import os import subprocess import atexit import re from threading import Timer import string import random import time looptestPath = '/home/nonroot/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Source/cstrike/cfg/looptest.cfg' consolelogPath = '/home/nonroot/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Source/cstrike/console.log' clearbool = True def id_generator(size=6, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits): return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size)) def switchbool(): global clearbool clearbool = True def clearconsolelog(): global clearbool if clearbool: clearbool = False open(consolelogPath, 'w').close() print('cleaned console') connectionTimer = Timer(3.0, switchbool) #daemon true kills thread instead of deadlock waiting in case program exits connectionTimer.daemon = True connectionTimer.start() def writeCfgInput(Input): with open(looptestPath, 'w') as f: f.write(Input) def getconsoleOutputForStatus(): randomlygeneratedString = id_generator(11) str = "status; wait 5; {0}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString) writeCfgInput(str) checkConsoleOutput(randomlygeneratedString) server_str = "" player_count = 0 with open(consolelogPath, 'r') as f: for line in f: if "udp/ip :" in line: server_str = line[9:].strip() if "players :" in line: player_count = int(line[9:].split()[0].strip()) print('server_str: ', server_str, '\nplayer_count: ', player_count) return (server_str, player_count) def get_output_if_spec(): randomlygeneratedString = id_generator(11) str = "zspawn; wait 50; {0}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString) writeCfgInput(str) #is sm_team a command to show team? #maybe instead say !teaminfo, add sourcemod command to autism_bot_info.sp to print team to chat instead targetstr = "This feature requires that you are on a team." failurestr = "Unknown command \"zspawn\"" checkConsoleOutput(randomlygeneratedString) with open(consolelogPath, 'r') as f: for line in f: if targetstr in line: return 1 if failurestr in line: return 2 return 0 def checkConsoleOutput(input): iterations_count = 0 #print('entered checkconsole output') while iterations_count < 6: time.sleep(0.5) with open(consolelogPath, 'r') as f: for line in f: if input in line: iterations_count += 6 break iterations_count += 1 def resetCfgInputShortWait(): #getpos randomlygeneratedString = id_generator(11) #print('randomlygeneratedString: ', randomlygeneratedString) str = "{0}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString) with open(looptestPath, 'w') as f: f.write(str) checkConsoleOutput(randomlygeneratedString) def exit_handler(): print('reached exithandler') str = "wait 5;" with open(looptestPath, 'w') as f: f.write(str) def joinTeam(): randomlygeneratedString = id_generator(11) str = "jointeam 2; wait 2; zspawn; wait 1; {0}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString) writeCfgInput(str) checkConsoleOutput(randomlygeneratedString) def checkbotteam(): while True: clearconsolelog() state = get_output_if_spec() if state == 1: joinTeam() break if state == 0: break resetCfgInputShortWait() connectionTimer = Timer(20.0, checkbotteam) connectionTimer.daemon = True connectionTimer.start() def checkIfConnected(): randomlygeneratedString = id_generator(11) server_str, player_count = getconsoleOutputForStatus() connectionTimer = None if "27015" not in server_str: str1 = "connect; wait 5; {0}; wait 1500; ".format(randomlygeneratedString) writeCfgInput(str1) checkConsoleOutput(randomlygeneratedString) elif player_count > 58: #TODO check team differently because zspawn unknown command on zr server writeCfgInput("connect; wait 5; {0}; wait 1500;".format(randomlygeneratedString)) checkConsoleOutput(randomlygeneratedString) connectionTimer = Timer(60.0 * 15, checkIfConnected) resetCfgInputShortWait() if not connectionTimer: connectionTimer = Timer(60.0 * 2, checkIfConnected) #daemon true kills thread instead of deadlock waiting in case program exits connectionTimer.daemon = True connectionTimer.start() def getBotOrigin(): randomlygeneratedString = id_generator(11) str = "getpos; wait 1; {0}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString) writeCfgInput(str) checkConsoleOutput(randomlygeneratedString) previousStr = "" with open(consolelogPath, 'r') as f: for line in f: if randomlygeneratedString in line: try: coords ='setpos (.*);setang', previousStr).group(1).strip().split() print('coords: ', coords) return coords except AttributeError as err: pass previousStr = line return None def get_player_info(): movement_input = [] ct_angles = [] while not movement_input and not ct_angles: with open(consolelogPath, 'r') as f: for line in f: if "movement_input_specific:" in line: try: movement = line.split("movement_input_specific:", 1)[1] movement = movement.replace("\n", "") #print('movement: ', movement) movement_input.append(movement) except IndexError: pass if "ct_eye_angles_:" in line: try: ct_angles = line.split("ct_eye_angles_:", 1)[1].split("+") except IndexError: pass ct_angles = [element.strip() for element in ct_angles] return (movement_input, ct_angles) def getBotOrgin(botOrigin): #x -> z -> y coordAxis order botOrigin = [x.strip() for x in botOrigin] botOrigin = [x.replace(";", "") for x in botOrigin] botIntorigin0 = float(botOrigin[0]) botIntorigin1 = float(botOrigin[1]) botIntorigin2 = float(botOrigin[2]) #bot coordinates might be usefull? return [botIntorigin0, botIntorigin1, botIntorigin2] def followPlayer(): #setang 0 180 0; #default_input = "+attack; wait 50; cl_minmodels; wait 50; +right; wait 50; +jump; wait 50; -jump; wait 50; +forward; wait 50; {0}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString) #writeCfgInput(default_input) #botOrigin = getBotOrigin() movement_input, ct_angles = get_player_info() print('movement_input: ', movement_input, '\nct_angles: ', ct_angles) randomlygeneratedString = id_generator(11) strInput = "-forward; wait 5; -back; wait 5; -moveleft; wait 5; -moveright; wait 5; -jump; wait 5; +attack; wait 5; cl_minmodels 1; wait 5; {0}; wait 5; setang {1} {2} {3}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString, ct_angles[0], ct_angles[1], ct_angles[2]) for movement in movement_input: strInput += movement strInput += "; wait 5;" #print('strInput: ', strInput) writeCfgInput(strInput) checkConsoleOutput(randomlygeneratedString) clearconsolelog() connectionTimer = Timer(1.0, followPlayer) connectionTimer.daemon = True connectionTimer.start() def deadlock(): try: while True: 42 == 42 except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if __name__ == '__main__': atexit.register(exit_handler) clearconsolelog() resetCfgInputShortWait() checkIfConnected() checkbotteam() print('reached followPlayer') followPlayer() print('reached deadlock') deadlock() #autoexec.cfg: #alias loop "exec looptest.cfg; wait 5; loop;"; wait 5; loop;