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2013-12-26 00:43:29 +01:00
* Autocompleter
* http://digitarald.de/project/autocompleter/
* @version 1.1.2
* @license MIT-style license
* @author Harald Kirschner <mail [at] digitarald.de>
* @copyright Author
var Autocompleter = new Class({
Implements: [Options, Events],
options: {/*
onOver: $empty,
onSelect: $empty,
onSelection: $empty,
onShow: $empty,
onHide: $empty,
onBlur: $empty,
onFocus: $empty,*/
minLength: 1,
markQuery: true,
width: 'inherit',
maxChoices: 10,
injectChoice: null,
customChoices: null,
emptyChoices: null,
visibleChoices: true,
className: 'autocompleter-choices',
zIndex: 42,
delay: 400,
observerOptions: {},
fxOptions: {},
autoSubmit: false,
overflow: false,
overflowMargin: 25,
selectFirst: false,
filter: null,
filterCase: false,
filterSubset: false,
forceSelect: false,
selectMode: true,
choicesMatch: null,
multiple: false,
separator: ', ',
separatorSplit: /\s*[,;]\s*/,
autoTrim: false,
allowDupes: false,
cache: true,
relative: false
initialize: function(element, options) {
this.element = $(element);
this.observer = new Observer(this.element, this.prefetch.bind(this), $merge({
'delay': this.options.delay
}, this.options.observerOptions));
this.queryValue = null;
if (this.options.filter) this.filter = this.options.filter.bind(this);
var mode = this.options.selectMode;
this.typeAhead = (mode == 'type-ahead');
this.selectMode = (mode === true) ? 'selection' : mode;
this.cached = [];
* build - Initialize DOM
* Builds the html structure for choices and appends the events to the element.
* Override this function to modify the html generation.
build: function() {
if ($(this.options.customChoices)) {
this.choices = this.options.customChoices;
} else {
this.choices = new Element('ul', {
'class': this.options.className,
'styles': {
'zIndex': this.options.zIndex
this.relative = false;
if (this.options.relative) {
this.choices.inject(this.element, 'after');
this.relative = this.element.getOffsetParent();
this.fix = new OverlayFix(this.choices);
if (!this.options.separator.test(this.options.separatorSplit)) {
this.options.separatorSplit = this.options.separator;
this.fx = (!this.options.fxOptions) ? null : new Fx.Tween(this.choices, $merge({
'property': 'opacity',
'link': 'cancel',
'duration': 200
}, this.options.fxOptions)).addEvent('onStart', Chain.prototype.clearChain).set(0);
this.element.setProperty('autocomplete', 'off')
.addEvent((Browser.Engine.trident || Browser.Engine.webkit) ? 'keydown' : 'keypress', this.onCommand.bind(this))
.addEvent('click', this.onCommand.bind(this, [false]))
.addEvent('focus', this.toggleFocus.create({bind: this, arguments: true, delay: 100}))
.addEvent('blur', this.toggleFocus.create({bind: this, arguments: false, delay: 100}));
destroy: function() {
if (this.fix) this.fix.destroy();
this.choices = this.selected = this.choices.destroy();
toggleFocus: function(state) {
this.focussed = state;
if (!state) this.hideChoices(true);
this.fireEvent((state) ? 'onFocus' : 'onBlur', [this.element]);
onCommand: function(e) {
if (!e && this.focussed) return this.prefetch();
if (e && e.key && !e.shift) {
switch (e.key) {
case 'enter':
if (this.element.value != this.opted) return true;
if (this.selected && this.visible) {
return !!(this.options.autoSubmit);
case 'up': case 'down':
if (!this.prefetch() && this.queryValue !== null) {
var up = (e.key == 'up');
this.choiceOver((this.selected || this.choices)[
(this.selected) ? ((up) ? 'getPrevious' : 'getNext') : ((up) ? 'getLast' : 'getFirst')
](this.options.choicesMatch), true);
return false;
case 'esc': case 'tab':
return true;
setSelection: function(finish) {
var input = this.selected.inputValue, value = input;
var start = this.queryValue.length, end = input.length;
if (input.substr(0, start).toLowerCase() != this.queryValue.toLowerCase()) start = 0;
if (this.options.multiple) {
var split = this.options.separatorSplit;
value = this.element.value;
start += this.queryIndex;
end += this.queryIndex;
var old = value.substr(this.queryIndex).split(split, 1)[0];
value = value.substr(0, this.queryIndex) + input + value.substr(this.queryIndex + old.length);
if (finish) {
var tokens = value.split(this.options.separatorSplit).filter(function(entry) {
return this.test(entry);
}, /[^\s,]+/);
if (!this.options.allowDupes) tokens = [].combine(tokens);
var sep = this.options.separator;
value = tokens.join(sep) + sep;
end = value.length;
this.opted = value;
if (finish || this.selectMode == 'pick') start = end;
this.element.selectRange(start, end);
this.fireEvent('onSelection', [this.element, this.selected, value, input]);
showChoices: function() {
var match = this.options.choicesMatch, first = this.choices.getFirst(match);
this.selected = this.selectedValue = null;
if (this.fix) {
var pos = this.element.getCoordinates(this.relative), width = this.options.width || 'auto';
'left': pos.left,
'top': pos.bottom,
'width': (width === true || width == 'inherit') ? pos.width : width
if (!first) return;
if (!this.visible) {
this.visible = true;
this.choices.setStyle('display', '');
if (this.fx) this.fx.start(1);
this.fireEvent('onShow', [this.element, this.choices]);
if (this.options.selectFirst || this.typeAhead || first.inputValue == this.queryValue) this.choiceOver(first, this.typeAhead);
var items = this.choices.getChildren(match), max = this.options.maxChoices;
var styles = {'overflowY': 'hidden', 'height': ''};
this.overflown = false;
if (items.length > max) {
var item = items[max - 1];
styles.overflowY = 'scroll';
styles.height = item.getCoordinates(this.choices).bottom;
this.overflown = true;
if (this.options.visibleChoices) {
var scroll = document.getScroll(),
size = document.getSize(),
coords = this.choices.getCoordinates();
if (coords.right > scroll.x + size.x) scroll.x = coords.right - size.x;
if (coords.bottom > scroll.y + size.y) scroll.y = coords.bottom - size.y;
window.scrollTo(Math.min(scroll.x, coords.left), Math.min(scroll.y, coords.top));
hideChoices: function(clear) {
if (clear) {
var value = this.element.value;
if (this.options.forceSelect) value = this.opted;
if (this.options.autoTrim) {
value = value.split(this.options.separatorSplit).filter($arguments(0)).join(this.options.separator);
if (!this.visible) return;
this.visible = false;
if (this.selected) this.selected.removeClass('autocompleter-selected');
var hide = function(){
this.choices.setStyle('display', 'none');
if (this.fx) this.fx.start(0).chain(hide);
else hide();
this.fireEvent('onHide', [this.element, this.choices]);
prefetch: function() {
var value = this.element.value, query = value;
if (this.options.multiple) {
var split = this.options.separatorSplit;
var values = value.split(split);
var index = this.element.getSelectedRange().start;
var toIndex = value.substr(0, index).split(split);
var last = toIndex.length - 1;
index -= toIndex[last].length;
query = values[last];
if (query.length < this.options.minLength) {
} else {
if (query === this.queryValue || (this.visible && query == this.selectedValue)) {
if (this.visible) return false;
} else {
this.queryValue = query;
this.queryIndex = index;
if (!this.fetchCached()) this.query();
return true;
fetchCached: function() {
return false;
if (!this.options.cache
|| !this.cached
|| !this.cached.length
|| this.cached.length >= this.options.maxChoices
|| this.queryValue) return false;
return true;
update: function(tokens) {
this.cached = tokens;
var type = tokens && $type(tokens);
if (!type || (type == 'array' && !tokens.length) || (type == 'hash' && !tokens.getLength())) {
(this.options.emptyChoices || this.hideChoices).call(this);
} else {
if (this.options.maxChoices < tokens.length && !this.options.overflow) tokens.length = this.options.maxChoices;
tokens.each(this.options.injectChoice || function(token){
var choice = new Element('li', {'html': this.markQueryValue(token)});
choice.inputValue = token;
}, this);
choiceOver: function(choice, selection) {
if (!choice || choice == this.selected) return;
if (this.selected) this.selected.removeClass('autocompleter-selected');
this.selected = choice.addClass('autocompleter-selected');
this.fireEvent('onSelect', [this.element, this.selected, selection]);
if (!this.selectMode) this.opted = this.element.value;
if (!selection) return;
this.selectedValue = this.selected.inputValue;
if (this.overflown) {
var coords = this.selected.getCoordinates(this.choices), margin = this.options.overflowMargin,
top = this.choices.scrollTop, height = this.choices.offsetHeight, bottom = top + height;
if (coords.top - margin < top && top) this.choices.scrollTop = Math.max(coords.top - margin, 0);
else if (coords.bottom + margin > bottom) this.choices.scrollTop = Math.min(coords.bottom - height + margin, bottom);
if (this.selectMode) this.setSelection();
choiceSelect: function(choice) {
if (choice) this.choiceOver(choice);
this.queryValue = false;
filter: function(tokens) {
return (tokens || this.tokens).filter(function(token) {
return this.test(token);
}, new RegExp(((this.options.filterSubset) ? '' : '^') + this.queryValue.escapeRegExp(), (this.options.filterCase) ? '' : 'i'));
* markQueryValue
* Marks the queried word in the given string with <span class="autocompleter-queried">*</span>
* Call this i.e. from your custom parseChoices, same for addChoiceEvents
* @param {String} Text
* @return {String} Text
markQueryValue: function(str) {
return (!this.options.markQuery || !this.queryValue) ? str
: str.replace(new RegExp('(' + ((this.options.filterSubset) ? '' : '^') + this.queryValue.escapeRegExp() + ')', (this.options.filterCase) ? '' : 'i'), '<span class="autocompleter-queried">$1</span>');
* addChoiceEvents
* Appends the needed event handlers for a choice-entry to the given element.
* @param {Element} Choice entry
* @return {Element} Choice entry
addChoiceEvents: function(el) {
return el.addEvents({
'mouseover': this.choiceOver.bind(this, [el]),
'click': this.choiceSelect.bind(this, [el])
var OverlayFix = new Class({
initialize: function(el) {
if (Browser.Engine.trident) {
this.element = $(el);
this.relative = this.element.getOffsetParent();
this.fix = new Element('iframe', {
'frameborder': '0',
'scrolling': 'no',
'src': 'javascript:false;',
'styles': {
'position': 'absolute',
'border': 'none',
'display': 'none',
'filter': 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0)'
}).inject(this.element, 'after');
show: function() {
if (this.fix) {
var coords = this.element.getCoordinates(this.relative);
delete coords.right;
delete coords.bottom;
this.fix.setStyles($extend(coords, {
'display': '',
'zIndex': (this.element.getStyle('zIndex') || 1) - 1
return this;
hide: function() {
if (this.fix) this.fix.setStyle('display', 'none');
return this;
destroy: function() {
if (this.fix) this.fix = this.fix.destroy();
getSelectedRange: function() {
if (!Browser.Engine.trident) return {start: this.selectionStart, end: this.selectionEnd};
var pos = {start: 0, end: 0};
var range = this.getDocument().selection.createRange();
if (!range || range.parentElement() != this) return pos;
var dup = range.duplicate();
if (this.type == 'text') {
pos.start = 0 - dup.moveStart('character', -100000);
pos.end = pos.start + range.text.length;
} else {
var value = this.value;
var offset = value.length - value.match(/[\n\r]*$/)[0].length;
dup.setEndPoint('StartToEnd', range);
pos.end = offset - dup.text.length;
dup.setEndPoint('StartToStart', range);
pos.start = offset - dup.text.length;
return pos;
selectRange: function(start, end) {
if (Browser.Engine.trident) {
var diff = this.value.substr(start, end - start).replace(/\r/g, '').length;
start = this.value.substr(0, start).replace(/\r/g, '').length;
var range = this.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', start + diff);
range.moveStart('character', start);
} else {
this.setSelectionRange(start, end);
return this;
/* compatibility */
Autocompleter.Base = Autocompleter;