#if defined _btimes_timer_included #endinput #endif #define _btimes_timer_included enum styleConfig { String:Name[32], String:Name_Short[32], bool:Enabled, bool:TempEnabled, bool:AllowType[2], bool:Freestyle, bool:Freestyle_Unrestrict, bool:Freestyle_EzHop, bool:Freestyle_Auto, bool:Auto, bool:EzHop, Float:Gravity, Float:RunSpeed, Float:MaxVel, Float:MinFps, bool:CalcSync, bool:Prevent_Left, bool:Prevent_Right, bool:Prevent_Back, bool:Prevent_Forward, bool:Require_Left, bool:Require_Right, bool:Require_Back, bool:Require_Forward, bool:Hud_Style, bool:Hud_Strafes, bool:Hud_Jumps, bool:Count_Left_Strafe, bool:Count_Right_Strafe, bool:Count_Back_Strafe, bool:Count_Forward_Strafe, bool:Ghost_Use[2], bool:Ghost_Save[2], Float:PreSpeed, Float:SlowedSpeed, bool:Special, String:Special_Key[32], bool:GunJump, String:GunJump_Weapon[64], bool:UnrealPhys, AirAcceleration, bool:EnableBunnyhopping, StyleConfig }; /* * Gets a client's style (Normal, Sideways, etc..). * * @param client Client index * * @return The client's style. */ native int GetClientStyle(int client); /* * Gets the complete configuration for a specified style. * * @param Style The style to get a configuration for. * @param Properties The buffer to store all the style properties, (properties are listed in the StyleConfig enum) * * @return True if the style exists, false otherwise. */ native bool Style_GetConfig(int Style, any Properties[StyleConfig]); public SharedPlugin __pl_btimes_timer = { name = "timer", file = "bTimes-timer.smx", #if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN required = 1 #else required = 0 #endif }; #if !defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN public void __pl_btimes_timer_SetNTVOptional() { MarkNativeAsOptional("GetClientStyle"); MarkNativeAsOptional("Style_GetConfig"); } #endif