/* Oryx AC: collects and analyzes statistics to find some cheaters in CS:S, CS:GO, and TF2 bunnyhop. * Copyright (C) 2018 Nolan O. * Copyright (C) 2018 shavit. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <oryx> #undef REQUIRE_PLUGIN #include <shavit> #include <bTimes-tas> #include <bTimes-timer_hack> #pragma newdecls required #pragma semicolon 1 enum { Timer_None, Timer_Shavit, Timer_Blacky2, Timer_Blacky183 } int gI_Timer = Timer_None; char gS_SpecialString[128]; ConVar gCV_AllowBypass = null; EngineVersion gEV_Type = Engine_Unknown; Handle gH_Forwards_OnTrigger = null; char gS_LogPath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; char gS_BeepSound[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; bool gB_NoSound = false; bool gB_Testing[MAXPLAYERS+1]; bool gB_Locked[MAXPLAYERS+1]; public Plugin myinfo = { name = "ORYX bunnyhop anti-cheat", author = "Rusty, shavit", description = "Cheat detection interface.", version = ORYX_VERSION, url = "https://github.com/shavitush/Oryx-AC" } public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle myself, bool late, char[] error, int err_max) { CreateNative("Oryx_CanBypass", Native_CanBypass); CreateNative("Oryx_Trigger", Native_OryxTrigger); CreateNative("Oryx_WithinThreshold", Native_WithinThreshold); CreateNative("Oryx_PrintToAdmins", Native_PrintToAdmins); CreateNative("Oryx_PrintToAdminsConsole", Native_PrintToAdminsConsole); CreateNative("Oryx_LogMessage", Native_LogMessage); // registers library, check "bool LibraryExists(const char[] name)" in order to use with other plugins RegPluginLibrary("oryx"); return APLRes_Success; } public void OnAllPluginsLoaded() { // workaround if(gI_Timer == Timer_None && GetFeatureStatus(FeatureType_Native, "GetClientStyle") == FeatureStatus_Available && GetFeatureStatus(FeatureType_Native, "Style_GetConfig") == FeatureStatus_Available) { gI_Timer = Timer_Blacky183; } } public void OnPluginStart() { gH_Forwards_OnTrigger = CreateGlobalForward("Oryx_OnTrigger", ET_Event, Param_Cell, Param_CellByRef, Param_String); gEV_Type = GetEngineVersion(); gCV_AllowBypass = CreateConVar("oryx_allow_bypass", "1", "Allow specific styles to bypass Oryx? Refer to README.md for information.", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); CreateConVar("oryx_version", ORYX_VERSION, "Plugin version.", (FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_DONTRECORD)); RegAdminCmd("sm_otest", Command_OryxTest, ADMFLAG_BAN, "Enables the TRIGGER_TEST detection level."); RegAdminCmd("sm_lock", Command_LockPlayer, ADMFLAG_BAN, "Disables movement for a player."); LoadTranslations("common.phrases"); BuildPath(Path_SM, gS_LogPath, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, "logs/oryx-ac.log"); if(LibraryExists("shavit")) { gI_Timer = Timer_Shavit; } else if(LibraryExists("tas")) { gI_Timer = Timer_Blacky2; } } public void OnLibraryAdded(const char[] name) { if(StrEqual(name, "shavit")) { gI_Timer = Timer_Shavit; } else if(StrEqual(name, "tas")) { gI_Timer = Timer_Blacky2; } } public void OnLibraryRemoved(const char[] name) { if((StrEqual(name, "shavit") && gI_Timer == Timer_Shavit) || (StrEqual(name, "tas") && gI_Timer == Timer_Blacky2)) { gI_Timer = Timer_None; } } public void OnMapStart() { // Beep sounds. Handle hConfig = LoadGameConfigFile("funcommands.games"); if(hConfig == null) { SetFailState("Unable to load game config funcommands.games"); return; } if(GameConfGetKeyValue(hConfig, "SoundBeep", gS_BeepSound, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH)) { PrecacheSound(gS_BeepSound, true); } delete hConfig; } public void OnClientPutInServer(int client) { gB_Locked[client] = false; gB_Testing[client] = false; } public Action Command_OryxTest(int client, int args) { gB_Testing[client] = !gB_Testing[client]; ReplyToCommand(client, "Testing is %s.", (gB_Testing[client])? "on":"off"); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Command_LockPlayer(int client, int args) { if(args < 1) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Usage: sm_lock <target>"); return Plugin_Handled; } char[] sArgs = new char[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH]; GetCmdArgString(sArgs, MAX_TARGET_LENGTH); int target = FindTarget(client, sArgs); if(target == -1) { return Plugin_Handled; } gB_Locked[target] = !gB_Locked[target]; ReplyToCommand(client, "Player has been %s.", (gB_Locked[target])? "locked":"unlocked"); PrintToChat(target, "An admin has %s your ability to move!", (gB_Locked[target])? "locked":"unlocked"); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, int &buttons, int &impulse, float vel[3]) { // Movement is locked, don't allow anything. if(gB_Locked[client]) { buttons = 0; vel[0] = 0.0; vel[1] = 0.0; impulse = 0; return Plugin_Changed; } return Plugin_Continue; } public int Native_CanBypass(Handle plugin, int numParams) { if(!gCV_AllowBypass.BoolValue) { return false; } int client = GetNativeCell(1); switch(gI_Timer) { case Timer_Shavit: { Shavit_GetStyleStrings(Shavit_GetBhopStyle(client), sSpecialString, gS_SpecialString, 128); if(StrContains(gS_SpecialString, "oryx_bypass", false) != -1) { return true; } } case Timer_Blacky2: { return TAS_InEditMode(client); } case Timer_Blacky183: { any styleconfig[StyleConfig]; Style_GetConfig(GetClientStyle(client), styleconfig); if(StrContains(styleconfig[Special_Key], "oryx_bypass", false) != -1) { return true; } } } return false; } public int Native_OryxTrigger(Handle plugin, int numParams) { int client = GetNativeCell(1); int level = GetNativeCell(2); char[] sLevel = new char[16]; char[] sCheatDescription = new char[1024]; GetNativeString(3, sCheatDescription, 1024); Action result = Plugin_Continue; Call_StartForward(gH_Forwards_OnTrigger); Call_PushCell(client); Call_PushCellRef(level); Call_PushStringEx(sCheatDescription, 1024, SM_PARAM_STRING_COPY, SM_PARAM_COPYBACK); Call_Finish(result); if(result == Plugin_Stop) { return view_as<int>(Plugin_Stop); } if(level == TRIGGER_LOW) { strcopy(sLevel, 16, "LOW"); gB_NoSound = true; // Don't play the annoying beep sound for LOW detections. } else if(level == TRIGGER_MEDIUM) { strcopy(sLevel, 16, "MEDIUM"); } else if(level == TRIGGER_HIGH) { strcopy(sLevel, 16, "HIGH"); if(result != Plugin_Handled) { //KickClient(client, "[ORYX] %s", sCheatDescription); } } else if(level == TRIGGER_HIGH_NOKICK) { strcopy(sLevel, 16, "HIGH-NOKICK"); } else if(level == TRIGGER_DEFINITIVE) { strcopy(sLevel, 16, "DEFINITIVE"); if(result != Plugin_Handled) { //KickClient(client, "[ORYX] %s", sCheatDescription); } } else if(level == TRIGGER_TEST) { char[] sBuffer = new char[128]; Format(sBuffer, 128, "(\x03%N\x01) - %s | Level: \x04TESTING", client, sCheatDescription); for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(gB_Testing[i] && IsClientInGame(i)) { PrintToChat(i, "%s", sBuffer); } } return view_as<int>(result); } char[] sAuth = new char[32]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam3, sAuth, 32); char[] sBuffer = new char[128]; Format(sBuffer, 128, "\x03%N\x01 - \x05%s\x01 Cheat: %s | Level: %s", client, sAuth, sCheatDescription, sLevel); Oryx_PrintToAdmins("%s", sBuffer); LogToFileEx(gS_LogPath, "%L - Cheat: %s | Level: %s", client, sCheatDescription, sLevel); return view_as<int>(result); } public int Native_WithinThreshold(Handle plugin, int numParams) { float f1 = GetNativeCell(1); float f2 = GetNativeCell(2); float threshold = GetNativeCell(3); return view_as<int>(FloatAbs(f1 - f2) <= threshold); } public int Native_PrintToAdmins(Handle plugin, int numParams) { static int iWritten = 0; // Useless? char[] sBuffer = new char[300]; FormatNativeString(0, 1, 2, 300, iWritten, sBuffer); for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(CheckCommandAccess(i, "oryx_admin", ADMFLAG_GENERIC)) { PrintToChat(i, "%s\x04[ORYX]\x01 %s", (gEV_Type == Engine_CSGO)? " ":"", sBuffer); if(!gB_NoSound) { if(gEV_Type == Engine_CSS || gEV_Type == Engine_TF2) { EmitSoundToClient(i, gS_BeepSound); } else { ClientCommand(i, "play */%s", gS_BeepSound); } } } } gB_NoSound = false; } public int Native_PrintToAdminsConsole(Handle plugin, int numParams) { static int iWritten = 0; // Useless? char[] sBuffer = new char[300]; FormatNativeString(0, 1, 2, 300, iWritten, sBuffer); for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(CheckCommandAccess(i, "oryx_admin", ADMFLAG_GENERIC)) { PrintToConsole(i, "[ORYX] %s", sBuffer); } } } public int Native_LogMessage(Handle plugin, int numParams) { char[] sPlugin = new char[32]; if(!GetPluginInfo(plugin, PlInfo_Name, sPlugin, 32)) { GetPluginFilename(plugin, sPlugin, 32); } static int iWritten = 0; // Useless? char[] sBuffer = new char[300]; FormatNativeString(0, 1, 2, 300, iWritten, sBuffer); LogToFileEx(gS_LogPath, "[%s] %s", sPlugin, sBuffer); }