
226 lines
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2020-03-25 19:04:16 +01:00
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <multicolors>
#pragma newdecls required
ConVar g_cvInterval;
Database g_hDatabase;
// Purpose:
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "UNLOZE Donation Alert",
author = "Neon",
description = "",
version = "1.0",
url = "https://steamcommunity.com/id/n3ontm"
// Purpose:
public void OnPluginStart()
g_cvInterval = CreateConVar("sm_unloze_donation_alert_interval", "60", "", FCVAR_NONE);
char sError[256];
if (SQL_CheckConfig("xenforo"))
g_hDatabase = SQL_Connect("xenforo", true, sError, sizeof(sError));
if (g_hDatabase == null)
LogError("Could not connect to database: %s", sError);
// Purpose:
public void OnMapStart()
CreateTimer(g_cvInterval.FloatValue, CheckForNewDonations, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
// Purpose:
public Action CheckForNewDonations(Handle timer)
char sDataFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
BuildPath(Path_SM, sDataFile, sizeof(sDataFile), "configs/unloze_donation_alert/data.cfg");
LogError("Could not find data file: \"%s\"", sDataFile);
return Plugin_Stop;
KeyValues Data = new KeyValues("unloze_donation_alert");
LogError("Unable to load data file: \"%s\"", sDataFile);
delete Data;
return Plugin_Stop;
if(!Data.JumpToKey("last_processed_donation", false))
LogError("Unable to find section last_processed_donation: \"%s\"", sDataFile);
delete Data;
return Plugin_Stop;
int iID;
iID = Data.GetNum("id", -1);
if (iID == -1)
LogError("Unable to ID of last_processed_donation: \"%s\"", sDataFile);
delete Data;
return Plugin_Stop;
char sQuery[255];
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "SELECT * FROM xf_bdpaygate_log WHERE log_id = %d", iID + 1);
g_hDatabase.Query(TQueryCB, sQuery, iID + 1);
delete Data;
return Plugin_Continue;
// Purpose:
public void TQueryCB(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, any data)
int iID = data;
if (results.RowCount > 0)
int iField;
char sLogType[64];
char sLogDetails[4096];
results.FieldNameToNum("log_type", iField);
results.FetchString(iField, sLogType, sizeof(sLogType));
if(!StrEqual(sLogType, "accepted"))
char sQuery[255];
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "SELECT * FROM xf_bdpaygate_log WHERE log_id = %d", iID + 1);
g_hDatabase.Query(TQueryCB, sQuery, iID + 1);
results.FieldNameToNum("log_details", iField);
results.FetchString(iField, sLogDetails, sizeof(sLogDetails));
static char sStrings[256][256];
char sMessage[256];
char sMessageWhite[256];
int iStrings = ExplodeString(sLogDetails, "\"", sStrings, 256, 256);
if (StrContains(sLogDetails, "user_upgrade") != -1)
for (int i = 0; i < iStrings; i++)
if (StrContains(sStrings[i], "Account Upgrade:") != -1)
char sBuffer[256];
char sUpgrade[256];
char sName[256];
strcopy(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), sStrings[i]);
int iStart = FindCharInString(sBuffer, ':', false);
strcopy(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), sBuffer[iStart + 2]);
iStart = FindCharInString(sBuffer, '(', false);
strcopy(sName, sizeof(sName), sBuffer[iStart + 1]);
int iLength = strlen(sName);
sName[iLength-1] = 0;
SplitString(sBuffer, "(", sUpgrade, sizeof(sUpgrade));
Format(sMessage, sizeof(sMessage), "{yellow}[UNLOZE] {lime}%s {default}just bought {yellow}%s{default}! Thank you for supporting our servers!!!", sName, sUpgrade);
Format(sMessageWhite, sizeof(sMessageWhite), "%s just bought %s! Thank you for supporting our servers!!!", sName, sUpgrade);
else if (StrContains(sLogDetails, "gift_upgrade") != -1)
for (int i = 0; i < iStrings; i++)
if (StrContains(sStrings[i], "Account Upgrade:") != -1)
char sBuffer[256];
char sUpgrade[256];
char sName[256];
strcopy(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), sStrings[i]);
int iStart = FindCharInString(sBuffer, ':', false);
strcopy(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), sBuffer[iStart + 2]);
iStart = FindCharInString(sBuffer, '(', false);
strcopy(sName, sizeof(sName), sBuffer[iStart + 1]);
int iLength = strlen(sName);
sName[iLength-1] = 0;
SplitString(sBuffer, "(", sUpgrade, sizeof(sUpgrade));
Format(sMessage, sizeof(sMessage), "{yellow}[UNLOZE] {lime}%s {default}just recieved {yellow}%s {default}as a gift! Thank you for supporting our servers!!!", sName, sUpgrade);
Format(sMessageWhite, sizeof(sMessageWhite), "%s just recieved %s as a gift! Thank you for supporting our servers!!!", sName, sUpgrade);
for(int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
PrintHintText(client, sMessageWhite);
char sQuery[255];
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "SELECT * FROM xf_bdpaygate_log WHERE log_id = %d", iID + 1);
g_hDatabase.Query(TQueryCB, sQuery, iID + 1);
// Purpose:
public void HandleDonation(int iID)
char sDataFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
BuildPath(Path_SM, sDataFile, sizeof(sDataFile), "configs/unloze_donation_alert/data.cfg");
LogError("Could not find data file: \"%s\"", sDataFile);
KeyValues Data = new KeyValues("unloze_donation_alert");
if(!Data.JumpToKey("last_processed_donation", true))
LogError("Unable to create section last_processed_donation: \"%s\"", sDataFile);
delete Data;
Data.SetNum("id", iID);
LogError("Unable to export data file: \"%s\"", sDataFile);
delete Data;
delete Data;