delete dbresults in more cases, some printing, using getclientserial
This commit is contained in:
@ -184,12 +184,16 @@ public void SQL_OnConnectFinished(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[]
if(!db || strlen(error))
delete results;
LogError("Database error: %s", error);
static Handle hHostName;
if((hHostName = FindConVar("hostname")) == INVALID_HANDLE)
delete results;
char line[g_dLength];
GetConVarString(hHostName, line, sizeof(line));
if (StrContains(line, "EVENT", false) > -1)
@ -204,6 +208,7 @@ public void SQL_OnConnectFinished(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[]
if (IsValidClient(i))
delete results;
public void MYSQLCheckMapEntry()
@ -238,15 +243,16 @@ public void MYSQLCheckMapEntry()
public void SQL_FinishedQuery(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, DataPack data)
if (!db || strlen(error))
char sQuery[g_dLength];
data.ReadString(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery));
LogError("Query error 3: %s", error);
LogError("actual query: %s", sQuery);
delete data;
delete results;
if (!db || strlen(error))
char sQuery[g_dLength];
data.ReadString(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery));
LogError("Query error 3: %s", error);
LogError("actual query: %s", sQuery);
delete data;
//a mysql table can max have 64 keys attached to it without recompiling. Therefore dropping and attaching binary tree index on the given map start, map end,
@ -416,17 +422,28 @@ public void client_ignoring_racetimer(int client)
char steam_auth[g_dIndex];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, steam_auth, sizeof(steam_auth));
Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT is_ignoring FROM `zetimer_table_new_ignoring` where steam_auth = '%s'", steam_auth);
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_OnQueryCompleted_ignoring, query, client);
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_OnQueryCompleted_ignoring, query, GetClientSerial(client));
public void SQL_OnQueryCompleted_ignoring(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, int client)
public void SQL_OnQueryCompleted_ignoring(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, int Serial)
if (!db)
delete results;
int client;
if ((client = GetClientFromSerial(Serial)) == 0)
delete results;
if (!IsValidClient(client))
delete results;
int val = 0;
if (results.RowCount && results.FetchRow())
val = results.FetchInt(0);
@ -435,6 +452,7 @@ public void SQL_OnQueryCompleted_ignoring(Database db, DBResultSet results, cons
g_bClientsIgnoring[client] = true;
delete results;
// Purpose:
@ -689,6 +707,7 @@ public void unloze_zoneLeave(int client, char[] zone)
if (!g_bClient_allowed_to_leave_again[client])
PrintToChat(client, "Did not start timer due to teleport cooldown.");
@ -767,16 +786,16 @@ public void FinishedStageRaceZone(int client)
if (l_iZoneCount > 1)
CPrintToChat(client, "{green}[UNLOZE] Stage: %i", player_stage[client]);
CPrintToChat(client, "{green}[UNLOZE] Client: %N Time: %06.3f", client, client_time);
CPrintToChat(client, "{green}[UNLOZE] Time: %06.3f", client_time);
int stage = player_stage[client];
char sQuery[g_dLength];
if (StrEqual(g_csTime_record[client], "0.000"))
CPrintToChat(client, "Your record: None yet\nCommand: !toptime !mytime !stages");
CPrintToChat(client, "{green}[UNLOZE] Your record: None yet\nCommand: !toptime !mytime !stages");
CPrintToChat(client, "Your record: %s\nCommand: !toptime !mytime !stages", g_csTime_record[client]);
CPrintToChat(client, "{green}[UNLOZE] Your record: %s\nCommand: !toptime !mytime !stages", g_csTime_record[client]);
if (l_iZoneCount < 2)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "UPDATE `zetimer_table_new` SET `%s` = '%06.3f', name = '%s' WHERE steam_auth = '%s'", g_cMapname, client_time, sEscapedName, sSID);
@ -835,18 +854,24 @@ public void SQL_OnQueryCompleted_retry(Database db, DBResultSet results, const c
delete data;
if (!db)
delete results;
int client;
if ((client = GetClientFromSerial(client_serial)) == 0)
delete results;
if (strlen(error))
delete results;
mysql_get_player_time(client, 1);
if (results.RowCount && results.FetchRow())
results.FetchString(0, g_csTime_record[client], sizeof(g_csTime_record[]));
delete results;
public void SQL_OnQueryCompleted(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, DataPack data)
@ -860,14 +885,19 @@ public void SQL_OnQueryCompleted(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[]
LogError("Query error 1: %s", error);
LogError("actual query: %s", sQuery);
delete data;
delete results;
delete data;
int client;
if ((client = GetClientFromSerial(client_serial)) == 0)
delete results;
if (results.RowCount && results.FetchRow())
results.FetchString(0, g_csTime_record[client], sizeof(g_csTime_record[]));
delete results;
@ -1027,7 +1057,10 @@ public void SQL_Select_Top_Callback(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char
delete data;
int iclient;
if ((iclient = GetClientFromSerial(client_serial)) == 0)
delete results;
//Player Name
char[] g_cPlayerName = new char[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char g_cContent[g_dLength];
@ -1060,6 +1093,7 @@ public void SQL_Select_Top_Callback(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char
menu.ExitButton = true;
menu.Display(iclient, 0);
delete results;
// Purpose:
@ -1196,15 +1230,15 @@ public Action cmd_timerCheckSelf(int client, int args)
public void deleteClientTime(char[] steam2, int stage)
char l_cQuery[g_dLength];
int l_iZoneCount = unloze_zoneCount();
if (l_iZoneCount > 1)
Format(l_cQuery, sizeof(l_cQuery), "UPDATE `zetimer_table_new` SET `%sS%i` = 0.000 WHERE steam_auth = '%s'", g_cMapname, stage, steam2);
Format(l_cQuery, sizeof(l_cQuery), "UPDATE `zetimer_table_new` SET `%s` = 0.000 WHERE steam_auth = '%s'", g_cMapname, steam2);
DataPack hDataPack = new DataPack();
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_FinishedQuery, l_cQuery, hDataPack, DBPrio_Normal);
char l_cQuery[g_dLength];
int l_iZoneCount = unloze_zoneCount();
if (l_iZoneCount > 1)
Format(l_cQuery, sizeof(l_cQuery), "UPDATE `zetimer_table_new` SET `%sS%i` = 0.000 WHERE steam_auth = '%s'", g_cMapname, stage, steam2);
Format(l_cQuery, sizeof(l_cQuery), "UPDATE `zetimer_table_new` SET `%s` = 0.000 WHERE steam_auth = '%s'", g_cMapname, steam2);
DataPack hDataPack = new DataPack();
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_FinishedQuery, l_cQuery, hDataPack, DBPrio_Normal);
// Purpose:
@ -1260,6 +1294,7 @@ public void SQL_CheckSelf(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error,
LogError("Query error 4: %s", error);
LogError("actual query: %s", sQuery);
delete data;
delete results;
delete data;
@ -1267,7 +1302,10 @@ public void SQL_CheckSelf(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error,
char[] l_cPlayerName = new char[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
int iclient;
if ((iclient = GetClientFromSerial(client_serial)) == 0)
delete results;
if (results.RowCount && results.FetchRow())
results.FetchString(0, l_cPlayerName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
@ -1275,6 +1313,7 @@ public void SQL_CheckSelf(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error,
if (fTime == 0.0)
CPrintToChat(iclient, "You have no time yet!");
delete results;
fTime += 0.001;
@ -1283,6 +1322,7 @@ public void SQL_CheckSelf(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error,
CPrintToChat(iclient, "You have no time yet!");
delete results;
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public void SQL_addEntry(int client)
g_dDatabase.Escape(sName, sEscapedName, size2 + 1);
GetClientIP(client, sIP, sizeof(sIP));
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "insert into `ban_detector_steamids` (`steamid`, `name`, `ID`) SELECT '%s', '%s', bd.ID from `ban_detector` bd where bd.ip = '%s' and not exists (select bds.ID from `ban_detector_steamids` bds where bds.ID = bd.ID and bds.steamid = '%s')", sSID, sEscapedName, sIP, sSID);
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_UpdateEntry, sQuery, client, DBPrio_Low);
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_UpdateEntry, sQuery, GetClientSerial(client), DBPrio_Low);
public void SQL_OnDatabaseConnect(Database db, const char[] error, any data)
@ -79,18 +79,25 @@ public void SQL_OnDatabaseConnect_sb(Database db, const char[] error, any data)
if(!db || strlen(error))
LogError("Database error: %s", error);
LogError("Database error: %s", error);
g_hDatabase_sourceban = db;
public void SQL_UpdateEntry(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, int client)
public void SQL_UpdateEntry(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, int Serial)
if(!db || strlen(error))
LogError("Database error: %s", error);
delete results;
int client;
if ((client = GetClientFromSerial(Serial)) == 0)
delete results;
if (IsValidClient(client))
@ -102,16 +109,28 @@ public void SQL_UpdateEntry(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sSID, sizeof(sSID));
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "SELECT bd.fingerprint FROM `ban_detector` bd inner join `ban_detector_steamids` bds on bd.ID = bds.ID where bds.steamid = '%s' or bd.ip = '%s'", sSID, sIP);
//PrintToChatAll("sQuery: %s", sQuery);
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_FindFingerPrints, sQuery, client, DBPrio_Low);
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_FindFingerPrints, sQuery, GetClientSerial(client), DBPrio_Low);
delete results;
public void SQL_FindFingerPrints(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, int client)
public void SQL_FindFingerPrints(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, int Serial)
if (!db || strlen(error))
LogError("Database error: %s", error);
delete results;
int client;
if ((client = GetClientFromSerial(Serial)) == 0)
delete results;
if (!IsValidClient(client))
delete results;
char fingerprint[1024];
@ -123,7 +142,7 @@ public void SQL_FindFingerPrints(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[]
g_dDatabase.Escape(fingerprint, sEscapedFingerPrint, 1024);
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "select steamid, ip from ban_detector bd inner join ban_detector_steamids bds on bd.ID = bds.ID where fingerprint = '%s'", sEscapedFingerPrint);
//PrintToChatAll("sQuery: %s", sQuery);
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_checkSourcebans, sQuery, client, DBPrio_Low);
g_dDatabase.Query(SQL_checkSourcebans, sQuery, GetClientSerial(client), DBPrio_Low);
if (IsValidClient(client) && g_bReportedClientBanAvoiding[client])
@ -132,14 +151,26 @@ public void SQL_FindFingerPrints(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[]
delete results;
public void SQL_checkSourcebans(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, int client)
public void SQL_checkSourcebans(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, int Serial)
if (!db || strlen(error))
delete results;
LogError("Database error: %s", error);
int client;
if ((client = GetClientFromSerial(Serial)) == 0)
delete results;
if (!IsValidClient(client))
delete results;
while (results.RowCount > 0 && results.FetchRow())
@ -151,7 +182,7 @@ public void SQL_checkSourcebans(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] e
// + 3600 for one hour to accomdate timezone difference
Format(sql_statement, sizeof(sql_statement), "select authid, ip from sb_bans where ((ip = '%s' and ip is not null and ip != '') or (authid = '%s' and authid is not null and authid =! '')) and (RemoveType != 'U' or RemoveType is NULL) and (ends > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + 3600 or ends = created) order by created desc limit 1", sIP, sSID);
g_hDatabase_sourceban.Query(sql_select_sb_bans, sql_statement, client, DBPrio_Low);
g_hDatabase_sourceban.Query(sql_select_sb_bans, sql_statement, GetClientSerial(client), DBPrio_Low);
if (IsValidClient(client) && g_bReportedClientBanAvoiding[client])
@ -160,14 +191,21 @@ public void SQL_checkSourcebans(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] e
delete results;
public void sql_select_sb_bans(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, int client)
public void sql_select_sb_bans(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, int Serial)
if (!db || strlen(error))
delete results;
LogError("Database error: %s", error);
int client;
if ((client = GetClientFromSerial(Serial)) == 0)
delete results;
if (!IsValidClient(client))
delete results;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user