import os import sys import subprocess import atexit from threading import Timer import string import random import time import mysql.connector from mysql.connector import Error from settings import mysql_connection_ip, mysql_connection_user, mysql_connection_pw, mysql_connection_database looptestPath = '/home/nonroot/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Source/cstrike/cfg/looptest.cfg' def get_connection(): return mysql.connector.connect( host=mysql_connection_ip, user=mysql_connection_user, passwd=mysql_connection_pw, database=mysql_connection_database) def writeCfgInput(Input): with open(looptestPath, 'w') as f: f.write(Input) def resetCfgInputShortWait(): str = "{0}; wait 5;" with open(looptestPath, 'w') as f: f.write(str) time.sleep(0.5) def exit_handler(): print('reached exithandler') str = "wait 5;" with open(looptestPath, 'w') as f: f.write(str) def joinTeam(): str = "jointeam 2; wait 2; zspawn; wait 1; {0}; wait 5;" writeCfgInput(str) time.sleep(4.5) print('jointeam func: ') def checkbotteam(): mysql_check_spectator() resetCfgInputShortWait() connectionTimer = Timer(20.0, checkbotteam) connectionTimer.daemon = True connectionTimer.start() def mysql_check_spectator(): cnx = get_connection() cur = cnx.cursor() sql_statement = f"""SELECT spectate from unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot status`""" cur.execute(sql_statement) result = cur.fetchall()[0] spectate = result[0] print('spectate: ', spectate) if spectate != 0: joinTeam() cur.close() cnx.close() def mysql_get_player_info(movement_list): cnx = get_connection() cur = cnx.cursor() sql_statement = f"""SELECT * from unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot movement input` ORDER BY entry_time LIMIT 1""" sql_row_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot movement input`" cur.execute(sql_statement) result = cur.fetchall() cur.execute(sql_row_count) result_count = cur.fetchone()[0] if result: result = result[0] movement_input = result[0] client_angles = [result[1], result[2], result[3]] xyz_difference = [result[4], result[5], result[6]] client_coordinates = result[7], result[8], result[9] hunt_or_mimic = result[10] stuckX = result[11] stuckY = result[12] strInput = "-attack; wait 5; -jump; wait 5; -duck; wait 5; +attack; wait 5; cl_minmodels 1; " print('movement_list[0]: ', movement_list[0], '#false = forward, true = back') print('movement_list[1]: ', movement_list[1], '#false = left, true = right') print('result_count: ', result_count) axis_distance = 105 #print('stuckX: ', stuckX, ' stuckY: ', stuckY) if stuckX and xyz_difference[0] < -axis_distance or xyz_difference[0] > axis_distance: movement_list[0] = not movement_list[0] strInput += " +jump; wait 3; +duck; wait 5;" if stuckY and xyz_difference[1] < -axis_distance or xyz_difference[1] > axis_distance: movement_list[1] = not movement_list[1] strInput += " +jump; wait 3; +duck; wait 5;" if hunt_or_mimic: print('hunt_or_mimic enabled') bool_x_axis_permit = True bool_y_axis_permit = True sql_statement = f"""SELECT entry_time FROM unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot movement input` where client_coord_0 = '{client_coordinates[0]}' and client_coord_1 = '{client_coordinates[1]}' and client_coord_2 = '{client_coordinates[2]}' LIMIT 1""" cur.execute(sql_statement) entry_time = cur.fetchall()[0][0] #once hunt_or_mimic is reached it should remain true until round restart or ct death, once close enough distance bot has to copy its input for rest of round if not hunt_or_mimic: if xyz_difference[0] > axis_distance: movement_list[0] = True elif xyz_difference[0] < -axis_distance: movement_list[0] = False else: bool_x_axis_permit = False strInput += " -back; wait 5; -forward; wait 5;" if xyz_difference[1] < -axis_distance: movement_list[1] = True elif xyz_difference[1] > axis_distance: movement_list[1] = False else: bool_y_axis_permit = False strInput += " -moveright; wait 5; -moveleft; wait 5;" print('xyz_difference[0]: ', xyz_difference[0]) print('xyz_difference[1]: ', xyz_difference[1]) strInput += f""" setang 0 180 0; wait 5; """ else: #print('client_angles: ', client_angles) print('movement_input: ', movement_input) strInput += f""" setang {client_angles[0]} {client_angles[1]} {client_angles[2]}; wait 5; {movement_input};""" #if xyz_difference[0] > -axis_distance and xyz_difference[0] < axis_distance and xyz_difference[1] > -axis_distance and xyz_difference[1] < axis_distance: sql_statement = f"""DELETE FROM unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot movement input` where entry_time <= '{entry_time}'""" cur.execute(sql_statement) print('Deleted ', cur.rowcount, ' rows before/during entry_time:', entry_time) cnx.commit() if xyz_difference[0] > -25 and xyz_difference[0] < 25: strInput += "-back; wait 5; -forward; wait 5;" if xyz_difference[1] > -25 and xyz_difference[1] < 25: strInput += "-moveright; wait 5; -moveleft; wait 5;" if not hunt_or_mimic: if bool_x_axis_permit: if movement_list[0]: strInput += " -back; wait 5; +forward; wait 5;" else: strInput += " -forward; wait 5; +back; wait 5;" if bool_y_axis_permit: if movement_list[1]: strInput += " -moveleft; wait 5; +moveright; wait 5;" else: strInput += " -moveright; wait 5; +moveleft; wait 5;" sql_statement = f"""DELETE FROM unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot movement input` where entry_time <= '{entry_time}'""" cur.execute(sql_statement) #print('sql_statement: ', sql_statement) #print('Deleted ', cur.rowcount, ' rows before/during entry_time:', entry_time) cnx.commit() #print('strInput final:', strInput) writeCfgInput(strInput) time.sleep(0.10) writeCfgInput("wait 5;") cur.close() cnx.close() run_delay = 0.05 #0.05 connectionTimer = Timer(run_delay, mysql_get_player_info, args=[movement_list]) connectionTimer.daemon = True connectionTimer.start() def mysql_check_messages(): cnx = get_connection() cur = cnx.cursor() sql_statement = """SELECT responsemessage FROM unloze_css_autism_bot.chatting WHERE responsemessage != '' LIMIT 1""" cur.execute(sql_statement) result = cur.fetchall() if result: result = result[0][0] str = f"""say {result}""" print('str: ', str) writeCfgInput(str) time.sleep(0.2) sql_statement = f"""DELETE FROM unloze_css_autism_bot.`chatting` WHERE `responsemessage` = '{result}'""" print('sql_statement: ', sql_statement) cur.execute(sql_statement) cnx.commit() cur.close() cnx.close() connectionTimer = Timer(2, mysql_check_messages) connectionTimer.daemon = True connectionTimer.start() def mysql_check_if_connected(): cnx = get_connection() cur = cnx.cursor() sql_statement = """SELECT connected, playercount from unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot status`""" cur.execute(sql_statement) result = cur.fetchall()[0] #print('result: ', result, ' result[0]: ', result[0]) connected = result[0] playercount = result[1] #playercount might not be updated ingame and auto leave? print('connected: ', connected) if connected == 0: str1 = "connect;" writeCfgInput(str1) time.sleep(0.2) writeCfgInput("wait 5;") time.sleep(15.50) print('not yet connected') mysql_check_if_connected() obsolete = """ elif playercount > 60: str1 = "connect;" writeCfgInput(str1) time.sleep(0.5) writeCfgInput("wait 500;") time.sleep(15.50) print('not yet connected') mysql_check_if_connected() """ connectionTimer = Timer(60.0 * 2, mysql_check_if_connected) connectionTimer.daemon = True connectionTimer.start() cur.close() cnx.close() def mysql_reset_input(): cnx = get_connection() cur = cnx.cursor() sql_statement = f"""DELETE FROM unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot movement input`""" cur.execute(sql_statement) cnx.commit() cur.close() cnx.close() def deadlock(): try: while True: 42 == 42 except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if __name__ == '__main__': atexit.register(exit_handler) resetCfgInputShortWait() mysql_check_if_connected() checkbotteam() print('reached mysql _get_player_info') mysql_reset_input() mysql_get_player_info([False, True]) mysql_check_messages() print('reached deadlock') deadlock() #/home/nonroot/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Source/cstrike/cfg/autoexec.cfg: #alias loop "exec looptest.cfg; wait 5; loop;"; wait 5; loop; #-condebug #cd /home/nonroot/.steam/ #./ -applaunch 240 -textmode -textmessagedebug -novid -nosound -noipx -nojoy -noshaderapi +exec looptest.cfg