<?php if ( !defined('IN_UPDATER') ) { die('Do not access this file directly.'); } $dbversion = 70; $version = "1.6.17"; $tfgames = array(); $result = $db->query("SELECT code FROM hlstats_Games WHERE realgame = 'tf'"); while ($rowdata = $db->fetch_row($result)) { array_push($tfgames, $db->escape($rowdata[0])); } // Tracker #1579 - Add Team Fortress 2 weapons to database from Pyromania update print "Adding new Team Fortress 2 weapons."; // Weapons // Name is the name of the weapon // Verb is the "action" described on the award // Modifier is used to adjust points given for a kill with the weapon // Award name sets the name of the award $weapons = array( array( "weapon_code" => "pep_pistol", "weapon_name" => "Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol ", "award_verb" => "Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol kills", "modifier" => "1.50", "award_name" => "Lookin Good"), array( "weapon_code" => "pep_brawlerblaster", "weapon_name" => "Baby Face's Blaster", "award_verb" => "Baby Face's Blaster kills", "modifier" => "1.00", "award_name" => "Baby Face"), array( "weapon_code" => "dumpster_device", "weapon_name" => "Beggar's Bazooka", "award_verb" => "Beggar's Bazooka kills", "modifier" => "1.00", "award_name" => "Don't Beg"), array( "weapon_code" => "pro_smg", "weapon_name" => "The Cleaner's Carbine", "award_verb" => "The Cleaner's Carbine kills", "modifier" => "1.00", "award_name" => "Cleaning Time"), array( "weapon_code" => "pro_rifle", "weapon_name" => "The Hitman's Heatmaker", "award_verb" => "The Hitman's Heatmaker kills", "modifier" => "1.00", "award_name" => "Making Heat"), array( "weapon_code" => "rainblower", "weapon_name" => "The Rainblower", "award_verb" => "The Rainblower kills", "modifier" => "1.00", "award_name" => "The Rainman"), array( "weapon_code" => "lollichop", "weapon_name" => "The Lollichop", "award_verb" => "The Lollichop kills", "modifier" => "2.00", "award_name" => "Free Candy"), array( "weapon_code" => "scorchshot", "weapon_name" => "The Scorch Shot", "award_verb" => "The Scorch Shot kills", "modifier" => "2.00", "award_name" => "Scorcher") ); foreach ($tfgames as $game) { // Get list of all Team Fortress 2 servers so we can update weapon counts later. $tfservers = array(); $result = $db->query("SELECT serverId FROM hlstats_Servers WHERE game = '$game'"); while ($rowdata = $db->fetch_row($result)) { array_push($tfservers, $db->escape($rowdata[0])); } if (count($tfservers) > 0) { $serverstring = implode (',', $tfservers); } // Insert actions print "Adding new actions for game $game.<br />"; if (isset($actions) && count($actions) > 0) { $action_query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `hlstats_Actions` (`game`, `code`, `reward_player`, `reward_team`, `team`, `description`, `for_PlayerActions`, `for_PlayerPlayerActions`, `for_TeamActions`, `for_WorldActions`) VALUES "; $award_query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `hlstats_Awards` (`awardType`, `game`, `code`, `name`, `verb`) VALUES "; $ribbon_query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `hlstats_Ribbons` (`awardCode`, `awardCount`, `special`, `game`, `image`, `ribbonName`) VALUES "; // Insert actions foreach ($actions as $key => $action) { // Insert actions into Actions table $action_query .= "( '$game', '".$db->escape($action['code'])."', '".$db->escape($action['reward_player'])."', '".$db->escape($action['reward_team'])."', '".$db->escape($action['team'])."', '".$db->escape($action['description'])."', '".$db->escape($action['for_PlayerActions'])."', '".$db->escape($action['for_PlayerPlayerActions'])."', '".$db->escape($action['for_TeamActions'])."', '".$db->escape($action['for_WorldActions'])."')" . // Check to see if we're on the last key -- if so finish the SQL statement, otherwise leave it open to append ($key == count($actions)-1 ? ";" : ","); if ($action['award_name'] != "") { $award_query .= "( '".$db->escape($action['award_type'])."', '$game', '".$db->escape($action['code'])."', '".$db->escape($action['award_name'])."', '".$db->escape($action['award_verb'])."')" . // Check to see if we're on the last key -- if so finish the SQL statement, otherwise leave it open to append ($key == count($actions)-1 ? ";" : ","); // Insert actions into Ribbons table for ($ribbon_count = 1; $ribbon_count <= 3; $ribbon_count++) { switch ($ribbon_count) { case 1: $color = "Bronze"; $award_count = 1; break; case 2: $color = "Silver"; $award_count = 5; break; case 3: $color = "Gold"; $award_count = 10; break; } $ribbon_query .= "( '".$db->escape($action['code'])."', $award_count, 0, '$game', '".$ribbon_count."_".$db->escape($action['code']).".png', '$color " .$db->escape($action['description']) . "')" . // Check to see if we're on the last key -- if so finish the SQL statement, otherwise leave it open to append ($key == count($actions)-1 && $ribbon_count == 3 ? ";" : ","); } } } $db->query($action_query); $db->query($award_query); $db->query($ribbon_query); unset($action_query); unset($award_query); unset($ribbon_query); } // Insert awards print "Adding new awards for game $game.<br />"; if (isset($awards) && count($awards) > 0) { $award_query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `hlstats_Awards` (`awardType`, `game`, `code`, `name`, `verb`) VALUES "; $ribbon_query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `hlstats_Ribbons` (`awardCode`, `awardCount`, `special`, `game`, `image`, `ribbonName`) VALUES "; foreach ($awards as $key => $award) { // Insert awards into Awards table $award_query .= "( '".$db->escape($award['type'])."', '$game', '".$db->escape($award['code'])."', '".$db->escape($award['award_name'])."', '".$db->escape($award['award_verb'])."')" . // Check to see if we're on the last key -- if so finish the SQL statement, otherwise leave it open to append ($key == count($awards)-1 ? ";" : ","); // Insert awards into Ribbons table for ($ribbon_count = 1; $ribbon_count <= 3; $ribbon_count++) { switch ($ribbon_count) { case 1: $color = "Bronze"; $award_count = 1; break; case 2: $color = "Silver"; $award_count = 5; break; case 3: $color = "Gold"; $award_count = 10; break; } $ribbon_query .= "( '".$db->escape($award['code'])."', $award_count, 0, '$game', '".$ribbon_count."_".$db->escape($award['code']).".png', '$color " .$db->escape($award['award_name']) . "')" . // Check to see if we're on the last key -- if so finish the SQL statement, otherwise leave it open to append ($key == count($awards)-1 && $ribbon_count == 3 ? ";" : ","); } } $db->query($award_query); $db->query($ribbon_query); unset($award_query); unset($ribbon_query); } // Insert weapons print "Adding new weapons for game $game.<br />"; if (isset($weapons) && count($weapons) > 0) { $award_query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `hlstats_Awards` (`awardType`, `game`, `code`, `name`, `verb`) VALUES "; $ribbon_query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `hlstats_Ribbons` (`awardCode`, `awardCount`, `special`, `game`, `image`, `ribbonName`) VALUES "; $weapon_query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `hlstats_Weapons` (`game`, `code`, `name`, `modifier`) VALUES "; foreach ($weapons as $key => $weapon) { // Insert weapons into Weapons table $weapon_query .= "( '$game', '".$db->escape($weapon['weapon_code'])."', '".$db->escape($weapon['weapon_name'])."', '".$db->escape($weapon['modifier'])."')" . // Check to see if we're on the last key -- if so finish the SQL statement, otherwise leave it open to append ($key == count($weapons)-1 ? ";" : ","); // Insert weapons into Awards table $award_query .= "( 'W', '$game', '".$db->escape($weapon['weapon_code'])."', '".$db->escape($weapon['award_name'])."', '".$db->escape($weapon['award_verb'])."')" . // Check to see if we're on the last key -- if so finish the SQL statement, otherwise leave it open to append ($key == count($weapons)-1 ? ";" : ","); // Insert weapons into Ribbons table for ($ribbon_count = 1; $ribbon_count <= 3; $ribbon_count++) { switch ($ribbon_count) { case 1: $color = "Bronze"; $award_count = 1; break; case 2: $color = "Silver"; $award_count = 5; break; case 3: $color = "Gold"; $award_count = 10; break; } $ribbon_query .= "( '".$db->escape($weapon['weapon_code'])."', $award_count, 0, '$game', '".$ribbon_count."_".$db->escape($weapon['weapon_code']).".png', '$color ".$db->escape($weapon['weapon_name']) . "')" . // Check to see if we're on the last key -- if so finish the SQL statement, otherwise leave it open to append ($key == count($weapons)-1 && $ribbon_count == 3 ? ";" : ","); } } $db->query($weapon_query); $db->query($award_query); $db->query($ribbon_query); unset($weapon_query); unset($award_query); unset($ribbon_query); foreach ($weapons as $key => $weapon) { // Update kill count for any weapons just added print "Updating weapon count for ".$db->escape($weapon['weapon_code'])." in game $game<br />"; if ($serverstring) { $weapon_count_query = " UPDATE IGNORE hlstats_Weapons SET `kills` = `kills` + ( IFNULL(( SELECT count(weapon) FROM hlstats_Events_Frags WHERE `weapon` = '".$db->escape($weapon['weapon_code'])."' AND `serverId` IN ($serverstring) ),0) ) WHERE `code` = '".$db->escape($weapon['weapon_code'])."' AND `game` = '$game';"; $db->query($weapon_count_query); } } } } // End 1579 // Perform database schema update notification print "Updating database and verion schema numbers.<br />"; $db->query("UPDATE hlstats_Options SET `value` = '$version' WHERE `keyname` = 'version'"); $db->query("UPDATE hlstats_Options SET `value` = '$dbversion' WHERE `keyname` = 'dbversion'"); ?>