This commit is contained in:
jenzur 2019-05-24 16:08:25 +02:00
parent a4139e4ae4
commit f54c447eb6
3 changed files with 318 additions and 408 deletions

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@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ import edu.stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent.MaxentTagger;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalStructureFactory;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreebankLanguagePack;
import java.io.IOException;
import static java.lang.Math.random;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@ -36,6 +38,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
@ -58,9 +61,6 @@ public class Datahandler {
private static Annotation strAnnoSentiment;
private static Annotation strAnnoJMWE;
private static CoreDocument coreDoc;
private static final ConcurrentMap<String, ConcurrentMap<String, Double>> sentenceRelationMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(4).makeMap();
private static volatile Double preRelationCounters = 0.0;
private static volatile Double preRelationUserCounters = 0.0;
private static final ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> stringCache = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
private static int positiveRelationCounter = 0;
private static int negativeRelationCounter = 0;
@ -68,12 +68,10 @@ public class Datahandler {
private static ConcurrentMap<String, Annotation> pipelineSentimentAnnotationCache;
private static ConcurrentMap<String, Annotation> jmweAnnotationCache;
private static ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument> coreDocumentAnnotationCache;
private static ConcurrentMap<String, Integer> conversationMatchMap;
private static ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> conversationMatchMap;
private static ConcurrentMap<String, Integer> conversationUserMatchMap;
private static ConcurrentMap<String, SentimentValueCache> sentimentCachingMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(6).makeMap();
private static final ConcurrentMap<String, Integer> locateFaultySentences = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(6).makeMap();
private static final ConcurrentMap<String, Double> mapUdate = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(4).makeMap();
private final static ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> strmapreturn = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(4).makeMap();
private LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, Double>> lHMSMX = new LinkedHashMap();
private final Stopwatch stopwatch;
private static final ForkJoinPool executor = instantiateExecutor();
@ -108,6 +106,10 @@ public class Datahandler {
this.conversationUserMatchMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(4).makeMap();
public static StanfordCoreNLP getPipeline() {
return pipeline;
private static StanfordCoreNLP getPipeLineSetUp() {
props.setProperty("annotators", "tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,ner,parse");
props.setProperty("parse.model", shiftReduceParserPath);
@ -191,14 +193,6 @@ public class Datahandler {
return gsf;
public static StanfordCoreNLP getPipeline() {
return pipeline;
public static StanfordCoreNLP getPipelineSentiment() {
return pipelineSentiment;
public static MaxentTagger getTagger() {
return tagger;
@ -235,7 +229,7 @@ public class Datahandler {
hlStatsMessages.put(str, hlStatsMessages.size());
int capacity = 5550;
int capacity = 9550;
hlStatsMessages.keySet().forEach(str -> {
if (!str.startsWith("!") && MessageResponseHandler.getStr().values().size() < capacity) {
String orElse = strCacheLocal.values().parallelStream().filter(e -> e.equals(str)).findAny().orElse(null);
@ -280,14 +274,20 @@ public class Datahandler {
private static void futuresReturnOverallEvaluation(ConcurrentMap<String, Future<SimilarityMatrix>> entries, String str) {
private ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> futuresReturnOverallEvaluation(ConcurrentMap<String, Future<SimilarityMatrix>> entries, String str,
ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> strmapreturn) {
for (Entry<String, Future<SimilarityMatrix>> entrySet : entries.entrySet()) {
String transmittedStr = entrySet.getKey();
SimilarityMatrix getSMX = retrieveFutureSMX(entrySet.getValue());
if (handleRetrievedSMX(getSMX, str, transmittedStr)) {
int handleRetrievedSMX = handleRetrievedSMX(getSMX, transmittedStr);
System.out.println("handleRetrievedSMX: " + handleRetrievedSMX + "\n");
if (handleRetrievedSMX == 2) {
strmapreturn.put(strmapreturn.size(), str);
} else if (handleRetrievedSMX == 1) {
try {
if (getSMX != null) {
SentimentValueCache cacheValue1 = getSMX.getCacheValue1();
SentimentValueCache cacheValue2 = getSMX.getCacheValue2();
if (cacheValue1 != null && !sentimentCachingMap.keySet().contains(str)) {
@ -296,26 +296,21 @@ public class Datahandler {
if (cacheValue2 != null && !sentimentCachingMap.keySet().contains(transmittedStr)) {
sentimentCachingMap.put(transmittedStr, getSMX.getCacheValue2());
} catch (Exception ex) {
//System.out.println("FAILING futures return. EX: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n");
sentenceRelationMap.put(str, mapUdate);
return strmapreturn;
private static boolean handleRetrievedSMX(SimilarityMatrix getSMX, String str, String transmittedStr) {
private int handleRetrievedSMX(SimilarityMatrix getSMX, String transmittedStr) {
final int relationCap = 20;
if (getSMX != null) {
//System.out.println("getSMX primary: " + getSMX.getPrimaryString() + "\ngetSMX secondary: " + getSMX.getSecondaryString() + "\n");
final Double scoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg = getSMX.getDistance();
//System.out.println("scoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg: " + scoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg + "\n");
mapUdate.put(getSMX.getSecondaryString(), scoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg);
if (scoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg >= 200.0) {
if (positiveRelationCounter >= relationCap) {
//System.out.println("added to strmapreturn str: " + str + "\n");
strmapreturn.put(strmapreturn.size() + 1, str);
return true;
return 2;
} else if (scoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg <= -6000.0) {
negativeRelationCounter += 1;
@ -329,12 +324,12 @@ public class Datahandler {
if (negativeRelationCounter >= relationCap) {
return true;
return 1;
return false;
return 0;
private static Entry<ConcurrentMap<String, Future<SimilarityMatrix>>, ConcurrentMap<Integer, String>> StrComparringNoSentenceRelationMap(
private Entry<ConcurrentMap<String, Future<SimilarityMatrix>>, ConcurrentMap<Integer, String>> StrComparringNoSentenceRelationMap(
ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> strCacheLocal, String str, ConcurrentMap<String, Annotation> localJMWEMap,
ConcurrentMap<String, Annotation> localPipelineAnnotation, ConcurrentMap<String, Annotation> localPipelineSentimentAnnotation,
ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument> localCoreDocumentMap) {
@ -372,11 +367,12 @@ public class Datahandler {
return mapreturn;
private static ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> stringIteratorComparator(ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> strmap,
private ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> stringIteratorComparator(ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> strmap,
ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> strCacheLocal, ConcurrentMap<String, Annotation> localJMWEMap,
ConcurrentMap<String, Annotation> localPipelineAnnotation, ConcurrentMap<String, Annotation> localPipelineSentimentAnnotation,
ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument> localCoreDocumentMap) {
int i = 0;
ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> strmapreturn = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(4).makeMap();
for (String str : strmap.values()) {
Integer getFaultyOccurences = locateFaultySentences.getOrDefault(str, null);
if (getFaultyOccurences == null || getFaultyOccurences <= 20) {
@ -387,16 +383,16 @@ public class Datahandler {
strCacheLocal = strRelationMap.getValue();
final ConcurrentMap<String, Future<SimilarityMatrix>> futures = strRelationMap.getKey();
futuresReturnOverallEvaluation(futures, str);
System.out.println("overall advancement of future iterator: " + i + "\nstrmap size: " + strmap.values().size() + "\nstrmapreturn size: " + strmapreturn.size()
+ "\nlocateFaultySentences size: " + locateFaultySentences.size() + "\n");
strmapreturn = futuresReturnOverallEvaluation(futures, str, strmapreturn);
System.out.println("overall advancement of future iterator: " + i + "\nFullMapsize: " + strmap.values().size()
+ "\nstrmapreturn size: " + strmapreturn.size() + "\nlocateFaultySentences size: " + locateFaultySentences.size() + "\n");
return strmapreturn;
private static final ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> removeNonSensicalStrings(ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> strmap) {
private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> removeNonSensicalStrings(ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> strmap) {
final ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> strCacheLocal = stringCache.size() < 150 ? strmap : stringCache;
final ConcurrentMap<String, Annotation> localJMWEMap = getMultipleJMWEAnnotation(strmap.values());
final ConcurrentMap<String, Annotation> localPipelineAnnotation = getMultiplePipelineAnnotation(strmap.values());
@ -457,179 +453,94 @@ public class Datahandler {
public synchronized String getResponseMsg(String str, String MostRecent) throws CustomError {
private String trimString(String str) {
str = str.trim();
if (str.startsWith("<@")) {
str = str.substring(str.indexOf("> ") + 2);
return str;
private String getResponseFutures(String strF) {
ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> strCache = stringCache;
ConcurrentMap<Integer, Future<SimilarityMatrix>> futureslocal = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
ConcurrentMap<Integer, SimilarityMatrix> futureAndCacheCombineMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
String strF = str;
if (!conversationMatchMap.keySet().contains(MostRecent) && !MostRecent.isEmpty()) {
conversationMatchMap.put(MostRecent, conversationMatchMap.size());
if (!conversationUserMatchMap.keySet().contains(strF)) {
conversationUserMatchMap.put(strF, conversationUserMatchMap.size());
ConcurrentMap<String, Double> getPrimary = sentenceRelationMap.get(strF);
strCache.values().parallelStream().forEach((str1) -> {
double preRelationUserCounters = -6500.0;
List<String> concurrentRelations = new ArrayList();
for (String str1 : strCache.values()) {
if (!strF.equals(str1)) {
boolean present = false;
if (getPrimary != null) {
Double getSecondary = getPrimary.get(str1);
if (getSecondary != null) {
present = true;
if (!present) {
SimilarityMatrix SMX = new SimilarityMatrix(strF, str1);
SentimentValueCache sentimentCacheStr1 = sentimentCachingMap.getOrDefault(str1, null);
Callable<SimilarityMatrix> worker = new SentimentAnalyzerTest(strF, str1, SMX,
Callable<SimilarityMatrix> worker = new SentimentAnalyzerTest(strF, str1, new SimilarityMatrix(strF, str1),
strAnnoJMWE, jmweAnnotationCache.get(str1), strAnno,
pipelineAnnotationCache.get(str1), strAnnoSentiment,
pipelineSentimentAnnotationCache.get(str1), coreDoc, coreDocumentAnnotationCache.get(str1), null, sentimentCacheStr1);
futureslocal.put(futureslocal.size() + 1, executor.submit(worker));
futureslocal.values().forEach((future) -> {
SimilarityMatrix SMX;
try {
SMX = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
futureAndCacheCombineMap.put(futureAndCacheCombineMap.size(), SMX);
//System.out.println("futureAndCacheCombineMap size: " + futureAndCacheCombineMap.size() + "\n");
SimilarityMatrix getSMX = worker.call();
//SimilarityMatrix getSMX = executor.submit(worker).get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (getSMX != null) {
Double scoreRelationLastUserMsg = getSMX.getDistance();
if (scoreRelationLastUserMsg > preRelationUserCounters) {
preRelationUserCounters = scoreRelationLastUserMsg;
System.out.println("secondary: " + getSMX.getSecondaryString() + "\nDistance: " + getSMX.getDistance() + "\n");
System.out.println("SUCESS concurrentRelationsMap size: " + concurrentRelations.size() + "\n");
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException ex) {
System.out.println("ex getResponsemsg: " + ex.getMessage() + "\n");
if (getPrimary != null) {
for (Entry<String, Double> cacheResults : getPrimary.entrySet()) {
SimilarityMatrix SMX = new SimilarityMatrix(strF, cacheResults.getKey());
futureAndCacheCombineMap.put(futureAndCacheCombineMap.size(), SMX);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Datahandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
//System.out.println("futureAndCacheCombineMap size: " + futureAndCacheCombineMap.size() + "\n");
futureAndCacheCombineMap.values().parallelStream().forEach((SMX) -> {
if (sentenceRelationMap.get(strF) == null) {
ConcurrentMap<String, Double> localMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
localMap.put(SMX.getSecondaryString(), SMX.getDistance());
sentenceRelationMap.put(SMX.getPrimaryString(), localMap);
} else {
ConcurrentMap<String, Double> getPrimaryLocal = sentenceRelationMap.get(strF);
Double doubleValue = getPrimaryLocal.get(SMX.getSecondaryString());
if (doubleValue == null) {
getPrimaryLocal.put(SMX.getSecondaryString(), SMX.getDistance());
sentenceRelationMap.put(SMX.getPrimaryString(), getPrimaryLocal);
StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
double randomLenghtPermit = strF.length() * (Math.random() * 5.5);
for (String secondaryRelation : concurrentRelations) {
if (SB.toString().length() > randomLenghtPermit && !SB.toString().isEmpty()) {
preRelationCounters = -100.0;
preRelationUserCounters = -100.0;
Double scoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg = 0.0;
Double scoreRelationOldUserMsg = 0.0;
ConcurrentMap<String, Double> getPrimaryLocal = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
for (String conversationStr : conversationMatchMap.keySet()) {
System.out.println("relation secondary: " + secondaryRelation + "\n");
SB.append(secondaryRelation).append(" ");
System.out.println("Reached end SB: " + SB.toString() + "\n");
return SB.toString();
private double setupScoreRelationtoRecent(String strF, ConcurrentMap<String, Double> getPrimaryLocal) {
double scoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg = 0.0;
for (String conversationStr : conversationMatchMap.values()) {
Double getSecondary = 0.0;
getPrimaryLocal = sentenceRelationMap.getOrDefault(strF, null);
if (getPrimaryLocal == null) {
getSecondary = getScoreRelationStrF(strF, conversationStr);
getPrimaryLocal.put(conversationStr, getSecondary);
sentenceRelationMap.put(strF, getPrimaryLocal);
} else {
getSecondary = getPrimaryLocal.get(conversationStr);
if (getSecondary == null) {
getSecondary = getScoreRelationStrF(strF, conversationStr);
getPrimaryLocal.put(conversationStr, getSecondary);
sentenceRelationMap.put(strF, getPrimaryLocal);
scoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg += getSecondary;
System.out.println("scoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg: " + scoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg + "\n");
return scoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg;
private double setupScoreRelationOld(String strF, ConcurrentMap<String, Double> getPrimaryLocal) {
double scoreRelationOldUserMsg = 0.0;
for (String conversationUserStr : conversationUserMatchMap.keySet()) {
if (!strF.equals(conversationUserStr)) {
getPrimaryLocal = sentenceRelationMap.get(strF);
Double getSecondary = getPrimaryLocal.get(conversationUserStr);
if (getSecondary == null) {
getSecondary = getScoreRelationStrF(strF, conversationUserStr);
getPrimaryLocal.put(conversationUserStr, getSecondary);
sentenceRelationMap.put(strF, getPrimaryLocal);
double getSecondary = getScoreRelationStrF(strF, conversationUserStr);
scoreRelationOldUserMsg += getSecondary;
boolean userReponseRelated = scoreRelationOldUserMsg >= 250;
boolean relatedReponse = scoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg >= 250;
if (!userReponseRelated) {
conversationUserMatchMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
return scoreRelationOldUserMsg;
if (!relatedReponse) {
conversationMatchMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
public synchronized String getResponseMsg(String str, String MostRecent) throws CustomError {
String strF = trimString(str);
if (!conversationMatchMap.values().contains(MostRecent) && !MostRecent.isEmpty()) {
conversationMatchMap.put(conversationMatchMap.size(), MostRecent);
ConcurrentMap<Integer, Entry<Double, SimilarityMatrix>> concurrentRelationsMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
ConcurrentMap<Integer, Double> preRelationUserCountersMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
System.out.println("futureAndCacheCombineMap size for: " + futureAndCacheCombineMap.values().size() + "\n");
for (SimilarityMatrix SMX : futureAndCacheCombineMap.values()) {
Double scoreRelation = 500.0;
Double scoreRelationLastUserMsg = SMX.getDistance();
if (relatedReponse) {
for (String conversationStr : conversationMatchMap.keySet()) {
Double relationNewMsg = 0.0;
ConcurrentMap<String, Double> getMap = sentenceRelationMap.get(conversationStr);
if (getMap != null) {
Double getdoubleValue = getMap.get(conversationStr);
if (getdoubleValue == null) {
getdoubleValue = getScoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg(SMX.getSecondaryString(), conversationStr);
getMap.put(conversationStr, getdoubleValue);
sentenceRelationMap.put(SMX.getSecondaryString(), getMap);
if (!conversationUserMatchMap.keySet().contains(strF)) {
conversationUserMatchMap.put(strF, conversationUserMatchMap.size());
relationNewMsg += getdoubleValue;
} else {
relationNewMsg = getScoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg(SMX.getSecondaryString(), conversationStr);
ConcurrentMap<String, Double> localInnerMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
localInnerMap.put(conversationStr, relationNewMsg);
sentenceRelationMap.put(SMX.getSecondaryString(), localInnerMap);
if (userReponseRelated) {
relationNewMsg += scoreRelationOldUserMsg / conversationUserMatchMap.size();
scoreRelation += relationNewMsg;
Double totalRelation = scoreRelation + scoreRelationLastUserMsg;
if (totalRelation > preRelationCounters + preRelationUserCounters && (scoreRelationLastUserMsg + (preRelationUserCounters / 10)
>= preRelationUserCounters) || preRelationUserCounters == -100.0) {
Entry<Double, SimilarityMatrix> localEntry = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry(totalRelation, SMX);
concurrentRelationsMap.put(concurrentRelationsMap.size(), localEntry);
preRelationUserCountersMap.put(preRelationUserCountersMap.size(), preRelationUserCounters);
System.out.println("SUCESS concurrentRelationsMap size: " + concurrentRelationsMap.size() + "\n");
preRelationCounters = scoreRelation;
preRelationUserCounters = scoreRelationLastUserMsg;
} else {
System.out.println("FAILED totalRelation: " + totalRelation + "\npreRelationUserCounters: " + preRelationUserCounters + "\npreRelationCounters: "
+ preRelationCounters + "\nscoreRelationLastUserMsg: " + scoreRelationLastUserMsg + "\n");
StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
int iterator = concurrentRelationsMap.size() - 1;
System.out.println("iterator: " + iterator + "\n");
while (iterator > -1) {
Double preRelationUserCounterDouble = preRelationUserCountersMap.get(iterator);
Entry<Double, SimilarityMatrix> getRelation = concurrentRelationsMap.get(iterator);
Double result = preRelationUserCounterDouble + preRelationUserCounters;
SB.append(getRelation.getValue().getSecondaryString()).append(" ");
System.out.println("result: " + result + "\ngetRelation.getKey(): " + getRelation.getKey() + "\npreRelationUserCounters: "
+ preRelationUserCounters + "\npreRelationUserCounterDouble: " + preRelationUserCounterDouble + "\n");
if (getRelation.getKey() < result) {
System.out.println("Reached end: SB: " + SB.toString() + "\n: ");
return SB.toString();
return getResponseFutures(strF);
public void getSingularAnnotation(String str) {
@ -716,84 +627,6 @@ public class Datahandler {
return 0.0;
public String mostSimilar(String toBeCompared, ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> concurrentStrings, String MostRecent) {
similar = "";
minDistance = 6.0;
preRelationCounters = 0.0;
preRelationUserCounters = 0.0;
ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> similardistances = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
concurrentStrings.values().parallelStream().forEach((str) -> {
LevenshteinDistance leven = new LevenshteinDistance(toBeCompared, str);
double distance = leven.computeLevenshteinDistance();
if (distance <= minDistance) {
System.out.println("distance: " + distance + "\n");
similardistances.put(similardistances.size() + 1, str);
if (similardistances.isEmpty()) {
return null;
Double maxDistance = 0.0;
for (String str : similardistances.values()) {
LinkedHashMap<String, Double> orDefault = lHMSMX.getOrDefault(str, null);
if (orDefault != null) {
for (Entry<String, Double> defaultEntry : orDefault.entrySet()) {
Double value = defaultEntry.getValue();
String key = defaultEntry.getKey();
if (value > maxDistance) {
Double RelationScoreLastMsg = 500.0;
Double RelationScoreLastUserMsg = 500.0;
boolean foundmatch = false;
if (!MostRecent.isEmpty()) {
LinkedHashMap<String, Double> orDefault1 = lHMSMX.getOrDefault(MostRecent, null);
if (orDefault1 != null) {
Collection<String> orDefaultstrs = orDefault1.keySet();
for (String strs : orDefaultstrs) {
if (strs.equals(key)) {
RelationScoreLastMsg = orDefault1.get(key);
foundmatch = true;
if (!foundmatch) {
orDefault1 = lHMSMX.getOrDefault(key, null);
if (orDefault1 != null) {
Collection<String> orDefaultstrs = orDefault1.keySet();
for (String strs : orDefaultstrs) {
if (strs.equals(MostRecent)) {
RelationScoreLastMsg = orDefault1.get(MostRecent);
foundmatch = true;
if (!foundmatch) {
RelationScoreLastMsg = getScoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg(key, MostRecent);
RelationScoreLastUserMsg = getScoreRelationNewMsgToRecentMsg(key, toBeCompared);
Double totalRelation = RelationScoreLastMsg + RelationScoreLastUserMsg;
if (totalRelation > preRelationCounters + preRelationUserCounters) {
if (RelationScoreLastMsg + 500 > preRelationUserCounters && RelationScoreLastUserMsg > preRelationCounters
|| RelationScoreLastUserMsg + 500 > preRelationCounters && RelationScoreLastMsg > preRelationUserCounters) {
if (RelationScoreLastMsg > preRelationCounters && RelationScoreLastUserMsg > preRelationUserCounters) {
maxDistance = value;
similar = defaultEntry.getKey();
preRelationCounters = RelationScoreLastMsg;
preRelationUserCounters = RelationScoreLastUserMsg;
return similar.isEmpty() ? null : similar;
public static ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> cutContent(ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> str, boolean hlStatsMsg) {
ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> returnlist = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
str.values().parallelStream().forEach(str1 -> {
@ -989,13 +822,14 @@ public class Datahandler {
public final static ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument> getMultipleCoreDocumentsWaySuggestion(Collection<String> str, StanfordCoreNLP localNLP) {
public static ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument> getMultipleCoreDocumentsWaySuggestion(Collection<String> str, StanfordCoreNLP localNLP) {
AnnotationCollector<Annotation> annCollector = new AnnotationCollector();
System.out.println("processing multiple coreDocuments Annotation: \n");
for (final String exampleString : str) {
System.out.println("exampleString: " + exampleString + "\n");
//System.out.println("exampleString: " + exampleString + "\n");
localNLP.annotate(new Annotation(exampleString), annCollector);
System.out.println("iterator: " + annCollector.i + "\nstr size: " + str.size() + "\n");
//System.out.println("iterator: " + annCollector.i + "\nstr size: " + str.size() + "\n");
try {

View File

@ -68,8 +68,6 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
private final String str1;
private final MaxentTagger tagger;
private final GrammaticalStructureFactory gsf;
private final StanfordCoreNLP pipeline;
private final StanfordCoreNLP pipelineSentiment;
private final AbstractSequenceClassifier classifier;
private final Annotation jmweStrAnnotation1;
private final Annotation jmweStrAnnotation2;
@ -97,8 +95,6 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
this.str1 = str1;
this.smxParam = smxParam;
this.tagger = Datahandler.getTagger();
this.pipeline = Datahandler.getPipeline();
this.pipelineSentiment = Datahandler.getPipelineSentiment();
this.gsf = Datahandler.getGsf();
this.classifier = Datahandler.getClassifier();
this.jmweStrAnnotation1 = str1Annotation;
@ -197,6 +193,7 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
if (reln.isApplicable(sentenceConstituencyParse2)) {
score += 525;
// System.out.println("reln1 applicable score: " + score + "\n");
@ -217,15 +214,16 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
if (reln.isApplicable(sentenceConstituencyParse1)) {
score += 525;
// System.out.println("reln2 applicable score: " + score + "\n");
// System.out.println("\ngrammaticalRelation1: " + grammaticalRelation1 + "\ngrammaticalRelation2: " + grammaticalRelation2 + "\n");
if ((grammaticalRelation1 == 0 && grammaticalRelation2 > 4) || (grammaticalRelation2 == 0 && grammaticalRelation1 > 4)) {
score -= 3450;
//System.out.println("grammaticalRelation1 score trim: " + score + "\ngrammaticalRelation1: " + grammaticalRelation1
// + "\ngrammaticalRelation2: " + grammaticalRelation2 + "\n");
// System.out.println("grammaticalRelation score trim: " + score + "\n");
if (!allTypedDependencies1.isEmpty() || !allTypedDependencies2.isEmpty()) {
int allTypeDep1 = allTypedDependencies1.size();
@ -233,12 +231,12 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
if (allTypeDep1 <= allTypeDep2 * 5 && allTypeDep2 <= allTypeDep1 * 5) {
if (allTypeDep1 > 0 && allTypeDep2 > 0) {
if (allTypeDep1 * 2 <= allTypeDep2 || allTypeDep2 * 2 <= allTypeDep1) {
score -= allTypeDep1 > allTypeDep2 ? (allTypeDep1 - allTypeDep2) * 160 : (allTypeDep2 - allTypeDep1) * 160;
//System.out.println(" allTypeDep score: " + score + "\nallTypeDep1: " + allTypeDep1 + "\nallTypeDep2: "
score += allTypeDep1 > allTypeDep2 ? (allTypeDep1 - allTypeDep2) * 160 : (allTypeDep2 - allTypeDep1) * 160;
// System.out.println(" allTypeDep plus score: " + score + "\nallTypeDep1: " + allTypeDep1 + "\nallTypeDep2: "
// + allTypeDep2 + "\n");
} else {
score += allTypeDep1 > allTypeDep2 ? (allTypeDep1 - allTypeDep2) * 600 : (allTypeDep2 - allTypeDep1) * 600;
//System.out.println(" allTypeDep score: " + score + "\nallTypeDep1: " + allTypeDep1 + "\nallTypeDep2: "
score -= allTypeDep1 > allTypeDep2 ? (allTypeDep1 - allTypeDep2) * 600 : (allTypeDep2 - allTypeDep1) * 600;
// System.out.println(" allTypeDep minus score: " + score + "\nallTypeDep1: " + allTypeDep1 + "\nallTypeDep2: "
// + allTypeDep2 + "\n");
alltypeDepsSizeMap.put(alltypeDepsSizeMap.size() + 1, allTypeDep1);
@ -259,9 +257,8 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
// System.out.println("score largerTypeDep equals smallerTypeDep: " + score + "\nlargerTypeDep: " + largerTypeDep + "\n");
if (relationApplicable1 > 0 && relationApplicable2 > 0 && relationApplicable1 == relationApplicable2
&& grammaticalRelation1 > 0 && grammaticalRelation2 > 0 && grammaticalRelation1 == grammaticalRelation2) {
score += 3500;
if (relationApplicable1 > 0 && relationApplicable2 > 0 && relationApplicable1 != relationApplicable2) {
score += 1500;
// System.out.println("score relationApplicable equal: " + score + "\n");
} else if (allTypeDep1 * 5 < allTypeDep2 || allTypeDep2 * 5 < allTypeDep1) {
score -= allTypeDep1 > allTypeDep2 ? (allTypeDep1 - allTypeDep2) * (allTypeDep2 * 450)
@ -338,13 +335,12 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
return score;
private final Double simpleRNNMatrixCalculations(Double score, ConcurrentMap<Integer, SimpleMatrix> simpleSMXlist1, ConcurrentMap<Integer, SimpleMatrix> simpleSMXlist2) {
private Double simpleRNNMatrixCalculations(Double score, ConcurrentMap<Integer, SimpleMatrix> simpleSMXlist1, ConcurrentMap<Integer, SimpleMatrix> simpleSMXlist2) {
for (SimpleMatrix simpleSMX2 : simpleSMXlist2.values()) {
ConcurrentMap<Integer, Double> AccumulateDotMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
ConcurrentMap<Integer, Double> subtractorMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
ConcurrentMap<Integer, Double> dotPredictions = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
ConcurrentMap<Integer, Double> DotOverTransfer = dotPredictions;
dotPredictions = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
ConcurrentMap<Integer, Double> DotOverTransfer = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
Double totalSubtraction = 0.0;
Double largest = 10.0;
Double shortest = 100.0;
@ -357,26 +353,38 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
double subtracter2 = dotPrediction2 > 50 ? dotPrediction2 - 100 : dotPrediction2 > 0 ? 100 - dotPrediction2 : 0;
subtractorMap.put(subtractorMap.size() + 1, subtracter1);
subtractorMap.put(subtractorMap.size() + 1, subtracter2);
//System.out.println("dotPrediction: " + dotPrediction + "\nsubtracter: " + subtracter + "\n");
// System.out.println("dotPrediction: " + dotPrediction1 + "\n");
if (!dotPredictions.values().contains(dotPrediction1)) {
for (Double transferDots : DotOverTransfer.values()) {
if (transferDots == dotPrediction1) {
totalSubtraction += transferDots;
} else {
score -= subtracter1 * 25;
//System.out.println("score minus subtracter: " + score + "\nsubtracter: " + subtracter + "\n");
// System.out.println("score minus subtracter: " + score + "\n");
// System.out.println("transferDots: " + transferDots + "\n");
DotOverTransfer.put(DotOverTransfer.size(), dotPrediction1);
} else {
// System.out.println("subtracter1 pre: " + subtracter1 + "\n");
subtracter1 -= 100;
subtracter1 *= 25;
score -= subtracter1 * dotPrediction1;
//System.out.println("score minus subtracter * dotPrediction 2: " + score + "\ndotPrediction: "
// + dotPrediction + "\n");
score += subtracter1 * dotPrediction1;
// System.out.println("subtracter1 post: " + subtracter1 + "\n");
// System.out.println("score minus subtracter * dotPrediction 2: " + score + "\ndotPrediction1: " + dotPrediction1 + "\n");
dotPredictions.put(dotPredictions.size() + 1, dotPrediction1);
if (!dotPredictions.values().contains(dotPrediction2)) {
for (Double transferDots : DotOverTransfer.values()) {
if (transferDots == dotPrediction2) {
totalSubtraction += transferDots;
} else {
score -= subtracter1 * 25;
// System.out.println("score minus subtracter: " + score + "\n");
// System.out.println("transferDots: " + transferDots + "\n");
DotOverTransfer.put(DotOverTransfer.size(), dotPrediction2);
if (dotPrediction2 > largest) {
largest = dotPrediction2;
@ -392,30 +400,38 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
score -= subtracter2;
} else {
score += subtracter2;
//System.out.println("score + subtracter: " + score + "\nsubtracter: " + subtracter + "\n");
// System.out.println("score + subtracter: " + score + "\nsubtracter2: " + subtracter2 + "\n");
} else {
score -= subtracter2 / 10;
} else {
subtracter2 -= 100;
subtracter2 *= 25;
} else if (dotPrediction2 < 22.0 || dotPrediction2 > 40.0) {
//System.out.println("subtracter2: " + subtracter2 + "\n");
if (subtracter2 > 55.0 && subtracter2 < 82.0) {
score += subtracter2 * dotPrediction2;
//System.out.println("score + subtracter * dotPrediction: " + score + "\nsubtracter: " + subtracter + "\ndotPrediction: "
//+ dotPrediction + "\n");
// System.out.println("score: " + score + "\ndotPrediction2: " + dotPrediction2 + "\n");
dotPredictions.put(dotPredictions.size() + 1, dotPrediction2);
// System.out.println("score post subtracter1: " + score + "\n");
Double subTracPre = 0.0;
for (Double subtractors : subtractorMap.values()) {
if (Objects.equals(subTracPre, subtractors)) {
score -= 1500;
//System.out.println("score minus subTracPre equals: " + score + "\nsubTracPre: " + subTracPre + "\n");
if (Objects.equals(subTracPre, subtractors) && subTracPre < 70.0 && subTracPre > 20.0) {
score += (subTracPre * 10) / subtractorMap.values().size();
// System.out.println("score subTracPre plus equals: " + score + "\nsubTracPre: " + subTracPre + "\n");
} else {
if (subTracPre > 0.0) {
score -= (subTracPre * 50) / subtractorMap.values().size();
} else {
score += (subTracPre * 50) / subtractorMap.values().size();
// System.out.println("score subTracPre minus equals: " + score + "\nsubTracPre: " + subTracPre + "\n");
subTracPre = subtractors;
if (totalSubtraction > 45.0) {
score -= totalSubtraction * 25;
} else {
@ -428,6 +444,7 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
if (Objects.equals(preAccumulatorDot, accumulators)) {
if (Objects.equals(postAccumulatorDot, accumulators)) {
score -= 1400;
// System.out.println("score minus postAccumulatorDot: " + score + "\n");
postAccumulatorDot = accumulators;
@ -436,7 +453,8 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
subTracPre = 0.0;
for (Double subtractors : subtractorMap.values()) {
if (Objects.equals(subTracPre, subtractors)) {
score -= 500;
score += 500;
// System.out.println("score minus subTracPre: " + score + "\n");
subTracPre = subtractors;
@ -674,15 +692,13 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
private SentimentValueCache sentimentCoreAnnotationSetup(Annotation pipelineAnnotationSentiment, SentimentValueCache cacheSentimentLocal) {
for (CoreMap sentence : pipelineAnnotationSentiment.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) {
Tree tree = sentence.get(SentimentCoreAnnotations.SentimentAnnotatedTree.class);
if (tree != null) {
int predictedClass = RNNCoreAnnotations.getPredictedClass(tree);
SimpleMatrix predictions = RNNCoreAnnotations.getPredictions(tree);
SimpleMatrix nodeVector = RNNCoreAnnotations.getNodeVector(tree);
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("ex: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n");
return cacheSentimentLocal;
@ -704,12 +720,15 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
private SentimentValueCache jmweAnnotationSetup(Annotation jmweStrAnnotation, SentimentValueCache cacheSentimentLocal) {
List<CoreMap> sentences = jmweStrAnnotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class);
Collection<IMWE<IToken>> tokeninflectionMap = new ArrayList();
int tokenadder = 0;
for (CoreMap sentence : sentences) {
for (IMWE<IToken> token : sentence.get(JMWEAnnotation.class)) {
if (token.isInflected()) {
cacheSentimentLocal.setInflectedCounterPositive(cacheSentimentLocal.getInflectedCounterPositive() + 1);
} else {
} else if (!tokeninflectionMap.contains(token)) {
cacheSentimentLocal.setInflectedCounterNegative(cacheSentimentLocal.getInflectedCounterNegative() + 1);
cacheSentimentLocal.addstrTokenGetEntry(token.getEntry().toString().substring(token.getEntry().toString().length() - 1));
@ -733,21 +752,29 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
cacheSentimentLocal.setMarkedContiniousCounterEntries(cacheSentimentLocal.getMarkedContiniousCounterEntries() + 1);
cacheSentimentLocal.setTokensCounter(cacheSentimentLocal.getTokensCounter() + 1);
tokenadder += 1;
cacheSentimentLocal.setAnotatorcounter(cacheSentimentLocal.getAnotatorcounter() + 1);
return cacheSentimentLocal;
private Double entryCountsScoring(Double score, SentimentValueCache cacheSentimentLocal1, SentimentValueCache cacheSentimentLocal2) {
ConcurrentMap<Integer, Integer> countsMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
int totalsize = cacheSentimentLocal1.getEntryCounts().values().size() + cacheSentimentLocal2.getEntryCounts().values().size();
for (int counts : cacheSentimentLocal1.getEntryCounts().values()) {
for (int counts1 : cacheSentimentLocal2.getEntryCounts().values()) {
if (counts == counts1 && counts > 0 && !countsMap.values().contains(counts)) {
score += counts * 250;
//System.out.println("score post counts: " + score + "\nCounts: " + counts + "\n");
if (counts > 0 && counts1 > 0) {
//System.out.println("counts1: " + counts + "\ncounts2: " + counts1 + "\n");
if (counts == counts1 && !countsMap.values().contains(counts)) {
score += (counts * 250) / totalsize;
// System.out.println("score post counts plus: " + score + "\ntotalsize: " + totalsize + "\n");
countsMap.put(countsMap.size() + 1, counts);
} else if (counts * 3 < counts1 || counts1 * 3 < counts) {
score -= 600;
// System.out.println("score post counts minus: " + score + "\n");
@ -760,12 +787,17 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
for (String strTokenPos2 : cacheSentimentLocal2.getstrTokenEntryPOS().values()) {
if (strTokenPos1.equals(strTokenPos2)) {
score += 500;
} else {
score -= 650;
// System.out.println("strTokenEntryPOS score: " + score + "\n");
int posEntrySize1 = cacheSentimentLocal1.getstrTokenEntryPOS().values().size();
int posEntrySize2 = cacheSentimentLocal2.getstrTokenEntryPOS().values().size();
if (posEntrySize1 * 3 > posEntrySize2 && posEntrySize2 * 3 > posEntrySize1) {
score += posEntrySize1 > posEntrySize2 ? (posEntrySize1 - posEntrySize2) * 700 : (posEntrySize2 - posEntrySize1) * 700;
//System.out.println("posEntrySize plus score: " + score + "\n");
// System.out.println("posEntrySize1: " + posEntrySize1 + "\nposEntrySize2: " + posEntrySize2 + "\n");
return score;
@ -773,11 +805,19 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
private Double unmarkedPatternCounterScoring(Double score, SentimentValueCache cacheSentimentLocal1, SentimentValueCache cacheSentimentLocal2) {
int UnmarkedPatternCounter1 = cacheSentimentLocal1.getUnmarkedPatternCounter();
int UnmarkedPatternCounter2 = cacheSentimentLocal2.getUnmarkedPatternCounter();
// System.out.println("UnmarkedPatternCounter1: " + UnmarkedPatternCounter1 + "\nUnmarkedPatternCounter2: " + UnmarkedPatternCounter2 + "\n");
if (UnmarkedPatternCounter1 > 0 && UnmarkedPatternCounter2 > 0) {
if (UnmarkedPatternCounter1 < 100 && UnmarkedPatternCounter2 < 100) {
if (UnmarkedPatternCounter1 * 2 > UnmarkedPatternCounter2 && UnmarkedPatternCounter2 * 2 > UnmarkedPatternCounter1) {
score += 2500;
// System.out.println("score plus UnmarkedPattern: " + score + "\n");
} else if (UnmarkedPatternCounter1 * 5 < UnmarkedPatternCounter2 || UnmarkedPatternCounter2 * 5 < UnmarkedPatternCounter1) {
score -= 4000;
// System.out.println("score minus UnmarkedPattern: " + score + "\n");
} else {
score -= 2500;
// System.out.println("score minus UnmarkedPattern10>: " + score + "\n");
return score;
@ -823,13 +863,24 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
for (String strTokeniPart2 : cacheSentimentLocal2.getstrTokenGetiPart().values()) {
if (strTokeniPart1.equals(strTokeniPart2) && !strtokensMap.values().contains(strTokeniPart2)) {
strtokensMap.put(strtokensMap.size() + 1, strTokeniPart2);
score += 400;
} else {
score -= 200;
score += 800;
// System.out.println("score minus strTokenGetiPart: " + score + "\n");
int tokenIPartSize1 = cacheSentimentLocal1.getstrTokenGetiPart().values().size();
int tokenIPartSize2 = cacheSentimentLocal2.getstrTokenGetiPart().values().size();
int strTokenMapSize = strtokensMap.values().size();
if (tokenIPartSize1 * 2 > tokenIPartSize2 && tokenIPartSize2 * 2 > tokenIPartSize1) {
score += tokenIPartSize1 > tokenIPartSize2 ? (tokenIPartSize1 - tokenIPartSize2) * 700 : (tokenIPartSize2 - tokenIPartSize1) * 700;
score += strTokenMapSize * 600;
//System.out.println("tokenIPartSize plus score: " + score + "\ntokenIPartSize1: " + tokenIPartSize1 + "\ntokenIPartSize2: "
// + tokenIPartSize2 + "\nstrTokenMapSize: " + strTokenMapSize + "\n");
} else if (tokenIPartSize1 > 0 && tokenIPartSize2 > 0) {
score -= tokenIPartSize1 > tokenIPartSize2 ? (tokenIPartSize1 - tokenIPartSize2) * 700 : (tokenIPartSize2 - tokenIPartSize1) * 700;
// System.out.println("tokenIPartSize minus score: " + score + "\ntokenIPartSize1: " + tokenIPartSize1 + "\ntokenIPartSize2: "
// + tokenIPartSize2 + "\n");
return score;
@ -866,14 +917,24 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> iTokenMapTagsMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
for (String strmapTag : cacheSentimentLocal1.getITokenMapTag().values()) {
for (String strmapTag1 : cacheSentimentLocal2.getITokenMapTag().values()) {
if (strmapTag.equals(strmapTag1)) {
score -= 1450;
} else if (!iTokenMapTagsMap.values().contains(strmapTag)) {
score += 725;
if (strmapTag.equals(strmapTag1) && !iTokenMapTagsMap.values().contains(strmapTag1)) {
score += 1450;
iTokenMapTagsMap.put(iTokenMapTagsMap.size() + 1, strmapTag);
int mapTagsize1 = cacheSentimentLocal1.getITokenMapTag().values().size();
int mapTagsize2 = cacheSentimentLocal2.getITokenMapTag().values().size();
int tokenTagMapSize = iTokenMapTagsMap.values().size();
if (mapTagsize1 * 2 > mapTagsize2 && mapTagsize2 * 2 > mapTagsize1) {
score += mapTagsize1 > mapTagsize2 ? (mapTagsize1 - mapTagsize2) * 700 : (mapTagsize2 - mapTagsize1) * 700;
score += tokenTagMapSize * 600;
// System.out.println("tokenIPartSize 2 plus score: " + score + "\n");
//System.out.println("mapTagsize1: " + mapTagsize1 + "\nmapTagsize2: " + mapTagsize2 + "\ntokenTagMapSize: "
// + tokenTagMapSize + "\n");
} else {
score -= mapTagsize1 > mapTagsize2 ? (mapTagsize1 - mapTagsize2) * 700 : (mapTagsize2 - mapTagsize1) * 700;;
return score;
@ -910,10 +971,10 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
for (String strTokenStem : cacheSentimentLocal1.getstrTokenStems().values()) {
for (String strTokenStem1 : cacheSentimentLocal2.getstrTokenStems().values()) {
if (strTokenStem.equals(strTokenStem1) && !tokenStemmingMap.values().contains(strTokenStem)) {
score += 1500;
score -= 4500;
tokenStemmingMap.put(tokenStemmingMap.size() + 1, strTokenStem);
// System.out.println("score minus strTokenStem: " + score + "\n");
//System.out.println("score strTokenStem: " + score + "\n");
return score;
@ -922,16 +983,19 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
private Double inflectedCounterScoring(Double score, SentimentValueCache cacheSentimentLocal1, SentimentValueCache cacheSentimentLocal2) {
int inflectedCounterPositive1 = cacheSentimentLocal1.getInflectedCounterPositive();
int inflectedCounterPositive2 = cacheSentimentLocal2.getInflectedCounterPositive();
int inflectedCounterNegative = cacheSentimentLocal1.getInflectedCounterNegative() + cacheSentimentLocal2.getInflectedCounterNegative();
int inflectedCounterNegative = cacheSentimentLocal1.getInflectedCounterNegative() > cacheSentimentLocal2.getInflectedCounterNegative()
? cacheSentimentLocal1.getInflectedCounterNegative() - cacheSentimentLocal2.getInflectedCounterNegative()
: cacheSentimentLocal2.getInflectedCounterNegative() - cacheSentimentLocal1.getInflectedCounterNegative();
//System.out.println("inflectedCounterPositive1: " + inflectedCounterPositive1 + "\ninflectedCounterPositive2: "
//+inflectedCounterPositive2 + "\ninflectedCounterNegative: " + inflectedCounterNegative + "\n" );
if (inflectedCounterPositive1 + inflectedCounterPositive2 > inflectedCounterNegative && inflectedCounterNegative > 0) {
if ((inflectedCounterPositive1 + inflectedCounterPositive2) > inflectedCounterNegative && inflectedCounterNegative > 0) {
score += ((inflectedCounterPositive1 + inflectedCounterPositive2) - inflectedCounterNegative) * 650;
//System.out.println("score inflectedCounterPositive plus: " + score + "\n");
if (inflectedCounterPositive1 > 0 && inflectedCounterPositive2 > 0) {
if (inflectedCounterPositive1 * 2 > inflectedCounterPositive2 && inflectedCounterPositive2 * 2 > inflectedCounterPositive1) {
score += ((inflectedCounterPositive1 + inflectedCounterPositive2) - inflectedCounterNegative) * 550;
if (inflectedCounterPositive1 * 2 > inflectedCounterPositive2 && inflectedCounterPositive2 * 2 > inflectedCounterPositive1
&& inflectedCounterNegative > 0) {
score += ((inflectedCounterPositive1 + inflectedCounterPositive2) * 150) - (inflectedCounterNegative * 10);
// System.out.println("score plus inflectedCounterPositive * 2: " + score + "\n");
} else if (inflectedCounterPositive1 * 5 < inflectedCounterPositive2 || inflectedCounterPositive2 * 5 < inflectedCounterPositive1) {
score -= inflectedCounterPositive1 > inflectedCounterPositive2 ? (inflectedCounterPositive1 - inflectedCounterPositive2) * 400
@ -964,8 +1028,9 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
int tokensCounter2 = cacheSentimentLocal2.getTokensCounter();
// System.out.println("tokensCounter1: " + tokensCounter1 + "\ntokensCounter2: " + tokensCounter2 + "\n");
if ((tokensCounter1 > 1 && tokensCounter2 > 1) && tokensCounter1 < tokensCounter2 * 5 && tokensCounter2 < tokensCounter1 * 5) {
if (tokensCounter1 > tokensCounter2 / 2 && tokensCounter2 > tokensCounter1 / 2) {
score += (tokensCounter1 + tokensCounter2) * 1400;
if (tokensCounter1 > tokensCounter2 / 2 && tokensCounter2 > tokensCounter1 / 2 && tokensCounter1 < 4 && tokensCounter2 < 4) {
//8000 score hardcap
score += (tokensCounter1 + tokensCounter2) * 400;
// System.out.println("score plus tokensCounter: " + score + "\n");
} else {
score -= 3500;
@ -996,14 +1061,12 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
List<CoreLabel> tokens = em.tokens();
for (CoreLabel token : tokens) {
try {
if (token != null) {
if (!cacheSentimentLocal.getnerEntityTokenTags().values().contains(token.tag())) {
if (entityType.equals("PERSON") && EntityConfidences > 0.80) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
//System.out.println("failed corelabel ex: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n" + ex.getCause() + "\n");
if (!cacheSentimentLocal.getnerEntities1().values().contains(em.text())) {
@ -1157,7 +1220,7 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
score = tgwListScoreIncrementer(score, cacheSentiment1 == null
? cacheSentimentLocal1 : cacheSentiment1, cacheSentiment2 == null ? cacheSentimentLocal2 : cacheSentiment2);
// System.out.println("score post runCountGet: " + score + "\n");
//System.out.println("score post tgwListScoreIncrementer: " + score + "\n");
if (cacheSentiment1 == null) {
cacheSentimentLocal1 = GrammaticStructureSetup(cacheSentimentLocal1, pipelineAnnotation1);
@ -1169,6 +1232,7 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
ConcurrentMap<Integer, Tree> sentenceConstituencyParseList1 = cacheSentiment1 == null
? cacheSentimentLocal1.getSentenceConstituencyParseList() : cacheSentiment1.getSentenceConstituencyParseList();
score = iterateTrees(sentenceConstituencyParseList2, sentenceConstituencyParseList1, score);
//System.out.println("score post iterateTrees: " + score + "\n");
Collection<TypedDependency> allTypedDependencies2 = cacheSentiment2 == null ? cacheSentimentLocal2.getAllTypedDependencies()
: cacheSentiment2.getAllTypedDependencies();
Collection<TypedDependency> allTypedDependencies1 = cacheSentiment1 == null ? cacheSentimentLocal1.getAllTypedDependencies()
@ -1177,6 +1241,7 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
ConcurrentMap<Integer, GrammaticalStructure> grammaticalMap2 = cacheSentiment2 == null ? cacheSentimentLocal2.getGs() : cacheSentiment2.getGs();
score = typeDependenciesGrammaticalRelation(allTypedDependencies1, allTypedDependencies2, score, grammaticalMap1, grammaticalMap2,
sentenceConstituencyParseList1, sentenceConstituencyParseList2);
// System.out.println("score post typeDependenciesGrammaticalRelation: " + score + "\n");
if (cacheSentiment1 == null) {
cacheSentimentLocal1 = sentimentCoreAnnotationSetup(pipelineAnnotation1Sentiment, cacheSentimentLocal1);
@ -1191,12 +1256,13 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
? cacheSentimentLocal1.getSimpleSMXlistVector() : cacheSentiment1.getSimpleSMXlistVector();
final ConcurrentMap<Integer, SimpleMatrix> simpleSMXlistVector2 = cacheSentiment2 == null
? cacheSentimentLocal2.getSimpleSMXlistVector() : cacheSentiment2.getSimpleSMXlistVector();
//System.out.println("score pre pipelineAnnotation2Sentiment: " + score + "\n");
//System.out.println("score pre simpleRNNMatrixCalculations: " + score + "\n");
score = simpleRNNMatrixCalculations(score, simpleSMXlist1, simpleSMXlist2);
//System.out.println("score pre simpleRNNMaxtrixVectors: " + score + "\n");
score = simpleRNNMaxtrixVectors(score, simpleSMXlistVector1, simpleSMXlistVector2);
int sentiment1 = cacheSentiment1 == null ? cacheSentimentLocal1.getRnnPrediectClassMap().size() : cacheSentiment1.getRnnPrediectClassMap().size();
int sentiment2 = cacheSentiment2 == null ? cacheSentimentLocal2.getRnnPrediectClassMap().size() : cacheSentiment2.getRnnPrediectClassMap().size();
//System.out.println("score post elementsVariance: " + score + "\n");
//System.out.println("score pre sentiment trim: " + score + "\n");
score -= (sentiment1 > sentiment2 ? sentiment1 - sentiment2 : sentiment2 - sentiment1) * 500;
Map.Entry<Double, Map.Entry<SentimentValueCache, SentimentValueCache>> classifyRawEvaluationEntry = classifyRawEvaluation(score, cacheSentimentLocal1,
@ -1227,13 +1293,19 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
SentimentValueCache scoringCache1 = cacheSentiment1 == null ? cacheSentimentLocal1 : cacheSentiment1;
SentimentValueCache scoringCache2 = cacheSentiment2 == null ? cacheSentimentLocal2 : cacheSentiment2;
score = entryCountsRelation(score, scoringCache1, scoringCache2);
//System.out.println("score post entryCountsRelation: " + score + "\n");
score = entryCountsScoring(score, scoringCache1, scoringCache2);
// System.out.println("score post entryCountsScoring: " + score + "\n");
score = tokenEntryPosScoring(score, scoringCache1, scoringCache2);
//System.out.println("score post tokenEntryPosScoring: " + score + "\n");
score = unmarkedPatternCounterScoring(score, scoringCache1, scoringCache2);
// System.out.println("score post UnmarkedPatternCounter: " + score + "\n");
score = markedContiniousCounterScoring(score, scoringCache1, scoringCache2);
// System.out.println("score post markedContiniousCounterScoring: " + score + "\n");
score = strTokensMapScoring(score, scoringCache1, scoringCache2);
// System.out.println("score post strTokensMapScoring: " + score + "\n");
score = strTokenEntryScoring(score, scoringCache1, scoringCache2);
//System.out.println("score post strTokenEntryScoring: " + score + "\n");
score = strTokenMapTagsScoring(score, scoringCache1, scoringCache2);
//System.out.println("score post strmapTag: " + score + "\n");
score = tokenformSizeScoring(score, scoringCache1, scoringCache2);
@ -1241,7 +1313,9 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
score = tokenStemmingMapScoring(score, scoringCache1, scoringCache2);
//System.out.println("Score pre inflected: " + score + "\n");
score = inflectedCounterScoring(score, scoringCache1, scoringCache2);
//System.out.println("Score pre annotatorCountScoring: " + score + "\n");
score = annotatorCountScoring(score, scoringCache1, scoringCache2);
//System.out.println("Score pre tokensCounterScoring: " + score + "\n");
score = tokensCounterScoring(score, scoringCache1, scoringCache2);
//System.out.println("Score Pre levenhstein: " + score + "\n");
LevenshteinDistance leven = new LevenshteinDistance(str, str1);
@ -1254,10 +1328,10 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
if (cacheSentiment2 == null) {
cacheSentimentLocal2 = setupNEREntitiesAndTokenTags(pipelineCoreDcoument2, cacheSentimentLocal2);
//System.out.println("score post PERSON trim: " + score + "\n");
//System.out.println("score post SentenceScoreDiff trim: " + score + "\n");
score = nerEntitiesAndTokenScoring(score, cacheSentiment1 == null ? cacheSentimentLocal1 : cacheSentiment1, cacheSentiment2 == null
? cacheSentimentLocal2 : cacheSentiment2);
//System.out.println("score pre stopwordTokens: " + score + "\n");
//System.out.println("score post nerEntitiesAndTokenScoring: " + score + "\n");
if (cacheSentiment1 == null) {
cacheSentimentLocal1 = setupStoWordTokensLemma(pipelineAnnotation1Sentiment, cacheSentimentLocal1);
@ -1266,6 +1340,7 @@ public class SentimentAnalyzerTest implements Callable<SimilarityMatrix> {
score = stopWordTokenLemmaScoring(score, cacheSentiment1 == null ? cacheSentimentLocal1 : cacheSentiment1, cacheSentiment2 == null
? cacheSentimentLocal2 : cacheSentiment2);
//System.out.println("score post stopWordTokenLemmaScoring: " + score + "\n");
score = stopwordTokenPairCounterScoring(score, cacheSentiment1 == null ? cacheSentimentLocal1 : cacheSentiment1, cacheSentiment2 == null
? cacheSentimentLocal2 : cacheSentiment2);
// System.out.println("Final current score: " + score + "\nSentence 1: " + str + "\nSentence 2: " + str1 + "\n");

View File

@ -36,9 +36,10 @@ public class DiscordHandler {
private static String MostRecentMsg = "";
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.setProperty("java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism", "25");
System.setProperty("java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism", "15");
try {
//uncomment db fetch when ready, just keep the comment for future reference
System.out.println("finished initiating MYSQL");
} catch (SQLException | IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(DiscordHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);