re-adding php file but without secret

This commit is contained in:
jenz 2024-12-20 01:42:41 +01:00
parent b4d98218e3
commit 13de07f9eb

View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
Query strings:
api_key - Required: Should be set to the secret API key
provider - Optional: Should be set to the wanted provider. Defaults to a default provider.
<id query> - Required: A respective ID query string should be set. E.g. the Steam provider requires a "steam_id" query string.
days_amount - Required: The amount of days to give as userUpgrade. this is related to event rewards.
// --- CONFIG START ---
// API key for authorization
$api_key = "";
// Provider name with given query string
$provider_config = array(
"th_cap_steam" => "steam_id",
"minecraft" => "uuid"
// For backwards compatibility
$default_provider = "th_cap_steam";
// Responses
$response_error_apikey = 'API KEY INVALID';
$response_no_account_associated = 'NOACCOUNT';
$response_group_none = 'NOGROUP';
$response_error_id = 'MISSING ID';
// --- CONFIG END ---
// TODO: Use single query string for ID?
// Prints the reason and exits.
function quitWithReason($reason, $status_code = 200){
echo $reason;
function debug_to_console($data) {
$output = $data;
if (is_array($output))
$output = implode(',', $output);
echo "<script>console.log('Debug Objects: " . $output . "' );</script>";
// Check the API key
if(!isset($_GET['api_key']) || $_GET['api_key'] !== $api_key){
quitWithReason($response_error_apikey, 401);
// Load XenForo stuffs
require ('bootstrap_user_upgrade.php');
// Fetch provider from query string. If none is found, use the default provider.
$provider = isset($_GET['provider']) ? $_GET['provider'] : $default_provider;
$days_reward = $_GET['days_reward'];
//debug_to_console("$days_reward"); //will always be set.
// Check if the given provider has been configured
if(!array_key_exists($provider, $provider_config)){
quitWithReason($response_error_provider, 404);
// Check if the ID is set.
quitWithReason($response_error_id, 404);
// Fetch the respective ID query string.
$provider_key = $_GET[$provider_config[$provider]];
// Use finder for external accounts
$connectedAccountFinder = \XF::finder('XF:UserConnectedAccount');
// Search for external accounts with the given provider and ID
$stAssoc = $connectedAccountFinder->where('provider', $provider)->where('provider_key', $provider_key)->fetchOne();
// If no account is associated to the steam account return NOACCOUNT
quitWithReason($response_no_account_associated, 500);
// Load XenForo model for users
$userFinder = \XF::finder('XF:User');
// Fetch the user from the external account entry
$user = $userFinder->where('user_id', $stAssoc->user_id)->fetchOne();
// (This should not happen) If no user is found, assign no group.
// Push error to XenForo error log.
trigger_error("External account association exists for non-existing user ID (" . $stAssoc->user_id . ").");
quitWithReason($response_group_none, 500);
// Get UserUpgrade Information
$upgradeFinder = \XF::finder('XF:UserUpgrade');
$userUpgrade = $upgradeFinder->where('user_upgrade_id', 1)->fetchOne(); //its 1 because it should not matter which userupgrade we pick. its actually 1 month vip.
//before upgrading the user lets confirm if they already have a running vip duration. if they do we update it instead of creating a new one.
// Get Active Upgrade Information
$userUpgradeActiveFinder = \XF::Finder('XF:UserUpgradeActive');
$activeUserUpgrades = $userUpgradeActiveFinder->where('user_id', $stAssoc->user_id)->fetchOne();
if (isset($activeUserUpgrades))
debug_to_console("has user upgrade");
$userUpgrade_new = $activeUserUpgrades->Upgrade;
$expireDate = $activeUserUpgrades->end_date;
if ($expireDate === 0) {
quitWithReason(" end ", 200);
$dateObject = date_create_from_format('U', $expireDate);
$intervalString = "P{$days_reward}D";
$interval = new DateInterval($intervalString);
$newTimestamp = $dateObject->getTimestamp();
$upgradeService = $app->service('XF:User\Upgrade', $userUpgrade_new, $user);
debug_to_console("no user upgrade so far");
// add days to current date
$date = strtotime("+$days_reward day");
// Upgrade User
$upgradeService = $app->service('XF:User\Upgrade', $userUpgrade, $user);
quitWithReason(" end ", 200);