diff --git a/AutismBotIngame/python/ingamefollowct.py b/AutismBotIngame/python/ingamefollowct.py
index 8e41570a..34f4cb09 100644
--- a/AutismBotIngame/python/ingamefollowct.py
+++ b/AutismBotIngame/python/ingamefollowct.py
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import os
 import subprocess
 import atexit
-import re
 from threading import Timer
 import string
 import random
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ def clearconsolelog():
 	if clearbool:
 		clearbool = False
 		open(consolelogPath, 'w').close()
-		print('cleaned console')
+		#print('cleaned console')
 		connectionTimer = Timer(3.0,  switchbool)
 		#daemon true kills thread instead of deadlock waiting in case program exits
 		connectionTimer.daemon = True
@@ -35,32 +34,43 @@ def writeCfgInput(Input):
 def getconsoleOutputForStatus():
-	randomlygeneratedString = id_generator(11)
-	str = "status; wait 5; {0}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString)
-	writeCfgInput(str)
-	checkConsoleOutput(randomlygeneratedString)
-	server_str = ""
-	player_count = 0
-	with open(consolelogPath, 'r') as f:
-		for line in f:
-			if "udp/ip  :" in line: server_str = line[9:].strip()
-			if "players :" in line: player_count = int(line[9:].split()[0].strip())
-	print('server_str: ', server_str, '\nplayer_count: ', player_count)
-	return (server_str, player_count)
+	i = 0
+	while i < 8:
+		time.sleep(0.25)
+		randomlygeneratedString = id_generator(11)
+		str = "status; wait 5; {0}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString)
+		writeCfgInput(str)
+		checkConsoleOutput(randomlygeneratedString)
+		server_str = ""
+		player_count = 0
+		with open(consolelogPath, 'r') as f:
+			for line in f:
+				try:
+					if "udp/ip" in line: server_str = line[9:].strip()
+					if "players " in line: player_count = int(line[9:].split()[0].strip())
+				except Exception:
+					pass
+		if server_str:
+			print('server_str: ', server_str, '\nplayer_count: ', player_count)
+			return (server_str, player_count)
+		i += 1
+	return ("None", "None")
 def get_output_if_spec():
 	randomlygeneratedString = id_generator(11)
-	str = "zspawn; wait 50; {0}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString)
+	str = "zspawn; wait 500; {0}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString)
 	#is sm_team a command to show team?
 	#maybe instead say !teaminfo, add sourcemod command to autism_bot_info.sp to print team to chat instead
 	targetstr = "This feature requires that you are on a team."
 	failurestr = "Unknown command \"zspawn\""
+	alivestr = "This feature requires that you are dead."
 	with open(consolelogPath, 'r') as f:
 		for line in f:
+			if alivestr in line: return 2
 			if targetstr in line: return 1
-			if failurestr in line: return 2
+			if failurestr in line: return 0
 	return 0
 def checkConsoleOutput(input):
@@ -92,7 +102,6 @@ def exit_handler():
 	with open(looptestPath, 'w') as f:
 def joinTeam():
 	randomlygeneratedString = id_generator(11)
 	str = "jointeam 2; wait 2; zspawn; wait 1; {0}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString)
@@ -106,7 +115,7 @@ def checkbotteam():
 		if state == 1: 
-		if state == 0:
+		if state == 2:
 	connectionTimer = Timer(20.0, checkbotteam)
@@ -118,12 +127,12 @@ def checkIfConnected():
 	server_str, player_count = getconsoleOutputForStatus()
 	connectionTimer = None
 	if "27015" not in server_str:
-		str1 = "connect; wait 5; {0}; wait 1500; ".format(randomlygeneratedString)
+		str1 = "connect; {0}; wait 500;".format(randomlygeneratedString)
-	elif player_count > 58:
+	elif player_count > 63:
 		#TODO check team differently because zspawn unknown command on zr server
-		writeCfgInput("connect; wait 5; {0}; wait 1500;".format(randomlygeneratedString))
+		writeCfgInput("connect; {0}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString))
 		connectionTimer = Timer(60.0 * 15,  checkIfConnected)
@@ -132,78 +141,114 @@ def checkIfConnected():
 	#daemon true kills thread instead of deadlock waiting in case program exits
 	connectionTimer.daemon = True
-def getBotOrigin():
-	randomlygeneratedString = id_generator(11)
-	str = "getpos; wait 1; {0}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString)
-	writeCfgInput(str)
-	checkConsoleOutput(randomlygeneratedString)
-	previousStr = ""
-	with open(consolelogPath, 'r') as f:
-		for line in f:
-			if randomlygeneratedString in line:
-				try:
-					coords = re.search('setpos (.*);setang', previousStr).group(1).strip().split()
-					print('coords: ', coords)
-					return coords
-				except AttributeError as err:
-					pass
-			previousStr = line
-	return None
+	#print('finished checkIfConnected')
 def get_player_info():
 	movement_input = []
 	ct_angles = []
-	while not movement_input and not ct_angles:
+	ct_origin_diff = []
+	ct_origin_position = []
+	ct_distance = 0
+	while True:
 		with open(consolelogPath, 'r') as f:
-			for line in f:
-				if "movement_input_specific:" in line:
-					try:
-						movement = line.split("movement_input_specific:", 1)[1]
-						movement = movement.replace("\n", "")
+			try:
+				for line in f:
+					print('line: ', line)
+					if "movement_input_specific:" in line and len(line) > 26:
+						movement_input = line.split("movement_input_specific:", 1)[1].split("+")
+						movement_input = [element.replace("\n", "") for element in movement_input]
 						#print('movement: ', movement)
-						movement_input.append(movement)
-					except IndexError:
-						pass
-				if "ct_eye_angles_:" in line:
-					try:
+					if "ct_eye_angles_:" in line:
 						ct_angles = line.split("ct_eye_angles_:", 1)[1].split("+")
-					except IndexError:
-						pass
-					ct_angles = [element.strip() for element in ct_angles]
-	return (movement_input, ct_angles)
+						ct_angles = [element.strip() for element in ct_angles]
+					if "player_origin_diff:" in line:
+						ct_origin_diff = line.split("player_origin_diff:", 1)[1].split("+")
+						ct_origin_diff = [element.strip() for element in ct_origin_diff]
+						ct_origin_diff = [float(element) for element in ct_origin_diff]
+					if "player_origin_position:" in line:
+						ct_origin_position = line.split("player_origin_position:", 1)[1].split("+")
+						ct_origin_position = [element.strip() for element in ct_origin_position]
+					if "player_lowest_distance:" in line:
+						ct_distance = line.split("player_lowest_distance:", 1)[1].strip()
+						ct_distance = float(ct_distance)
+					if movement_input and ct_angles and ct_origin_diff and ct_origin_position and ct_distance:
+						return (movement_input, ct_angles, ct_origin_diff, ct_origin_position, ct_distance)
+			except (UnicodeDecodeError, IndexError):
+				pass
 def getBotOrgin(botOrigin):
 	#x -> z -> y coordAxis order
 	botOrigin = [x.strip() for x in botOrigin]
 	botOrigin = [x.replace(";", "") for x in botOrigin]
+	#botOrigin = [x.replace(";", "") for x in botOrigin]
 	botIntorigin0 = float(botOrigin[0])
 	botIntorigin1 = float(botOrigin[1])
 	botIntorigin2 = float(botOrigin[2])
 	#bot coordinates might be usefull?
 	return [botIntorigin0, botIntorigin1, botIntorigin2]
-def followPlayer():
+def getBotOrigin():
+	while True:
+		str = "getpos; wait 1; wait 5;"
+		writeCfgInput(str)
+		previousStr = ""
+		with open(consolelogPath, 'r') as f:
+			for line in f:
+				if "setpos" in line:
+					try:
+						print('found setpos line: ', line)
+						coords = line.split("setpos")[1].split(";setang")[0].split()
+						#print('coords: ', coords)
+						return getBotOrgin(coords)
+					except IndexError as err:
+						pass
+				previousStr = line
+def followPlayer(remaining_instructions = [], indexCounter = 0, previousmoment = []):
 	#setang 0 180 0;
 	#default_input = "+attack; wait 50; cl_minmodels; wait 50; +right; wait 50; +jump; wait 50; -jump; wait 50; +forward; wait 50; {0}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString)
-	#botOrigin = getBotOrigin()
-	movement_input, ct_angles = get_player_info()
-	print('movement_input: ', movement_input, '\nct_angles: ', ct_angles)
+	botOrigin = getBotOrigin()
+	movement_input, ct_angles, ct_origin_diff, ct_origin_position, ct_distance = get_player_info()
+	print('movement_input: ', movement_input, '\nct_angles: ', ct_angles, "\nct_origin_diff: ", ct_origin_diff, "\nct_origin_position: ", ct_origin_position, "\nct_distance: ", ct_distance, "\nbotOrigin: ", botOrigin)
 	randomlygeneratedString = id_generator(11)
-	strInput = "-forward; wait 5; -back; wait 5; -moveleft; wait 5; -moveright; wait 5; -jump; wait 5; +attack; wait 5; cl_minmodels 1; wait 5; {0}; wait 5; setang {1} {2} {3}; wait 5;".format(randomlygeneratedString, ct_angles[0], ct_angles[1], ct_angles[2])
-	for movement in movement_input:
-		strInput += movement 
-		strInput += "; wait 5;"
-	#print('strInput: ', strInput)
+	remaining_instructions.append([movement_input, ct_angles])
+	strInput = "-jump; wait 5; +attack; wait 5; cl_minmodels 1; wait 5; setang 0 180 0; wait 5;".format(ct_angles[0], ct_angles[1], ct_angles[2])
+	#strInput += "-forward; wait 5; -back; wait 5; -moveleft; wait 5; -moveright; wait 5; "
+	if ct_distance > 250:
+		remaining_instructions = []
+		indexCounter = 0
+		#0 180 0: W = X axis greater minus, S = X axis greater plus, A = Y axis greater minus, D = Y axis greater plus
+		if botOrigin[0] + 50 > ct_origin_diff[0]:
+			strInput += "wait 5; +forward;"
+		elif botOrigin[0] - 50 < ct_origin_diff[0]:
+			strInput += "wait 5; +back;"
+		if botOrigin[1] + 50 > ct_origin_diff[1]:
+			strInput += "wait 5; +moveleft;"
+		elif botOrigin[1] - 50 < ct_origin_diff[1]:
+			strInput += "wait 5; +moveright;"
+		print('ct_distance > 250:')
+	else:
+		(movement, angles) = remaining_instructions[indexCounter]
+		if previousmoment != movement:
+			strInput += "-forward; wait 5; -back; wait 5; -moveleft; wait 5; -moveright; wait 5; "
+		previousmoment = movement
+		strInput = strInput.replace("setang 0 180 0;", "setang {0} {1} {2};".format(angles[0], angles[1], angles[2]))
+		for move in movement:
+			strInput += "+"
+			strInput += move
+			strInput += "; "
+		indexCounter += 1
+	strInput += " wait 5; {0}; ".format(randomlygeneratedString)
+	print('strInput: ', strInput)
-	connectionTimer = Timer(1.0, followPlayer)
+	connectionTimer = Timer(0.2, followPlayer, args=(remaining_instructions, indexCounter))
 	connectionTimer.daemon = True
 def deadlock():
 		while True: 42 == 42
diff --git a/AutismBotIngame/scripting/autism_bot_info.sp b/AutismBotIngame/scripting/autism_bot_info.sp
index bc48986f..dc82da0e 100644
--- a/AutismBotIngame/scripting/autism_bot_info.sp
+++ b/AutismBotIngame/scripting/autism_bot_info.sp
@@ -10,9 +10,7 @@
 #pragma newdecls required
-bool outputspam[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
-int ticksCooldown = 48; // 66 tick per second
-int botTicker;
+int present = 0;
 int targethuman = 0;
 public Plugin myinfo = 
@@ -24,127 +22,101 @@ public Plugin myinfo =
 	url = ""
-public void OnPluginStart()
-	RegConsoleCmd("sm_botfindString", Cmd_findBotString);
-// Purpose: 
-public Action Cmd_findBotString(int client, int args)
-	if (!IsValidClient(client))
-		return Plugin_Handled;
-	if (!outputspam[client])
-		return Plugin_Handled;
-	if (args != 1)
-	{
-		ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage botfindString <string>");
-		return Plugin_Handled;
-	}
-	char sTarget[65];
-	GetCmdArg(1, sTarget, sizeof(sTarget));
-	PrintToChat(client, sTarget);
-	return Plugin_Handled;
 public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
-	outputspam[client] = false;
+	if (present == client)
+		present = 0;
-stock void TraceEye(const int client, float pos[3])
+public void OnPluginStart()
-	float vAngles[3], vOrigin[3];
-	GetClientEyePosition(client, vOrigin);
-	GetClientEyeAngles(client, vAngles);
-	TR_TraceRayFilter(vOrigin, vAngles, MASK_SHOT, RayType_Infinite, TraceEntityFilterPlayer);
-	if(TR_DidHit())
-		TR_GetEndPosition(pos);
+	//hooks
+	HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
-public bool TraceEntityFilterPlayer( int entity, int contentsMask )
+public void Event_RoundStart(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
-	return ( entity > GetMaxClients() || !entity );
+	targethuman = 0;
-public void recursivePressing()
+public void OnMapStart()
-	if (targethuman && (GetClientTeam(targethuman) != 3 || !IsPlayerAlive(targethuman)))
+	CreateTimer(0.3, recursive_pressing, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
+public bool TraceEntityFilterPlayer(int entity, int contentsMask)
+	return (entity > GetMaxClients() || !entity);
+public Action recursive_pressing(Handle timer, any data)
+	//PrintToChatAll("present: %N", present);
+	if (present)
-		targethuman = 0;
-	}
-	if (!targethuman)
-	{
-		float pos_client[3];
-		TraceEye(client, pos_client);
+		float client_coord[3];
+		float xyz[3];
 		float lowest_distance = 1000000.0;
+		float pos_client[3];
+		GetClientAbsOrigin(present, pos_client);
 		for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
-			if (IsValidClient(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == 3 && i != client)
+			if (IsValidClient(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == 3 && i != present)
 				float pos_i[3];
-				TraceEye(client, pos_i);
+				GetClientAbsOrigin(i, pos_i);
 				float dx = pos_client[0] - pos_i[0];
 				float dy = pos_client[1] - pos_i[1];
 				float dz = FloatAbs(pos_client[2] - pos_i[2]);
 				float dist = SquareRoot(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
+				//PrintToChatAll("dist: %f", dist);
 				if (dist < lowest_distance)
 					lowest_distance = dist;
 					targethuman = i;
+					client_coord = pos_i;
+					xyz[0] = dx;
+					xyz[1] = dy;
+					xyz[2] = dz;
-	}
-	//maybe this holds some order?
-	float clientorigin[3];
-	float clientangles[3];
-	GetClientAbsOrigin(targethuman, clientorigin);
-	GetClientAbsAngles(targethuman, clientangles);
-	//PrintToChat(client, "player_start_origin: %f %f %f", clientorigin[0], clientorigin[1], clientorigin[2]);
-	int keys = GetClientButtons(targethuman);
-	if (keys & IN_FORWARD)
-	{
-		ServerCommand("sm_psay #[U:1:120378081] movement_input_specific:+forward");
-	}
-	if (keys & IN_BACK)
-	{
-		ServerCommand("sm_psay #[U:1:120378081] movement_input_specific:+back");
-	}
-	if (keys & IN_LEFT)
-	{
-		ServerCommand("sm_psay #[U:1:120378081] movement_input_specific:+moveleft");
-	}
-	if (keys & IN_RIGHT)
-	{
-		ServerCommand("sm_psay #[U:1:120378081] movement_input_specific:+moveright");
-	}
-	if (keys & IN_JUMP)
-	{
-		ServerCommand("sm_psay #[U:1:120378081] movement_input_specific:+jump");
-	}
-	ServerCommand("sm_psay #[U:1:120378081] ct_eye_angles_:%f+%f+%f", clientangles[0], clientangles[1], clientangles[2]);
-// Purpose: 
-public void OnPlayerRunCmdPost(int client, int buttons, int impulse, const float vel[3], const float angles[3], int weapon, int subtype, int cmdnum, int tickcount, int seed, const int mouse[2])
-	if (!IsClientInGame(client)) return;
-	if (IsPlayerAlive(client) && outputspam[client])
-	{
-		if (botTicker > ticksCooldown)
+		if (IsValidClient(targethuman))
-			botTicker = 0;
+			//PrintToChatAll("targethuman: %N", targethuman);
+			float clientangles[3];
+			GetClientAbsAngles(targethuman, clientangles);
+			int keys = GetClientButtons(targethuman);
+			char keyinput[256];
+			if (keys & IN_FORWARD)
+			{
+				StrCat(keyinput, sizeof(keyinput), "forward+");
+			}
+			if (keys & IN_BACK)
+			{
+				StrCat(keyinput, sizeof(keyinput), "back+");
+			}
+			if (keys & IN_MOVELEFT)
+			{
+				StrCat(keyinput, sizeof(keyinput), "moveleft+");
+			}
+			if (keys & IN_MOVERIGHT)
+			{
+				StrCat(keyinput, sizeof(keyinput), "moveright+");
+			}
+			if (keys & IN_JUMP)
+			{
+				StrCat(keyinput, sizeof(keyinput), "jump+");
+			}
+			//PrintToChatAll("keyinput: %s", keyinput);
+			//PrintToChatAll("xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]: %f %f %f", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);
+			//PrintToChatAll("lowest_distance: %f", lowest_distance);
+			ServerCommand("sm_psay #[U:1:120378081] movement_input_specific:%s", keyinput);
+			ServerCommand("sm_psay #[U:1:120378081] ct_eye_angles_:%f+%f+%f", clientangles[0], clientangles[1], clientangles[2]);
+			ServerCommand("sm_psay #[U:1:120378081] player_origin_diff:%f+%f+%f", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);
+			ServerCommand("sm_psay #[U:1:120378081] player_origin_position:%f+%f+%f", client_coord[0], client_coord[1], client_coord[2]);
+			ServerCommand("sm_psay #[U:1:120378081] player_lowest_distance:%f", lowest_distance);
-		botTicker++;
+	return Plugin_Handled;
 stock bool IsValidClient(int client)
@@ -164,10 +136,8 @@ public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
 	char auth[50];
 	GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Engine, auth, sizeof(auth)); 
-	//PrintToChatAll("client: %N \nAuth: %s", client, auth);
-	outputspam[client] = false;
 	if (StrEqual("[U:1:120378081]", auth, false))
-	{
-		outputspam[client] = true;
-	}
+		present = client;
+	else if (StrEqual("STEAM_0:1:60189040", auth, false))
+		present = client;
\ No newline at end of file