diff --git a/RaceTimer/scripting/racetimer_rank.sp b/RaceTimer/scripting/racetimer_rank.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b67ecd4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RaceTimer/scripting/racetimer_rank.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#include <sourcemod>
+#include <SteamWorks>
+#include <json>
+#include <cstrike>
+public Plugin myinfo =
+	name			= "Racetimer Rank",
+	author			= "jenz",
+	description		= "Give racetimer points as a level clan tag to players",
+	version			= "1.0",
+	url				= ""
+public void OnPluginStart()
+	for(int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
+	{
+		if(IsClientInGame(client))
+		{
+			OnClientPostAdminFilter(client);
+		}
+	}
+public void OnClientPostAdminFilter(int client)
+    if(!IsClientAuthorized(client) || IsFakeClient(client) || IsClientSourceTV(client))
+        return;
+    if (!HasClanTag(client))
+    {
+        check_client_racetimer_rank(client);
+    }
+public bool HasClanTag(int client)
+    char sClanID[32];
+    GetClientInfo(client, "cl_clanid", sClanID, sizeof(sClanID));
+    return strlen(sClanID) > 1; //without a tag the len is 1.
+public void check_client_racetimer_rank(int client)
+    char sSID[64];
+    char sRequest[256];
+    GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sSID, sizeof(sSID));
+    FormatEx(sRequest, sizeof(sRequest), "https://racebackend.unloze.com/racetimer_endpoints-1.0/api/timers/player/%s", sSID);
+    Handle hRequest = SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(k_EHTTPMethodGET, sRequest);
+    if (!hRequest ||
+        !SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(hRequest, OnTransferComplete) ||
+        !SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestContextValue(hRequest, GetClientSerial(client)) ||
+        !SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequest(hRequest))
+    {
+        delete hRequest;
+    }
+public int OnTransferComplete(Handle hRequest, bool bFailure, bool bSuccessful, EHTTPStatusCode eStatusCode, int iSerial)
+    int client = GetClientFromSerial(iSerial);
+    if (!client) //Player disconnected.
+    {
+        delete hRequest;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (bFailure || !bSuccessful || eStatusCode != k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK)
+    {
+        delete hRequest;
+        LogError("Request-Error: %d", eStatusCode);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyCallback(hRequest, OnTransferResponse, iSerial);
+    return 0;
+public int OnTransferResponse(char[] sData, int iSerial)
+    int client = GetClientFromSerial(iSerial);
+    if (!client) //Player disconnected.
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    JSON_Object obj = json_decode(sData); //https://github.com/clugg/sm-json
+    int I_player_points = obj.GetInt("PlayerPoints") //if no endpoint for steamID default value is -1
+    if (I_player_points < 1000)
+    {
+        I_player_points = 1000; //setting level 1
+    }
+    char tag[64];
+    Format(tag, sizeof(tag), "[LVL %i]", I_player_points/1000);
+    CS_SetClientClanTag(client, tag);
+    json_cleanup_and_delete(obj);
+    return 0;