47 lines
1.9 KiB
47 lines
1.9 KiB
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from settings import token
import datetime
client = discord.Client()
#shit api. got switched like 1 year ago so like every single discusison about it is outdated.
def get_suggestion_type(msg):
suggestion_type = "GENERIC"
if msg.startswith('!ze'):
suggestion_type = "ZOMBIE ESCAPE"
msg = msg.replace('!ze', '')
elif msg.startswith('!mg'):
suggestion_type = "MINIGAME"
msg = msg.replace('!mg', '')
elif msg.startswith('!zr'):
suggestion_type = "ZOMBIE RIOT"
msg = msg.replace('!zr', '')
elif msg.startswith('!forum'):
suggestion_type = "FORUM"
msg = msg.replace('!forum', '')
elif msg.startswith('!discord'):
suggestion_type = "DISCORD"
msg = msg.replace('!discord', '')
elif msg.startswith('!meta'):
suggestion_type = "META"
msg = msg.replace('!meta', '')
return suggestion_type, msg.strip()
async def on_message(message):
if message.author.bot:
if message.channel.name == 'suggestion-box': #suggestion-box
channel = client.get_channel(872925751295504476) #872925751295504476
message_content = message.content
suggestion_type, message_content = get_suggestion_type(message_content)
now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
send_msg = f"""```DISCORD USER ID: {message.author.id}\nUSERNAME: {message.author}\nTYPE: {suggestion_type}\nTIME: {now}\nSUGGESTION: {message_content}```"""
send_channel_msg = f"""{message.author} your suggestion was sent to admins as type: {suggestion_type}. Specify Suggestion types by appending your message with one of the following commands: !ze !zr !mg !forum !discord !meta"""
await message.channel.purge(limit=1)
await message.channel.send(send_channel_msg)
await channel.send(send_msg)