281 lines
9.8 KiB
281 lines
9.8 KiB
#pragma semicolon 1
#define DEBUG
#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "jenz"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.00"
#define generic_length 256
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#pragma newdecls required
int present = 0;
int targethuman = 0;
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "coordinates for the bot",
description = "hello ",
url = ""
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
if (present == client)
present = 0;
public void OnPluginStart()
HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
HookEvent("player_team", event_playerteam, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
public Action event_playerteam(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
int client = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("userid"));
if (client == present)
//PrintToChatAll("called event_playerteam");
int team = event.GetInt("team");
//PrintToChatAll("team: %i", team);
if (team == 2 || team == 3)
public void Event_RoundStart(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
targethuman = 0;
int server_port = GetConVarInt(FindConVar("hostport"));
if (server_port == 27015)
if (present)
public void OnMapStart()
public bool TraceEntityFilterPlayer(int entity, int contentsMask)
return (entity > GetMaxClients() || !entity);
public Action recursive_pressing(Handle timer, any data)
//PrintToChatAll("present: %N", present);
if (present && IsPlayerAlive(present))
float client_coord[3];
float xyz[3];
float lowest_distance = 1000000.0;
float pos_client[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(present, pos_client);
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == 3 && i != present)
float pos_i[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(i, pos_i);
float dx = pos_client[0] - pos_i[0];
float dy = pos_client[1] - pos_i[1];
float dz = FloatAbs(pos_client[2] - pos_i[2]);
float dist = SquareRoot(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
//PrintToChatAll("dist: %f", dist);
if (dist < lowest_distance)
lowest_distance = dist;
targethuman = i;
client_coord = pos_i;
xyz[0] = dx;
xyz[1] = dy;
xyz[2] = dz;
if (IsValidClient(targethuman))
//PrintToChatAll("targethuman: %N", targethuman);
float clientangles[3];
GetClientAbsAngles(targethuman, clientangles);
int keys = GetClientButtons(targethuman);
char keyinput[generic_length];
if (keys & IN_FORWARD)
StrCat(keyinput, sizeof(keyinput), "+forward; ");
if (keys & IN_BACK)
StrCat(keyinput, sizeof(keyinput), "+back; ");
if (keys & IN_MOVELEFT)
StrCat(keyinput, sizeof(keyinput), "+moveleft; ");
if (keys & IN_MOVERIGHT)
StrCat(keyinput, sizeof(keyinput), "+moveright; ");
if (keys & IN_JUMP)
StrCat(keyinput, sizeof(keyinput), "+jump; ");
if (keys & IN_DUCK)
StrCat(keyinput, sizeof(keyinput), "+duck; ");
mysql_send_input(keyinput, clientangles, xyz, client_coord, lowest_distance);
return Plugin_Handled;
stock bool IsValidClient(int client)
if (client > 0 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client))
return true;
return false;
public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
char auth[50];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Engine, auth, sizeof(auth));
if (StrEqual("[U:1:120378081]", auth, false))
present = client;
else if (StrEqual("STEAM_0:1:60189040", auth, false))
present = client;
public void sql_create_table()
char error_connect[generic_length];
Database database_connection;
if (SQL_CheckConfig("css_autism_bot_info"))
database_connection = SQL_Connect("css_autism_bot_info", true, error_connect, sizeof(error_connect));
if (database_connection == null)
PrintToChatAll("{green}[UNLOZE] {white}Error! Could not connect to maria-DB!");
//256 not enough
char query_start[generic_length * 2];
Format(query_start, sizeof(query_start), "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot status` (`connected` BOOL DEFAULT false, `spectate` BOOL DEFAULT true, `ID` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `playercount` INT DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`))");
mysql_exec_prepared_statement(database_connection, query_start);
Format(query_start, sizeof(query_start), "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot movement input` (`keyinput` text NOT NULL, `clientangles_0` FLOAT DEFAULT 0.0, `clientangles_1` FLOAT DEFAULT 0.0, `clientangles_2` FLOAT DEFAULT 0.0, `xyz_0` FLOAT DEFAULT 0.0, `xyz_1` FLOAT DEFAULT 0.0, `xyz_2` FLOAT DEFAULT 0.0, `client_coord_0` FLOAT DEFAULT 0.0, `client_coord_1` FLOAT DEFAULT 0.0, `client_coord_2` FLOAT DEFAULT 0.0, `lowest_distance` FLOAT DEFAULT 0.0, `entry_time` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)");
mysql_exec_prepared_statement(database_connection, query_start);
Format(query_start, sizeof(query_start), "INSERT INTO unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot status` (connected, spectate, ID) VALUES (0, 1, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE connected = VALUES(connected), spectate = VALUES(spectate)");
mysql_exec_prepared_statement(database_connection, query_start);
delete database_connection;
public void mysql_clean_movement_input()
char error_connect[generic_length];
Database database_connection;
if (SQL_CheckConfig("css_autism_bot_info"))
database_connection = SQL_Connect("css_autism_bot_info", true, error_connect, sizeof(error_connect));
if (database_connection == null)
PrintToChatAll("{green}[UNLOZE] {white}Error! Could not connect to maria-DB!");
char query_start[generic_length];
Format(query_start, sizeof(query_start), "delete from unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot movement input`");
mysql_exec_prepared_statement(database_connection, query_start);
public void mysql_update_playercount()
char error_connect[generic_length];
Database database_connection;
if (SQL_CheckConfig("css_autism_bot_info"))
database_connection = SQL_Connect("css_autism_bot_info", true, error_connect, sizeof(error_connect));
if (database_connection == null)
PrintToChatAll("{green}[UNLOZE] {white}Error! Could not connect to maria-DB!");
char query_start[generic_length];
Format(query_start, sizeof(query_start), "INSERT INTO unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot status` (playercount, ID) VALUES (%i, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE playercount = %i", MaxClients, MaxClients);
mysql_exec_prepared_statement(database_connection, query_start);
delete database_connection;
public void mysql_bot_not_spec()
char error_connect[generic_length];
Database database_connection;
if (SQL_CheckConfig("css_autism_bot_info"))
database_connection = SQL_Connect("css_autism_bot_info", true, error_connect, sizeof(error_connect));
if (database_connection == null)
PrintToChatAll("{green}[UNLOZE] {white}Error! Could not connect to maria-DB!");
char query_start[generic_length];
Format(query_start, sizeof(query_start), "INSERT INTO unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot status` (connected, spectate, ID) VALUES (1, 0, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE connected = VALUES(connected), spectate = VALUES(spectate)");
mysql_exec_prepared_statement(database_connection, query_start);
public void mysql_enable_disable_connected(int state)
char error_connect[generic_length];
Database database_connection;
if (SQL_CheckConfig("css_autism_bot_info"))
database_connection = SQL_Connect("css_autism_bot_info", true, error_connect, sizeof(error_connect));
if (database_connection == null)
PrintToChatAll("{green}[UNLOZE] {white}Error! Could not connect to maria-DB!");
char query_start[generic_length];
if (!state)
Format(query_start, sizeof(query_start), "INSERT INTO unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot status` (connected, spectate, ID) VALUES (0, 1, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE connected = VALUES(connected), spectate = VALUES(spectate)");
Format(query_start, sizeof(query_start), "INSERT INTO unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot status` (connected, spectate, ID) VALUES (1, 1, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE connected = VALUES(connected), spectate = VALUES(spectate)");
//PrintToChatAll("query_start: %s", query_start);
mysql_exec_prepared_statement(database_connection, query_start);
delete database_connection;
public void mysql_send_input(char []keyinput, float clientangles[3], float xyz[3], float client_coord[3], float lowest_distance)
//TODO maybe add autism bot coords too as information
char error_connect[generic_length];
Database database_connection;
if (SQL_CheckConfig("css_autism_bot_info"))
database_connection = SQL_Connect("css_autism_bot_info", true, error_connect, sizeof(error_connect));
if (database_connection == null)
PrintToChatAll("{green}[UNLOZE] {white}Error! Could not connect to maria-DB!");
char query_start[generic_length];
Format(query_start, sizeof(query_start), "INSERT INTO unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot movement input` VALUES ('%s', %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, NOW())", keyinput, clientangles[0], clientangles[1], clientangles[2], xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], client_coord[0], client_coord[1], client_coord[2], lowest_distance);
mysql_exec_prepared_statement(database_connection, query_start);
//PrintToChatAll("query_start: %s", query_start);
delete database_connection;
public void mysql_exec_prepared_statement(Database database_connection, char []query_statement)
char error[generic_length];
DBStatement create_statement = SQL_PrepareQuery(database_connection, query_statement, error, sizeof(error));
if (create_statement == INVALID_HANDLE)
} |