#!/home/nonroot/import_bans/venv/bin/python3 from settings import (get_connection) def create_tables(): with get_connection() as conn: with conn.cursor() as cur: sql_statement = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `unloze_anti-spoofing`.kicklist ( steam_id varchar(64) not null, ipv4 varchar(64) not null, kick boolean default FALSE, inserted_on datetime default now(), primary key (steam_id, ipv4) ) """ cur.execute(sql_statement) def select_into_recent_bans(): with get_connection() as conn: with conn.cursor() as cur: sql_statement = """ insert IGNORE `unloze_anti-spoofing`.kicklist(steam_id, ipv4) select cr.steam_id, cr.ipv4 from `unloze_anti-spoofing`.connect_restriction cr where cr.cooldown > NOW() """ cur.execute(sql_statement) def update_kick_flag(): with get_connection() as conn: with conn.cursor() as cur: sql_statement = """ update `unloze_anti-spoofing`.kicklist set kick = true """ cur.execute(sql_statement) def main(): create_tables() print("new iteration") select_into_recent_bans() #TODO generate some fingerprints to base the kick flag being set by update_kick_flag() if __name__ == '__main__': main()