From 0cb6d1c977befa0665960b06af80bee561ac7d3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jenz Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 23:29:05 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] just changed so medic sets to max health instead of a static number --- ZombieRiot/scripting/Medic.sp | 171 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 171 insertions(+) create mode 100644 ZombieRiot/scripting/Medic.sp diff --git a/ZombieRiot/scripting/Medic.sp b/ZombieRiot/scripting/Medic.sp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3694f7fa --- /dev/null +++ b/ZombieRiot/scripting/Medic.sp @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +#include +#include +//smrpg basing !medic on the health perk. +#tryinclude + +#pragma semicolon 1 + +#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0" +#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "tuty" +#tryinclude + +#define SOUND_FILE "misc/medic.wav" + +new Handle:gPluginEnabled = INVALID_HANDLE; +new Handle:gMinHealth = INVALID_HANDLE; +new Handle:gMedicCost = INVALID_HANDLE; +new Handle:gShowInChat = INVALID_HANDLE; +new Handle:gMaxTimeUse = INVALID_HANDLE; + +new gPlayerMoney; +new gUsedMedic[ 33 ]; + + +public Plugin:myinfo = +{ + name = "CSS Medic", + author = PLUGIN_AUTHOR, + description = "You can call a medic.", + version = PLUGIN_VERSION, + url = "" +}; +public OnPluginStart() +{ + HookEvent( "player_spawn", Event_PlayerSpawn ); + RegConsoleCmd( "say", Command_Medic ); + RegConsoleCmd( "say_team", Command_Medic ); + + CreateConVar( "cssmedic_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "CSS Medic Version", FCVAR_PLUGIN | FCVAR_SPONLY | FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY ); + + gPluginEnabled = CreateConVar( "css_medic", "1" ); + gMinHealth = CreateConVar( "css_medic_minhealth", "99" ); + gMedicCost = CreateConVar( "css_medic_cost", "2000" ); + gShowInChat = CreateConVar( "css_medic_showcall", "1" ); + gMaxTimeUse = CreateConVar( "css_medic_maxuse", "1" ); + + gPlayerMoney = FindSendPropOffs( "CCSPlayer", "m_iAccount" ); +} +public OnClientConnected( id ) +{ + gUsedMedic[ id ] = 0; +} +public OnClientDisconnect( id ) +{ + gUsedMedic[ id ] = 0; +} +public OnMapStart() +{ + decl String:MedicSound[ 100 ]; + FormatEx( MedicSound, sizeof( MedicSound ) - 1, "sound/%s", SOUND_FILE ); + + if( FileExists( MedicSound ) ) + { + AddFileToDownloadsTable( MedicSound ); + PrecacheSound( SOUND_FILE, true ); + } +} +public Action:Event_PlayerSpawn( Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast ) +{ + if( GetConVarInt( gPluginEnabled ) == 1 ) + { + new id = GetClientOfUserId( GetEventInt( event, "userid" ) ); + + gUsedMedic[ id ] = 0; + } +} +public Action:Command_Medic( id, args ) +{ + decl String:Said[ 128 ]; + + GetCmdArgString( Said, sizeof( Said ) - 1 ); + StripQuotes( Said ); + TrimString( Said ); + + if( StrEqual( Said, "!medic" ) || StrEqual( Said, "!doctor" ) ) + { + if( GetConVarInt( gPluginEnabled ) == 0 ) + { + PrintToChat( id, "\x03[CSS Medic] \x01Sorry, you can't call a \x04Medic\x01 !" ); + + return Plugin_Continue; + } + + if( !IsPlayerAlive( id ) ) + { + PrintToChat( id, "\x03[CSS Medic] \x01You can't call \x04Medic \x01while you are dead!" ); + + return Plugin_Continue; + } + + new maxtime = GetConVarInt( gMaxTimeUse ); + + if( gUsedMedic[ id ] >= maxtime ) + { + PrintToChat( id, "\x03[CSS Medic] \x01You can call \x04Medic \x01only \x03%d \x01times per round!", maxtime ); + + return Plugin_Continue; + } + + new money = GetClientMoney( id ); + new cost = GetConVarInt( gMedicCost ); + + if( money < cost ) + { + PrintToChat( id, "\x03[CSS Medic] \x01You don't have enough money to call a \x04Medic\x01 ! You need %d$", cost ); + + return Plugin_Continue; + } + + if( GetClientHealth( id ) >= GetConVarInt( gMinHealth ) ) + { + PrintToChat( id, "\x03[CSS Medic] \x01Hey dude! You have enough health, and you don't need a \x04Medic \x01! Go back to fight!" ); + + return Plugin_Continue; + } + + gUsedMedic[ id ]++; + + //overwritting the cvar by using the health perk from smrpg. so it will always just restore max health. + SetEntProp( id, Prop_Data, "m_iHealth", SMRPG_Health_GetClientMaxHealth(id) ); + SetClientMoney( id, money - cost ); + PrintToChat( id, "\x03[CSS Medic] \x01Successfully called a \x04Medic\x01 ! You are now healed." ); + + if( GetConVarInt( gShowInChat ) != 0 ) + { + decl String:Name[ 32 ]; + GetClientName( id, Name, sizeof( Name ) - 1 ); + + PrintToChatAll( "\x03%s \x01(CALLED): \x04Medic!", Name ); + } + + new Float:fOrigin[ 3 ]; + GetClientAbsOrigin( id, Float:fOrigin ); + + EmitAmbientSound( SOUND_FILE, fOrigin, id, SNDLEVEL_CONVO ); + AttachClientIcon( id ); + } + + return Plugin_Continue; +} +stock SetClientMoney( index, money ) +{ + if( gPlayerMoney != -1 ) + { + SetEntData( index, gPlayerMoney, money ); + } +} +stock GetClientMoney( index ) +{ + if( gPlayerMoney != -1 ) + { + return GetEntData( index, gPlayerMoney ); + } + + return 0; +} +stock AttachClientIcon( index ) +{ + TE_Start( "RadioIcon" ); + TE_WriteNum( "m_iAttachToClient", index ); + TE_SendToAll(); +}