Thanks to Popoklopsi for making the change and sharing it with the community. Also adding the source for all the super logs plugins so it is all in one place. The complied version in the scripting folder are built with sourcemod 1.5.3 on windows.Pushing the new version of the in game plug-in that has the CS:GO Protobuf changes. Thanks to Popoklopsi for making the change and sharing it with the community. Also adding the source for all the super logs plugins so it is all in one place. The complied version in the scripting folder are built with sourcemod 1.5.3 on windows.init push
2213 lines
54 KiB
2213 lines
54 KiB
* HLstatsX Community Edition - SourceMod plugin to display ingame messages
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Nicholas Hastings
* Copyright (C) 2007-2009 TTS Oetzel & Goerz GmbH
* Modified by Nicholas Hastings (psychonic) for use with HLstatsX Community Edition
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <loghelper>
#include <cstrike>
#include <clientprefs>
#define VERSION "1.6.19"
#define HLXTAG "HLstatsX:CE"
enum GameType {
Game_Unknown = -1,
new GameType:gamemod = Game_Unknown;
new Handle: hlx_block_chat_commands;
new Handle: hlx_message_prefix;
new Handle: hlx_protect_address;
new Handle: hlx_server_tag;
new Handle: sv_tags;
new Handle: message_recipients;
new const String: blocked_commands[][] = { "rank", "skill", "points", "place", "session", "session_data",
"kpd", "kdratio", "kdeath", "next", "load", "status", "servers",
"top20", "top10", "top5", "clans", "bans", "cheaters", "statsme", "weapons",
"weapon", "action", "actions", "accuracy", "targets", "target", "kills",
"kill", "player_kills", "cmd", "cmds", "command", "hlx_display 0",
"hlx_display 1", "hlx_teams 0", "hlx_teams 1", "hlx_hideranking",
"hlx_chat 0", "hlx_chat 1", "hlx_menu", "servers 1", "servers 2",
"servers 3", "hlx", "hlstatsx", "help" };
new Handle:HLstatsXMenuMain;
new Handle:HLstatsXMenuAuto;
new Handle:HLstatsXMenuEvents;
new Handle: PlayerColorArray;
new ColorSlotArray[] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
new const String:ct_models[][] = {
new const String:ts_models[][] = {
new const String: modnamelist[][] = {
"Counter-Strike: Source",
"Day of Defeat: Source",
"Left 4 Dead (1 or 2)",
"Team Fortress 2",
"Half-Life 2 Deathmatch",
"Fortress Forever",
"Zombie Panic: Source",
"Age of Chivalry",
"Fistful of Frags",
"GoldenEye: Source",
"Pirates, Vikings, and Knights",
"Nuclear Dawn",
"Dino D-Day",
"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive"
new String: message_prefix[32];
new bool:g_bPlyrCanDoMotd[MAXPLAYERS+1];
new bool:g_bGameCanDoMotd = true;
new bool:g_bTrackColors4Chat;
new Handle:g_cvarTeamPlay = INVALID_HANDLE;
new bool:g_bTeamPlay;
new bool:g_bLateLoad = false;
new bool:g_bIgnoreNextTagChange = false;
new Handle:g_hCustomTags;
#define SVTAGSIZE 128
public Plugin:myinfo = {
name = "HLstatsX CE Ingame Plugin",
author = "psychonic",
description = "Provides ingame functionality for interaction from an HLstatsX CE installation",
version = VERSION,
url = ""
public APLRes:AskPluginLoad2(Handle:myself, bool:late, String:error[], err_max)
g_bLateLoad = late;
return APLRes_Success;
public OnPluginStart()
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_psay", hlx_sm_psay);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_psay2", hlx_sm_psay2);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_bulkpsay", hlx_sm_psay);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_csay", hlx_sm_csay);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_msay", hlx_sm_msay);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_tsay", hlx_sm_tsay);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_hint", hlx_sm_hint);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_browse", hlx_sm_browse);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_swap", hlx_sm_swap);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_redirect", hlx_sm_redirect);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_player_action", hlx_sm_player_action);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_team_action", hlx_sm_team_action);
RegServerCmd("hlx_sm_world_action", hlx_sm_world_action);
if (gamemod == Game_INSMOD)
AddCommandListener(hlx_block_commands, "say2");
else if (gamemod == Game_ND)
AddCommandListener(hlx_block_commands, "say_squad");
AddCommandListener(hlx_block_commands, "say");
AddCommandListener(hlx_block_commands, "say_team");
switch (gamemod)
case Game_CSS, Game_L4D, Game_TF, Game_HL2MP, Game_AOC, Game_FOF, Game_PVKII, Game_ND, Game_DDD, Game_CSGO:
g_bTrackColors4Chat = true;
HookEvent("player_team", HLstatsX_Event_PlyTeamChange, EventHookMode_Pre);
switch (gamemod)
case Game_L4D, Game_INSMOD, Game_GES:
g_bGameCanDoMotd = false;
if (gamemod == Game_HL2MP)
g_cvarTeamPlay = FindConVar("mp_teamplay");
if (g_cvarTeamPlay != INVALID_HANDLE)
g_bTeamPlay = GetConVarBool(g_cvarTeamPlay);
HookConVarChange(g_cvarTeamPlay, OnTeamPlayChange);
CreateConVar("hlxce_plugin_version", VERSION, "HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
CreateConVar("hlxce_version", "", "HLstatsX:CE", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
CreateConVar("hlxce_webpage", "", "", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
hlx_block_chat_commands = CreateConVar("hlx_block_commands", "1", "If activated HLstatsX commands are blocked from the chat area", FCVAR_PLUGIN);
hlx_message_prefix = CreateConVar("hlx_message_prefix", "", "Define the prefix displayed on every HLstatsX ingame message", FCVAR_PLUGIN);
hlx_protect_address = CreateConVar("hlx_protect_address", "", "Address to be protected for logging/forwarding", FCVAR_PLUGIN);
hlx_server_tag = CreateConVar("hlx_server_tag", "1", "If enabled, adds \"HLstatsX:CE\" to server tags on supported games. 1 = Enabled (default), 0 = Disabled",
FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_hCustomTags = CreateArray(SVTAGSIZE);
sv_tags = FindConVar("sv_tags");
g_iSDKVersion = GuessSDKVersion();
if (g_bLateLoad)
GetConVarString(hlx_message_prefix, message_prefix, sizeof(message_prefix));
decl String:protaddr[24];
GetConVarString(hlx_protect_address, protaddr, sizeof(protaddr));
OnProtectAddressChange(hlx_protect_address, "", protaddr);
HookConVarChange(hlx_message_prefix, OnMessagePrefixChange);
HookConVarChange(hlx_protect_address, OnProtectAddressChange);
HookConVarChange(hlx_server_tag, OnServerTagChange);
if (sv_tags != INVALID_HANDLE)
HookConVarChange(sv_tags, OnSVTagsChange);
RegServerCmd("log", ProtectLoggingChange);
RegServerCmd("logaddress_del", ProtectForwardingChange);
RegServerCmd("logaddress_delall", ProtectForwardingDelallChange);
RegServerCmd("hlx_message_prefix_clear", MessagePrefixClear);
PlayerColorArray = CreateArray();
message_recipients = CreateStack();
GetTeams(gamemod == Game_INSMOD);
public OnAllPluginsLoaded()
if (LibraryExists("clientprefs"))
SetCookieMenuItem(HLXSettingsMenu, 0, "HLstatsX:CE Settings");
public HLXSettingsMenu(client, CookieMenuAction:action, any:info, String:buffer[], maxlen)
if (action == CookieMenuAction_SelectOption)
DisplayMenu(HLstatsXMenuMain, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
public OnMapStart()
GetTeams(gamemod == Game_INSMOD);
if (g_bTrackColors4Chat)
if (gamemod == Game_PVKII)
return (sv_tags != INVALID_HANDLE && (g_iSDKVersion == SOURCE_SDK_EPISODE2 || g_iSDKVersion == SOURCE_SDK_EPISODE2VALVE || gamemod == Game_ND));
stock MyAddServerTag(const String:tag[])
if (!BTagsSupported())
// game doesn't support sv_tags
if (!GetConVarBool(hlx_server_tag))
if (FindStringInArray(g_hCustomTags, tag) == -1)
PushArrayString(g_hCustomTags, tag);
decl String:current_tags[SVTAGSIZE];
GetConVarString(sv_tags, current_tags, sizeof(current_tags));
if (StrContains(current_tags, tag) > -1)
// already have tag
decl String:new_tags[SVTAGSIZE];
Format(new_tags, sizeof(new_tags), "%s%s%s", current_tags, (current_tags[0]!=0)?",":"", tag);
new flags = GetConVarFlags(sv_tags);
SetConVarFlags(sv_tags, flags & ~FCVAR_NOTIFY);
g_bIgnoreNextTagChange = true;
SetConVarString(sv_tags, new_tags);
g_bIgnoreNextTagChange = false;
SetConVarFlags(sv_tags, flags);
stock MyRemoveServerTag(const String:tag[])
if (!BTagsSupported())
// game doesn't support sv_tags
new idx = FindStringInArray(g_hCustomTags, tag);
if (idx > -1)
RemoveFromArray(g_hCustomTags, idx);
decl String:current_tags[SVTAGSIZE];
GetConVarString(sv_tags, current_tags, sizeof(current_tags));
if (StrContains(current_tags, tag) == -1)
// tag isn't on here, just bug out
ReplaceString(current_tags, sizeof(current_tags), tag, "");
ReplaceString(current_tags, sizeof(current_tags), ",,", "");
new flags = GetConVarFlags(sv_tags);
SetConVarFlags(sv_tags, flags & ~FCVAR_NOTIFY);
g_bIgnoreNextTagChange = true;
SetConVarString(sv_tags, current_tags);
g_bIgnoreNextTagChange = false;
SetConVarFlags(sv_tags, flags);
new String: game_description[64];
GetGameDescription(game_description, sizeof(game_description), true);
if (StrContains(game_description, "Counter-Strike", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_CSS;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "Day of Defeat", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_DODS;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "Half-Life 2 Deathmatch", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_HL2MP;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "Team Fortress", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_TF;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "L4D", false) != -1 || StrContains(game_description, "Left 4 D", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_L4D;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "Insurgency", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_INSMOD;
//psychonic - added detection for more supported games
else if (StrContains(game_description, "Fortress Forever", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_FF;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "ZPS", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_ZPS;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "Age of Chivalry", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_AOC;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "PVKII", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_PVKII;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "CSPromod", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_CSP;
else if (StrContains(game_description, "Nuclear Dawn", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_ND;
// game mod could not detected, try further
if (gamemod == Game_Unknown)
new String: game_folder[64];
GetGameFolderName(game_folder, sizeof(game_folder));
if (StrContains(game_folder, "cstrike", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_CSS;
else if (strncmp(game_folder, "dod", 3, false) == 0)
gamemod = Game_DODS;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "hl2mp", false) != -1 || StrContains(game_folder, "hl2ctf", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_HL2MP;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "fistful_of_frags", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_FOF;
else if (strncmp(game_folder, "tf", 2, false) == 0)
gamemod = Game_TF;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "left4dead", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_L4D;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "insurgency", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_INSMOD;
//psychonic - added detection for more supported games
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "FortressForever", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_FF;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "zps", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_ZPS;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "ageofchivalry", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_AOC;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "gesource", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_GES;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "pvkii", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_PVKII;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "cspromod", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_CSP;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "nucleardawn", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_ND;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "dinodday", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_DDD;
else if (StrContains(game_folder, "csgo", false) != -1)
gamemod = Game_CSGO;
LogToGame("HLX:CE Mod Not In Detected List, Using Defaults (%s, %s)", game_description, game_folder);
LogToGame("HLX:CE If this is incorrect, please file a bug at");
if (gamemod > Game_Unknown)
LogToGame("HLX:CE Mod Detection: %s", modnamelist[_:gamemod]);
LogToGame("HLX:CE If this is incorrect, please file a bug at");
public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client)
if (g_bGameCanDoMotd && !IsFakeClient(client))
QueryClientConVar(client, "cl_disablehtmlmotd", motdQuery);
public motdQuery(QueryCookie:cookie, client, ConVarQueryResult:result, const String:cvarName[], const String:cvarValue[])
if (result == ConVarQuery_Okay && StringToInt(cvarValue) == 0 || result != ConVarQuery_Okay)
g_bPlyrCanDoMotd[client] = true;
public OnServerTagChange(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
if (GetConVarBool(hlx_server_tag))
public OnSVTagsChange(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
if (g_bIgnoreNextTagChange)
// we fired this callback, no need to reapply tags
// reapply each custom tag
new cnt = GetArraySize(g_hCustomTags);
for (new i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
decl String:tag[SVTAGSIZE];
GetArrayString(g_hCustomTags, i, tag, sizeof(tag));
public OnProtectAddressChange(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
if (newVal[0] > 0)
decl String: log_command[192];
Format(log_command, sizeof(log_command), "logaddress_add %s", newVal);
LogToGame("Command: %s", log_command);
public OnTeamPlayChange(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
g_bTeamPlay = GetConVarBool(g_cvarTeamPlay);
public Action:ProtectLoggingChange(args)
if (hlx_protect_address != INVALID_HANDLE)
decl String: protect_address[192];
GetConVarString(hlx_protect_address, protect_address, sizeof(protect_address));
if (strcmp(protect_address, "") != 0)
if (args >= 1)
decl String: log_action[192];
GetCmdArg(1, log_action, sizeof(log_action));
if ((strcmp(log_action, "off") == 0) || (strcmp(log_action, "0") == 0))
LogToGame("HLstatsX address protection active, logging reenabled!");
ServerCommand("log 1");
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:ProtectForwardingChange(args)
if (hlx_protect_address != INVALID_HANDLE)
decl String: protect_address[192];
GetConVarString(hlx_protect_address, protect_address, sizeof(protect_address));
if (strcmp(protect_address, "") != 0)
if (args == 1)
decl String: log_action[192];
GetCmdArg(1, log_action, sizeof(log_action));
if (strcmp(log_action, protect_address) == 0)
decl String: log_command[192];
Format(log_command, sizeof(log_command), "logaddress_add %s", protect_address);
LogToGame("HLstatsX address protection active, logaddress readded!");
else if (args > 1)
new String: log_action[192];
for(new i = 1; i <= args; i++)
decl String: temp_argument[192];
GetCmdArg(i, temp_argument, sizeof(temp_argument));
strcopy(log_action[strlen(log_action)], sizeof(log_action), temp_argument);
if (strcmp(log_action, protect_address) == 0)
decl String: log_command[192];
Format(log_command, sizeof(log_command), "logaddress_add %s", protect_address);
LogToGame("HLstatsX address protection active, logaddress readded!");
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:ProtectForwardingDelallChange(args)
if (hlx_protect_address != INVALID_HANDLE)
decl String: protect_address[192];
GetConVarString(hlx_protect_address, protect_address, sizeof(protect_address));
if (strcmp(protect_address, "") != 0)
decl String: log_command[192];
Format(log_command, sizeof(log_command), "logaddress_add %s", protect_address);
LogToGame("HLstatsX address protection active, logaddress readded!");
return Plugin_Continue;
public OnMessagePrefixChange(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
strcopy(message_prefix, sizeof(message_prefix), newVal);
public Action:MessagePrefixClear(args)
message_prefix = "";
if (team_index > -1)
ColorSlotArray[team_index] = -1;
for(new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == team_index)
ColorSlotArray[team_index] = i;
stock validate_team_colors()
for (new i = 0; i < sizeof(ColorSlotArray); i++)
new color_client = ColorSlotArray[i];
if (color_client > 0)
if (IsClientInGame(color_client) && GetClientTeam(color_client) != color_client)
if (i == 2 || i == 3 || (i == 4 && gamemod == Game_PVKII))
public OnClientDisconnect(client)
if (g_bTrackColors4Chat && client > 0 && IsClientInGame(client))
new team_index = GetClientTeam(client);
if (client == ColorSlotArray[team_index])
ColorSlotArray[team_index] = -1;
g_bPlyrCanDoMotd[client] = false;
color_player(color_type, player_index, String: client_message[192])
new color_player_index = -1;
if (g_bTrackColors4Chat || (gamemod == Game_DODS) || (gamemod == Game_ZPS) || (gamemod == Game_GES) || (gamemod == Game_CSP))
decl String: client_name[192];
GetClientName(player_index, client_name, sizeof(client_name));
if ((strcmp(client_message, "") != 0) && (strcmp(client_name, "") != 0))
if (color_type == 1)
decl String: search_client_name[192];
Format(search_client_name, sizeof(search_client_name), "%s ", client_name);
decl String: colored_player_name[192];
switch (gamemod)
case Game_DODS, Game_GES, Game_CSP:
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), "\x04%s\x01 ", client_name);
case Game_HL2MP:
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), "%c%s\x01 ", g_bTeamPlay?3:4, client_name);
case Game_ZPS:
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), "\x05%s\x01 ", client_name);
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), "\x03%s\x01 ", client_name);
if (ReplaceString(client_message, sizeof(client_message), search_client_name, colored_player_name) > 0)
return player_index;
decl String: search_client_name[192];
Format(search_client_name, sizeof(search_client_name), " %s ", client_name);
decl String: colored_player_name[192];
switch (gamemod)
case Game_ZPS:
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), " \x05%s\x01 ", client_name);
case Game_GES:
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), " \x05%s\x01 ", client_name);
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), " \x04%s\x01 ", client_name);
ReplaceString(client_message, sizeof(client_message), search_client_name, colored_player_name);
else if (gamemod == Game_FF)
decl String: client_name[192];
GetClientName(player_index, client_name, sizeof(client_name));
new team = GetClientTeam(player_index);
if (team > 1 && team < 6)
decl String: colored_player_name[192];
Format(colored_player_name, sizeof(colored_player_name), "^%d%s^0", (team-1), client_name);
if (ReplaceString(client_message, sizeof(client_message), client_name, colored_player_name) > 0)
return player_index;
return color_player_index;
color_all_players(String: message[192])
new color_index = -1;
if ((g_bTrackColors4Chat || (gamemod == Game_DODS) || (gamemod == Game_ZPS) || (gamemod == Game_FF) || (gamemod == Game_GES) || (gamemod == Game_CSP)) && (PlayerColorArray != INVALID_HANDLE))
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
new lowest_matching_pos = 192;
new lowest_matching_pos_client = -1;
for(new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
new client = i;
if (IsClientInGame(client))
decl String: client_name[32];
GetClientName(client, client_name, sizeof(client_name));
if (strcmp(client_name, "") != 0)
new message_pos = StrContains(message, client_name);
if (message_pos > -1)
if (lowest_matching_pos > message_pos)
lowest_matching_pos = message_pos;
lowest_matching_pos_client = client;
new TempPlayerColorArray[1];
TempPlayerColorArray[0] = client;
PushArrayArray(PlayerColorArray, TempPlayerColorArray);
new size = GetArraySize(PlayerColorArray);
for (new i = 0; i < size; i++)
new temp_player_array[1];
GetArrayArray(PlayerColorArray, i, temp_player_array);
new temp_client = temp_player_array[0];
if (temp_client == lowest_matching_pos_client)
new temp_color_index = color_player(1, temp_client, message);
color_index = temp_color_index;
color_player(0, temp_client, message);
return color_index;
case Game_CSS, Game_CSGO:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "TERRORIST ", "\x03TERRORIST\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "CT ", "\x03CT\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
case Game_L4D:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Survivors ", "\x03Survivors\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Infected ", "\x03Infected\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
case Game_TF:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Red ", "\x03Red\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Blue ", "\x03Blue\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
case Game_FF:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Red Team", "^2Red Team^0") > 0)
return 0;
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Blue Team", "^1Blue Team^0") > 0)
return 0;
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Yellow Team", "^3Yellow Team^0") > 0)
return 0;
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Green Team", "^4Green Team^0") > 0)
return 0;
case Game_AOC:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Agathia Knights ", "\x03Agathia Knights\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "The Mason Order ", "\x03The Mason Order\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
case Game_FOF:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Desperados ", "\x03Desperados\x01 ") > 0
|| ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Desparados ", "\x03Desperados\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Vigilantes ", "\x03Vigilantes\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
case Game_HL2MP:
if (g_bTeamPlay && strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "The Combine ", "\x03The Combine\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Rebel Forces ", "\x03Rebel Forces\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
case Game_PVKII:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Pirates ", "\x03Pirates\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Vikings ", "\x03Vikings\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
if (ColorSlotArray[4] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Knights ", "\x03Knights\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[4];
case Game_ND:
if (strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "EMPIRE ", "\x03Empire\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "CONSORTIUM ", "\x03Consortium\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
case Game_DDD:
if (g_bTeamPlay && strcmp(message, "") != 0)
if (ColorSlotArray[2] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Allies ", "\x03Allies\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[2];
if (ColorSlotArray[3] > -1)
if (ReplaceString(message, sizeof(message), "Axis ", "\x03Axis\x01 ") > 0)
return ColorSlotArray[3];
return -1;
display_menu(player_index, time, String: full_message[1024], need_handler = 0)
ReplaceString(full_message, sizeof(full_message), "\\n", "\10");
if (need_handler == 0)
InternalShowMenu(player_index, full_message, time);
InternalShowMenu(player_index, full_message, time, (1<<0)|(1<<1)|(1<<2)|(1<<3)|(1<<4)|(1<<5)|(1<<6)|(1<<7)|(1<<8)|(1<<9), InternalMenuHandler);
public InternalMenuHandler(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
new client = param1;
if (IsClientInGame(client))
if (action == MenuAction_Select)
decl String: player_event[192];
IntToString(param2, player_event, sizeof(player_event));
LogPlayerEvent(client, "selected", player_event);
else if (action == MenuAction_Cancel)
LogPlayerEvent(client, "selected", "cancel");
public Action:hlx_sm_psay(args)
if (args < 2)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_psay <userid><colored><message> - sends private message");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: client_list[192];
GetCmdArg(1, client_list, sizeof(client_list));
decl String: colored_param[32];
GetCmdArg(2, colored_param, sizeof(colored_param));
new is_colored = 0;
new ignore_param = 0;
if (strcmp(colored_param, "1") == 0)
is_colored = 1;
ignore_param = 1;
else if (strcmp(colored_param, "2") == 0)
is_colored = 2;
ignore_param = 1;
else if (strcmp(colored_param, "0") == 0)
ignore_param = 1;
new String: client_message[192];
GetCmdArg((ignore_param + 2), client_message, sizeof(client_message));
if (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients))
return Plugin_Handled;
new color_index = -1;
decl String: display_message[192];
switch (gamemod)
case Game_CSS, Game_DODS, Game_L4D, Game_TF, Game_HL2MP, Game_ZPS, Game_AOC, Game_FOF, Game_GES, Game_PVKII, Game_CSP, Game_ND, Game_DDD, Game_CSGO:
if (is_colored > 0)
if (is_colored == 1)
new player_color_index = color_all_players(client_message);
if (player_color_index > -1)
color_index = player_color_index;
if (g_bTrackColors4Chat)
color_index = color_team_entities(client_message);
if (strcmp(message_prefix, "") == 0)
Format(display_message, sizeof(display_message), "\x01\x0B\x01%s", client_message);
Format(display_message, sizeof(display_message), "\x01\x0B%c%s\x01 %s", ((gamemod == Game_ZPS || gamemod == Game_GES)?5:4), message_prefix, client_message);
new bool: setupColorForRecipients = false;
if (color_index == -1)
setupColorForRecipients = true;
if (g_bTrackColors4Chat && is_colored != 2)
while (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false)
new recipient_client = -1;
PopStackCell(message_recipients, recipient_client);
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(recipient_client);
if (player_index > 0 && !IsFakeClient(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index))
if (setupColorForRecipients == true)
color_index = player_index;
new Handle:hBf;
hBf = StartMessageOne("SayText2", player_index, USERMSG_RELIABLE|USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS);
if(GetUserMessageType() == UM_Protobuf)
PbSetInt(hBf, "ent_idx", 0);
PbSetBool(hBf, "chat", false);
PbSetString(hBf, "msg_name", display_message);
PbAddString(hBf, "params", "");
PbAddString(hBf, "params", "");
PbAddString(hBf, "params", "");
PbAddString(hBf, "params", "");
BfWriteByte(hBf, color_index);
BfWriteByte(hBf, 0);
BfWriteString(hBf, display_message);
case Game_FF:
// thanks to hlstriker for help with this
decl String: client_message_backup[192];
strcopy(client_message_backup, sizeof(client_message_backup), client_message);
if (is_colored == 1)
color_index = color_all_players(client_message);
if (color_index == -1)
if (strcmp(message_prefix, "") == 0)
Format(display_message, sizeof(display_message), "Console: %s%s\n", ((is_colored == 2)?"^4":""), client_message);
Format(display_message, sizeof(display_message), "Console: ^4%s:%s %s\n", message_prefix, ((is_colored == 2)?"":"^"), client_message);
if (strcmp(message_prefix, "") != 0)
Format(display_message, sizeof(display_message), "%s %s", message_prefix, client_message);
return Plugin_Handled;
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_psay2(args)
if (args < 2)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_psay2 <userid><colored><message> - sends green colored private message");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: client_list[192];
GetCmdArg(1, client_list, sizeof(client_list));
decl String: colored_param[32];
GetCmdArg(2, colored_param, sizeof(colored_param));
new ignore_param = 0;
if (strcmp(colored_param, "2") == 0 || strcmp(colored_param, "1") == 0 || strcmp(colored_param, "0") == 0)
ignore_param = 1;
new String: client_message[192];
GetCmdArg((ignore_param + 2), client_message, sizeof(client_message));
if (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients)) {
return Plugin_Handled;
// Strip color control codes
decl String:buffer_message[192];
new j = 0;
for (new i = 0; i < sizeof(client_message); i++)
new char = client_message[i];
if (char < 5 && char > 0)
buffer_message[j] = client_message[i];
if (char == 0)
case Game_INSMOD:
new prefix = 0;
if (strcmp(message_prefix, "") != 0)
prefix = 1;
Format(client_message, sizeof(client_message), "%s: %s", message_prefix, buffer_message);
while (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false)
new recipient_client = -1;
PopStackCell(message_recipients, recipient_client);
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(recipient_client);
if (player_index > 0 && !IsFakeClient(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index))
// thanks to Fyren and IceMatrix for help with this
new Handle:hBf;
hBf = StartMessageOne("SayText", player_index, USERMSG_RELIABLE|USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS);
if(GetUserMessageType() == UM_Protobuf)
PbSetInt(hBf, "ent_idx", player_index);
PbSetBool(hBf, "chat", true);
if (prefix == 0)
PbSetString(hBf, "text", buffer_message);
PbSetString(hBf, "text", client_message);
BfWriteByte(hBf, 1);
BfWriteBool(hBf, true);
BfWriteByte(hBf, player_index);
if (prefix == 0)
BfWriteString(hBf, buffer_message);
BfWriteString(hBf, client_message);
case Game_FF:
if (strcmp(message_prefix, "") == 0)
Format(client_message, sizeof(client_message), "Console: \x02^4%s\n", buffer_message);
Format(client_message, sizeof(client_message), "Console: \x02^4%s: %s\n", message_prefix, buffer_message);
case Game_ZPS, Game_GES:
if (strcmp(message_prefix, "") == 0)
Format(client_message, sizeof(client_message), "\x05%s", buffer_message);
Format(client_message, sizeof(client_message), "\x05%s %s", message_prefix, buffer_message);
if (strcmp(message_prefix, "") == 0)
Format(client_message, sizeof(client_message), "\x04%s", buffer_message);
Format(client_message, sizeof(client_message), "\x04%s %s", message_prefix, buffer_message);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_csay(args)
if (args < 1)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_csay <message> - display center message");
return Plugin_Handled;
new String: display_message[192];
GetCmdArg(1, display_message, sizeof(display_message));
if (strcmp(display_message, "") != 0)
if (gamemod == Game_L4D)
PrintToChatAll("\x03%s", display_message);
PrintCenterTextAll("%s", display_message);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_msay(args)
if (args < 3)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_msay <time><userid><message> - sends hud message");
return Plugin_Handled;
if (gamemod == Game_HL2MP)
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: display_time[16];
GetCmdArg(1, display_time, sizeof(display_time));
decl String: client_id[32];
GetCmdArg(2, client_id, sizeof(client_id));
decl String: handler_param[32];
GetCmdArg(3, handler_param, sizeof(handler_param));
new ignore_param = 0;
new need_handler = 0;
if (handler_param[1] == 0 && (handler_param[0] == '1' || handler_param[0] == '0'))
need_handler = 1;
ignore_param = 1;
new String: client_message[1024];
GetCmdArg((ignore_param + 3), client_message, 1024);
new time = StringToInt(display_time);
if (time <= 0)
time = 10;
new client = StringToInt(client_id);
if (client > 0)
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(client);
if (player_index > 0 && !IsFakeClient(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index) && strcmp(client_message, "") != 0)
display_menu(player_index, time, client_message, need_handler);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_tsay(args)
if (args < 3)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_tsay <time><userid><message> - sends hud message");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: display_time[16];
GetCmdArg(1, display_time, sizeof(display_time));
decl String: client_id[32];
GetCmdArg(2, client_id, sizeof(client_id));
new String: client_message[192];
GetCmdArg(3, client_message, sizeof(client_message));
new client = StringToInt(client_id);
if ((client > 0) && (strcmp(client_message, "") != 0))
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(client);
if (player_index > 0 && !IsFakeClient(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index))
new Handle:values = CreateKeyValues("msg");
KvSetString(values, "title", client_message);
KvSetNum(values, "level", 1);
KvSetString(values, "time", display_time);
CreateDialog(player_index, values, DialogType_Msg);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_hint(args)
if (args < 2)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_hint <userid><message> - send hint message");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: client_list[192];
GetCmdArg(1, client_list, sizeof(client_list));
new String: client_message[192];
GetCmdArg(2, client_message, sizeof(client_message));
if (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false && strcmp(client_message, "") != 0)
while (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false)
new recipient_client = -1;
PopStackCell(message_recipients, recipient_client);
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(recipient_client);
if (player_index > 0 && !IsFakeClient(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index))
PrintHintText(player_index, "%s", client_message);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_browse(args)
if (args < 2)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_browse <userid><url> - open client ingame browser");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: client_list[192];
GetCmdArg(1, client_list, sizeof(client_list));
new String: client_url[192];
GetCmdArg(2, client_url, sizeof(client_url));
if (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false && strcmp(client_url, "") != 0)
while (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false)
new recipient_client = -1;
PopStackCell(message_recipients, recipient_client);
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(recipient_client);
if (player_index > 0 && !IsFakeClient(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index))
if (g_bGameCanDoMotd)
if (g_bPlyrCanDoMotd[player_index])
if (GetUserMessageType() == UM_Protobuf)
decl String:typeStr[5];
IntToString(MOTDPANEL_TYPE_URL, typeStr, 4);
new Handle:pb = StartMessageOne("VGUIMenu", player_index);
PbSetString(pb, "name", "info");
PbSetBool(pb, "show", true);
new Handle:modkey = PbAddMessage(pb, "subkeys");
PbSetString(modkey, "name", "type");
PbSetString(modkey, "str", typeStr);
modkey = PbAddMessage(pb, "subkeys");
PbSetString(modkey, "name", "title");
PbSetString(modkey, "str", "HLstatsX:CE");
modkey = PbAddMessage(pb, "subkeys");
PbSetString(modkey, "name", "msg");
PbSetString(modkey, "str", client_url);
ShowMOTDPanel(player_index, "HLstatsX:CE", client_url, MOTDPANEL_TYPE_URL);
ShowMOTDPanel(player_index, "HLstatsX:CE", client_url, MOTDPANEL_TYPE_URL);
PrintToChat(player_index, "HTML MOTD needs to be enabled in your game options to use this command");
PrintToChat(player_index, "This game does not support the HTML MOTD window required for this command");
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_swap(args)
if (args < 1)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_swap <userid> - swaps players to the opposite team (css only)");
return Plugin_Handled;
if (gamemod != Game_CSS || gamemod != Game_CSGO)
PrintToServer("hlx_sm_swap is not supported by this game.");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:client_id[32];
GetCmdArg(1, client_id, sizeof(client_id));
new client = StringToInt(client_id);
if (client > 0)
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(client);
if (player_index > 0 && IsClientInGame(player_index))
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_redirect(args)
if (args < 3)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_redirect <time><userid><address><reason> - asks player to be redirected to specified gameserver");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: display_time[16];
GetCmdArg(1, display_time, sizeof(display_time));
decl String: client_list[192];
GetCmdArg(2, client_list, sizeof(client_list));
new String: server_address[192];
GetCmdArg(3, server_address, sizeof(server_address));
new String: redirect_reason[192];
GetCmdArg(4, redirect_reason, sizeof(redirect_reason));
if (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false && strcmp(server_address, "") != 0)
while (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false)
new recipient_client = -1;
PopStackCell(message_recipients, recipient_client);
new player_index = GetClientOfUserId(recipient_client);
if (player_index > 0 && !IsFakeClient(player_index) && IsClientInGame(player_index))
new Handle:top_values = CreateKeyValues("msg");
KvSetString(top_values, "title", redirect_reason);
KvSetNum(top_values, "level", 1);
KvSetString(top_values, "time", display_time);
CreateDialog(player_index, top_values, DialogType_Msg);
new Float: display_time_float;
display_time_float = StringToFloat(display_time);
DisplayAskConnectBox(player_index, display_time_float, server_address);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_player_action(args)
if (args < 2)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_player_action <clientid><action> - trigger player action to be handled from HLstatsX");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: client_id[32];
GetCmdArg(1, client_id, sizeof(client_id));
decl String: player_action[64];
GetCmdArg(2, player_action, sizeof(player_action));
new client = StringToInt(client_id);
LogPlayerEvent(client, "triggered", player_action);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_team_action(args)
if (args < 2)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_team_action <team_name><action> - trigger team action to be handled from HLstatsX");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: team_name[64];
GetCmdArg(1, team_name, sizeof(team_name));
decl String: team_action[64];
GetCmdArg(2, team_action, sizeof(team_action));
LogToGame("Team \"%s\" triggered \"%s\"", team_name, team_action);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:hlx_sm_world_action(args)
if (args < 1)
PrintToServer("Usage: hlx_sm_world_action <action> - trigger world action to be handled from HLstatsX");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String: world_action[64];
GetCmdArg(1, world_action, sizeof(world_action));
LogToGame("World triggered \"%s\"", world_action);
return Plugin_Handled;
is_command_blocked(String: command[])
new command_blocked = 0;
new command_index = 0;
while ((command_blocked == 0) && (command_index < sizeof(blocked_commands)))
if (strcmp(command, blocked_commands[command_index]) == 0)
if (command_blocked > 0)
return 1;
return 0;
public Action:hlx_block_commands(client, const String:command[], args)
if (client)
if (client == 0)
return Plugin_Continue;
new block_chat_commands = GetConVarInt(hlx_block_chat_commands);
decl String: user_command[192];
GetCmdArgString(user_command, sizeof(user_command));
decl String: origin_command[192];
new start_index = 0;
new command_length = strlen(user_command);
if (command_length > 0)
if (user_command[0] == 34)
start_index = 1;
if (user_command[command_length - 1] == 34)
user_command[command_length - 1] = 0;
strcopy(origin_command, sizeof(origin_command), user_command[start_index]);
if (user_command[start_index] == 47)
new String: command_type[32] = "say";
if (gamemod == Game_INSMOD)
decl String: say_type[1];
strcopy(say_type, 2, user_command[start_index]);
if (strcmp(say_type, "1") == 0)
command_type = "say";
else if (strcmp(say_type, "2") == 0)
command_type = "say_team";
start_index += 4;
if (command_length > 0)
if (block_chat_commands > 0)
new command_blocked = is_command_blocked(user_command[start_index]);
if (command_blocked > 0)
if (IsClientInGame(client))
if ((strcmp("hlx_menu", user_command[start_index]) == 0) ||
(strcmp("hlx", user_command[start_index]) == 0) ||
(strcmp("hlstatsx", user_command[start_index]) == 0))
DisplayMenu(HLstatsXMenuMain, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
if (gamemod == Game_INSMOD)
LogPlayerEvent(client, command_type, user_command[start_index]);
LogPlayerEvent(client, command_type, origin_command);
return Plugin_Stop;
if (IsClientInGame(client) &&
(strcmp("hlx_menu", user_command[start_index]) == 0
|| strcmp("hlx", user_command[start_index]) == 0
|| strcmp("hlstatsx", user_command[start_index]) == 0))
DisplayMenu(HLstatsXMenuMain, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return Plugin_Continue;
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action: HLstatsX_Event_PlyTeamChange(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
if (client > 0)
for (new i = 0; (i < sizeof(ColorSlotArray)); i++)
new color_client = ColorSlotArray[i];
if (color_client > -1)
if (color_client == client)
ColorSlotArray[i] = -1;
return Plugin_Continue;
if (IsClientInGame(player_index))
switch (GetClientTeam(player_index))
case CS_TEAM_CT:
if (IsPlayerAlive(player_index))
CS_SwitchTeam(player_index, CS_TEAM_T);
new new_model = GetRandomInt(0, 3);
SetEntityModel(player_index, ts_models[new_model]);
CS_SwitchTeam(player_index, CS_TEAM_T);
case CS_TEAM_T:
if (IsPlayerAlive(player_index))
CS_SwitchTeam(player_index, CS_TEAM_CT);
new new_model = GetRandomInt(0, 3);
SetEntityModel(player_index, ct_models[new_model]);
new weapon_entity = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(player_index, 4);
if (weapon_entity > 0)
decl String: class_name[32];
GetEdictClassname(weapon_entity, class_name, sizeof(class_name));
if (strcmp(class_name, "weapon_c4") == 0)
RemovePlayerItem(player_index, weapon_entity);
CS_SwitchTeam(player_index, CS_TEAM_CT);
public CreateHLstatsXMenuMain(&Handle: MenuHandle)
MenuHandle = CreateMenu(HLstatsXMainCommandHandler, MenuAction_Select|MenuAction_Cancel);
if (!g_bGameCanDoMotd)
SetMenuTitle(MenuHandle, "HLstatsX - Main Menu");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Display Rank");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Next Players");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Top10 Players");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Auto Ranking");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Toggle Point Msgs");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Toggle Ranking Display");
SetMenuTitle(MenuHandle, "HLstatsX - Main Menu");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Display Rank");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Next Players");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Top10 Players");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Clans Ranking");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Server Status");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Statsme");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Auto Ranking");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Toggle Point Msgs");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Weapon Usage");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Weapons Accuracy");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Weapons Targets");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Player Kills");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Toggle Ranking Display");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Ban and Cheater List");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Display Help");
SetMenuPagination(MenuHandle, 8);
public CreateHLstatsXMenuAuto(&Handle: MenuHandle)
MenuHandle = CreateMenu(HLstatsXAutoCommandHandler, MenuAction_Select|MenuAction_Cancel);
SetMenuTitle(MenuHandle, "HLstatsX - Auto-Ranking");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Enable on round-start");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Enable on round-end");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Enable on player death");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Disable");
SetMenuPagination(MenuHandle, 8);
public CreateHLstatsXMenuEvents(&Handle: MenuHandle)
MenuHandle = CreateMenu(HLstatsXEventsCommandHandler, MenuAction_Select|MenuAction_Cancel);
SetMenuTitle(MenuHandle, "HLstatsX - Console Events");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Enable Events");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Disable Events");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Enable Global Chat");
AddMenuItem(MenuHandle, "", "Disable Global Chat");
SetMenuPagination(MenuHandle, 8);
make_player_command(client, String: player_command[192])
LogPlayerEvent(client, "say", player_command);
public HLstatsXMainCommandHandler(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
if (action == MenuAction_Select)
if (IsClientInGame(param1))
if (!g_bGameCanDoMotd)
switch (param2)
case 0 :
make_player_command(param1, "/rank");
case 1 :
make_player_command(param1, "/next");
case 2 :
make_player_command(param1, "/top10");
case 3 :
DisplayMenu(HLstatsXMenuAuto, param1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
case 4 :
DisplayMenu(HLstatsXMenuEvents, param1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
case 5 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_hideranking");
switch (param2)
case 0 :
make_player_command(param1, "/rank");
case 1 :
make_player_command(param1, "/next");
case 2 :
make_player_command(param1, "/top10");
case 3 :
make_player_command(param1, "/clans");
case 4 :
make_player_command(param1, "/status");
case 5 :
make_player_command(param1, "/statsme");
case 6 :
DisplayMenu(HLstatsXMenuAuto, param1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
case 7 :
DisplayMenu(HLstatsXMenuEvents, param1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
case 8 :
make_player_command(param1, "/weapons");
case 9 :
make_player_command(param1, "/accuracy");
case 10 :
make_player_command(param1, "/targets");
case 11 :
make_player_command(param1, "/kills");
case 12 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_hideranking");
case 13 :
make_player_command(param1, "/bans");
case 14 :
make_player_command(param1, "/help");
public HLstatsXAutoCommandHandler(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
if (action == MenuAction_Select)
if (IsClientInGame(param1))
switch (param2)
case 0 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_auto start rank");
case 1 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_auto end rank");
case 2 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_auto kill rank");
case 3 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_auto clear");
public HLstatsXEventsCommandHandler(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
if (action == MenuAction_Select)
if (IsClientInGame(param1))
switch (param2)
case 0 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_display 1");
case 1 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_display 0");
case 2 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_chat 1");
case 3 :
make_player_command(param1, "/hlx_chat 0");
stock BuildClientList(const String:client_list[])
if (StrContains(client_list, ",") > -1)
decl String:MessageRecipients[MaxClients][8];
new recipient_count = ExplodeString(client_list, ",", MessageRecipients, MaxClients, 8);
for (new i = 0; (i < recipient_count); i++)
PushStackCell(message_recipients, StringToInt(MessageRecipients[i]));
PushStackCell(message_recipients, StringToInt(client_list));
stock PrintToChatRecipients(const String:message[])
while (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false)
new recipient_client = -1;
PopStackCell(message_recipients, recipient_client);
new client = GetClientOfUserId(recipient_client);
if (client > 0 && !IsFakeClient(client) && IsClientInGame(client))
PrintToChat(client, "%s", message);
stock PrintToChatRecipientsFF(const String:message[])
while (IsStackEmpty(message_recipients) == false)
new recipient_client = -1;
PopStackCell(message_recipients, recipient_client);
new client = GetClientOfUserId(recipient_client);
if (client > 0 && !IsFakeClient(client) && IsClientInGame(client))
new Handle:hBf;
hBf = StartMessageOne("SayText", client, USERMSG_RELIABLE|USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS);
if(GetUserMessageType() == UM_Protobuf)
PbSetInt(hBf, "ent_idx", 0);
PbSetBool(hBf, "chat", true);
PbSetString(hBf, "text", message);
BfWriteByte(hBf, 0); // send as console
BfWriteString(hBf, message);
BfWriteByte(hBf, 1); // 1 to enable color parsing, 0 to not