
1962 lines
71 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
#pragma semicolon 1
#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "jenz,"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.3"
#define g_dIndexes 128
#define g_dLength 256
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <cstrike>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <dhooks>
#include <clientprefs>
#include <smlib>
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
#pragma newdecls required
//#pragma dynamic 131072
static char g_cPathsClassHuman[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
static char g_cPathsClassZM[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
static char g_cPathsDownload[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
static char g_cPathsWaveSettings[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
static char g_cPathsWeapons[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
static char g_cPathsExtra[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
char g_cUniqueName[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cZMRoundClasses[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cHumanClasses[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cTeam[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cGroup[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cSMFLAGS[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cModelPath[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cNoFallDmg[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cHealth[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cSpeed[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cKnockback[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cJumpHeight[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cJumpDistance[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cAdminGroups[g_dIndexes][g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cZMSounds[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cWeaponEntity[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cWeaponNames[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
char g_cWeaponCommand[g_dIndexes][g_dLength];
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
int g_iLength = g_dLength - 1;
int g_iWave;
float g_iZMScaleability;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
int g_iZMCount;
int g_iToolsVelocity; //from zombie reloaded
int g_iClientZMClasses[g_dIndexes];
int g_iClientHumanClasses[g_dIndexes];
int g_iClientRespawnCount[g_dIndexes];
int g_iSpeedIndex[g_dIndexes];
int g_iWeaponSlot[g_dIndexes];
int g_iWeaponPrice[g_dIndexes];
int g_iBotStuckindex[g_dIndexes];
int g_iClientRespawnCountNum;
int g_iLoadClassesIndex;
int g_iZMBeginindex;
int g_iSoundIndexes;
int g_iWeaponIndex;
int g_iBotStuckCounts;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
float g_fKnockBackIndex[g_dIndexes];
float g_fJumpHeightIndex[g_dIndexes];
float g_fJumpDistanceIndex[g_dIndexes];
float g_fSwitchingTimer;
float g_fZMSpawnProtection;
float g_fHumanSpawnProtection;
float g_fZMHealthScaleability;
float g_fRespawnTimer;
float g_fZMSounds;
float g_fBotStuckPush;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
bool g_bSwitchingIndex;
bool g_bRoundInProgress;
bool g_bFallDamage[g_dIndexes];
bool g_bClientProtection[g_dIndexes];
bool g_bRestartRound = true;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
Handle g_hClientZMCookie;
Handle g_hClientHumanCookie;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "Unloze Zombie Riot",
description = "Zombie Riot mod. originally for csgo but remade for css",
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
url = ""
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
public void OnPluginStart()
if (g_hClientZMCookie == null)
g_hClientZMCookie = RegClientCookie("unloze_zr_classprefZM", "Cookie for ZM classes", CookieAccess_Protected);
if (g_hClientHumanCookie == null)
g_hClientHumanCookie = RegClientCookie("unloze_zr_classprefHuman", "Cookie for Human classes", CookieAccess_Protected);
BuildPath(Path_SM, g_cPathsClassZM, sizeof(g_cPathsClassZM), "configs/unloze_zr/classeszm.txt");
BuildPath(Path_SM, g_cPathsClassHuman, sizeof(g_cPathsClassHuman), "configs/unloze_zr/classeshuman.txt");
BuildPath(Path_SM, g_cPathsExtra, sizeof(g_cPathsExtra), "configs/unloze_zr/extra.txt");
BuildPath(Path_SM, g_cPathsDownload, sizeof(g_cPathsDownload), "configs/unloze_zr/download.txt");
BuildPath(Path_SM, g_cPathsWaveSettings, sizeof(g_cPathsWaveSettings), "configs/unloze_zr/wavesettings.txt");
BuildPath(Path_SM, g_cPathsWeapons, sizeof(g_cPathsWeapons), "configs/unloze_zr/weapons.txt");
HookEvent("player_spawn", ApplySettings, EventHookMode_Post);
HookEvent("round_start", Event_roundStart, EventHookMode_Post);
HookEvent("player_death", Event_OnPlayerDeath, EventHookMode_Post);
HookEvent("player_hurt", EventPlayerHurt, EventHookMode_Pre);
HookEvent("player_jump", EventPlayerJump, EventHookMode_Post);
RegConsoleCmd("say", Cmd_Say);
RegConsoleCmd("sm_zclass", Cmd_Zclass, "Class Prefferences"); //named like zombiereloaded for ease of use
RegConsoleCmd("sm_zmarket", Cmd_zmarket, "weapon Prefferences"); //named like zombiereloaded for ease of use
RegAdminCmd("sm_LoadClasses", Cmd_LoadManually, ADMFLAG_RCON);
RegAdminCmd("sm_wave", Cmd_ChangeWave, ADMFLAG_RCON);
RegAdminCmd("sm_human", Cmd_Humanize, ADMFLAG_BAN);
RegAdminCmd("sm_infect", Cmd_Zombienize, ADMFLAG_BAN);
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
public Action ApplySettings(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
int activePlayers = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && (GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_CT || GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_T))
if (activePlayers > 1)
if (activePlayers == 1 && g_bRestartRound)
PrintToChatAll("First Player joining. Restarting the round...");
g_bRestartRound = false;
CS_TerminateRound(4.0, CSRoundEnd_Draw, false);
else if (activePlayers == 0)
g_bRestartRound = true;
int client = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("userid"));
if (!IsValidClient(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client) || IsClientSourceTV(client))
return Plugin_Handled;
if (!IsFakeClient(client) && g_iClientRespawnCount[client] < 1) //player ran out of human respawns and will be zm instead.
SelectWaveBasedZM(client, 1);
else if (IsFakeClient(client)) //bot getting respawned as zm
SelectWaveBasedZM(client, 0);
SelectWavebasedHuman(client); //player getting respawned as human
return Plugin_Handled;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action Cmd_LoadManually(int client, int args)
return Plugin_Handled;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action Cmd_zmarket(int client, int args)
return Plugin_Handled;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action Cmd_Humanize(int client, int args)
InfectionSlashHumanHandling(client, args, 0);
return Plugin_Handled;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action Cmd_Zombienize(int client, int args)
InfectionSlashHumanHandling(client, args, 1);
return Plugin_Handled;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action Cmd_Zclass(int client, int args)
return Plugin_Handled;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action Cmd_ChangeWave(int client, int args)
char l_cChangeWave[4];
int l_iWave;
GetCmdArg(1, l_cChangeWave, sizeof(l_cChangeWave));
l_iWave = StringToInt(l_cChangeWave);
if (l_iWave > 0)
g_iWave = l_iWave;
PrintToChatAll("Admin %N Changing wave to: %i", client, g_iWave);
CS_TerminateRound(4.0, CSRoundEnd_Draw, false);
ReplyToCommand(client, "Incorrect input");
return Plugin_Handled;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action Cmd_Say(int client, int args)
getclientteam might be checked unnecesarily this way because its also checking in ZmarketGetWeapon
but this way most can be stopped to interferre from triggering cmd_say
if (client < 1)
return Plugin_Continue;
if (GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_CT || !IsPlayerAlive(client))
return Plugin_Continue;
char l_cBuffer[g_dLength];
char l_cBuffer2[g_dLength];
GetCmdArgString(l_cBuffer, sizeof(l_cBuffer));
if (StrContains(l_cBuffer, "!") == -1 && StrContains(l_cBuffer, "/") == -1)
return Plugin_Continue;
ReplaceString(l_cBuffer, sizeof(l_cBuffer), "\"", "");
ReplaceString(l_cBuffer, sizeof(l_cBuffer), "/", "");
ReplaceString(l_cBuffer, sizeof(l_cBuffer), "!", "");
if (StrContains(l_cBuffer, "sm_") == -1)
Format(l_cBuffer2, sizeof(l_cBuffer2), "sm_");
StrCat(l_cBuffer2, sizeof(l_cBuffer2), l_cBuffer);
for (int i = 0; i <= g_iWeaponIndex; i++)
if (strlen(g_cWeaponCommand[i][g_iLength]) < 1)
if (StrEqual(l_cBuffer, g_cWeaponCommand[i][g_iLength], false) || StrEqual(l_cBuffer2, g_cWeaponCommand[i][g_iLength], false))
//PrintToChatAll("SUCCESS: %s", l_cBuffer);
ZmarketGetWeapon(client, i);
return Plugin_Continue;
// Purpose:
public Action InfectionSlashHumanHandling(int client, int args, int state)
if (args < 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_human <#userid|name>");
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_infect <#userid|name>");
return Plugin_Handled;
findTarget(client, state);
return Plugin_Continue;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public void findTarget(int client, int state)
//state 0 human, state 1 zm
char target[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char targetname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
int targets[g_dLength];
int result;
bool tn_is_ml;
GetCmdArg(1, target, sizeof(target));
// Find a target.
result = ProcessTargetString(target, client, targets, sizeof(targets), COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE , targetname, sizeof(targetname), tn_is_ml);
// Check if there was a problem finding a client.
if (result != 1)
PrintToChat(client, "Found no specific Target!");
if (!IsPlayerAlive(targets[0]))
PrintToChat(client, "Target is not alive. Cant be turned human or zombie.");
if (state == 0)
PrintToChat(client, "Humanized: %N", targets[0]);
PrintToChat(client, "Infected: %N", targets[0]);
SelectWaveBasedZM(targets[0], 1);
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public void Zmarket(int client)
Menu ZmarketMenu = CreateMenu(Zmarket_menu);
ZmarketMenu.SetTitle("Weapon Selection");
for (int i = 0; i < g_iWeaponIndex; i++)
ZmarketMenu.AddItem("", g_cWeaponNames[i][g_iLength]);
ZmarketMenu.ExitButton = true;
ZmarketMenu.ExitBackButton = true;
ZmarketMenu.Display(client, 0);
// Purpose:
static void Zclass(int client)
char l_cHuman[g_dLength];
char l_cZM[g_dLength];
int l_iZMIndex = g_iClientZMClasses[client];
int l_iHumanIndex = g_iClientHumanClasses[client];
Menu ZclassMenu = CreateMenu(Zclass_Menu);
if (strlen(g_cZMRoundClasses[l_iZMIndex][g_iLength]) < 1)
for (int i = 0; i < g_dIndexes; i++)
if (strlen(g_cZMRoundClasses[i][g_iLength]) < 1)
l_iZMIndex = i;
if (strlen(g_cHumanClasses[l_iHumanIndex][g_iLength]) < 1)
for (int i = 0; i < g_dIndexes; i++)
if (strlen(g_cHumanClasses[i][g_iLength]) < 1)
l_iHumanIndex = i;
Format(l_cZM, sizeof(l_cZM), "Active Zombie Class: %s", g_cZMRoundClasses[l_iZMIndex][g_iLength]);
Format(l_cHuman, sizeof(l_cHuman), "Active Human Class: %s", g_cHumanClasses[l_iHumanIndex][g_iLength]);
ZclassMenu.SetTitle("TeamClass Selection");
ZclassMenu.AddItem("", "Human Classes");
ZclassMenu.AddItem("", l_cHuman, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
ZclassMenu.AddItem("", "Zombie Classes");
ZclassMenu.AddItem("", l_cZM, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
ZclassMenu.ExitButton = true;
ZclassMenu.ExitBackButton = true;
ZclassMenu.Display(client, 0);
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public int Zmarket_menu(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int selection)
if (action == MenuAction_Select && IsValidClient(client))
ZmarketGetWeapon(client, selection);
else if (action == MenuAction_End)
return 0;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public int Zclass_Menu(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int selection)
if (action == MenuAction_Select && IsValidClient(client))
ZclassTeamMenu(client, selection);
else if (action == MenuAction_End)
return 0;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose: //
public void ZmarketGetWeapon(int client, int index)
if (GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_CT || !IsPlayerAlive(client))
PrintToChat(client, "You have to be Human for obtaining weapons");
int l_iClientCash = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount");
int l_iEntity;
int l_iWeapon;
float l_fClientPos[3];
if (g_iWeaponPrice[index] <= l_iClientCash)
l_iEntity = CreateEntityByName(g_cWeaponEntity[index][g_iLength]);
if (l_iEntity == -1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "Error occured");
GetClientAbsOrigin(client, l_fClientPos);
l_iWeapon = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, g_iWeaponSlot[index]);
if (IsValidEntity(l_iWeapon))
if (GetEntPropEnt(l_iWeapon, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity") != client)
SetEntPropEnt(l_iWeapon, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity", client);
CS_DropWeapon(client, l_iWeapon, false, true);
AcceptEntityInput(l_iWeapon, "Kill");
TeleportEntity(l_iEntity, l_fClientPos, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount", l_iClientCash - g_iWeaponPrice[index]);
PrintToChat(client, "you purchased: %s", g_cWeaponNames[index][g_iLength]);
PrintToChat(client, "Not enough money, requires: %i", g_iWeaponPrice[index]);
// Purpose:
static void ZclassTeamMenu(int client, int state)
//0 human, 2 zm
Menu zclassMenu;
AdminId l_AdminID = GetUserAdmin(client);
int l_iAdminGroupCount = GetAdminGroupCount(l_AdminID);
int l_iFound;
int l_iFlags;
if (state == 2)
zclassMenu = CreateMenu(Zombieclass_Menu);
zclassMenu.SetTitle("Playerclass Zombie Selection");
for (int i = 0; i < g_dIndexes; i++)
if (strlen(g_cZMRoundClasses[i][g_iLength]) < 1)
if (strlen(g_cGroup[i][g_iLength]) < 1 && strlen(g_cSMFLAGS[i][g_iLength]) < 1)
zclassMenu.AddItem("", g_cZMRoundClasses[i][g_iLength]);
l_iFound = 0;
if (strlen(g_cGroup[i][g_iLength]) > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < l_iAdminGroupCount; j++)
if (StrEqual(g_cGroup[i][g_iLength], g_cAdminGroups[client][j][g_iLength]))
zclassMenu.AddItem("", g_cZMRoundClasses[i][g_iLength]);
l_iFlags = ReadFlagString(g_cSMFLAGS[i][g_iLength]);
if (GetUserFlagBits(client) & l_iFlags && l_iFound < 1 && strlen(g_cSMFLAGS[i][g_iLength]) > 0)
zclassMenu.AddItem("", g_cZMRoundClasses[i][g_iLength]);
if (l_iFound == 0)
zclassMenu.AddItem("", g_cZMRoundClasses[i][g_iLength], ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
zclassMenu = CreateMenu(Humanclass_Menu);
zclassMenu.SetTitle("Active Playerclass Human Selection");
for (int i = 0; i < g_dIndexes; i++)
if (strlen(g_cHumanClasses[i][g_iLength]) < 1)
if (strlen(g_cGroup[i][g_iLength]) < 1 && strlen(g_cSMFLAGS[i][g_iLength]) < 1)
zclassMenu.AddItem("", g_cHumanClasses[i][g_iLength]);
l_iFound = 0;
if (strlen(g_cGroup[i][g_iLength]) > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < l_iAdminGroupCount; j++)
if (StrEqual(g_cGroup[i][g_iLength], g_cAdminGroups[client][j][g_iLength]))
zclassMenu.AddItem("", g_cHumanClasses[i][g_iLength]);
l_iFlags = ReadFlagString(g_cSMFLAGS[i][g_iLength]);
if (GetUserFlagBits(client) & l_iFlags && l_iFound < 1 && strlen(g_cSMFLAGS[i][g_iLength]) > 0)
zclassMenu.AddItem("", g_cHumanClasses[i][g_iLength]);
if (l_iFound == 0)
zclassMenu.AddItem("", g_cHumanClasses[i][g_iLength], ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
zclassMenu.ExitButton = true;
zclassMenu.ExitBackButton = true;
zclassMenu.Display(client, 0);
// Purpose:
public int Zombieclass_Menu(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int selection)
if (action == MenuAction_Select && IsValidClient(client))
char l_cInfo[4];
g_iClientZMClasses[client] = selection + g_iZMBeginindex;
IntToString(g_iClientZMClasses[client], l_cInfo, sizeof(l_cInfo));
SetClientCookie(client, g_hClientZMCookie, l_cInfo);
if (g_bSwitchingIndex && GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_T && IsPlayerAlive(client)) //beginning of round, is correct team and alive
SelectWaveBasedZM(client, 1);
else if (action == MenuAction_End)
return 0;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public int Humanclass_Menu(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int selection)
if (action == MenuAction_Select && IsValidClient(client))
char l_cInfo[4];
IntToString(selection, l_cInfo, sizeof(l_cInfo));
SetClientCookie(client, g_hClientHumanCookie, l_cInfo);
g_iClientHumanClasses[client] = selection;
if (g_bSwitchingIndex && GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_CT && IsPlayerAlive(client)) //beginning of round, is correct team and alive
else if (action == MenuAction_End)
return 0;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action AddDownloadContent()
Handle l_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE;
char l_cLine[g_dLength];
l_hFile = OpenFile(g_cPathsDownload, "r");
if (l_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE)
Handle l_kv = CreateKeyValues("DownloadTable");
KeyValuesToFile(l_kv, g_cPathsDownload);
delete l_hFile;
return Plugin_Handled;
while (!IsEndOfFile(l_hFile) && ReadFileLine(l_hFile, l_cLine, sizeof(l_cLine)))
if (strlen(l_cLine) > 0 && StrContains(l_cLine, "//") == -1 && StrContains(l_cLine, "\"") == -1 && StrContains(l_cLine, "{") == -1 &&
StrContains(l_cLine, "}") == -1)
delete l_hFile;
return Plugin_Handled;
// Purpose:
public void LoadExtraSettings()
Handle l_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE;
char l_cLine[g_dLength];
if (!FileExists(g_cPathsExtra))
l_hFile = OpenFile(g_cPathsExtra, "r");
while (!IsEndOfFile(l_hFile) && ReadFileLine(l_hFile, l_cLine, sizeof(l_cLine)))
if (StrContains(l_cLine, "Respawn Time") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(l_cLine, "Respawn Time");
if (StringToFloat(l_cLine) > 0.0)
g_fRespawnTimer = StringToFloat(l_cLine);
g_fRespawnTimer = 5.0;
if (StrContains(l_cLine, "Global command") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(l_cLine, "Global command");
if (strlen(l_cLine) > 1)
if (StrContains(l_cLine, "round start zclass time") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(l_cLine, "round start zclass time");
if (StringToFloat(l_cLine) > 0.0)
g_fSwitchingTimer = StringToFloat(l_cLine);
g_fSwitchingTimer = 15.0;
if (StrContains(l_cLine, "zm spawn protection") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(l_cLine, "zm spawn protection");
if (StringToFloat(l_cLine) > 0.0)
g_fZMSpawnProtection = StringToFloat(l_cLine);
g_fZMSpawnProtection = 1.0;
if (StrContains(l_cLine, "human spawn protection") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(l_cLine, "human spawn protection");
if (StringToFloat(l_cLine) > 0.0)
g_fHumanSpawnProtection = StringToFloat(l_cLine);
g_fHumanSpawnProtection = 4.0;
if (StrContains(l_cLine, "zmsoundInterval") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(l_cLine, "zmsoundInterval");
if (StringToFloat(l_cLine) > 0.0)
g_fZMSounds = StringToFloat(l_cLine);
g_fZMSounds = 15.0;
if (StrContains(l_cLine, "botStuckCount") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(l_cLine, "botStuckCount");
if (StringToInt(l_cLine) > 1)
g_iBotStuckCounts = StringToInt(l_cLine);
g_iBotStuckCounts = 3;
if (StrContains(l_cLine, "botStuckPush") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(l_cLine, "botStuckPush");
if (StringToInt(l_cLine) > 1)
g_fBotStuckPush = StringToFloat(l_cLine);
g_fBotStuckPush = 250.0;
if (StrContains(l_cLine, "zmsoundsFile") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(l_cLine, "zmsoundsFile");
ReplaceString(l_cLine, sizeof(l_cLine), "sound/", "*/");
Format(g_cZMSounds[g_iSoundIndexes][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cZMSounds), l_cLine);
delete l_hFile;
// Purpose:
public void loadWeapons()
KeyValues kv = CreateKeyValues("Weapons");
if (!FileExists(g_cPathsWeapons))
kv.GetString("weaponentity", g_cWeaponEntity[g_iWeaponIndex][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cWeaponEntity));
kv.GetString("zmarketname", g_cWeaponNames[g_iWeaponIndex][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cWeaponNames));
g_iWeaponSlot[g_iWeaponIndex] = kv.GetNum("weaponslot");
g_iWeaponPrice[g_iWeaponIndex] = kv.GetNum("zmarketprice");
kv.GetString("zmarketcommand", g_cWeaponCommand[g_iWeaponIndex][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cWeaponCommand));
while (kv.GotoNextKey())
kv.GetString("weaponentity", g_cWeaponEntity[g_iWeaponIndex][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cWeaponEntity));
kv.GetString("zmarketname", g_cWeaponNames[g_iWeaponIndex][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cWeaponNames));
g_iWeaponSlot[g_iWeaponIndex] = kv.GetNum("weaponslot");
g_iWeaponPrice[g_iWeaponIndex] = kv.GetNum("zmarketprice");
kv.GetString("zmarketcommand", g_cWeaponCommand[g_iWeaponIndex][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cWeaponCommand));
delete kv;
// Purpose:
public Action LoadClasses()
Handle l_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle l_hFileZM = INVALID_HANDLE;
char l_cLine[g_dLength];
g_iLoadClassesIndex = 0;
l_hFile = OpenFile(g_cPathsClassHuman, "r");
l_hFileZM = OpenFile(g_cPathsClassZM, "r");
if (!FileExists(g_cPathsClassHuman) && !FileExists(g_cPathsClassZM))
//PrintToChatAll("File does not exist g_cPathsClassHuman: %s", g_cPathsClassHuman);
//PrintToChatAll("File does not exist g_cPathsClassZM: %s", g_cPathsClassZM);
delete l_hFile;
delete l_hFileZM;
return Plugin_Handled;
else if (!FileExists(g_cPathsClassHuman))
delete l_hFile;
delete l_hFileZM;
return Plugin_Handled;
else if (!FileExists(g_cPathsClassZM))
delete l_hFile;
delete l_hFileZM;
return Plugin_Handled;
//first indexes go to human classes, all afterfollowing to zms
while (!IsEndOfFile(l_hFile) && ReadFileLine(l_hFile, l_cLine, sizeof(l_cLine)))
ReadingClassValuesFromFile(g_iLoadClassesIndex, l_cLine);
g_iZMBeginindex = g_iLoadClassesIndex;
while (!IsEndOfFile(l_hFileZM) && ReadFileLine(l_hFileZM, l_cLine, sizeof(l_cLine)))
ReadingClassValuesFromFile(g_iLoadClassesIndex, l_cLine);
delete l_hFileZM;
delete l_hFile;
return Plugin_Handled;
// Purpose:
public void OnMapStart()
g_iToolsVelocity = FindDataMapInfo(0, "m_vecAbsVelocity");
g_iWave = 1;
//load content
// Purpose:
public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
g_bClientProtection[client] = false;
g_bFallDamage[client] = false;
g_fKnockBackIndex[client] = 1.0;
g_fJumpHeightIndex[client] = 1.0;
g_fJumpDistanceIndex[client] = 1.0;
g_iClientRespawnCount[client] = g_iClientRespawnCountNum;
char sCookieValue[12];
GetClientCookie(client, g_hClientZMCookie, sCookieValue, sizeof(sCookieValue));
if (sCookieValue[0])
g_iClientZMClasses[client] = StringToInt(sCookieValue);
g_iClientZMClasses[client] = g_iZMBeginindex;
GetClientCookie(client, g_hClientHumanCookie, sCookieValue, sizeof(sCookieValue));
if (sCookieValue[0])
g_iClientHumanClasses[client] = StringToInt(sCookieValue);
g_iClientHumanClasses[client] = 0;
SDKHook(client, SDKHook_OnTakeDamage, OnTakeDamage);
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public void SetAdminGroups(int client)
AdminId l_AdminID = GetUserAdmin(client);
int l_iAdminGroupCount = GetAdminGroupCount(l_AdminID);
char l_cbuffer[g_dLength];
for (int j = 0; j < l_iAdminGroupCount; j++)
GetAdminGroup(l_AdminID, j, l_cbuffer, sizeof(l_cbuffer));
Format(g_cAdminGroups[client][j][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cAdminGroups), l_cbuffer);
// Purpose:
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
g_bClientProtection[client] = false;
g_bFallDamage[client] = false;
g_fKnockBackIndex[client] = 1.0;
g_fJumpHeightIndex[client] = 1.0;
g_fJumpDistanceIndex[client] = 1.0;
g_iClientRespawnCount[client] = 0;
SDKUnhook(client, SDKHook_OnTakeDamage, OnTakeDamage);
// Purpose:
public MRESReturn DHook_GetPlayerMaxSpeed(int client, Handle hReturn)
if (client < 1 || client > MaxClients || !IsClientInGame(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client))
return MRES_Ignored;
DHookSetReturn(hReturn, StringToFloat(g_cSpeed[g_iSpeedIndex[client]][g_iLength]));
return MRES_Override;
// Purpose:
public void Event_roundStart(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
g_bRoundInProgress = false;
g_bSwitchingIndex = true;
CreateTimer(g_fSwitchingTimer, Timer_switchingModel, INVALID_HANDLE);
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i) && !IsClientSourceTV(i))
if (IsFakeClient(i))
SelectWaveBasedZM(i, 0);
g_iClientRespawnCount[i] = g_iClientRespawnCountNum; //even if not spawned in yet it should be set for every real player.
if (IsPlayerAlive(i))
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action RetrieveWaveSettings(int wave)
Handle l_hWave = INVALID_HANDLE;
l_hWave = OpenFile(g_cPathsWaveSettings, "r");
if (l_hWave == INVALID_HANDLE)
delete l_hWave;
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToChatAll("WAVE: %i", wave);
delete l_hWave;
return Plugin_Handled;
// Purpose:
public Action Timer_switchingModel(Handle timer, any data)
g_bSwitchingIndex = false;
return Plugin_Handled;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public void LoadWave(int wave)
KeyValues kv = CreateKeyValues("Waves");
int l_iBotQuote;
char l_cJumptokey[16];
char l_cJumptokey1[16];
char l_cLine[g_dLength];
bool l_bKeyIndex = false;
Handle l_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE;
l_hFile = OpenFile(g_cPathsWaveSettings, "r");
Format(l_cJumptokey, sizeof(l_cJumptokey), "Wave %i", wave);
Format(l_cJumptokey1, sizeof(l_cJumptokey1), "Wave %i", wave +1);
for (int i = 0; i < g_dIndexes; i++)
Format(g_cHumanClasses[i][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cHumanClasses), "");
Format(g_cZMRoundClasses[i][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cZMRoundClasses), "");
if (kv.JumpToKey(l_cJumptokey, false))
g_bRoundInProgress = true;
g_iZMScaleability = kv.GetFloat("PlayerScaleAbility", 5.0);
g_fZMHealthScaleability = kv.GetFloat("HealthScaleAbility", 1.0);
g_iZMCount = kv.GetNum("Zombie Count", 5);
int additional_zombie_per_player = RoundFloat(g_iZMCount * g_iZMScaleability);
int l_iPlayers;
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && CS_TEAM_CT == GetClientTeam(i))
l_iPlayers -= 1; //first player equals the zombie count.
//first player takes the zombie count, each additional player adds to additional_zombie_per_player
//if 1 player then additional_zombie_per_player * 0. so just g_iZMCount
g_iZMCount += additional_zombie_per_player * l_iPlayers;
g_iClientRespawnCountNum = kv.GetNum("Respawns", 5);
l_iBotQuote = kv.GetNum("bot_scaling", 1);
while (!IsEndOfFile(l_hFile) && ReadFileLine(l_hFile, l_cLine, sizeof(l_cLine)))
if (StrContains(l_cLine, l_cJumptokey) == -1 && !l_bKeyIndex)
l_bKeyIndex = true;
if (StrContains(l_cLine, "wavecommand") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(l_cLine, "wavecommand");
if (strlen(l_cLine) > 0)
else if (StrContains(l_cLine, "Zombie Class") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(l_cLine, "Zombie Class");
if (StrContains(l_cLine, "@all") > -1)
for (int i = g_iZMBeginindex; i < g_iLoadClassesIndex; i++)
Format(g_cZMRoundClasses[i][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cZMRoundClasses), g_cUniqueName[i][g_iLength]);
else if (StrContains(l_cLine, "@groups") > -1)
for (int i = 0; i < g_dIndexes; i++)
if (skipIndex(i))
if ((strlen(g_cGroup[i][g_iLength]) > 0) && StrEqual(g_cTeam[i][g_iLength], "ZM"))
Format(g_cZMRoundClasses[i][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cZMRoundClasses), g_cUniqueName[i][g_iLength]);
else if (StrContains(l_cLine, "@flags") > -1)
for (int i = 0; i < g_dIndexes; i++)
if (skipIndex(i))
if (strlen(g_cSMFLAGS[i][g_iLength]) > 0 && StrEqual(g_cTeam[i][g_iLength], "ZM"))
Format(g_cZMRoundClasses[i][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cZMRoundClasses), g_cUniqueName[i][g_iLength]);
for (int i = 0; i < g_dIndexes; i++)
if (skipIndex(i))
if (StrEqual(l_cLine, g_cUniqueName[i][g_iLength], false))
//PrintToChatAll("l_cLine ZM SUCCESS: %s \n%i", l_cLine, i);
Format(g_cZMRoundClasses[i][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cZMRoundClasses), g_cUniqueName[i][g_iLength]);
else if (StrContains(l_cLine, "Human Class") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(l_cLine, "Human Class");
if (StrContains(l_cLine, "@all") > -1)
for (int i = 0; i < g_iZMBeginindex; i++)
Format(g_cHumanClasses[i][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cHumanClasses), g_cUniqueName[i][g_iLength]);
else if (StrContains(l_cLine, "@groups") > -1)
for (int i = 0; i < g_dIndexes; i++)
if (skipIndex(i))
if (strlen(g_cGroup[i][g_iLength]) > 0 && StrEqual(g_cTeam[i][g_iLength], "Human"))
Format(g_cHumanClasses[i][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cHumanClasses), g_cUniqueName[i][g_iLength]);
else if (StrContains(l_cLine, "@flags") > -1)
for (int i = 0; i < g_dIndexes; i++)
if (skipIndex(i))
if (strlen(g_cSMFLAGS[i][g_iLength]) > 0 && StrEqual(g_cTeam[i][g_iLength], "Human"))
Format(g_cHumanClasses[i][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cHumanClasses), g_cUniqueName[i][g_iLength]);
//PrintToChatAll("SUCCESS: g_cTeam[i][g_iLength]: %s", g_cTeam[i][g_iLength]);
//PrintToChatAll("g_cHumanClasses[i][g_iLength]: %s", g_cHumanClasses[i][g_iLength]);
for (int i = 0; i < g_dIndexes; i++)
if (skipIndex(i))
if (StrEqual(l_cLine, g_cUniqueName[i][g_iLength], false))
//PrintToChatAll("l_cLine SUCCESS: %s \n%i", l_cLine, i);
Format(g_cHumanClasses[i][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cHumanClasses), g_cUniqueName[i][g_iLength]);
if (StrContains(l_cLine, l_cJumptokey1) > -1)
g_iWave = 1;
PrintToChatAll("Finished last Wave! Restarting...");
CS_TerminateRound(5.0, CSRoundEnd_Draw, false);
delete kv;
delete l_hFile;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public void SettingBotQoute(int botscale)
if (botscale < 1)
int l_iPlayers;
for (int i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && CS_TEAM_CT == GetClientTeam(i))
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
addBots(l_iPlayers * botscale);
// Purpose:
public void addBots(int botcount)
if (botcount > 44)
botcount = 44;
ServerCommand("bot_quota %i", botcount);
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public bool skipIndex(int index)
if (strlen(g_cTeam[index][g_iLength]) < 1 || strlen(g_cUniqueName[index][g_iLength]) < 1)
return true;
return false;
// Purpose:
public void CreateDefaultExtraFile()
KeyValues kv = CreateKeyValues("ExtraSettings");
kv.JumpToKey("Extras", true);
kv.SetFloat("Respawn Time", 9.0);
kv.SetFloat("round start zclass time", 15.0);
kv.SetFloat("zm spawn protection", 1.0);
kv.SetFloat("human spawn protection", 4.0);
kv.SetFloat("zmsoundInterval", 15.0);
kv.SetNum("botStuckCount", 3);
kv.SetFloat("botStuckPush", 250.0);
kv.SetString("zmsoundsFile", " ");
kv.SetString("Global command", "mp_afterroundmoney 16000");
delete kv;
// Purpose:
public void CreateDefaultWave()
Handle l_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle l_hFileZM = INVALID_HANDLE;
char l_cLine[g_dLength];
char l_cHuman[g_dLength];
char l_cZM[g_dLength];
l_hFileZM = OpenFile(g_cPathsClassZM, "r");
l_hFile = OpenFile(g_cPathsClassHuman, "r");
while (!IsEndOfFile(l_hFileZM) && ReadFileLine(l_hFileZM, l_cLine, sizeof(l_cLine)))
if (StrContains(l_cLine, "unique name") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(l_cLine, "unique name");
Format(l_cHuman, sizeof(l_cHuman), l_cLine);
while (!IsEndOfFile(l_hFile) && ReadFileLine(l_hFile, l_cLine, sizeof(l_cLine)))
if (StrContains(l_cLine, "unique name") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(l_cLine, "unique name");
Format(l_cZM, sizeof(l_cZM), l_cLine);
KeyValues kv = CreateKeyValues("Waves");
kv.JumpToKey("Wave 1", true);
g_iZMScaleability = 5.0;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
g_fZMHealthScaleability = 1.0;
g_iZMCount = 2;
kv.SetFloat("PlayerScaleAbility", g_iZMScaleability);
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
kv.SetFloat("HealthScaleAbility", g_fZMHealthScaleability);
kv.SetNum("Zombie Count", g_iZMCount); //creates 10 zombies per player
kv.SetNum("Respawns", 5);
kv.SetNum("bot_scaling", 1);
kv.SetString("wavecommand", "mp_roundtime 14");
//hopefully creates now
kv.SetString("Zombie Class", l_cHuman); //Selects backup classes
kv.SetString("Human Class", l_cZM);
delete kv;
delete l_hFileZM;
delete l_hFile;
// Purpose:
public void CreateBackUpClassZM(int index)
KeyValues kv = CreateKeyValues("Classes");
Format(g_cUniqueName[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cUniqueName), "Zombie Backup Class");
kv.JumpToKey(g_cUniqueName[index][g_iLength], true);
kv.SetString("unique name", g_cUniqueName[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cTeam[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cTeam), "ZM");
kv.SetString("team", g_cTeam[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cGroup[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cGroup), " ");
kv.SetString("group", g_cGroup[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cSMFLAGS[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cSMFLAGS), " ");
kv.SetString("sm_flags", g_cSMFLAGS[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cModelPath[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cModelPath), "models/player/tm_pirate_varianta.mdl");
kv.SetString("model path", g_cModelPath[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cNoFallDmg[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cNoFallDmg), "YES");
kv.SetString("no_fall_damage", g_cNoFallDmg[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cHealth[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cHealth), "250");
kv.SetString("health", g_cHealth[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cSpeed[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cSpeed), "250.0");
kv.SetString("speed", g_cSpeed[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cKnockback[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cKnockback), "2.5");
kv.SetString("knockback", g_cKnockback[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cJumpHeight[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cJumpHeight), "1.0");
kv.SetString("jump_height", g_cJumpHeight[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cJumpDistance[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cJumpDistance), "1.0");
kv.SetString("jump_distance", g_cJumpDistance[index][g_iLength]);
delete kv;
public void CreateBackUpClassHuman(int index)
KeyValues kv = CreateKeyValues("Classes");
Format(g_cUniqueName[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cUniqueName), "Human Backup Class");
kv.JumpToKey(g_cUniqueName[index][g_iLength], true);
kv.SetString("unique name", g_cUniqueName[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cTeam[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cTeam), "Human");
kv.SetString("team", g_cTeam[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cGroup[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cGroup), " ");
kv.SetString("group", g_cGroup[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cSMFLAGS[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cSMFLAGS), " ");
kv.SetString("sm_flags", g_cSMFLAGS[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cModelPath[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cModelPath), "models/player/tm_pirate_varianta.mdl");
kv.SetString("model path", g_cModelPath[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cNoFallDmg[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cNoFallDmg), "NO");
kv.SetString("no_fall_damage", g_cNoFallDmg[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cHealth[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cHealth), "100");
kv.SetString("health", g_cHealth[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cSpeed[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cSpeed), "250.0");
kv.SetString("speed", g_cSpeed[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cKnockback[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cKnockback), "1.0");
kv.SetString("knockback", g_cKnockback[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cJumpHeight[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cJumpHeight), "1.0");
kv.SetString("jump_height", g_cJumpHeight[index][g_iLength]);
Format(g_cJumpDistance[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cJumpDistance), "1.0");
kv.SetString("jump_distance", g_cJumpDistance[index][g_iLength]);
delete kv;
// Purpose:
public void CreateBackUpWeapons()
KeyValues kv = CreateKeyValues("Weapons");
kv.JumpToKey("Glock", true);
kv.SetString("weaponentity", "weapon_glock");
kv.SetString("zmarketname", "Glock");
kv.SetNum("weaponslot", 1);
kv.SetNum("zmarketprice", 200);
kv.SetString("zmarketcommand", "sm_glock");
delete kv;
// Purpose:
public void ReadingClassValuesFromFile(int index, char[] Line)
char li_c[g_dLength];
Format(li_c, sizeof(li_c), Line);
if (StrContains(Line, "unique name") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(li_c, "unique name");
Format(g_cUniqueName[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cUniqueName), li_c);
else if (StrContains(Line, "team") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(li_c, "team");
Format(g_cTeam[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cTeam), li_c);
else if (StrContains(Line, "group") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(li_c, "group");
Format(g_cGroup[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cGroup), li_c);
else if (StrContains(Line, "sm_flags") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(li_c, "sm_flags");
Format(g_cSMFLAGS[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cSMFLAGS), li_c);
else if (StrContains(Line, "model path") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(li_c, "model path");
Format(g_cModelPath[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cModelPath), li_c);
else if (StrContains(Line, "no_fall_damage") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(li_c, "no_fall_damage");
Format(g_cNoFallDmg[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cNoFallDmg), li_c);
else if (StrContains(Line, "health") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(li_c, "health");
Format(g_cHealth[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cHealth), li_c);
else if (StrContains(Line, "speed") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(li_c, "speed");
Format(g_cSpeed[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cSpeed), li_c);
else if (StrContains(Line, "knockback") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(li_c, "knockback");
Format(g_cKnockback[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cKnockback), li_c);
else if (StrContains(Line, "jump_height") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(li_c, "jump_height");
Format(g_cJumpHeight[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cJumpHeight), li_c);
else if (StrContains(Line, "jump_distance") > -1)
ReplaceStrings(li_c, "jump_distance");
Format(g_cJumpDistance[index][g_iLength], sizeof(g_cJumpDistance), li_c);
// Purpose:
public Action SelectWavebasedHuman(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
return Plugin_Handled;
if (GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_T)
ChangeClientTeam(client, CS_TEAM_CT); //default putting humans to CT team
CS_RespawnPlayer(client); //respawning because changeclientteam kills the player on css
ModelSelection(client, 2, g_iClientHumanClasses[client]);
return Plugin_Continue;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action SelectWaveBasedZM(int client, int state)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
return Plugin_Handled;
if (GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_CT)
ChangeClientTeam(client, CS_TEAM_T); //default putting bots to t
CS_RespawnPlayer(client); //respawning because changeclientteam kills the player on css
//state 0 was bot, state 1 was real player.
if (!IsValidClient(client))
return Plugin_Handled;
int l_iZMIndex;
int l_ibotIndex;
if (state == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < g_dIndexes; i++)
if (strlen(g_cZMRoundClasses[i][g_iLength]) > 0 && strlen(g_cGroup[i][g_iLength]) < 1 && strlen(g_cSMFLAGS[i][g_iLength]) < 1)
l_ibotIndex = GetRandomInt(0, l_iZMIndex -1);
l_iZMIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < g_dIndexes; i++)
if (strlen(g_cZMRoundClasses[i][g_iLength]) > 0 && strlen(g_cGroup[i][g_iLength]) < 1 && strlen(g_cSMFLAGS[i][g_iLength]) < 1)
if (l_ibotIndex == l_iZMIndex)
g_iClientZMClasses[client] = i;
else if (strlen(g_cZMRoundClasses[g_iClientZMClasses[client]][g_iLength]) < 1)
for (int i = 0; i < g_dIndexes; i++)
if (strlen(g_cZMRoundClasses[i][g_iLength]) > 0)
g_iClientZMClasses[client] = i;
ModelSelection(client, 1, g_iClientZMClasses[client]);
return Plugin_Handled;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action ModelSelection(int client, int state, int modelIndex)
//state 1 = zombie players, state 2 = human players
char l_cUniqueModel[g_dLength];
int l_iModelIndex;
l_iModelIndex = modelIndex;
if (state < 2)
Format(l_cUniqueModel, sizeof(l_cUniqueModel), g_cZMRoundClasses[l_iModelIndex][g_iLength]);
else if (state == 2)
Format(l_cUniqueModel, sizeof(l_cUniqueModel), g_cHumanClasses[l_iModelIndex][g_iLength]);
for (int i = 0; i < g_dIndexes; i++)
if (strlen(g_cUniqueName[i][g_iLength]) < 1)
if (StrContains(g_cUniqueName[i][g_iLength], l_cUniqueModel, false) > -1)
if (StrContains(g_cModelPath[i][g_iLength], "mdl") == -1)
//incorrect modelpaths crash at SetEntityModel
return Plugin_Continue;
SetEntityModel(client, g_cModelPath[i][g_iLength]);
g_bClientProtection[client] = true;
if (StrContains(g_cNoFallDmg[i][g_iLength], "YES") > -1)
g_bFallDamage[client] = true;
g_bFallDamage[client] = false;
if (state < 2)
CreateTimer(g_fZMSpawnProtection, Timer_StopProtection, client);
//Client_SetActiveWeapon(client, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 2));
CreateTimer(g_fHumanSpawnProtection, Timer_StopProtection, client);
//Client_SetActiveWeapon(client, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 1));
if (state < 2) //setting the zombie health here using the HealthScaleAbility.
int l_iPlayers;
for (int j = 1; j <= MaxClients; j++)
if (IsValidClient(j) && !IsFakeClient(j) && CS_TEAM_CT == GetClientTeam(j))
l_iPlayers -= 1; //first player indicates the full health of the class, each additional uses scaleability health.
int additional_zombie_health_per_player = RoundFloat(g_fZMHealthScaleability * StringToInt(g_cHealth[i][g_iLength]));
SetEntityHealth(client, StringToInt(g_cHealth[i][g_iLength]) + (additional_zombie_health_per_player * l_iPlayers));
SetEntityHealth(client, StringToInt(g_cHealth[i][g_iLength]));
g_iSpeedIndex[client] = i;
g_fKnockBackIndex[client] = StringToFloat(g_cKnockback[i][g_iLength]);
g_fJumpHeightIndex[client] = StringToFloat(g_cJumpHeight[i][g_iLength]);
g_fJumpDistanceIndex[client] = StringToFloat(g_cJumpDistance[i][g_iLength]);
return Plugin_Handled;
return Plugin_Handled;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action Timer_restrictWeapons(Handle timer, any userid)
int l_iWeapon;
for(int j = 1; j <= MaxClients; j++)
if (IsValidClient(j) && GetClientTeam(j) == CS_TEAM_T)
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
l_iWeapon = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(j, i);
if (l_iWeapon != -1 && i != 2)
RemovePlayerItem(j, l_iWeapon);
return Plugin_Handled;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action Timer_CheckIfBotsStuck(Handle timer, any userid)
float l_fClientVelocity[3];
for (int i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i) && IsFakeClient(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i))
GetEntPropVector(i, Prop_Data, "m_vecAbsVelocity", l_fClientVelocity);
if (l_fClientVelocity[0] < 30.0 && l_fClientVelocity[0] > -30.0 &&
l_fClientVelocity[1] < 30.0 && l_fClientVelocity[1] > -30.0)
g_iBotStuckindex[i] = 0;
if (g_iBotStuckindex[i] > g_iBotStuckCounts)
l_fClientVelocity[0] -= GetRandomInt(50, 250);
l_fClientVelocity[1] -= GetRandomInt(50, 250);
l_fClientVelocity[2] = g_fBotStuckPush * 5;
Entity_SetAbsVelocity(i, l_fClientVelocity);
g_iBotStuckindex[i] = 0;
return Plugin_Handled;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action Timer_zombieSounds(Handle timer, any userid)
int[] l_clients = new int[MaxClients + 1];
int l_client;
int l_iclientCount;
int l_iSoundIndexes;
for (int i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_T)
l_clients[l_iclientCount++] = i;
l_client = l_clients[GetRandomInt(0, l_iclientCount - 1)];
l_iSoundIndexes = GetRandomInt(0, g_iSoundIndexes - 1);
PrintToChatAll("emitting sound from client: %N", l_client);
PrintToChatAll("with l_iSoundIndexes: %i", l_iSoundIndexes);
PrintToChatAll("g_cZMSounds[l_iSoundIndexes][g_iLength]: %s", g_cZMSounds[l_iSoundIndexes][g_iLength]);
EmitSound(l_clients, l_iclientCount, g_cZMSounds[l_iSoundIndexes][g_iLength], l_client, SNDCHAN_BODY, SNDLEVEL_NORMAL, SND_NOFLAGS, 0.45, SNDPITCH_NORMAL);
for (int i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i) && !IsFakeClient(i))
EmitSoundToClient(i, g_cZMSounds[l_iSoundIndexes][g_iLength], l_client);
return Plugin_Handled;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action Timer_Respawn(Handle timer, any userid)
int client = GetClientOfUserId(userid);
if (client == 0)
return Plugin_Continue;
if (!IsValidClient(client) || IsPlayerAlive(client) || (GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_T && GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_CT))
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
return Plugin_Continue;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
if (!IsFakeClient(client) && g_iClientRespawnCount[client] < 1)
ChangeClientTeam(client, CS_TEAM_T); //ran out of respawns for CT
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
else if (IsFakeClient(client) && GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_T)
ChangeClientTeam(client, CS_TEAM_T);
else if (!IsFakeClient(client) && GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_CT)
ChangeClientTeam(client, CS_TEAM_CT); //default putting humans to CT team
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
return Plugin_Continue;
// Purpose:
public Action Timer_StopProtection(Handle timer, int client)
if (IsValidClient(client))
g_bClientProtection[client] = false;
return Plugin_Handled;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action Event_OnPlayerDeath(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
if(!client || !IsClientInGame(client))
return Plugin_Continue;
if (IsFakeClient(client))
CreateTimer(1.0, Timer_Respawn, GetClientUserId(client), TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
if (g_iClientRespawnCount[client] > 0)
PrintToChat(client, "You have %i respawns left as human. You will respawn in %f seconds.", g_iClientRespawnCount[client], g_fRespawnTimer);
PrintToChat(client, "You will respawn as a zombie in %f seconds.", g_fRespawnTimer);
CreateTimer(g_fRespawnTimer, Timer_Respawn, GetClientUserId(client), TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
return Plugin_Continue;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action UpdateWaveCount(int client)
//PrintToChatAll("Player %N died", client);
if (GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_CT)
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_CT)
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToChatAll("All Humans died!");
CS_TerminateRound(4.0, CSRoundEnd_TerroristWin, false);
return Plugin_Handled;
else if (GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_T)
//not using hudtext anymore
char l_cCount[g_dIndexes];
SetHudTextParams(-0.4, 0.8, 10.0, 255, 0, 255, 255, 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i) && !IsFakeClient(i))
Format(l_cCount, sizeof(l_cCount), "Remaining Zombies: %i", g_iZMCount);
ShowHudText(i, 3, l_cCount);
PrintHintTextToAll("Remaining Zombies: %i", g_iZMCount);
if (g_iZMCount == 0 && g_bRoundInProgress)
PrintToChatAll("Won Round!");
CS_TerminateRound(4.0, CSRoundEnd_CTWin, false);
g_bRoundInProgress = false;
return Plugin_Continue;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action OnTakeDamage(int client, int &attacker, int &inflictor, float &damage, int &damagetype)
if (g_bClientProtection[client])
return Plugin_Handled;
else if (damagetype & DMG_FALL && g_bFallDamage[client])
return Plugin_Handled;
return Plugin_Continue;
// Purpose: zombie reloaded copied knockback
public Action EventPlayerHurt(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
// Get all required event info.
int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
int attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker"));
int l_iDmg_health = GetEventInt(event, "dmg_health");
char l_cWeapon[g_dIndexes];
if (client < 1 || attacker < 1)
return Plugin_Continue;
if (GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_T || GetClientTeam(attacker) != CS_TEAM_CT)
return Plugin_Continue;
GetEventString(event, "weapon", l_cWeapon, sizeof(l_cWeapon));
KnockbackOnClientHurt(client, attacker, l_cWeapon, l_iDmg_health);
return Plugin_Continue;
// Purpose: zombie reloaded copy paste
public void KnockbackOnClientHurt(int client, int attacker, const char[] weapon, int dmg_health)
float l_fKnockback = g_fKnockBackIndex[client];
float l_fClientloc[3];
float l_fAttackerloc[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(client, l_fClientloc);
if (StrEqual(weapon, "hegrenade"))
if (KnockbackFindExplodingGrenade(l_fAttackerloc) == -1)
GetClientEyePosition(attacker, l_fAttackerloc);
float l_fAttackerange[3];
GetClientEyeAngles(attacker, l_fAttackerange);
TR_TraceRayFilter(l_fAttackerloc, l_fAttackerange, MASK_ALL, RayType_Infinite, KnockbackTRFilter);
l_fKnockback *= float(dmg_health);
KnockbackSetVelocity(client, l_fAttackerloc, l_fClientloc, l_fKnockback);
// Purpose: Zombie reloaded knockback
public void KnockbackSetVelocity(int client, const float startpoint[3], const float endpoint[3], float magnitude)
float vector[3];
MakeVectorFromPoints(startpoint, endpoint, vector);
NormalizeVector(vector, vector);
ScaleVector(vector, magnitude);
if (GetEngineVersion() == Engine_CSGO)
int flags = GetEntityFlags(client);
float velocity[3];
ToolsGetClientVelocity(client, velocity);
if (velocity[2] > CSGO_KNOCKBACK_BOOST_MAX)
vector[2] = 0.0;
else if (flags & FL_ONGROUND && vector[2] < CSGO_KNOCKBACK_BOOST)
// ADD the given vector to the clients current velocity.
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
ToolsClientVelocity(client, vector);
// Purpose: Zombie reloaded trfilter
public bool KnockbackTRFilter(int entity, int contentsMask)
if (entity > 0 && entity < MAXPLAYERS)
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: Zombie reloaded applying grenades
public int KnockbackFindExplodingGrenade(float heLoc[3])
char l_cClassname[g_dIndexes];
// Find max entities and loop through all of them.
int l_iMaxentities = GetMaxEntities();
for (int x = MaxClients; x <= l_iMaxentities; x++)
// If entity is invalid, then stop.
if (!IsValidEdict(x))
// If entity isnt a grenade, then stop.
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
GetEdictClassname(x, l_cClassname, sizeof(l_cClassname));
if (!StrEqual(l_cClassname, "hegrenade_projectile", false))
// If m_takedamage is set to 0, we found our grenade.
int takedamage = GetEntProp(x, Prop_Data, "m_takedamage");
if (takedamage == 0)
// Return its location.
GetEntPropVector(x, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", heLoc);
// Return its entity index.
return x;
// Didnt find the grenade.
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
return -1;
// Purpose: zombie reloaded jump height
public Action EventPlayerJump(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
// Get all required event info.
int index = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
// Fire post player_jump event.
CreateTimer(0.0, EventPlayerJumpPost, index);
return Plugin_Handled;
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
public Action EventPlayerJumpPost(Handle timer, int client)
// If client isnt in-game, then stop.
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
if (!IsClientInGame(client))
return Plugin_Handled;
// Get class jump multipliers.
float distancemultiplier = g_fJumpDistanceIndex[client];
float heightmultiplier = g_fJumpHeightIndex[client];
// If both are set to 1.0, then stop here to save some work.
if (distancemultiplier == 1.0 && heightmultiplier == 1.0)
return Plugin_Continue;
float vecVelocity[3];
// Get clients current velocity.
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
ToolsClientVelocity(client, vecVelocity, false);
//maybe check JumpBoostIsBHop here
// Apply height multiplier to jump vector.
vecVelocity[2] *= heightmultiplier;
// Set new velocity.
ToolsClientVelocity(client, vecVelocity, true, false);
return Plugin_Continue;
// Purpose:
stock bool IsValidClient(int client)
if (client > 0 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client))
return true;
return false;
// Purpose:
stock void ToolsGetClientVelocity(int client, float vecVelocity[3])
GetEntDataVector(client, g_iToolsVelocity, vecVelocity);
// Purpose:
stock void ToolsClientVelocity(int client, float vecVelocity[3], bool apply = true, bool stack = true)
// If retrieve is true, then get clients velocity.
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
if (!apply)
ToolsGetClientVelocity(client, vecVelocity);
// Stop here.
// If stack is true, then add clients velocity.
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
if (stack)
// Get clients velocity.
2019-03-02 15:20:02 +01:00
float vecClientVelocity[3];
ToolsGetClientVelocity(client, vecClientVelocity);
AddVectors(vecClientVelocity, vecVelocity, vecVelocity);
// Apply velocity on client.
SetEntDataVector(client, g_iToolsVelocity, vecVelocity);
// Purpose:
stock void ReplaceStrings(char[] str, char[] strReplace)
char l_cstrFix[g_dLength];
Format(l_cstrFix, sizeof(l_cstrFix), str);
ReplaceString(l_cstrFix, sizeof(l_cstrFix), "\"", "");
ReplaceString(l_cstrFix, sizeof(l_cstrFix), strReplace, "");
Format(str, sizeof(l_cstrFix), l_cstrFix);
// Purpose:
stock void FakePrecacheSound(const char[] szPath)
AddToStringTable(FindStringTable("soundprecache"), szPath);