import os import sys import subprocess import atexit from threading import Timer import string import random import time import mysql.connector from mysql.connector import pooling from mysql.connector import Error from settings import mysql_connection_ip, mysql_connection_user, mysql_connection_pw, mysql_connection_database looptestPath = '/home/nonroot/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Source/cstrike/cfg/looptest.cfg' chatmsg = "" mysql_connection_pool = mysql.connector.pooling.MySQLConnectionPool(pool_name="mypool", host=mysql_connection_ip, database=mysql_connection_database, user=mysql_connection_user, passwd=mysql_connection_pw) def get_connection_obsolete(): return mysql.connector.connect( host=mysql_connection_ip, user=mysql_connection_user, passwd=mysql_connection_pw, database=mysql_connection_database) def writeCfgInput(Input): with open(looptestPath, 'w') as f: f.write(Input) def resetCfgInputShortWait(): str = "{0}; wait 5;" with open(looptestPath, 'w') as f: f.write(str) time.sleep(0.5) def exit_handler(): print('reached exithandler') str = "wait 5;" with open(looptestPath, 'w') as f: f.write(str) def joinTeam(): str = "jointeam 2; wait 2; zspawn; wait 1; {0}; wait 5;" writeCfgInput(str) time.sleep(4.5) print('jointeam func: ') def checkbotteam(): mysql_check_spectator() resetCfgInputShortWait() connectionTimer = Timer(20.0, checkbotteam) connectionTimer.daemon = True connectionTimer.start() def mysql_check_spectator(): cnx = mysql_connection_pool.get_connection() cur = cnx.cursor() sql_statement = f"""SELECT spectate from unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot status`""" cur.execute(sql_statement) result = cur.fetchall()[0] spectate = result[0] print('spectate: ', spectate) if spectate != 0: joinTeam() cur.close() cnx.close() def mysql_get_player_info(movement_list): cnx = mysql_connection_pool.get_connection() cur = cnx.cursor() sql_statement = f"""SELECT * from unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot movement input` ORDER BY entry_time LIMIT 1""" sql_row_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot movement input`" cur.execute(sql_statement) result = cur.fetchall() cur.execute(sql_row_count) result_count = cur.fetchone()[0] if result: result = result[0] movement_input = result[0] client_angles = [result[1], result[2], result[3]] xyz_difference = [result[4], result[5], result[6]] client_coordinates = result[7], result[8], result[9] hunt_or_mimic = result[10] stuckX = result[11] stuckY = result[12] strInput = "-attack; wait 5; -jump; wait 5; -duck; wait 5; +attack; wait 5; cl_minmodels 1; " print('movement_list[0]: ', movement_list[0], '#0 = forward, 1 = back, 2 = none') print('movement_list[1]: ', movement_list[1], '#0 = left, 1 = right, 2 = none') print('result_count: ', result_count) axis_distance = 105 print('stuckX: ', stuckX, ' stuckY: ', stuckY) if stuckX: if movement_list[0] == 0: movement_list[0] = 1 elif movement_list[0] == 1: movement_list[0] = 0 strInput += " +jump; wait 3; +duck; wait 5;" if stuckY: if movement_list[1] == 0: movement_list[1] = 1 elif movement_list[1] == 1: movement_list[1] = 0 strInput += " +jump; wait 3; +duck; wait 5;" if hunt_or_mimic: print('hunt_or_mimic enabled') sql_statement = f"""SELECT entry_time FROM unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot movement input` where client_coord_0 = '{client_coordinates[0]}' and client_coord_1 = '{client_coordinates[1]}' and client_coord_2 = '{client_coordinates[2]}' LIMIT 1""" cur.execute(sql_statement) entry_time = cur.fetchall()[0][0] if not hunt_or_mimic: if xyz_difference[0] > axis_distance: movement_list[0] = 1 elif xyz_difference[0] < -axis_distance: movement_list[0] = 0 else: movement_list[0] = 2 #strInput += " -back; wait 5; -forward; wait 5;" if xyz_difference[1] < -axis_distance: movement_list[1] = 1 elif xyz_difference[1] > axis_distance: movement_list[1] = 0 else: movement_list[1] = 2 #strInput += " -moveright; wait 5; -moveleft; wait 5;" print('xyz_difference[0]: ', xyz_difference[0]) print('xyz_difference[1]: ', xyz_difference[1]) strInput += f""" setang 0 180 0; wait 5; """ else: #print('client_angles: ', client_angles) print('movement_input: ', movement_input) strInput += f"""setang {client_angles[0]} {client_angles[1]} {client_angles[2]}; wait 5; {movement_input}; wait 5;""" sql_statement = f"""DELETE FROM unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot movement input` where entry_time <= '{entry_time}'""" cur.execute(sql_statement) print('Deleted ', cur.rowcount, ' rows before/during entry_time:', entry_time) cnx.commit() if not hunt_or_mimic: if movement_list[0] == 1: strInput += " -back; wait 5; +forward; wait 5;" elif movement_list[0] == 0: strInput += " -forward; wait 5; +back; wait 5;" if movement_list[1] == 1: strInput += " -moveleft; wait 5; +moveright; wait 5;" elif movement_list[1] == 0: strInput += " -moveright; wait 5; +moveleft; wait 5;" sql_statement = f"""DELETE FROM unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot movement input` where entry_time <= '{entry_time}'""" cur.execute(sql_statement) #print('sql_statement: ', sql_statement) print('Deleted ', cur.rowcount, ' rows before/during entry_time:', entry_time) cnx.commit() #print('strInput final:', strInput) global chatmsg strInput += f" {chatmsg}" chatmsg = "" writeCfgInput(strInput) time.sleep(0.10) writeCfgInput("wait 5;") cur.close() cnx.close() run_delay = 0.05 #0.05 connectionTimer = Timer(run_delay, mysql_get_player_info, args=[movement_list]) connectionTimer.daemon = True connectionTimer.start() def mysql_check_messages(): cnx = mysql_connection_pool.get_connection() cur = cnx.cursor() sql_statement = """SELECT responsemessage FROM unloze_css_autism_bot.chatting WHERE responsemessage != '' LIMIT 1""" cur.execute(sql_statement) result = cur.fetchall() if result: result = result[0][0] str = f"""say {result}""" print('str: ', str) global chatmsg chatmsg = str sql_statement = f"""DELETE FROM unloze_css_autism_bot.`chatting` WHERE `responsemessage` = '{result}'""" print('sql_statement: ', sql_statement) cur.execute(sql_statement) cnx.commit() cur.close() cnx.close() connectionTimer = Timer(0.5, mysql_check_messages) connectionTimer.daemon = True connectionTimer.start() def mysql_check_if_connected(): cnx = mysql_connection_pool.get_connection() cur = cnx.cursor() sql_statement = """SELECT connected, playercount from unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot status`""" cur.execute(sql_statement) result = cur.fetchall()[0] #print('result: ', result, ' result[0]: ', result[0]) connected = result[0] playercount = result[1] #playercount might not be updated ingame and auto leave? print('connected: ', connected) if connected == 0: str1 = "connect;" writeCfgInput(str1) time.sleep(0.2) writeCfgInput("wait 5;") time.sleep(15.50) print('not yet connected') mysql_check_if_connected() obsolete = """ elif playercount > 60: str1 = "connect;" writeCfgInput(str1) time.sleep(0.5) writeCfgInput("wait 500;") time.sleep(15.50) print('not yet connected') mysql_check_if_connected() """ connectionTimer = Timer(60.0 * 2, mysql_check_if_connected) connectionTimer.daemon = True connectionTimer.start() cur.close() cnx.close() def mysql_reset_input(): cnx = mysql_connection_pool.get_connection() cur = cnx.cursor() sql_statement = f"""DELETE FROM unloze_css_autism_bot.`bot movement input`""" cur.execute(sql_statement) cnx.commit() cur.close() cnx.close() def deadlock(): try: while True: 42 == 42 except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if __name__ == '__main__': atexit.register(exit_handler) resetCfgInputShortWait() mysql_check_if_connected() checkbotteam() print('reached mysql _get_player_info') mysql_reset_input() mysql_get_player_info([False, True]) mysql_check_messages() print('reached deadlock') deadlock() #/home/nonroot/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Source/cstrike/cfg/autoexec.cfg: #alias loop "exec looptest.cfg; wait 5; loop;"; wait 5; loop; #-condebug #cd /home/nonroot/.steam/ #./ -applaunch 240 -textmode -textmessagedebug -novid -nosound -noipx -nojoy -noshaderapi +exec looptest.cfg