#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import asyncio import sys import re import traceback import math from importlib import reload from . import Commandsmg class CommandHandlermg(): def __init__(self, Torchlight): self.Logger = logging.getLogger(__class__.__name__) self.Torchlight = Torchlight self.Commands = [] self.NeedsReload = False def Setup(self): Counter = len(self.Commands) self.Commands.clear() if Counter: self.Logger.info(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + " Unloaded {0} commands!".format(Counter)) Counter = 0 for subklass in sorted(Commandsmg.BaseCommand.__subclasses__(), key = lambda x: x.Order, reverse = True): try: Command = subklass(self.Torchlight) if hasattr(Command, "_setup"): Command._setup() except Exception as e: self.Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) else: self.Commands.append(Command) Counter += 1 self.Logger.info(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + " Loaded {0} commands!".format(Counter)) def Reload(self): try: reload(Commandsmg) except Exception as e: self.Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) else: self.Setup() async def HandleCommand(self, line, player): Message = line.split(sep = ' ', maxsplit = 1) if len(Message) < 2: Message.append("") Message[1] = Message[1].strip() if Message[1] and self.Torchlight().LastUrl: Message[1] = Message[1].replace("!last", self.Torchlight().LastUrl) line = Message[0] + ' ' + Message[1] Level = 0 if player.Access: Level = player.Access["level"] RetMessage = None Ret = None for Command in self.Commands: for Trigger in Command.Triggers: Match = False RMatch = None if isinstance(Trigger, tuple): if Message[0].lower().startswith(Trigger[0], 0, Trigger[1]): Match = True elif isinstance(Trigger, str): if Message[0].lower() == Trigger.lower(): Match = True else: # compiled regex RMatch = Trigger.search(line) if RMatch: Match = True if not Match: continue self.Logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + " \"{0}\" Match -> {1} | {2}".format(player.Name, Command.__class__.__name__, Trigger)) if Level < Command.Level: RetMessage = "You do not have access to this command! (You: {0} | Required: {1})".format(Level, Command.Level) continue try: if RMatch: Ret = await Command._rfunc(line, RMatch, player) else: Ret = await Command._func(Message, player) except Exception as e: self.Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.Torchlight().SayChat("Error: {0}".format(str(e))) RetMessage = None if isinstance(Ret, str): Message = Ret.split(sep = ' ', maxsplit = 1) Ret = None if Ret != None and Ret > 0: break if Ret != None and Ret >= 0: break if RetMessage: self.Torchlight().SayPrivate(player, RetMessage) if self.NeedsReload: self.NeedsReload = False self.Reload() return Ret