346 lines
18 KiB
346 lines
18 KiB
import discord
import math
import requests
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.tasks import loop
from discord import HTTPException
from settings import token, get_connection_playtime, get_connection_xenforo
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.members = True
client = discord.Client(intents=intents)
def count_hours(res_all_):
ip_counter = 0
total_time_hours = 0
total_time_minutes = 0
ze_time_hours = 0
ze_time_minutes = 0
zr_time_hours = 0
zr_time_minutes = 0
mg_time_hours = 0
mg_time_minutes = 0
jb_time_hours = 0
jb_time_minutes = 0
if res_all_:
for res in res_all_:
ip_counter += 1
ze_time = res[0]
mg_time = res[1]
zr_time = res[2]
jb_time = res[3]
allowed = res[4]
ze_time_hours_local = math.floor((ze_time / 60) / 60)
ze_time_hours += ze_time_hours_local
ze_time_minutes += math.floor((ze_time / 60) - (ze_time_hours_local * 60))
mg_time_hours_local = math.floor((mg_time / 60) / 60)
mg_time_hours += mg_time_hours_local
mg_time_minutes += math.floor((mg_time / 60) - (mg_time_hours_local * 60))
zr_time_hours_local = math.floor((zr_time / 60) / 60)
zr_time_hours += zr_time_hours_local
zr_time_minutes += math.floor((zr_time / 60) - (zr_time_hours_local * 60))
jb_time_hours_local = math.floor((jb_time / 60) / 60)
jb_time_hours += jb_time_hours_local
jb_time_minutes += math.floor((jb_time / 60) - (jb_time_hours_local * 60))
extra_hour_ze = math.floor(ze_time_minutes / 60)
if extra_hour_ze > 0:
ze_time_hours += extra_hour_ze
ze_time_minutes -= extra_hour_ze * 60
extra_hour_mg = math.floor(mg_time_minutes / 60)
if extra_hour_mg > 0:
mg_time_hours += extra_hour_mg
mg_time_minutes -= extra_hour_mg * 60
extra_hour_zr = math.floor(zr_time_minutes / 60)
if extra_hour_zr > 0:
zr_time_hours += extra_hour_zr
zr_time_minutes -= extra_hour_zr * 60
extra_hour_jb = math.floor(jb_time_minutes / 60)
if extra_hour_jb > 0:
jb_time_hours += extra_hour_jb
jb_time_minutes -= extra_hour_jb * 60
total_time_hours = ze_time_hours + mg_time_hours + zr_time_hours + jb_time_hours
total_time_minutes = ze_time_minutes + mg_time_minutes + zr_time_minutes + jb_time_minutes
extra_hour = math.floor(total_time_minutes / 60)
if extra_hour > 0:
total_time_hours += extra_hour
total_time_minutes = math.floor(total_time_minutes - (extra_hour * 60))
return ip_counter, total_time_hours, total_time_minutes, ze_time_hours, ze_time_minutes, zr_time_hours, zr_time_minutes, mg_time_hours, mg_time_minutes, jb_time_hours, jb_time_minutes
async def generate_hours_message(steam_id2_, steam_id64_, res_all_, steam_account, discord_id, res_user_id, target_name, message, first_account, steam_id2__):
extra_msg = ""
if first_account:
extra_msg = "\n\nSECOND STEAM ACCOUNT:\n"
#ofc some fucking steam players have dynamic ip's
if steam_id2_ and steam_id2_ != steam_id2__:
first_account = True
steam_account = f"{extra_msg}Steam ID: {steam_id2_}. \nSteam URL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/{steam_id64_} \n"
ip_counter, total_time_hours, total_time_minutes, ze_time_hours, ze_time_minutes, zr_time_hours, zr_time_minutes, mg_time_hours, mg_time_minutes, jb_time_hours, jb_time_minutes = count_hours(res_all_)
await message.channel.send(f"""{steam_account}Your steam Account(s) connected from a total of {ip_counter} different IP addresses.\nYour discord account ({discord_id}) is associated to an unloze forum account: https://unloze.com/members/.{res_user_id[0]}/\nPlayer: {target_name}\nZE playtime: {ze_time_hours} hours {ze_time_minutes} minutes.\nMG playtime: {mg_time_hours} hours {mg_time_minutes} minutes.\nZR playtime: {zr_time_hours} hours {zr_time_minutes} minutes.\nJB playtime: {jb_time_hours} hours {jb_time_minutes} minutes. \n\nYou need a total of 200 hours gametime for being allowed into the discord automatically: \nTotal Playtime: {total_time_hours} hours {total_time_minutes} minutes.""")
return first_account
def xenforo_query(cur, discord_id):
sql_statement = """
select * from unloze_forum_2.xf_user_connected_account e
where e.provider_key = '%s'
cur.execute(sql_statement, [discord_id])
res_user_id = cur.fetchone()
return res_user_id
def run_steam_queries(res_user_id, cur):
#have to check both steam and th_cap_steam
sql_statement = """
select * from unloze_forum_2.xf_user_connected_account e
where e.provider = 'steam' and e.user_id = %s and LENGTH(e.provider_key) > 0
cur.execute(sql_statement, [res_user_id[0]])
res = cur.fetchone()
res_all_1, steam_id2_1, steam_id64_1 = check_both_steam_connections_types(res)
sql_statement = """
select * from unloze_forum_2.xf_user_connected_account e
where e.provider = 'th_cap_steam' and e.user_id = %s and LENGTH(e.provider_key) > 0
cur.execute(sql_statement, [res_user_id[0]])
res = cur.fetchone()
res_all_2, steam_id2_2, steam_id64_2 = check_both_steam_connections_types(res)
return res_all_1, steam_id2_1, steam_id64_1, res_all_2, steam_id2_2, steam_id64_2
def from_steam64(sid):
y = int(sid) - 76561197960265728
x = y % 2
return "STEAM_0:{}:{}".format(x, (y - x) // 2)
def check_both_steam_connections_types(res):
if not res:
return None, None, None
steam_id64 = res[2].decode("utf-8")
steam_id2 = from_steam64(steam_id64)
with get_connection_playtime() as conn2:
with conn2.cursor(buffered=True) as cur2:
sql_statement = """
select ze_time, mg_time, zr_time, jb_time, discord_allowed from unloze_playtimestats.player_time pt
where pt.steam_id = %s
cur2.execute(sql_statement, [steam_id2])
res_all = cur2.fetchall()
return res_all, steam_id2, steam_id64
def gen_steam_acount_str(steam_id2_1, steam_id2_2, steam_id64_1, steam_id64_2):
steam_account = ""
if steam_id2_1:
steam_account += f"Steam ID: {steam_id2_1} \nSteam URL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/{steam_id64_1} \n"
if steam_id2_2 and steam_id2_2 not in steam_account:
steam_account += f"Steam ID: {steam_id2_2} \nSteam URL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/{steam_id64_2} \n"
return steam_account
async def on_message(message):
if message.author.bot:
if client.user.mentioned_in(message):
if ('#STEAM_') in message.content:
steam_id = message.content.split("#")[1]
with get_connection_playtime() as conn2:
with conn2.cursor(buffered=True) as cur2:
sql_statement = """
select ze_time, mg_time, zr_time, jb_time, discord_allowed from unloze_playtimestats.player_time pt
where pt.steam_id = %s
cur2.execute(sql_statement, [steam_id])
res_all = cur2.fetchall()
if not res_all:
await message.channel.send("Steam ID not found/valid")
ip_counter, total_time_hours, total_time_minutes, ze_time_hours, ze_time_minutes, zr_time_hours, zr_time_minutes, mg_time_hours, mg_time_minutes, jb_time_hours, jb_time_minutes = count_hours(res_all)
await message.channel.send(f"""Steam ID: {steam_id} \nZE playtime: {ze_time_hours} hours {ze_time_minutes} minutes.\nMG playtime: {mg_time_hours} hours {mg_time_minutes} minutes.\nZR playtime: {zr_time_hours} hours {zr_time_minutes} minutes.\nJB playtime: {jb_time_hours} hours {jb_time_minutes} minutes. """)
msg = message
discord_id = message.author.id
target_name = message.author.name
for t in message.mentions:
if not t.bot:
discord_id = t.id
target_name = t.name
if discord_id == message.author.id:
msg_content = message.content.split("> ")[1]
for member1 in message.channel.members:
if member1.name.startswith(msg_content) or member1.name.lower().startswith(msg_content):
discord_id = member1.id
target_name = member1.name
except Exception:
with get_connection_xenforo() as conn:
with conn.cursor(buffered=True) as cur: #wtf is this buffered shit even
res_user_id = xenforo_query(cur, discord_id)
if not res_user_id:
await message.channel.send(f"{target_name} Your discord account ({discord_id}) is not associated to any unloze forum account. Create a forum account and associate discord")
res_all_1, steam_id2_1, steam_id64_1, res_all_2, steam_id2_2, steam_id64_2 = run_steam_queries(res_user_id, cur)
steam_account = gen_steam_acount_str(steam_id2_1, steam_id2_2, steam_id64_1, steam_id64_2)
if res_all_1 is None and res_all_2 is None:
await message.channel.send(f"{target_name} Your discord account ({discord_id}) is associated to an unloze forum account: https://unloze.com/members/.{res_user_id[0]}/\nBut there is no steam account associated. Associate your steam account.")
elif (res_all_1 is not None and res_all_2 is not None and len(res_all_1) == 0 and len(res_all_2) == 0) or (res_all_1 is not None and len(res_all_1) == 0 and res_all_2 is None) or (res_all_2 is not None and len(res_all_2) == 0 and res_all_1 is None):
await message.channel.send(f"{steam_account}Your discord account ({discord_id}) is associated to an unloze forum account: https://unloze.com/members/.{res_user_id[0]}/\nPlayer: {target_name}\nYour steam Account(s) have no play time at all on the gameservers. You need 200 hours for being allowed into the discord server.")
first_account = False
first_account = await generate_hours_message(steam_id2_1, steam_id64_1, res_all_1, steam_account, discord_id, res_user_id, target_name, message, first_account, None)
await generate_hours_message(steam_id2_2, steam_id64_2, res_all_2, steam_account, discord_id, res_user_id, target_name, message, first_account, steam_id2_1)
async def update_asn(ipv4, steam_id2_, client, discord_id, member, bad_asn, steam_account, res_user_id, cur2, conn2):
do_allow = True
r = requests.get(f"https://ipinfo.io/{ipv4}")
asn = r.json()["org"].split(" ")[0]
except Exception:
asn = 'failed'
sql_statement = """
update unloze_playtimestats.player_time
set asn = %s where ipv4 = %s
cur2.execute(sql_statement, [asn, ipv4])
for asn1 in bad_asn:
if asn == asn1:
do_allow = False
sql_statement = """
update unloze_playtimestats.player_time
set discord_allowed = 1 where steam_id = %s
if asn == 'failed':
asn_status = f"Users IP address failed ASN verification:\nIPV4: {ipv4}\n"
asn_status = f"Users ASN is related to a bad guy:\nASN: {asn}.\nIPV4: {ipv4}\n "
cur2.execute(sql_statement, [steam_id2_])
conn2.commit() #manual comitting should really not be needed. the context manager should handle that if this mysql package was properly made xd
for channel1 in client.get_all_channels():
if channel1.name == 'logs-discord-allowed':
await channel1.send(f"!!!WARNING!!! \n{steam_account}Discord account ({discord_id}) is associated to an unloze forum account: https://unloze.com/members/.{res_user_id[0]}/\nName {member.name}. Descriminator ID: {member.discriminator}.\n\nUSER WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY BE ALLOWED INTO THE DISCORD SERVER DUE TO POTENTIALLY BEING A SUSPICIOUS ACCOUNT.\n{asn_status}!!!WARNING!!!")
if do_allow:
sql_statement = """
select `type` from vpn_check.ip_table it
where it.ip = %s
cur2.execute(sql_statement, [ipv4])
res = cur2.fetchone()
if res:
vpn_type = res[0]
if vpn_type == 1:
do_allow = False
sql_statement = """
update unloze_playtimestats.player_time
set discord_allowed = 1 where steam_id = %s
cur2.execute(sql_statement, [steam_id2_])
for channel1 in client.get_all_channels():
if channel1.name == 'logs-discord-allowed':
await channel1.send(f"!!!WARNING!!! \n{steam_account}Discord account ({discord_id}) is associated to an unloze forum account: https://unloze.com/members/.{res_user_id[0]}/\nName {member.name}. Descriminator ID: {member.discriminator}.\n\nUSER WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY BE ALLOWED INTO THE DISCORD SERVER DUE TO USING A VPN: {ipv4}.\n!!!WARNING!!!")
return do_allow
async def verify_player(res_all_, steam_id2_, steam_account, member, discord_id, client, res_user_id, bad_asn, steam_id2__, cur2, conn2):
total_time_hours = 0
if res_all_ is not None and len(res_all_) > 0 and steam_id2_ is not None and steam_id2_ != steam_id2__:
ip_counter, total_time_hours, total_time_minutes, ze_time_hours, ze_time_minutes, zr_time_hours, zr_time_minutes, mg_time_hours, mg_time_minutes, jb_time_hours, jb_time_minutes = count_hours(res_all_)
if total_time_hours >= 200.0:
sql_statement = """
select * from unloze_playtimestats.player_time
where steam_id = %s and discord_allowed = 1
limit 1
cur2.execute(sql_statement, [steam_id2_])
res = cur2.fetchone()
if not res:
sql_statement = """
select asn, ipv4 from unloze_playtimestats.player_time
where steam_id = %s
cur2.execute(sql_statement, [steam_id2_])
res_all = cur2.fetchall()
do_allow = True
for res in res_all:
asn = res[0]
ipv4 = res[1]
if asn is None:
do_allow = await update_asn(ipv4, steam_id2_, client, discord_id, member, bad_asn, steam_account, res_user_id, cur2, conn2)
for asn1 in bad_asn:
if asn == asn1:
do_allow = False
if not do_allow:
if do_allow:
sql_statement = """
update unloze_playtimestats.player_time
set discord_allowed = 1 where steam_id = %s
cur2.execute(sql_statement, [steam_id2_])
for channel1 in client.get_all_channels():
if channel1.name == 'logs-discord-allowed':
await channel1.send(f"{steam_account}Was allowed into the discord server. Discord account ({discord_id}) is associated to an unloze forum account: https://unloze.com/members/.{res_user_id[0]}/\nName {member.name}. Descriminator ID: {member.discriminator}")
for role in member.roles:
if role.name == "new-comer":
await member.remove_roles(role)
except Exception:
import traceback
error_msg = traceback.format_exc()
print("member name: ", member.name)
print("traceback happened: ", error_msg)
conn2.commit() #manual comitting should really not be needed. the context manager should handle that if this mysql package was properly made xd
@loop(seconds = 10)
async def check_person_to_allow():
bad_asn = ["AS3352", "failed"]
with get_connection_xenforo() as conn:
with conn.cursor(buffered=True) as cur: #wtf is this buffered shit even
for channel in client.get_all_channels():
if channel.name == 'introduction-channel':
for member in channel.members:
discord_id = member.id
res_user_id = xenforo_query(cur, discord_id)
if not res_user_id:
res_all_1, steam_id2_1, steam_id64_1, res_all_2, steam_id2_2, steam_id64_2 = run_steam_queries(res_user_id, cur)
with get_connection_playtime() as conn2:
with conn2.cursor(buffered=True) as cur2:
steam_account = gen_steam_acount_str(steam_id2_1, steam_id2_2, steam_id64_1, steam_id64_2)
await verify_player(res_all_1, steam_id2_1, steam_account, member, discord_id, client, res_user_id, bad_asn, None, cur2, conn2)
await verify_player(res_all_2, steam_id2_2, steam_account, member, discord_id, client, res_user_id, bad_asn, steam_id2_1, cur2, conn2)
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':