataPack hDataPack = new DataPack();
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_CheckSelf, l_cQuery, hDataPack);
CheckStagesOnMap(client, 1);
// Purpose:
public void CheckStageSelf(int client, int selection)
char l_cQuery[g_dLength];
char l_cSID[g_dIndex];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, l_cSID, sizeof(l_cSID));
Format(l_cQuery, sizeof(l_cQuery), "SELECT name, `%sS%i` FROM `zetimer_table_new` WHERE steam_auth = '%s'", g_cMapname, selection, l_cSID);
DataPack hDataPack = new DataPack();
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_CheckSelf, l_cQuery, hDataPack);
// Purpose:
public void SQL_CheckSelf(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, DataPack data)
int client_serial = data.ReadCell();
if (!db || strlen(error))
char sQuery[g_dLength];
data.ReadString(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery));
LogError("Query error 4: %s", error);
LogError("actual query: %s", sQuery);
delete data;
delete data;
char l_cMessageContent[g_dLength];
char[] l_cPlayerName = new char[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
int iclient;
if ((iclient = GetClientFromSerial(client_serial)) == 0)
if (results.RowCount && results.FetchRow())
results.FetchString(0, l_cPlayerName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
float fTime = results.FetchFloat(1);
if (fTime == 0.0)
CPrintToChat(iclient, "You have no time yet!");
fTime += 0.001;
Format(l_cMessageContent, sizeof(l_cMessageContent), "%06.3f - %s", fTime, l_cPlayerName);
CPrintToChat(iclient, "Your best time: %s", l_cMessageContent);
CPrintToChat(iclient, "You have no time yet!");
// Purpose:
stock bool IsValidClient(int client)
if (client > 0 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client))
return true;
return false;