"Games" { "#default" { "#supported" { "game" "csgo" } "Keys" { "VEngineServerStringTable" "VEngineServerStringTable001" } "Offsets" { "CServer::OS" { "windows" "1" "linux" "2" } "CParticleSystemDictionary::Count" // Str: "PrecacheStandardParticleSystems()" { "windows" "38" "linux" "38" } // @link https://github.com/VSES/SourceEngine2007/blob/43a5c90a5ada1e69ca044595383be67f40b33c61/src_main/particles/particles.cpp#L2659 "CNetworkStringTableContainer::FindTable" { "windows" "3" "linux" "4" } } // Sigs from the lib ( https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=309074 ) // You can update them only by yourself using tutorial in the link "Signatures" { "CreateInterface" { "library" "engine" "windows" "@CreateInterface" "linux" "@CreateInterface" "mac" "@CreateInterface" } /* * Info: Every custom particle precached during a map is not removed from precache table on the map end. * Then, if a lot of maps that uses custom particles are running in my server the precache table will be filled * and the custom particles used on the next maps will not show right but erros will appear in their place. */ "CParticleSystemDictionary::~CParticleSystemDictionary" // Str: "CParticleSystemMgr::InitAttributeTable has an out-of-date attribute list! (element %d not set up)\n" | "CParticleSystemMgr::InitAttributeTable" -> "CParticleSystemMgr::CParticleSystemMgr" -> "CParticleSystemMgr::~CParticleSystemMgr" { "library" "server" "windows" "\x55\x8B\xEC\x51\x56\x57\x8B\xF9\x33\xF6\x8B\x47\x58" "linux" "\x55\x89\xE5\x57\x56\x53\x83\xEC\x2C\x8B\x7D\x08\x8B\x47\x58\x85\xC0" } "CParticleSystemDefinition::ParseChildren" // Str: "DmeParticleSystemDefinition" and "children" and "preventNameBasedLookup" { "library" "server" "windows" "\x55\x8B\xEC\x83\xEC\x20\x53\x56\x57\x8B\xF9\x51" "linux" "\x55\x89\xE5\x57\x56\x53\x83\xEC\x2C\x8B\x45\x0C\xC7\x44\x24\x04" } "CNetworkStringTable::DeleteAllStrings" // Str: "___clientsideitemsplaceholder0___" { "library" "engine" "windows" "\x56\x8B\xF1\x57\x8B\x4E\x40" "linux" "\x55\x89\xE5\x53\x83\xEC\x14\x8B\x5D\x08\x8B\x43\x40" } } // Addr from the lib ( https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=309074 ) // You can update them only by yourself using tutorial in the link "Addresses" { "m_pParticleSystemDictionary" { "signature" "CParticleSystemDefinition::ParseChildren" "linux" { "read" "375" "read" "0" "read" "140" } "windows" { "read" "401" "read" "0" } } } } }